I wanted to teach Su Yue a lesson, but Su Yue didn't do anything, but just used a mental illusion-type magic to get herself caught, making herself think she was teaching Su Yue a lesson, but she was actually beating herself.

Moreover, this scene happened in front of everyone's eyes, whether it was his good friends, S.H.I.E.L.D., Dimension Street, or the melon-eating crowd watching.

This face is a big loss!

I am Thor, the dignified **** of thunder, the prince of Asgard, and I also want to be ashamed...

No, this face must be found!

The embarrassed Thor turned into anger, panting, staring at Su Yue with murderous eyes, raising his arms in front of him and spreading his fingers - he was summoning Thor's Hammer.

As soon as this posture came out, everyone opened their eyes and waited silently.

Can Thor, who has lost his powers, get the Thor's Hammer back? Take back Thor's Hammer, how strong is Thor who restores divine power? Everyone is waiting and watching.

Silent, silent.

Although Saul's movements and demeanor did not change, he felt a little drum in his heart. He has not seen Thor's hammer since he came to Earth, but he believes that Thor's hammer will definitely fly to his hands.


But... why did it fly so slowly this time?

Everyone is looking at me, waiting for me, can't you fly faster? This looks so embarrassing to me.

A minute passed, and Thor's Hammer did not appear.

Five minutes passed, and Thor's Hammer still did not appear.

Ten minutes passed, and Thor's Hammer still did not appear. At this time, the calmness on Sol's face had disappeared, and he couldn't hold on anymore.

"Where did you put my hammer!" Sol suddenly asked Su Yue loudly, and at the same time took the opportunity to put down the hand that had been raised for a long time.

"Loki said something when he came, I think it's very interesting." Su Yue looked at Sol and sneered: "Idiot mortal, just because you want to get involved in Thor's Hammer? You are over your own power, you say it's here. It belongs to you, can you take it? You call it, does it promise?"

"Of course it will answer..." Saul's words stopped abruptly, his expression froze.

He called for a long time just now, but Hammer didn't respond at all.

"Where is Thor's Hammer, I don't believe that I will lose the qualification to own it." Thor said unwillingly and unconvinced.

Su Yue raised his arm and pointed in the direction of Dimension Street. This gesture made Sol and everyone's eyes widen subconsciously. What does he mean? Could it be... Could he have been recognized by Thor's Hammer?

Chapter 0369 Big Fool Sol


The sound of breaking the air sounded, and a hammer flew straight and fast from the Dimension Street. In the blink of an eye, it came to Su Yue's side, and then fell into Su Yue's hand in an extremely active and well-behaved manner.


Deathly silence!

Although some people vaguely guessed that this would be the result when Su Yue stretched out his hand to summon the hammer, after all, if he was not sure, Su Yue would not be able to slap himself in the face like Sol did.

But when Thor's Hammer really ignored Thor, the former owner who had been with him for many years, and flew into Su Yue's hands like a dog, the unbelievable shock was still extremely strong.

Dimension Street is fine. Thea and the others are used to Su Yue's miraculous and powerful operations. It's just a hammer, so it's not worth making a fuss. S.H.I.E.L.D. knows that Thor's Hammer is powerful and special, and almost no one can lift it. Although it has now been confirmed that this hardly includes Su Yue, but... Su Yue has done less incredible things? They've been taken aback.

But people like Asgard were completely dumbfounded.

This is Thor's Hammer, an artifact given to Thor by Father Odin. Not to mention Earthlings, even in Asgard, few people can get the approval of Thor's Hammer and can pick up Thor's Hammer.

"Impossible...it's impossible...how can you pick it up? It belongs to me."

Sol stared at the Thor's Hammer in Su Yue's hand, opened his hand, and murmured with a look of flattery. "Hammer, come back, come back to me, I am Thor, I am Thor, you are my hammer of Thor, come back, come back..."

Sol waved his hand and called out to please him, and a smile like a big fool appeared on his face subconsciously. Uh, for Thor's appearance at this moment, you can refer to the part where Thor wants to hypnotize the Hulk in Thor 3.

how to say.

Doubi is all born, Saul's Doubi was hidden too deep before he woke up, or his previous life was too smooth, and there was no chance for him to play.

Seeing Thor trying to recall Thor's Hammer like a big idiot, Sif finally couldn't bear it anymore. Thor completely lost Asgard's face.

First, he arrogantly provoked Su Yue, but Su Yue didn't even move, so he used his psychic ability to let Sol perform a good show of himself beating himself in front of everyone. Then Sol wanted to summon Thor's Hammer. After a long time, Thor's Hammer ignored him at all, and then... Su Yue made a backhand move, and Thor's Hammer fell into his hand obediently.

If only this is the case, after all, Su Yue is a powerhouse of the same level as Father Odin. He can use his psychic ability to play Saul, and it is acceptable to use Thor's Hammer, even if he is played. It's a shame, because whoever replaces it, everyone will end up in the same situation. But, it's a bit too much for you to try to recall the Thor's Hammer in Su Yue's hand like a big fool teasing a cat?

Yes, Thor's Hammer is nicknamed Meow Meow Hammer, but it's a hammer, not a cat!

The turmoil in Asgard is not terrible, and the loss of Thor's Hammer is not terrible, but the heir to the throne of Asgard is a big fool, so that's a bit scary.


Sif shouted to attract everyone's attention, then looked at Su Yue and said, "The Thor's Hammer can be put aside for now. We have more important things to do, so we must hurry up."

"We were sent to Earth from the Rainbow Bridge privately. At this time, Loki should have discovered that we had escaped. I am afraid that Heimdall, the guardian of the Rainbow Bridge, will also be accused by Loki, which means that we have no way to return to Azerbaijan through the Rainbow Bridge. Sgard. With Loki's character, he will definitely not let us stay on Earth, especially since this matter has something to do with Su Yue, if I guess right, he will take action soon.

I'm not worried if I fight Loki face to face. Ke Loki has a cunning personality, and now he has control of Asgard, which means that he has a stronger force. If I could, I'd love this fight to take place in Asgard, but it doesn't seem possible now, so I hope I can get your help to deal with Loki and help Thor ascend to the throne! "

"Saul is our friend. If a friend needs help, we will naturally lend a helping hand." Nick Fury stated his position without hesitation, and he supported Sol.

Uh, isn't this nonsense.

Although Thor has lost his divine power now, he is the prince of Asgard after all. He is the first in line to inherit the throne. If he can inherit the throne of Asgard, then Asgard and Earth, to be precise, the Aegis. The relationship between the bureaus will naturally become closer. Besides, Nick Fury had been investing when Thor was discovered on Earth. How could he give up Thor at this time and choose a Loki who he had never seen before, and sounded evil and uncontrollable? ?

Sif probably knows how powerful S.H.I.E.L.D. represented by Nick Fury is on Earth, but Nick Fury's statement is not important to Sif, what she really cares about is Su Yue's attitude.

As long as Su Yue is willing to help, dealing with Loki is easy.

"See what I do? It's his own business that Nick Fury is willing to help, anyway, SHIELD's job is to deal with special events like this. As for me... Does Asgard have anything to do with me? Just a few words. Want me to help, maybe?"

"If that Loki really wants to cause trouble on Earth, it will definitely affect you as well. Let's work together to solve the problem." Nick Fury advised.

Su Yue glanced at Nick Fury and said lightly: "If Loki dares to cause me trouble, then I will naturally solve him. If he doesn't come to me, it doesn't affect Dimension Street, and I don't care what he thinks. What to do. Finally, to solve Loki, I don't need to cooperate with anyone on Dimension Street!"


When Thor's Hammer landed, Su Yue glanced at Sol and Sif and others, and said lightly: "I have no interest in it, whoever can take it can take it. In addition, if you want to stay in Dimension Street, As long as you stick to the rules of Dimension Street, I will treat you all equally."

After finishing speaking, Su Yue turned around and walked into Dimension Street with Joey Meacham, who was a little transparent throughout the whole process, while Thea and others also stepped back and entered Dimension Street. As for the Asgard and S.H.I.E.L.D. people, uh... just ignored.

Chapter 0370 Captain's Analysis and Sif's Thoughts

"How's it going?" Nick Fury looked at Su Yue who was leaving in a hurry with a flash of envy in his eyes, and then turned his head to look at Steve Rogers in a low voice.

On the one hand, he brought Steve Rogers out this time to let him understand the situation of the new era and the Dimension Street, but also to let him know that this era is more dangerous than his era, and this era... needs heroes more; On the other hand, I also want Steve Rogers to focus on watching Su Yue and try to analyze more things.

Captain America is a symbol and a belief. Although Steve Rogers, a super soldier, may not be able to match most of the people in Dimension Street in terms of combat power, his command and overall situation ability is very outstanding. He has an ability, An ability to inspire comrades-in-arms and inspire people, this ability can play a big role in Nick Fury's Avengers plan.

"He is very confident!"

Steve Rogers pondered for a moment and said slowly: "I can feel that he doesn't put all of us in his eyes, and he is confident that even if we play together, he will not be his opponent. He is very strong, I have seen it. From the information you gave me about Asgard before, judging from his attitude and the reaction of the lady Sif, I think his strength is likely to be the same as Odin, or even stronger."

"So he doesn't care about Thor's Hammer, Thor, or Loki, because he has the confidence that he can easily solve it, so he doesn't cooperate with us."

"Also, he has a strong sense of superiority!"

"In our opinion, the divine weapon in mythology, he comes when he calls it, and throws it away when he uses it. There is no sense of paying attention at all. The legendary Thor, whether it is a **** or an alien, still in his opinion just wants to play. Playing, teaching if you want, there is absolutely no speciality at all. In addition, I also heard something about Deputy Director Maria Hill..."

Steve Rogers paused, glanced at Nick Fury, who did not change his face, and concluded: "So, he has a strong sense of superiority and a strong self-confidence. In his eyes, everyone's strength, identity, The status and so on are all the same, because none of them are stronger than him! So everyone is divided into two kinds with him: one is the person he is interested in; the other is the person who is irrelevant."

"As long as the person who doesn't matter doesn't affect him, he won't care. And the person who affects him will be crushed to death."

"Director, my personal suggestion is not to conflict with him. As long as you don't provoke him, he won't care what you do or do to you. But once you provoke him, no matter who it is, He will do it without hesitation. Moreover, there is another characteristic of having a strong sense of superiority. Because he thinks he is superior to others, he disdains the advantage of those who are inferior to him, and he will double the return to smooth out this so-called cheap. Or human affection, so that he can maintain his superiority over others."

"You say he is confident, I agree. You say he has a strong sense of superiority, and I agree. But...you say he doesn't take advantage of others?" Nick Fury patted Steve Rogers on the shoulder. "You still don't know what kind of person he is, but it's enough to analyze so much. When I go back, I will send you the detailed information of Dimension Street and Su Yue."

"Although I don't know the specific situation, I believe my judgment is correct." Steve Rogers said.

Nick Fury glanced noncommittally at Thor and the others surrounding Thor's Hammer, and said to Phil Coulson after a while: "Coulson, I am afraid Thor will stay here temporarily because of Thor's Hammer, You stay and take care of it. Captain, do you want to stroll around by yourself, or...?"

"I want to go inside Dimension Street and take a look."

Nick Fury nodded and greeted Hawkeye to get into the car and leave Ding.

With Coulson and the captain here, the line of Sol should not be broken. Nick Fury is going to go back and analyze the measures that Loki may take, and by the way, think about how to pull Suyue into the war.

Although he was reluctant to admit it, Nick Fury felt a little uncertain because Su Yue didn't participate. After all, his opponent this time was a god. Of course, what he wanted was to use the method that would not retaliate afterwards, to pull Su Yue in in an open and honest way.


Thor's Hammer is right in front of you, but you can let him use his strength and call. The original obedient Thor's Hammer ignores Thor like a cold goddess after the breakup.

Saul was desperate and gave up...

He didn't know why Thor's Hammer abandoned him, because Su Yue was stronger than himself? Better? No, Thor's Hammer is a weapon given to him by his father, and it is absolutely impossible that it really belongs to Su Yue.

It must be that Su Yue did something on Thor's Hammer, or he didn't find a way to make it re-approved, so when he was not recognized, the Thor's Hammer would be used by Su Yue for a short time, it must be like this ,definitely is!

After finding a temporarily acceptable reason for himself, Thor went to a hotel outside Dimension Street with Phil Coulson and the three warriors of Asgard that had been confirmed to be open to the public, opened a room and stayed there temporarily.

As for Steve Rogers, he's hanging out in Dimension Street.

And Sif declined Phil Coulson's kindness to help with the reservation, and told them to take care of Saul, and then went to the Dimension Inn to talk to Su Yue.

Although Su Yue refused the request for help, there were so many people at the time, and it was inconvenient to say some things, so Sif was going to talk to Su Yue in private. Even if she paid some price, she would find a way to persuade Su The more helpful.

After all, this is about the future of Asgard...

Besides, Sif actually knows very well that she and Su Yue are not deeply emotionally bound. Even if she doesn't use this as a bargaining chip, it will be what it will be. There is no one who can squeeze everyone around Su Yue to become the only one, so since the result is the same, why not use it to play a greater value? Especially with the unrest in Asgard...

Sif had a good idea and acted very quickly, but when she came to the Dimension Inn, she learned that Su Yue didn't go back to the inn at all, and then she went to the Dimension Building. As a result, Su Yue was not in the Dimension Building either.

Although Sif definitely had a way to find Su Yue in Dimension Street, she didn't do that, but returned to the inn, said hello to Jessica Jones and went to Su Yue's attic.

She was going to wait for Su Yue to come back.

Chapter 0371 Jesse, run!

"I finally understand why you don't put Mrs. Gao and the Hand in your eyes now." Joey Meacham stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window in a certain room, looking at the lively scene outside the window, and turned to Su who was looking at the room next to him. The more emotional.

Su Yue hummed noncommittally.

Joey Meacham turned to look at Su Yue: "The gods in Norse mythology will suffer in front of you, and the one-eyed bald head and the S.H.I.E.L.D. he said should be a special department? To be honest, the original I thought I was already excellent and amazing. After all, I can handle a company as big as the RAND Group with ease, but today I found out that I am so small and ignorant. There are still many things in this world that I don’t know. Knowing exists."

"It's normal, I didn't know you bought a house on Dimension Street." Su Yue replied casually with a smile.

"No, it's different."

Joey Meacham shook his head and said, "You don't know that I bought a house here because you didn't pay attention or cared about it at all, and I don't know... I really don't know."

"I will arrange things about Mrs. Gao and the Hand, and your father. If the time is right, I will rescue him."

"Is this meant to see off a guest?" Joy Meacham smiled: "However, this seems to be my home, and I will live here temporarily during this time."


Su Yue got up with a smile, said that I'll see you when I'm free, and then teleported and disappeared.

The next moment, Su Yue appeared in a certain room again.

The layout of this room is somewhat similar to Joey Meacham's room, and it is also a house in the residential area on the periphery of Dimension Street.

This is the home of Harrison Wells and Jesse!

Coming to Dimension Street from Green Arrow Universe, Harrison Wells and Jesse bought the house with their savings after getting familiar with the situation on Dimension Street. Although the house can be moved in directly, it is the place where they will live and live for a long time in the future, so many places need to be rearranged. Harrison Wells went to the scientific research center, and left the arrangements to Jesse, who had nothing to do for the time being.

At this moment, Jessie was kneeling in a very homely T-shirt and shorts on the newly replaced carpet near the coffee table in the living room. She was dripping with sweat, and she was quite focused. She didn't notice Su Yue who suddenly appeared behind her.

A few minutes later, Jesse, who had laid out the carpet, sat down, wiped his sweat and prepared to move the coffee table over, but when he turned his head, he saw a person standing behind him.

"Ah..." Jesse was taken aback by surprise, and immediately recognized the identity of this person. "Leader, Lord Lord?"

"You have a good figure." Su Yue praised with a smile.

Jesse was stunned at first, then got up hurriedly with a blushing face: "Thank you, Lord Lord, are you... are you looking for my father?"

"No, I'm here to find you!"

Su Yue shook his head: "You may not know that the person I really want is you, not your father. Although he is indeed a great genius, there is no shortage of geniuses in Dimension Street. What he can study is the same as others. If I can research it, even if others can’t research it, for me, it’s just a matter of thought.

But you are different. First of all, your appearance is good. Although Dimension Street does not lack talents, it will always lack beautiful women. Secondly, even if your father joined Dimension Street, even if he would not betray me, he would never put me in the first place. But, you can! You are still young and I have a lot of time to nurture you. In the end, your talent is no less than your father, and even more unique than him. At least in the current Dimension Street, you are the only one. "

"I...my talent?" Jesse was stunned, and asked a little unconfidently: "I, I don't seem to have any talent, right?"

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