A ray of golden sunlight shone on Thea Quinn's face through the gap in the curtains. The warm warmth made her wake up from her deep sleep and slowly opened her eyes. The dazzling sunlight made her subconsciously raise her hand to block it. After a while , she reacted and looked to her side.


Thea Quinn was stunned. Just as she was about to look for Su Yue's figure, footsteps suddenly sounded from the stairs.

"Wake up, how was your sleep?" Su Yue came over with breakfast.

Thea Quinn raised the corner of her mouth slightly: "It's not bad, especially seeing the Lord Lord personally bring me breakfast, I feel better."

Su Yue handed the breakfast to Thea Quinn, who had already sat up, and sat down beside him. "Remember when I first met that Oliver and Felicity had a daughter?"

"Remember, didn't you say they still have a son?" Thea Quinn asked while eating.

Su Yue shook his head: "Oliver does have a son, but this son was not born to Ferry Hitty. His name is William. According to your timeline, he is about eight or nine years old now and lives with his mother. In Midtown."

If I remember correctly, this William was a little handsome when he grew up, but unfortunately he went astray and actually liked Gudao's warm intestines.

"I'm not talking about him, but Oliver and Ferry Hitty's daughter Mia. Her timeline will soon cease to exist, so I'm going to summon her to Dimension Street." Su Yue said.

"The timeline no longer exists, why?" Thea Quinn asked in surprise.

Su Yue shrugged: "Because Ferry Heidi won't be with Oliver, naturally their daughter won't be born either."

"What are you going to do?" Thea Quinn responded.


Su Yue explained with a light smile: "The women related to Green Arrow are very good-looking, but unfortunately their lives are not very good. Let me tell you first, the rich and big family who were originally good have experienced all kinds of things, and finally they face It was also scratched. Ferry Heaty was originally just an ordinary employee of the Quinn Group. After meeting Oliver, she not only experienced various dangers, but she would be paralyzed in a short time. And the black canary Laurel Lan She's dying too. The worst is her sister, Sarah Lance, who was killed by you."

"I..." Thea Quinn hesitated, and finally lowered her head decadently.

Not long ago, Sarah Lance returned to Star City to help Oliver, but she was killed by Thea, who was brainwashed by her father.

Although this was not what Thea Quinn intended, she did it after all. Fortunately, Sarah Lance has been resurrected, and this matter has come to an end, otherwise Thea Quinn really doesn't know how to face it.

Even now, Thea Quinn still felt a little guilty.

"Sarah Lance aside, she has her own fortunes, and her future achievements are extraordinary. Although Ferry Heidi was paralyzed, she finally figured out a solution, but Laurel is really dead. "

"So you want to save them? How?" Thea Quinn looked up at Su Yue.

Su Yue: "Didn't I say, I can choose to return to your universe at any point in time."

Thea Quinn responded quickly: "You want to prevent the danger from happening before they happen? No... No, you plan to solve these things from the source, as long as they don't meet Oliver, they won't be involved in danger. , I finally understand Oliver's difficulties now, the closer people are to him, the more dangerous they are!"

Saying that, Thea Quinn raised the corner of her mouth and joked: "Although you make me feel very gentle and approachable, I don't think you should be the kind of character who doesn't ask for anything in return. The real purpose of your saving them should be to think Take them to Dimension Street?"


Su Yue admitted frankly that if it wasn't for the sake of getting them or making them a member of Dimension Street, why would he waste time and energy doing so many things?

Wouldn't it be nice to have the time and energy to learn a stronger ability to accompany the woman around you? Isn't it fragrant?

Beyond the surging energy, the ability to activate the ability to achieve what you want, summon and lock.

Target, Mia Smoke.


"The call is over."

"Congratulations to the host for summoning the dimensional creature in the dimensional world "Green Arrow": Mia Smoke."

From the corner of his eyes, Su Yue looked at the figure that appeared out of thin air in the attic.

Mia Smoke, with long hair in a shawl and delicate features like a doll, was standing near the stairs in casual clothes. As soon as she appeared, she looked around and observed the environment with great alertness. At the same time, her body was tense and she posed defensive posture.

"What is this place, you guys..." Mia's eyes swept across Su Yue, and she was stunned when she saw a surprised Thea Quinn. "Aunt Thea?"

"Aunt... Mom..."

Thea Quinn's expression froze, and she was stunned. Although it is true that Mia is called that in a relationship, I only became a real woman yesterday, okay? I don't even have children, I'm still young, and being called an aunt like this is really a strong sense of disobedience.

"Aunt Thea, why are you here? What is this place, I..." Mia relaxed after seeing someone she knew.

But soon, she realized something was wrong.

She is not familiar with Aunt Thea, and all she knows about her is from other people's descriptions.

But one thing she knew very well, Aunt Thea should never be so young!

Chapter 0326 Starling City, which is not called Star City

Silence and silence, six eyes facing each other.

Su Yue did not use psychic abilities to popularize science as usual, but used words to help Mia Smoke answer her experience and Thea Quinn's situation.

After a long time, Mia Smoke slowly said: "So... this is not Star City, or even my original universe, this is Dimension Street, and you... are the lord of Dimension Street. Not long ago, you went to the past. The Star City brought Aunt Thea here, and then used your ability to summon me here, right?"

Su Yue nodded.

"You just said that anyone who is summoned to Dimension Street by you from other dimensional worlds will be subject to you. In Dimension Street, anyone who has unfavorable thoughts or actions against you will be punished." Mia Smoketon After a while, he looked at Su Yue sharply. "But I... don't believe it!"

When the voice fell, Mia Smoke rushed towards Su Yue and punched him directly in the face.

As soon as her legs were raised and her hands were stretched out, Mia Smoke's delicate little face showed a hint of stunnedness, and the stunnedness soon turned into pain.

With a thud, Mia Smoke fell in front of Su Yue and Thea Quinn, and then her body shrank and twitched violently. Accompanied by her twitching, a painful cry rang out.


Thea Quinn was shocked when she saw this, and hurriedly ran over wrapped in a quilt.

Mia Smoke gritted her teeth and tried to hold back her painful cry. Although she had never seen her father since she was a child, after all, Felicity was raised by Felicity, and she also received a certain degree of training and tolerance. And willpower is stronger than ordinary people, but unfortunately... this kind of twitching is really weird, the twitching is the body, but the pain seems to come from the soul, she can't bear it at all.

"You're not the first person who doesn't believe in the ban on Dimension Street, and you're not the last." Su Yue said lightly, looking at Mia Smoke, whose facial features were wrinkled and in pain. "It doesn't matter to me whether you believe it or not."

"Let go, let her go." Thea Quinn hugged Mia Smoke and raised her head to plead with Su Yue.

Su Yue shook her head slightly: "She knows what to do."

Mia Smoke looked at Su Yue tremblingly, a flash of fear flashed in her angry and stubborn eyes. The pain of her body and soul made it difficult for her to concentrate. She twitched for at least seven or eight minutes. The thought that one should have finally dissipated, so... the ban on Dimension Street also disappeared.


Feeling the involuntary twitch disappear, Mia Smoke first let out a long breath, and then gasped heavily.

The twitching pain seems to have lingering feelings.

"What the **** is going on with this ban?" Thea Quinn couldn't help asking Su Yue.

Su Yue said noncommittally: "I'm not the kind of tyrannical overlord, I don't need or like to use brutal behavior to manage Dimension Street, if everyone is terrified and submissive when facing me, then my What's the fun in life? No matter how many people there are in Dimension Street, I'm still lonely... lonely... So sometimes I can hold it high above the ground, but more often I like to be grounded, and I like to be with me Friendship, friendship."

The reason why the emperor is called lonely and lonely in his heart is because the emperor dare not talk about love, dare not have affection, once he sits in that position, he must hold it, otherwise he may lose his power and position, so for this position, he must Sacrifice personal preferences and instincts.

But does Su Yue need to do this?


Even if he is a useless beggar, as long as he is in Dimension Street, he is still the lord of everyone, the master of everyone.

If that's the case, why bother to be the overbearing president all the time and make yourself so tired?

Besides, Su Yue's heart was originally lonely.

He didn't know why he was re-training, but as an orphan, a transmigrator, after transmigration, he insisted on making himself lonely, and he didn't even have a friend or someone who could talk to his heart. Too bad, right?

"The ban on Dimension Street is on the one hand to ensure my safety, and on the other hand to let everyone who comes to Dimension Street know that I am the owner of Dimension Street, here... I am the only one!" Su Yue looked at Mia. Smoke chuckled lightly. "After this unforgettable experience, I think in the future, I don't need to remind them what to do and what not to do. I don't need to tell them with words or actions all the time, reminding them of my identity."

"The bathroom is downstairs, Thea, take a shower and pack up. We should leave in a while."

Su Yue's voice changed, ending the topic.

Thea Quinn looked at Mia Smoke, got up and found her clothes and went downstairs.

"From now on, you are a member of Dimension Street. According to the previous rules, someone will take you to understand the situation, arrange accommodation, and teach you what to do here. Now, you can rely on this matter. I'll take you back to your world when your Aunt Thea is done packing, of course, it's not your time, nor her time, but when Oliver hasn't had an accident and hasn't landed on Purgatory Island!"

"This time the target is three people, and I will bring these three people back to Dimension Street."

"Ferrie Heathermock, Laurel Lance, Sarah Lance."


Mia Smoke was stunned and hurriedly got up. "You, are you taking me to see mom?"

Su Yue smiled lightly: "I thought you would look forward to seeing your father even more, although at that time your father was not yet the Green Arrow, the hero who saved Star City and the world."

Mia Smoke's gem-like eyes were a little dazed. Ever since she could remember, she thought her father had already died, and there was even her father's grave in her home. If you asked her who she most wanted to see, it would be his father, Oliver Queen, who she was both familiar and unfamiliar with.

After half an hour.

Thea Quinn packed up and came up neatly dressed.

Su Yue took out the dimension pass, opened the dimension door in the closet, and walked in with Thea and Mia.

Before crossing, Su Yue locked the time.

The dimension gate was closed, and the three of Su Yue stood on a certain street in Star City.

"This...is this Star City?" Thea Quinn looked around and recognized the surrounding environment. "This is Star City many years ago. That store, I remember... I remember it was demolished many years ago."

"It hasn't changed its name to Star City yet."

Before Star City was renamed, it was called Starling City.

Chapter 0327 Laurel Lance

Although Thea and Mia grew up in this city, they could be regarded as natives, but with the passage of time, the city in front of them is very different from the city in their memory.

Thea is better, after all, the interval is not too long.

But Mia's eyes are blacked out. The Star City in her timeline is completely different from the Star City in front of her. After several decades, and the Star City and Gotham are almost the same, they were attacked at both ends in three days. A sea change has taken place.

"Three people, three targets, let's split up."

Su Yue said to Thea and Mia. "One person chooses one and collects information. It's dark and I will summon you to me."

For Thea and Mia, collecting their intelligence is a matter of holding hands. After all, they are not unfamiliar targets, so rather than collecting intelligence, it is better to give them time to meet the people they want to meet.

"I want to see Sarah Lance." Thea made a choice immediately.

After all, Ferry Heidi and Laurel Lance could see each other if they wanted to, and they may meet more often in the future, so the only thing she wants to see now is Sarah Lance, the person she once killed.

"I... I want to see my mother," Mia said.

Su Yue shrugged: "Then I'll go find Laurel."

Choose their own goals and work separately.

Su Yue walked down the street not long after seeing a cafe, and went straight in.

Next to the floor-to-ceiling window, I ordered a cup of coffee.

Su Yue leisurely looked at the scenery outside the window, drank coffee, and didn't look like she was looking for someone.

Star City doesn't say it's big or small, so instead of trying to find Laurel Lance, it's better to just wait and let her deliver it to her door.

After all, modifying the reality setting is only a matter of thought.

A few minutes later, a slender and beautiful figure appeared on the other side of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the cafe, as if it was just passing by.

However, when she was tugging at the ends of her hair blown by the wind, she slightly measured her head sideways, and the corner of her eye just happened to let her see Su Yue drinking coffee in the cafe.

With her eyes fixed, Laurel Lance stopped.

As if she saw something incredible, she turned her head to look at Su Yue, and opened her mouth in surprise.

In the cafe, Su Yue showed a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and nodded slightly at the same time.

It was like a friendly greeting between strangers.

"It turns out... it's true?! There really is such a person!!!" Laurel Lance covered her mouth subconsciously, the shock in her heart couldn't be added.

She has been having a very strange dream for the past few days. Although she doesn't remember the content of the dream every time she wakes up, there is one scene she remembers very clearly.

It was a long staircase with a formidable throne above it.

On the throne, there is a person sitting.

The sacredness and majesty made her feel intimidated, afraid to look at each other, or even to look directly.

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