The door was suddenly pushed open at this moment, Oliver Quinn walked in first with a bag, but as soon as he came in, he saw Su Yue feeding dog food with a strange woman?

"Ferry Heidi?" Thea passed by Oliver Quinn and was stunned when she saw this scene.

This scene is a bit weird.

Oliver Quinn, Ferry Heidi, Su Yue... Thea looked at her with a normal expression. Oliver Quinn, who was asking who Ferry Heidi was, couldn't help feeling sad for his brother.

Lang, let you wave again, are you alright now? Really a veritable 'green' archer.

Chapter 0340 The debut of the Raptor squad (two)

Ferry Heidi pushed her glasses with blushing cheeks, and fluttered her hair, which was not messy at all, and raised her hand to Thea and the others with a pretense of calmness and said hello: "Hi, hello, I'm Ferry Heidi ."

"Hello, I'm Oliver Quinn and Green Arrow." Oliver Quinn introduced.

Ferry Heidi nodded and said, "I know."

"you know?"

Do you know that I'm Oliver Queen, or do you know that I'm Green Arrow? Oliver Quinn was a little surprised, but he was relieved after thinking about it. He knew that the relationship between her and Su Yue was extraordinary, and it was normal to know her true identity.

Red Arrow, Mr. Zhuoyue, Driver and Flash introduced themselves one after another. After Ferry Hitty introduced them to each other in a moderate manner, a voice suddenly sounded in the earphones.

"Okay, I see, you guys are back." Ferry Hitey pressed her earphones and said, then turned to Su Yue and said, "They have already brought the meteorite back."

Su Yue nodded and hummed.

"Meteorite? What meteorite? Are they...?" Oliver Quin asked.

"Have you informed Caitlin and Iris? Let's talk when everyone is here." Su Yue said.

What can Oliver Quinn say? Just be patient.

Thea leaned over to Su Yue and asked in a low voice, "Did you call the Birds of Prey team to intervene in this matter?"

Su Yue said: "Yeah, let the Birds of Prey team make an appearance, and when I come back, Ferry Heidi and Mia will go back to Dimension Street with me, and you will go back with me. This appearance is to get to know them and to be able to communicate with each other in the future. Get in touch and do me a favor."

Thea nodded and went to chat with Ferry Heidi.

Thea has no intention of asking about the actions of Ferry Hitty and Su Yue just now. Sarah has already adjusted her mentality before, and it is normal to have another Ferry Hitty. As for the 'history' that she knew but others didn't, Thea didn't want to confess to them or have any opinions. After all, after changing the past, they all experienced normal lives.

For example, Oliver Quinn, without his involvement with the Birds of Prey team, his debts can be a little less. Besides, he still has a son, and now he can raise and educate his son normally!

As for feelings?

Pull it, others don't know, Thea doesn't know what's going on with her brother? Although there may be a good result with Ferry Heidi, it does not mean that the substitution is impossible, and there will be no shortage of women around him.

Not long after, Iris and Caitlin, who received the news in advance, arrived. Immediately afterwards, several members of the Birds of Prey team also returned.

People who were still curious about who they were, immediately recognized their uniforms as soon as they saw them. Dimension Street Raptor Squad, they actually belonged to Su Yue?

The people in the Green Arrow team know relatively well the Birds of Prey team, but the Lightning team is a little bit worse. Su Yue.

Su Yue pointed to Sisko Raymond: "Give him, let him use this meteorite to make a glove, a glove that can remove the energy of Vandal Savage and the scepter of Horus."

"Gloves?" Sisko Ramon had an idea soon after he took it over, and immediately started researching and making it with Mr. Excellence and Caitlin.

During this period, the others were not idle, and some were recovering their memories and trying to regain their strength. Some people are getting to know each other and get in touch with each other. Generally speaking, the three teams of Green Arrow, Lightning, and Birds of Prey get along pretty well. Moreover, it may be because of the same universe, and the guards of Super Girl, the Dimension Street, can get along with them.

Outside the villa, next to the lawn, Su Yue leaned against the wooden fence and was thinking about the next arrangement.

Vandal Savage is easy to solve. He mainly thinks about how the Raptor team will develop after taking Ferry Heaty and Siamia away, or the problem of insufficient combat power. If the Birds of Prey team is only active in Star City, it's fine, but once they participate in the linkage, various superpowers, etc., their combat power is not so stable, it is best to add a few strong players.

The people in Dimension Street can no longer be mobilized, otherwise the manpower will not be sufficient. In addition to the Dimension Street in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there are the World of Busan, the world of black robe pickets, and the world of the Fantastic Four. These three worlds are not the main development of the dimensional world, just leave one or two people to watch, so I have to add If the manpower is concerned, it is best to wait for the Busan Travel World to stabilize and transfer the White Queen Polaris and the others back.

However, far cannot quench near thirst. Not to mention Xingcheng, the trouble in Midtown is not small, and the threat of extreme speed is very big. Maybe the Raptor team will help, so it is best to replenish the personnel when you leave this world.

Perhaps it is possible to let Supergirl stay in the Green Arrow universe for a while. Supergirl's speed is not much slower than her speed. It shouldn't be a big problem for the body of steel and her own strength to help the Flash and others deal with the speed.

As for the manpower to fill, you can think about it slowly.


A somewhat restrained sound of testing sounded, Su Yue turned to look at Caitlin who was approaching, slightly surprised. He thought there might be someone looking for him, but he didn't expect it to be Caitlin.

Caitlin, who came over, smiled, but didn't speak for a while, as if she was thinking about something.

"What are you thinking?" Su Yue asked.

"I miss you."

Caitlin replied casually.

After speaking, Caitlin and Su Yue were stunned. Caitlin's face instantly turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye. She hurriedly waved her hand and said, "I, that's not what I meant, I was thinking about how to speak to you."

Su Yue chuckled softly: "I thought you were going to tease me with earthy words."

"A rustic love story?" Caitlin was a little curious.

"What blood type are you?" Su Yue asked. "At this time, you can return any blood type, but it's not the standard answer to earthy love words. The standard answer should be: You are my ideal type."

"Pfft!" Caitlin couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Which day do you like?" Su Yue asked again.

Caitlin thought for a while: "The day off?"

"No, I'm chatting with you."

After Su Yue finished speaking, she pointed to Caitlin's face: "There's something on your face."

Caitlin wiped her face hastily: "What?"

"It's a bit beautiful." Su Yue said solemnly.


"If you meet a strange handsome guy on the street, you say: handsome guy, let's play together. As a result, the other party scolded him as being sick, what would you do?" Su Yue asked again.

Caitlin shook her head.

"Ao, if you are sick, forget it. I wish you a speedy recovery. Let's play together when you are healed."


"Hahaha, if you're sick, forget about it. Let's play together when you're sick. This answer is too funny." Caitlin's smile trembled. The earthy love words and funny memes were completely relaxed, and while laughing, he subconsciously waved and patted Su Yue's arm coquettishly.

Chapter 0341 Caitlin or Killer Frost?

As soon as she made the act of coquettishly waving her hand, Caitlin's smiling face froze. The person in front of him is not Sisko or Barry, and his actions are a bit hasty.

He, won't you be angry?

Caitlin hurriedly retracted her hand and looked nervously at Su Yue, ready to apologize, but what caught her eye was a warm smile on the corner of Su Yue's mouth. With his small smile and the look in his eyes, Caitlin suddenly felt a pause in her breathing and a rapid heartbeat. . In a trance, she felt as if she had lost her ability to think.

"What's wrong?" Su Yue asked.

Caitlin shook her head hurriedly: "No, it's nothing, I just... I think you seem to be a little different from what I imagined. I always thought you would be that kind of cold character, but I didn't expect you to be like ordinary people like us. Same."

"You are not an ordinary person." Su Yue took over and said with a smile.

"Killer Frost?"

"Yes." Su Yue nodded. "You came to see me just to ask this, right?"

"There's something about speed." Caitlin added in a low voice.

Su Yue said with a smile: "You on Earth II is Killer Frost, a villain of Extreme Speed's subordinates. And you... Although you have not yet become a sign of Killer Frost, it will appear soon. You and Earth II Unlike you, the Frost Killer of Earth II is the Frost Killer, but you belong to the situation that will change between the ordinary and the Frost Killer."

"Simply put, it's a split personality. You and Killer Frost are two similar but different personalities, and then..."

"And then what?" Caitlin asked hastily.

Su Yue said with a smile: "Then a series of things will happen to you, and you may eventually become one and become Caitlin the Frost Killer."

"I don't want to gain any superpowers, and I don't want to be Killer Frost, you... can you help me?" Caitlin asked quickly.

Su Yue nodded affirmatively: "Of course, there are countless things that I can't do so far, and the thing you mentioned happens to be not among them. I can completely eliminate the power of the Frost Killer in your body, and I can also help you. Mastering the power to tame Killer Frost will give you some power without affecting your life."

"You can choose by yourself, but... although beautiful women are given preferential treatment, there is no free lunch in this world. If you want to get something, you have to pay for it. You should understand the principle of equivalent exchange."

Catelyn nodded in understanding. Of course she understood the principle of equivalent exchange, and she never thought of asking Su Yue to help with her own words. "What do I need to pay?"


"Myself?" Caitlin's face instantly turned red, and these words made her naturally think of something.

However, she was not angry. After all, the difference in status between the two was too great. Su Yue's request would not make people feel insulted or resentful. Besides, Su Yue herself is also very good. Regardless of her identity and ability, it is only in terms of appearance, temperament, and the feeling she gave her before. If she changes her place, time and identity, Caitlin will be willing to contact Su Yue. If it is good, She didn't mind going deeper with him.

The most important thing is that Caitlin is an older single young woman, and she has not had a smooth relationship in her relationship, so she will naturally yearn for it, and she will also be excited to have another half!

For example, Speed's trumpet vest, pretending to be Earth 2 Flash Jay Garrick, who is now in the cutting-edge laboratory in Midtown, mixing with the Flash team on the grounds that he lost his speed force and wanted to deal with Speed.

I have to say that this operation is quite slippery. On the one hand, the large vest is used to deal with the Lightning Squad very quickly, and on the other hand, the small size is used to sneak into the Lightning Squad.

The results of it? Caitlin had a mutual affection for him.

"I won't leave until Sisko fulfills my request, you can think about it slowly." Su Yue said with a smile.

"I... If I agree, do I have to leave Midtown? I mean, do I have to leave this universe?" Caitlin asked tentatively.

Su Yue shook his head: "I will take you to Dimension Street, but I don't need you to stay on Dimension Street for the time being."

"I understand, I will seriously consider it." Caitlin nodded, then turned and entered the villa.

She really needs to seriously consider this matter.

If Caitlin doesn't want to keep her identity as Killer Frost, then she goes to Dimension Street to increase dimension points and then play a role in the scientific research center. So it is better to stay in Dimension Street than to stay in the Green Arrow Universe, at least it has a greater value. If she wants to retain the identity of the Frost Killer, she can dispatch supplements at any time when the combat power is insufficient, and it can also help the Raptor team. It is also better to stay in the Green Arrow universe.

Time passed quietly, and soon Sisko Raymond came to see Su Yue with gloves made of meteorites. Su Yue glanced at the meteorite glove and could feel the weak energy contained on it.

This ability can be absorbed by itself and used to supplement and enhance its transcendental energy.

Meteorite gloves can, which means that Vandal Savage can also, Eagle Eagle can also, the quality is the same, but the amount is different. There are too few in Eagle and Eagle, and their energy is absorbed by Vandal Savage, so... just absorb Vandal Savage's directly, and then absorb this meteorite glove.

Back at the villa, Su Yue asked Ferry Hitty, "Have you found Vandal Savage?"

"found it!"

"Get ready, you can go."


Su Yue's voice fell, and the Birds of Prey team had already started getting ready to go.

Green Arrow and The Flash are naturally not far behind, after all, this is their enemy. Originally, Green Arrow wanted to lay out a plan, pretending to catch Hawkman and Hawkgirl to Vandal Savage, and then shoot when Vandal Savage took it lightly.

However, the Birds of Prey team, or Ferry Heidi directly rejected the idea.

According to Ferry Heidi, Vandal Savage can't take it lightly when you see you bring the eagle girl tied up, he won't be so stupid, and they don't need to do it, so many people, As long as you grab the Scepter of Horus, you can defeat Vandal Savage, and there is no need to pretend to surrender.

Green Arrow was speechless by Felicity Hitty, and Su Yue couldn't stop laughing beside him.

Speaking of which, Green Arrow's plan is really useless, because this arrangement is not the key to determining the outcome at all. Ferry Heidi has nothing to do with him now, and naturally it won't center on him like the original. Besides, Ferry Heidi was a backup in the Birds of Prey team, and she has been a hero for longer than him. If you really want to say experience, she is much richer than him.

Chapter 0342 Gorgeous Lineup VS Vandal Savage

Black and white Canary, Black Star, Huntress, Thea from Birds of Prey, Flash from Lightning, Green Arrow and Red Arrow from Green Arrow, plus Supergirl and Su Yue who went together, yes, and The two male and female protagonists, Eagle Man and Eagle Girl, who were squeezed by Su Yue in this incident, had almost no sense of existence. Such a lineup would be gorgeous even if Su Yue didn't make a move in Green Arrow Universe.

Whether it's a hero or a villain, the favorite hiding place is the spacious and intricate abandoned factory. After everyone came to Vandal Savage's hiding place, the Birds of Prey team took the lead.

Ferry Heidi remotely cut off the power supply in the factory, and the factory that was originally rather dim was instantly plunged into darkness. Hei Xing pulled the bow to shoot arrows, and with a few swishing sounds, several specially made arrows had already flown out.

Immediately afterwards, an explosion sounded.

The high-explosive arrow exploded, instantly producing a thick smoke of gunpowder. Vandal Savage's muffled groan sounded in the gunpowder smoke, and then a dazzling light suddenly lit up, and the energy of Vandal Savage's scepter of Horus instantly dispelled the gunpowder smoke.

At the same time, the lights in the factory suddenly turned on!

The sudden light made Vandal Savage bow his head slightly in discomfort, and the sound of arrows breaking through the air sounded. He didn't have time to look at it, so he could only listen to the defense and resist with the scepter of Horus in his hand.

"Ding ding ding—"

Several arrows fell to the ground.

The sound of wings flapping sounded, Vandal Savage squinted his eyes and looked up, and the eagle male and female eagle, who had already put on uniforms and equipment, flew into the air. He hurriedly bent over to dodge, turned and shot the Hawkman who passed him with the scepter of Horus with his backhand.

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