I Have A Demon God Simulator

Chapter 321 Three Souls and Seven Souls Trial Begins

Half an hour later, surrounded by a group of followers, Su Hongjun left the teahouse and prepared to go somewhere else to have some fun.

He has lived for so many years with nothing but eating, drinking and having fun.

It's not like his father didn't take care of him, but he couldn't take care of him no matter what.

Su Hongjun seems to be born to have fun and doesn't care about anything else.

In desperation, General Su Shen could only let him go.

While walking, Su Hongjun suddenly saw a fortune teller setting up a stall on the side of the road.

This man was wearing an old gray Taoist robe and a star crown hat.

He doesn't look very old, but he has a sense of vicissitudes of life.

Su Hongjun looked strange and kept looking at him.

Seeing this, Eleven on the side asked in a low voice:

"Master, is there something wrong with this person?"

Su Hongjun looked away, shook his head slightly and said:

"It's nothing, it's just that the fortune teller looks familiar and feels friendly."

"But when I think about it, it must be an illusion."

"Ignore him, I will go hunting with the young master."

With that said, Su Hongjun led a group of followers and walked past the fortune teller.

Su Hongjun didn't notice that when he passed by, a smile appeared on the fortune teller's face and he whispered:

"Finally found another one."

After Su Hongjun walked away, the young fortune teller casually closed his stall and walked into an alley.

When he came to a deserted place, a ghost floated out from his body.

"is it him?"

Ghost asked.

"It's him. One of the three souls, Tianhun!"

"Finding the soul of life, plus the power soul that awakened on its own some time ago, the fourth of the three souls and seven souls has been found."

Su Mu smiled.

After being drawn into the virtual world of the Samsara Pearl, Su Mu's three souls and seven souls were separated and became different individuals.

The only one who awakens is the soul of life.

Thanks to Su Mu being an "old player" in reincarnation, even if the soul is divided, the life soul that gathers wisdom and understands all things is still awake.

Then he transformed into a fortune teller and wandered the world looking for the remaining parts.

The ghost floating aside is the essence.

It was the soul of life, Su Mu, who spent a lot of effort to find and wake it up.

The previous Su Dasha was a powerful warrior who specialized in killing.

Although it is not fully awakened, the soul of life is still able to sense it.

However, Su Mu, the soul of life, was not in a hurry to find Li Po.

Because he was looking for Tianhun, he chased him all the way to the Imperial City of Daxia.

After many investigations, he confirmed that Su Hongjun, the son of General Su, was Tianhun!

Three souls and seven souls are ten.

The three souls are divided into heaven soul, earth soul and life soul.

The seven souls are divided into Li soul, Jing soul, Ying soul, Chong soul, Ling soul, Qi soul and Shu soul.

Now that the heavenly soul, life soul, power soul, and essence soul have been found, it is not too late for them to gather together!

Thinking of this, Minghun Su Mu smiled slightly and said:

"Let's go to Su Mansion and wait for an opportunity to wake him up."

With that said, Su Mu, the soul of life, took back his soul and walked down the alley towards Su Mansion.


At the same time, in the dense forest thousands of miles away.

A giant man nearly one foot tall who looked like a demon was fighting two tigers.

As the saying goes, there is no room for two tigers in one mountain, except one male and one female.

Coincidentally, there are two tigers, a male and a female, on this mountain!

But at this time, these two beasts that dominated the mountains and forests were trying to escape with their tails between their legs. How could their limping appearance still have the majesty of the past?

"Where to go?"

Su Mu roared, his majestic body jumped out, and landed on the male tiger from top to bottom.


The male tiger howled so miserably that Su Mu almost broke his spine.

But then, two huge fists kept hitting its head, causing the tiger's blood to splatter!

Even though she was an animal, the tigress didn't escape alone.

Seeing that the male tiger was in danger, he turned around and charged at Sumu, causing a gust of fishy wind.

Faced with the female tiger's attack, Su Mu not only did not evade or give in, but then stepped on the male tiger and bumped into it.


With a muffled sound, a man and a beast collided fiercely in the air, and each flew backwards.

After landing, Su Mu took three steps back to stabilize his body.

Although the tiger's claws scratched his chest and face, and blood flowed out gurglingly, there was no fundamental damage.

He immediately chased after the tigress, grabbed its thick tail before it landed, lifted the beast up and threw it towards the ground.


Su Mu grabbed the tigress and smashed it to the ground.

The tigress howled miserably and looked in pain.

But soon, the second, third, and fourth floor hits followed one after another, with a series of muffled sounds.

“Bang bang bang bang bang bang!!!”

The slightly smaller tigress was like a toy in Su Mu's hands. He grabbed it and smashed it left and right.

Within a few moments, the tigress started to bleed from her mouth and nose, was breathless, and couldn't stand it anymore.

Seeing this scene, the male tiger howled and propped himself up to escape.

But Su Mu quickly caught up with it, hit it with a punch, and sent it to see the King of Hell.

"Two beasts dare to attack me."

Su Mu cursed lowly, and the blood in his eyes gradually receded.

He first drank a few mouthfuls of tiger blood, then peeled off the skin and removed the meat, and set up a fire to roast it and eat it.

Since leaving Sujia Village that day, Su Mu has plunged into the mountains and forests, often fighting wild beasts and killing some soldiers who were chasing him.

In just half a month, Su Mu felt that his combat power had greatly increased, at least 50% stronger than before!

When he passed by here today, two tigers, a male and a female, jumped out and attacked him from the front and back.

As expected, he was beaten to death by Su Mu and became his food ration.

As the sapphire wood roasts, a rich meaty aroma wafts out.

Just as he was about to take a sip, a flash of red appeared in the grass not far away.

Su Mu took a closer look and saw that it was a small fire fox.

Furry and looks very cute.

"What? Are you hungry too?"

For some reason, Su Mu found this fire fox quite friendly and couldn't help but feel good about it.

You must know that the number of wild beasts he killed in the mountains and forests during this period was as high as eighty if not a hundred.

If it were before, he would probably pick up a stone and smash it to death.

But now, Su Mu secretly wanted to treat this little fox to a barbecue.

I never thought that this fire fox has spirituality.

Hearing this, he actually nodded, and looked at Su Mu pitifully with his big, watery eyes.

Even a ferocious giant like Su Mu couldn't help but melt at this time.


He tore off a chunk of meat and threw it to the little fox.

The little fox caught it steadily, held it in his arms and started chewing it.

When she was happily eating, her beautiful big eyes narrowed into crescent bays, and her face was full of smiles.

Looking at it, Su Mu suddenly understood King Zhou a little.

So cute, who can resist it?

Wait, who is King Zhou?

Su Mu was stunned for a moment by the sudden memory fragment.

But he quickly forgot about it and continued to eat.

No matter what, just fill your stomach first!

From that day on, Liposumu had a little fox by his side.

One person and one fox wandered in the mountains and forests, watching the sunrise and sunset together, dealing with the pursuers together, and eating and sleeping together.

As time went by, Lipo Sumu gradually recalled more memory fragments, all related to a mysterious fox demon.

However, it will still be some time before he fully wakes up.

In addition to Tianhun, Minghun, Liso, and Jingso, other subsouls also have their own different lives and even races.

Some people are in jail, comprehending the world in a state of confusion.

Some people live an ordinary life and are ready to marry their childhood sweetheart.

Some people are full of ambition and are determined to join the army and make achievements.

There’s even a tiger monster in the mountains!

The black tiger roared and people were frightened for hundreds of miles. The nearby villagers worshiped it as a mountain god and prayed for temporary peace.

But no matter what kind of life they live, an invisible force will come and destroy everything for them!

The first person to suffer was the aloof Heavenly Soul Su Hongjun.

Sumu, the soul of life, absorbed the essence and quietly lurked next to Su Hongjun, Tianhun, waiting for the opportunity.

Within a few days, the opportunity came!

Late that night, Zuixianglou.

Su Hongjun was awakened from his sleep.

"Master, Master, wake up quickly, something big has happened!"

Under the violent shaking, Su Hongjun, who was holding a naked woman in his arms, woke up in a daze.

"Who is it? Are you seeking death in the middle of the night? This young master is going to chop off your head!"

Su Hongjun rubbed his eyes and shouted angrily.

"It's me, Eleven. Master, something big has happened. It's a matter of life and death. Follow me and leave!"

After that, Guard Eleven made a "click" sound and neatly broke the neck of the woman in Su Hongjun's arms.

This kind of promiscuous woman cannot be kept, otherwise their whereabouts will be exposed.


The person in his arms suddenly turned into a corpse. Su Hongjun was startled, and many bloody scenes suddenly flashed through his mind.

But before he could think about it, Eleven dragged him out of the warm bed.

"Master, quickly put on your clothes and follow me out of the imperial city, otherwise your life will be at risk!"

Eleven's face was more serious than ever, with a bit of sternness.

Although Su Hongjun is a playboy, he is not stupid.

Seeing this, his heart sank, and he quickly put on his clothes without asking what happened.

Then Eleven jumped out of the window with him and climbed out from the backyard fence of Zuixiang Building.

Outside the wall, a dozen elite cavalrymen had been waiting for a long time, with a look of murder on their faces.

This scene made Su Hongjun feel even more heavy, and he had a vague feeling of bad premonition.

"Master, mount your horse!"

Eleven said hello and sent Su Hongjun onto an unusually handsome dark horse.

Then more than a dozen horsemen surrounded him and hurried towards the west of the city.

After arriving at the west side gate of the city, someone was there to support them, and the city gate had been opened.

"Quick, go!"

After seeing Su Hongjun and his party, the guard shouted anxiously, his face full of worry.

Without saying a word, Eleven led the team through the city gate and ran towards the endless darkness outside the imperial city.

The group of people did not dare to stop at all, and ran for dozens of miles in one breath.

Until this, Su Hongjun took a breath and asked Eleven:

"What happened?"

Who is Su Hongjun?

He is the only son of General Su, and he can walk sideways throughout Daxia!

But tonight, his loyal guards took him to escape from the imperial city overnight.

Su Hongjun didn't even dare to think about the meaning behind this!

Hearing this, Eleven took a deep breath and said sadly:

"Commander, Commander, he is dead!"


Su Hongjun was stunned for a moment and could hardly believe his ears.

His father was less than fifty and in the prime of life. Why did he die suddenly?

"How did my father die? Who can kill him?"

Su Hongjun asked in a trembling voice.

"The commander-in-chief was killed by someone. The day before yesterday, he said his heart hurt, and then he shouted and lost his breath!"

Speaking of this, Eleven was filled with grief and suppressed his emotions as he continued:

"Only the Marshal's cronies know this news for the time being, but it won't last long."

"Once the Daxia royal family knows..."

Eleven didn’t say anything else about the rest.

But Su Hongjun knew what would happen next.

His father was in charge of the three armies and had amazing prestige among the soldiers and civilians, and he also had disciples in the court.

The power is so great that it is completely possible to overthrow the Daxia royal family!

This is a huge threat to the royal family Zhao.

But as long as General Su is still here, Zhao will not dare to act rashly.

But now, Su Hongjun's father died suddenly without any warning!

At this time, Su Hongjun went from being the biggest playboy that no one dared to offend in Daxia to becoming a thorn in the royal family's side.

His identity and status have undergone a 180-degree reversal!

If you don't leave, you will definitely die in an ugly way.

Su Hongjun's mind was in a mess, but his strong desire to survive forced him to calm down.

"Uncle Eleven, where are we going now?"

Su Hongjun suddenly matured a lot, as if he had grown up in an instant, and he also used honorifics.

"Go to Beiliang. The soldiers there are the most loyal. Even if the commander-in-chief is gone, he will still stand by your side."

"Okay, then go to Beiliang!"

Su Hongjun gathered his emotions and rushed to Beiliang overnight under the protection of a group of knights.

A few days later, news of the sudden death of God General Su Chengfeng spread throughout Great Xia, causing an uproar!

The royal Zhao family reacted immediately. While looking for Su Hongjun, they also seized the military power of various states and eliminated Su's diehard loyalists.

There is turmoil and constant disputes everywhere!

It was discovered that Su Hongjun had fled to Beiliang and took control of the troops here, preparing to fight.

The royal family declares to the world that Su Chengfeng has rebelled against the country and should kill the nine tribes!

As soon as the news came out, the world was shocked again.

At this time, the Daxia royal family had taken back most of its military power, leaving only a small area around Beiliangji under Su Hongjun's control.

As the saying goes, the nights are long and the dreams are many, strike while the iron is hot.

Soon, the Daxia Emperor gathered 500,000 elite troops to accurately annihilate the Soviet Party's rebellion!

This land is about to fall into chaos.


"This is God's will."

Su Mu, the life soul who had been hiding in the secret to observe Tianhun, smiled slightly, as if everything was under control.

Being separated is not torture, but a test and temper.

If you can pass, you will be recognized by the immortal weapon and become the owner of the Samsara Pearl.

And in this tempering, the soul will continue to grow and strengthen!

As long as you can survive it, the benefits are huge!

Therefore, the life soul that knows everything does not forcefully awaken the other souls and souls, but acts as a bystander, waiting for their transformation.

Of course, he will still help when necessary.

The sudden death of Tianhun's father was like a signal.

Under the turmoil, the lives of other souls and souls have also undergone earth-shaking changes!

The trial has begun!

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