
The sound of breaking the air sounded, and Su Yue appeared in the cutting-edge laboratory.

The people in the laboratory are very complete, probably because they know that Su Yue will appear today.

Barry Allen, Sisko Ramon, Caitlin Snow, Iris, Joe, Harrison Wells from Earth 2, and the trumpet Jay Garrick are all present.

This is the first time Su Yue has met with Ji Su. I have to say that he does give people a very heroic feeling when he is not in Ji Ji state. His righteous and Ling Ran temperament is really hard to make people believe that he is a bad person.

"Is what I want ready?" Su Yue asked Sisko Raymond.

Sisko Raymond nodded: "It's done, it has been tested to travel through other earths, but... I'm not sure if it can travel to a universe other than our universe. You know, I can't sense it. ."

"This is easy to handle. I will take you to Dimension Street, and then take you to several universes under Dimension Street. You can make adjustments after you sense the fluctuations of these universes."


After Su Yue finished speaking, he suddenly summoned the Dimension Gate, then opened the door and walked in under the shocked eyes of everyone.

Marvel Cinematic Universe, Dimension Street.

After Su Yue came out of the dimension gate, he started to summon directly, but it was not Sisko Raymond who was summoned.


"The call is over."

"Congratulations to the host for summoning the dimensional creature in the dimensional world "Green Arrow": Ferry Heatismoke."


In the Green Arrow Cosmos Safe House villa, Ferry Hittis Mok, who had just woken up, was summoned by Su Yue. Ferry Hitty blinked blankly, and quickly realized what happened and guessed it. what is this place.

Su Yue continued to call.


"The call is over."

"Congratulations to the host for summoning the dimensional creature in the dimensional world "Green Arrow": Thea Quinn."

Thea Quinn was also summoned.

"I first summoned you to Dimension Street. Sisko has already prepared what I want. I will summon him in a while to fine-tune the teleporter, and then go back to Green Arrow Universe to bring Mia back."

"Thea, take Felicity out for a walk."

Thea has been to Dimension Street and is no stranger to it. Although Ferry Heidi has never been there, she knows some general situations and is very curious about the real Dimension Street...

After Thea and Felicity left the attic, Su Yue summoned Sisko Ramon.


"The call is over."

"Congratulations to the host for summoning the dimensional creature in the dimensional world "The Flash": Sisko Raymond."

Sisko Ramon looked left and right with a box. "This... this is Dimension Street? I have... I have left my universe?"

"That's right!" Su Yue nodded, and then urged Sisko Raymond to adjust the trans-temporal teleporter.

After Sisko Raymond sensed the fluctuations of the universe and adjusted the transmitter, Su Yue opened the dimension gate and took him to the holiday island of "The Deadly Two-Headed Shark" and "Black Robe Pickets" respectively. The worlds of "Train to Busan" and "Fantastic Four" record the fluctuations of these worlds one by one in the teleporter, which is convenient for selection and use.

"What reward do you want?" Su Yue looked at a box of ready-made teleporters and nodded with satisfaction, and then asked Sisko Raymond.

"Anything is fine?"


"Then... can you help us defeat Extreme Speed?" Sisko Raymond said in a low voice. "Extreme Speed ​​is too strong. Barry is not an opponent of Extreme Speed ​​at all now, especially last time... He may have a shadow on Extreme Speed ​​now. If he does not defeat Extreme Speed, the entire Midtown and the entire Earth may be in crisis."

"You can easily defeat the undead savage of Vandal Savage, and you must be able to defeat Extreme Speed ​​too, right? Please, help us!" Sisko Raymond hurriedly said, for fear that Su Yue would not agree. : "You said just now that I want any reward, and this is the reward I want. Also, as long as you need me in the future, I promise not to refuse!"

"Okay, I promise!"

Although Su Yue didn't plan to intervene in the matter of extreme speed, Sisko Raymond's trans-temporal teleporter really satisfied him. Besides, the words have been said, any reward can be given. If he refuses or can't do it, it is too much Price dropped.

Chapter 0345 Dealing with Speed

Although Su Yue agreed to Sisko Ramon's request to deal with Extreme Speed, he did not immediately bring him back to the Green Arrow universe.

Although he has summoned Sisko, he usually does not plan to let him stay here, so he took this opportunity to let him know about Dimension Street and the situation of this universe. After returning, he will naturally put his own Publicize what you have heard.

At that time, the people of the Lightning Squad will naturally know about it, and as the big event unfolds, more and more superheroes will know about Dimension Street and know their Lord.

Otherwise, every time he sees a newcomer, he has to introduce himself and show his strength. Su Yue feels quite low.

Ferry Heidi, Mia, and Thea will definitely be stationed in Dimension Street. Su Yue specially summoned Fili Heidi and Thea for the sake of dimension. After all, the people summoned are extra, even if the dimension The number of people in the street has reached the upper limit, and it will not affect the dimension points they generate every day. Besides, those who have been summoned will be endowed with energy related to themselves? Although it is not clear what the more esoteric role of this energy is, it is sure that there is no harm as long as it is good.

Therefore, Su Yue simply summoned the black canary, the platinum canary, and the huntress to Dimension Street. Anyway, they have to go back to the Green Arrow universe, so Quan should let them experience the real Dimension Street.

When the three of them were summoned, they were surprised at first, and then they felt relieved when they saw that Su Yue had been summoned to Dimension Street, and they visited and wandered in Dimension Street with great interest.

The next day, noon.

Su Yue took Sisko Raymond, the black and white canary, and the huntress to the Green Arrow universe through the dimension gate. At the same time, Ferry Heidi, Thea, and Mia have also made arrangements.

The three were arranged on the third floor of the Dimension Building, 301 Feili Hitty, 302 Thea, and 303 Mia.

Ferry Heidi joined the Cyber ​​Intelligence and R&D Department and partnered with the shock girl Daisy Johnson. The two female archers, Thea and Mia, joined the salamander's conventional combat operations team. By the way, this conventional combat operation For the current members, there are only three, namely Jing Salamander, Thea, and Mia.

How should I put it, Su Yue founded this system, but it has not developed yet.

At present, there are so-called teams in Dimension Street: Guard Team 1, Guard Team 2, Fengshen Team, Crossing Team, and Regular Combat Action Team. The **** team's job is to guard the dimensional street. The crossing team is mainly responsible for different dimensional worlds. The Fengshen team is similar to the conventional combat operations team.

However, according to Su Yue's idea, the Fengshen team must be mainly focused on high-end combat power. The current members are the White Queen and Ao Bing. The conventional combat action team belongs to the ordinary combat team that operates outside the Dimension Street.

Green Arrow Universe.

Su Yue took out two time-space teleporters and handed them over to the Birds of Prey team, one for them to keep in contact with Dimension Street and back and forth, and the other for them to bring to Supergirl, so that she wanted to go to her own universe or go back to Dimension Street. will be much more convenient.

Speaking of which, when the multiverse is destroyed after the Infinite Earths Crisis, and then reborn, the Earth 38 to which Supergirl originally belonged will also change, and the cities or universes of Supergirl and others will be integrated into the original universe, and the Flash , Legends of Tomorrow, Batwoman, Black Thunder, and Green Arrow are integrated into the same earth.

The Raptor team returned to Star City with the teleporter, and Su Yue and Sisko came to the cutting-edge laboratory in Midtown.

Su Yue suddenly called the door to leave, and then Sisko disappeared suddenly, which made Barry Allen and others worried. But it didn't take long for Su Yue and Sisko to come back.

As Su Yue imagined, Sisko couldn't wait to tell Barry Allen and others about the situation of Dimension Street and the universe as soon as he came back. Barry Allen and others were surprised when they heard it. It would be like that.

It sounds... like heaven on earth!

"By the way, Lord Lord has promised me to help us deal with Extreme Speed." Sisko remembered the business after talking about Dimension Street, and hurriedly told everyone the good news.


Barry Allen looked at Su Yue in surprise, no, not just him, Caitlin Snow, Harrison Wells, Iris, Jay Garrick all looked at Su Yue in surprise .

Especially Jay Garrick!

He has no contact with Su Yue, and his understanding of Su Yue is also known from other people. The only thing he knows is that he is from another universe, and he seems to be very strong. Before knowing Su Yue's true strength, he didn't plan to provoke Su Yue, but thought that when Su Yue left, Sisko Ramon used the super-speed big to force Sisko Ramon to make a teleporter when he returned. , so that he can conquer more universes.

It's just... He didn't expect Su Yue to come back with Sisko Raymond, and he didn't expect Su Yue to deal with Extreme Speed!

"Although I don't want to admit it, but... Extreme Speed ​​is really strong. It would be good if it could be dealt with in one blow, otherwise... we may not be able to deal with his revenge so easily." Jay Garrick said worriedly.

"You think I can't deal with Extreme Speed?" Su Yue raised his eyebrows and looked at Jay Garrick.

Jay Garrick shook his head: "No, that's not what I meant, I just think we should be more careful."

"Be careful?"

Su Yue sneered: "You should know that I can predict the future, right? In this case, you should let me be more cautious. I think... It's you who needs to be cautious, right?"

Jay Garrick's eyes changed, and then he said calmly, "I want to solve the speed problem more than anyone else."

"Everyone wants to solve the speed, I believe in Jay, and I believe in Lord Lord!" Caitlin Snow stepped out to ease the atmosphere, and then asked Su Yue, "What are you going to do?"

"Lord Lord."

Harrison Wells suddenly spoke solemnly, and slowly knelt on the ground under the surprised eyes of everyone. "Lord Lord, I beg you to save my daughter first!"

"Wells, you are..."

Everyone was confused by Harrison Wells' actions, what happened to your daughter?

"My daughter Jessie was taken by Speed, and he asked me to steal the Flash's speed, steal his speed. I'm sorry, I know it's wrong, but I can't let my daughter have an accident, no matter what... What a price!"

Chapter 0346 Speedy Kneeling

When Harrison Wells first came to the cutting-edge laboratory, the Lightning Squad didn't trust him, because he looked exactly like Harrison Wells on Earth 1, and Harrison Wells on Earth 1 was the inverse. Lightning pretended to be the mentor of Lightning Squad, and was highly respected, and then...he broke their hearts.

Now Harrison Wells has gained the trust of the Lightning Squad by what he has done, and he has almost regarded him as a member of the cutting-edge laboratory. However, like Reverse Lightning, he is not really helping them, but lurking. Beside them, stealing Barry Allen's speed for extreme speed, this result is really unacceptable for the Flash.

It's no wonder that Barry Allen's speed has not improved, and it was originally stolen by him.

Now that Su Yue has to deal with the extreme speed, Harrison Will has confessed, what if there is no Su Yue? Will Harrison Wells confess? What if he never confessed?

On the one hand, Barry Allen's speed was stolen, and on the other hand, Extreme Speed ​​had him as an undercover agent. How could he fight Extreme Speed ​​under such circumstances? Failure is a foregone conclusion!

Harrison Wells raised his head and looked at everyone with guilt. "I know, I know it's wrong, and I'm willing to do anything to make up for my mistakes. But if I had to do it all over again, I would still do it. My daughter...I'm not a good father, so whatever I can't let her get hurt!"

"Your daughter..." Although Barry Allen was angry with Harrison Wells for concealing it, the resentment in his heart lessened a lot when he thought that he was doing it for his own daughter.

After all, Harrison Wells didn't want this either, and he was forced to do so.

"Your daughter is in Speed? Do you know where she is being held?" Barry Allen asked.

Harrison Wells shook his head: "I don't know, but... you must know, right?"

Harrison Wells looked at Su Yue.

Su Yue nodded lightly under everyone's gaze: "I know where she is being held, but... you remember what I told you before? She will die, and she will die at a flower-like age, you will die with her."

"I mean, not extreme speed!"

"Even if I help you rescue your daughter, she will die in the near future. Of course, I can save her, and I can also save you. You are so smart, you should know what I mean?"

"Dimension Street... You want us to join Dimension Street." Harrison Wells said.

Su Yue smiled and snapped his fingers: "Smart!"

"I promise!"

Harrison Wells made a decision without any hesitation. "As long as you can rescue my daughter, and as long as you can guarantee that she will not be hurt in the future, we are willing to join Dimension Street."

"My daughter, where is she?"

Harrison Wells is a daughter-in-law, the world is huge, and the daughter is the eldest.

"Where is Jesse, you have to ask this question..." Su Yue paused for a moment and turned to look at Jay Garrick. Jay Garrick's expression was very calm, and it seemed that he was really for Harrison Wayne Les and his daughter are worried that Su Yue will wear this acting skill!

"Jay? Do you know where his daughter is?" Everyone looked at Jay Garrick following Su Yue's gaze, and couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

Why does Jay know where Speed ​​is keeping Jesse? Is it because he has dealt with Jisu a lot before, so he knows where Jisu may lock people?

"I do know!" The expression on Jay Garrick's face gradually changed, the corners of his mouth raised, his eyes changed sharply, and he looked a little more ferocious and a little more crazy.

This change gave everyone a bad hunch, and this hunch was confirmed with Jay Garrick's next words.

"Although I thought you would know my identity, I just didn't expect you to be exposed at this time. Stop pretending, I'll showdown, I'm not Jay Garrick, my real name is Hunter Zollemon, if If you are unfamiliar with this name, I have another name - Extreme Speed!"

The light of Speed ​​Force lit up in Extreme Speed's eyes, followed by lightning surge of Speed ​​Force, Speed ​​Force instantly grabbed Caitlin Snow, and said proudly: "Save Jesse or save Caitlin, you choose. "

After speaking, she quickly grabbed Caitlin and prepared to leave.

Save Jesse, or save Caitlin.

A choice between two.

If he went to save Jesse, Extreme Speed ​​would naturally have a lot of time to kill Caitlin; if he rescued Caitlin, Extreme Speed ​​would also have time to make arrangements for Jesse's situation.

Extreme speed is a good idea, but in reality, this choice is really tricky, because Barry Allen can't catch up with him at all. At the same time, he also knew that Su Yue also had super speed power, but he felt that Su Yue was not as fast as himself.

Unfortunately, I don't want you to think, I want to.

But, do I find it useful?

Definitely useless!

So when she quickly grabbed Caitlin and gave her a choice, she was stunned.

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