
I don't know what was rolled up and hit the window. The window shattered instantly. The loud noise and the howling wind suddenly made Diana feel the doomsday and disaster more clearly.


Diana jumped directly from a high-rise building with at least dozens of floors.

Feet on the ground, body bent.

The ground was directly stepped on and sunk into it.

Looking at the horrified and dull eyes around her, Diana stood up and shouted to run, then looked up at the vortex in the air.

In the vortex, there is a huge human face.

"This is the Planet Devourer! Such a terrifying force, such a powerful sense of oppression." Diana took a deep breath, looked around, and quickly walked to a nearby car that was crushed by a plaque.

Waving away the plaque, Diana grabbed the car with both hands, took a deep breath and drank loudly.

The strength of the legs burst out, the muscles of the arms swelled, and in the roar, the car was thrown directly into the sky by Diana.


The car galloped into the air.


Diana kicked her feet hard, and her whole body jumped straight into the air like a cannonball, catching up with the car she threw out.


Just when her strength was exhausted and she was about to fall, Diana stepped on the car and glared with strength, and her body rose again and rushed out.

After a while, with a bang, the car she borrowed from her directly fell to the ground and smashed into pieces.

it's very windy!

Diana's blown hair fluttered and her eyes narrowed...

On the ground, more and more people who fled saw that Diana, who was under the vortex in the air, was climbing up by what she could get up.

Higher and higher, higher and higher...


Someone knelt down, shouted to the gods loudly, and worshiped devoutly. This person's actions have affected other people. The end of the world is coming. In the face of disaster, where can they escape?

The only thing that can be done at the moment is to pray to the gods, to pray that the rising person or the gods can save them.


Diana, who once again leaped with strength, had already rushed into the vortex, and she had already seen the huge planet devourer.

A loud drink.

Diana waved her arms with the strength of her whole body, and the light of divine power was already dazzlingly lit up.


Just as Diana was about to launch an attack, the Planet Devourer in front of her suddenly disappeared!

Very weird, very fast.

In an instant, really just an instant, the Planet Devourer disappeared out of thin air in front of Diana's eyes, along with the black-red vortex and the gust of wind that seemed to destroy the world.


Diana, who was caught off guard, hurriedly withdrew her divine power, controlled her falling body, and fell down together with the messy things that were swept up in the air before.


Diana, who landed safely, moved quickly, and hurriedly bounced off anything that might have fallen and hurt people. Then... she frowned and looked at the sky that was gradually returning to normal.

Just now, what happened?

Why did Planet Devourer suddenly disappear? Could it be... Could it be that he was taken away by the lord?

So, their battle isn't over yet, Lord Lord, haven't they lost yet?

Although her aggressive attack was unsuccessful, Diana was even more happy that Lord Lord was fine.

"Unfortunately, I can't fly, and I can't go to space to help him." For the first time, Diana realized so strongly that her abilities were not perfect.

Chapter 0428 Give you a chance, you are useless!


The Planet Devourer, who had been teleported to Earth, silently returned to the outer space, back to the space that was modified by Su Yue and banned from speed.

Things change and the scenery changes. The Planet Devourer was stunned when he saw the transcendence in front of him and the cosmic energy that was about to be absorbed, and then he was horrified, and he didn't even think about teleporting away again.

This time, the location he teleported was not the earth, but an extremely distant unknown planet in the galaxy.

Still that sentence, it's not that the Planet Devourer is cowardly, it's really that Su Yue's ability is too evil.

Direct absorption of cosmic energy.

Control the basic rules of the universe and block speed.

Without warning, the self that was sent to the earth was sent back.

The ability to play him in the palm of his hand, and even kill him completely, makes the Planet Devourer not cowardly.

For the first time, the Planet Devourer has a grudge against the Silver Glider.

If he hadn't found the earth, he wouldn't have encountered this mysterious transcendence!

"Second time!"

Watching the almost unstoppable Planet Devourer teleport away again, Jian Jigu's Eye has already understood his teleportation ability and mastered it thoroughly.


The cosmic energy finally disappeared under the constant absorption, Su Yue's mouth was light and he used the ability to make things happen again to get the planetary devourer that had been teleported back.

After absorbing so much cosmic energy, the transcendent energy in Su Yue's body has reached a certain limit.

To put it simply, he upgraded.

The higher the level, the stronger the strength, so even the gods like the Planet Devourer can't resist the control of "whatever you want".

So... the Planet Eater was teleported back again.

Then, start breathing!

Telepathy blocked the communication of Planet Devourer, and the space that sealed off the speed made Planet Devourer unable to speak and move. Su Yue, who was carrying his hand, also blocked the teleportation rules of this space, which meant that Planet Devourer could no longer move. Teleport left.

In other words, he was trapped.

In this situation, unless Su Yue himself lifts the restrictions on this space, or someone with strength above Su Yue forcibly revises the settings of this space again, otherwise, Planet Devourer can only watch his own universe helplessly. The energy was absorbed by Su Yue, and he could only... wait to die.

"Give you a chance, you are useless."

Coming to Planet Devourer to absorb the cosmic energy in his body, and seeing the anger and despair in his abstract eyes, Su Yue reassured: "But don't worry, I won't kill you. Know why I have two A title? One is called Transcendence, and the other is called Dimension Lord."

"Transcender is my original title. At that time, I was probably the strongest in the universe that would appear. The universe I said was not a single universe, nor a multiverse, but the strongest in the highest-level universe. .Simply put, at the highest level I have only a handful of opponents, and then... I may have swelled up because Invincible is too lonely, or I may have encountered an unknown powerhouse. In short, I modified my own The setting, jumped out of the original ceiling, and the number-shuffling started again.”

"Then, I became a dimensional lord."

"I have a dimension street that can connect countless worlds and countless universes. I suspect this dimension street is the transcendental realm that originally nurtured me. In short, I can gradually restore my strength through it. Of course, absorbing the energy of the universe is transformed into me Your own energy is also a way to restore your strength, so you can give up your resistance, whether it is the gap in strength or the need for cosmic energy, you have no chance to resist me."

"You should be curious, right? Why didn't I kill you and tell you so much. In fact, the reason is very simple. On the one hand, it is a bit boring now, and I have to say something after absorbing the cosmic energy you have worked so hard to swallow for so many years. What? On the other hand, it is to let you clearly understand the gap between you and me. As long as you recognize the reality, the reality will not treat you badly. "

"For example, although I will absorb most of your cosmic energy, I will not kill you, and I will even take you to another world, a world with more powerhouses, more planets, and more exciting worlds. I allow you to eat in that world, and even more worlds, but you must turn in 70% of the cosmic energy!"

"Of course, I know that hunger is not a good feeling, especially you... The pain of hunger is unbearable even for a god, so I will help you solve this problem."

Su Yue asked and answered his own questions for a long time, and he had arranged the Planet Devourer clearly.

Killing is impossible. Su Yue didn't plan to kill Planet Devourer from the very beginning.

Leaving aside the five major gods' completion plans, it is impossible for Su Yue to kill him just by stocking up the Planet Devourer to devour the cosmic energy, and then drawing the cosmic energy from him. Besides, killing the Planet Devourer is not a one-off end, if I remember correctly, the Planet Devourer also has a very important mission.

He is the lock that seals the rune!

The Rune is a very powerful cosmic deity, the opposite of eternity, the personification of destruction, and the symbol of destruction in the multiverse.

He is one of the few existences in the multiverse that does not have a corresponding version of other parallel worlds. In other words, there is only one rune in the entire multiverse, unlike Thanos and the Planet Devourer who exist in different universes.

The meaning of the existence of the rune is to lead the multiverse into destruction, but in each universe there is a lock that seals him, that is, the planetary eaters in each universe. The existence of these planetary eaters keeps the universe in balance.

Why did Thanos become the head teacher of family planning? Why insist on killing half the population of the universe? The purpose is to maintain the balance of the universe and not let endless reproduction bring the universe into destruction.

Simply put, the role of Thanos in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is actually the mission of the Planet Eater in other universes.

Closer to home, Su Yue has no idea of ​​releasing the rune for the time being, so he will definitely not kill Planet Devourer.

Not only will he not be able to kill, but it will also make his life more comfortable and pleasant, such as... solve his hunger that has nowhere to go.

Planet Devourer's hunger comes from a life in his body.


There is a little life in his body.

Planet Devourer, there it is!

Chapter 0429 Swallowing Sister Ganata

Although it is a bit inappropriate to use pregnancy to describe the situation of Planet Devourer, but in fact he is indeed a father!

Devourer of Planets, has a daughter.

Her name is Ganata, also known as Tunmei.

As the daughter of Planet Devourer, Ganata's ability is not as good as her father's, but she is also a cosmic powerhouse. Like her father, she also has unbearable hunger, but her endurance is stronger than that of her father, and she is not affected by hunger. She even lives peacefully on earth in human form under the pseudonym Gary.

She will secretly use her abilities to protect the earth and human beings from non-protozoal attacks, and eat her stomach at the same time.

Life on earth is very interesting, but there are too few monsters or things for her to devour on earth, and she is starving almost every day.

How hungry are you?

When she saw the soil on the ground, she wanted to eat it. All the creatures were like cute snacks in her eyes. She even drooled when she watched various animals in the TV series.

It really makes the listeners sad, and the listeners cry...

By the way, Ganata can be extremely precise when swallowing energy, and it can also hold a lot of energy.

For example, tiny bacteria, she can eat them with great precision.

Ganata can do many things with cosmic energy, such as space jumping, moving freely in the universe, changing the trajectory of asteroids, and most of the abilities that his father has, and even stopping time.

In the comics, Ganata uses time to stand still and treats Wolverine's struggling enemy as a snack and eats it...

When Ganata became more and more difficult to control her appetite, she analyzed herself and found that there was an extraterrestrial creature in her body like a tapeworm in a human body. This thing is called a cosmic tapeworm. She thought this parasite was the culprit that made her starving, and then tried to contact the Fantastic Four for their help. The Fantastic Four said there was nothing they could do, but she learned about the big killer that even her father was afraid of' The Ultimate Eraser'.

She decided to use the ultimate eraser to erase the cosmic tapeworm in her body, even if she had only a one in ten thousand chance of survival, she would try.

Then, her father Planet Devourer appeared to stop her and tell her the truth.

This cosmic tapeworm is her descendant!

And she is the original tapeworm in Dad's body.

Uh, I have to say that the way the Planet Devourer race reproduces is really... special.

Why can pregnant women eat?

Because she still has one in her stomach!

The hunger of this race of Planet Devourers comes from cosmic tapeworms because more energy is needed to breed new life, and this breeding, or racial reproduction, is spontaneous and cannot be controlled at all.

If you take out the tapeworms in Planet Devourer, that is, Ganata, the energy consumed by Planet Devourer will naturally decrease, and the hunger that has nowhere to put will naturally weaken. Although it will not disappear completely, it will definitely not be as strong as before, and it will not affect the thinking of Planet Devourer.

As for the two big foodies, Planet Devourer and Ganata, will it be stressful? Su Yue said that there are endless universes, endless planets for them to eat, and they can't eat themselves at all, and there is no such thing as pressure.

That's all, Uncle Tun, that's for stocking.

But Tunmei is different. Lolita, a foodie, can purify the environment, not to mention eye-catching. Keeping it by your side is equivalent to keeping a scavenger!

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