Su Yue itself has extremely powerful abilities. He created such a powerful force as Dimension Street with one hand, and then... he even laid out Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D. while unknowingly profiting from benefits, and arranged these two organizations. clear and direct.

"Are you afraid?" Su Yue squinted at Hitwell.

Hitwell shook his head quickly: "I'm not, I'm not afraid, I'm just... I'm just glad that I can make you look different."

"Really? I'm more and more satisfied with you now, so let me tell you another secret about Hydra..."

Chapter 0492 New Pieces

"You should know that the Malik family is the top of your Hydra, right? Now that the Malik family has been merged into Dimension Street, I believe many people know about this news? After all, the Malik family's power has been used recently. But, do you know why the Malik family merged into Dimension Street?"

Hitwell shook his head. His boss, Alexander Pierce, had contacted Gideon Malik privately, but Gideon Malik did not explain why. There is also speculation about this matter inside Hydra. Some people think that Gideon Malik wants to let the Malik family lurking in Dimension Street like Hydra lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D. through the relationship between his daughter Stephanie and Su Yue. . Some people also think that Gideon Malik wants to break away from Hydra and take refuge in Dimension Street.

There are different opinions, and there is no conclusion.

Now it seems that there is another reason.

"Most people think that the history of Hydra originated from the Red Skull during World War II. In fact, Hydra has existed for a longer time. At that time, a powerful Inhuman appeared on the earth, and he grew up like this. His fear, the cooperation of other inhumans and humans transported him to a distant planet, but a group of followers felt that as long as they welcomed him back, they could rule the world. For this reason, they established the Hydra organization to attract various talents. The Red Skull was just one of their support targets at the time."

"The Malik family is the most core member and the most devout Hydra believers. They have been trying to bring this alien back to the area for so many years. By the way, his name is Beehive. Then, I helped them, Brought this hive back and gave it to them."

"However, they were afraid, because they found that the hive didn't care about their credit at all, and they never thought about sharing the world with them in the future, and even... they wanted to kill them. So, I helped you solve the hive, at a cost. , that is, they merged into Dimension Street."

"Hydra, there is no future."

If Su Yue pointed something, he patted Heatwell's bald head again earnestly. I have to say, this bald head is very touchy to shoot.

Heatwell was silent, the news was too shocking to him. It turns out that the Hydra he has been following is just a branch of the real Hydra? It turns out that the Hydra turned out to be such an ugly alien? And this alien has already been killed by Su Yue?

The real Hydra is dead, and the Hydra he belongs to is also in Su Yue's plan. Hitwell knows that Hydra really has no future.

"I... I understand." Heatwell said solemnly.

Su Yue waved his hand, and the virtual image of the honeycomb he just made disappeared. "Do you really understand?"

"Yes, from now on, I'm not from S.H.I.E.L.D., nor from Hydra, I'm from Dimension Street, yours!" Hitwell wondered if Dimension Street was like Hydra. The slogan of 'Long Live the Hydra', so he chose to stand up, kneel on one knee, and bow his head to express his attitude.

When the guards on Dimension Street saw Su Yue, it seemed that someone did this.

"Tell you a few things." Su Yue said with a smile: "The first thing is to collect information on other forces of Hydra as much as possible; the second thing, tell Alexander Pierce if he doesn't want me to give insight into it in advance. Plan to tell Nick Fury, prepare a protection fee, there is only one chance, if I am not satisfied with the amount, I will sell the news to Nick Fury. The third thing, help me investigate a person, I need to know All evidence of his violations."

This person is Hawkeye's father.

The acquisition of his publishing company is not expected to be so smooth.

"I see, I'll do it as soon as possible." Heatwell said hurriedly.

"I'll send you that person's information with my number in a while, you can leave." Su Yue said.

Hitwell nodded, got up and left.

Of course, he didn't forget to pay for the room and breakfast before leaving.

Speaking of which, Su Yue directly told Hitwell about so many secretive things, and it was a bit reckless without any means of control. After all, Hydra's brainwashing ability is still very strong, and it is difficult to guarantee whether there will be a superficial promise and secret betrayal of him.

The reason why Su Yue is not worried is because he can control any situation, it is nothing more than a thought. Secondly, Heatwell is very timid, and his loyalty to Hydra will never be above his own life. Otherwise, the captain, Natasha, and Falcon will not be frightened by the captain, Natasha, and Falcon. Insights into the plan thing.

In terms of deterrence, Su Yue was much higher than the three of them, so Hitwell didn't dare to betray or betray him at all.

The most important thing is that Hydra really has no future. After knowing so much about the situation, Heatwell naturally knows how to choose a decision that is beneficial to him.

Hitwell's personal ability is still good, whether it is Hydra or S.H.I.E.L.D., he works diligently. Now that the Malik family, John Garrett, the two Hydra lines have been exposed, even if you don't tell Heatwell, Hydra can find out and guess, so he needs a new one. piece.

Heatwell is great!

Hitwell had nothing to do with him before, and had no contact with him. He was also a subordinate of Alexander Pierce. He had a high level of trust and had many opportunities to obtain information about Hydra, which could be completely before the collapse of Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D. Help yourself earn a fortune.

If it wasn't for this reason, how could Su Yue waste time talking to him so much? A Claire Weiss isn't worth his time to take the time to chat privately with a small agent like Heatwell.

Facts have proved that Su Yue's judgment on Hitwell is completely correct. When he returned to S.H.I.E.L.D. to see Alexander Pierce, he didn't mention the things that shouldn't be mentioned at all. He just said that one of his mission targets was taken away by Su Yue during the mission. He explained the situation to Su Yue. However, he was debunked as his Hydra identity, and then asked himself to bring a sentence.

Heatwell told Alexander Pierce about the insight plan, and sure enough, Alexander Pierce did not doubt Heatwell's loyalty. Moreover, Su Yue even knew the insight plan, and even knew his identity as a Hydra, so it was normal to know the identity of the Heatwell Hydra.

Chapter 0493 Capable Heatwell and Shot Jennifer

Alexander Pierce was a little panicked when his identity and insight plan were revealed. If this incident was exposed in advance, his plan that he had planned for many years would be affected, so Alexander Pierce's first reaction was to launch the plan in advance!

However, this idea was persuaded by Heatwell, who had quickly corrected his identity. He persuaded Alexander Pierce to calm down, and told him that Su Yue should not have any intention of targeting Hydra, and his purpose was the same as the previous sale. The message to Nick Fury is for the money, for the good.

This time, I just want to pay for protection. Although spending money to buy peace is not in line with Hydra's purpose, it is worth spending some money for the successful implementation of Hydra's goal. As long as the final insight plan can be successful, it will definitely be a great thing for Hydra, and... SHIELD will be completely controlled by Hydra at that time, and this money is also spent on SHIELD, so I don't feel bad.

If we don't spend the money, Su Yue will definitely sell the news to Nick Fury. At that time, the money will not be left, and our plan will be affected.

Alexander Pierce still trusts Hitwell very much. Besides, he analyzes from the standpoint of Hydra, and the results of the analysis are very clear and clear, so Alexander Pierce finally decides... to pay.

The two discussed the question of how much to pay for a long time, and finally decided on a very impressive figure under the instigation of Heatwell.

This number is much higher than Alexander Pierce's initial psychological expectations, at least 30% higher!

The first task that Su Yue gave him was considered to be completed. Hitwell continued to make persistent efforts. Taking advantage of the opportunity of being exposed by Su Yue, he directly made a suggestion to Alexander Pierce that he should inform the other Hydra members of the news this time. , lest they be unprepared and sold by Su Yue for money at some point.

Alexander Pierce thought it was necessary to do so, but because he had to deal with the insight plan, he handed over the information of other members to Sitwell, except for a few high-level bosses of Hydra, and let Sitwell be in charge convey the message.

The second task, successfully completed!

As for the third task, it is not difficult to complete at all. It can be said that Heatwell completed the three tasks given by Su Yue in the shortest time. I have to say... His ability is really not bad.

Moreover, Heatwell was very proactive. He also planned to hand over all the list of insight plans to Su Yue. There were already people related to Dimension Street on the list. Submitting the list was not only an initiative, but also wanted to prove his attitude.

Whether it is a spy or an undercover agent, after working for a long time, you will naturally pay more attention to your loyalty in the eyes of your superiors.

That night, Heatwell transferred the information of the Hydra members, the list of insight plans, and the evidence of the person to be investigated into the mailbox provided by Su Yue, and by the way, the $500 million protection fee was deposited into a special account. .

Su Yue informed Pepper Potts to transfer the money for the high-speed rail project. The list of intelligence and insight plans of the Hydra members was then passed to Daisy John, who was basically in charge of intelligence matters by her and Felicity.

In the end, Su Yue also contacted John Garrett and Maria Hill, and told them that Hitwell had become himself, so as not to turn around and trick him again.

"It's a stab—"

The curtains were pulled open by Su Yue, and the bright sunlight in the morning shone on him, creating a warm feeling. The breakfast for two has been specially packed according to Su Yue's instructions.

Looking at the crowded streets below, Su Yue's eyes locked on Jennifer who had just entered the law firm.

Today, Jennifer is dressed more formally and solemnly, as if she is going to attend some important occasion.

"This body, this temperament, it would be a pity if she really became a Hulk." Su Yue sighed as she watched Jennifer's figure disappear from his sight.

After all, no matter how good-looking, no matter how good a figure, once it turns green, once it becomes a big man full of muscles, it will definitely be affected. Even though, the female Hulk is the smallest in the Hulk family.

'Looking' as Jennifer entered the office through the elevator, Su Yue just wanted to teleport with breakfast, but suddenly found that Jennifer took out a portfolio from the desk, then turned around and walked out of the office.

"Is this going out?"

Su Yue thought for a while, then simply teleported into her car and gave her a surprise when she got in the car.

The door of the law firm was pushed open, and Jennifer walked quickly in the direction of her car with her bag and portfolio on her back.

She has an important case that needs to be defended in court. Whether she wants to join Dimension Street or not, she must win this case.


A bullet suddenly hit Jennifer silently and without warning. Jennifer groaned, blood was blooming on her body like a plum blossom, and with a thud, she fell directly to the ground.

Screams and panic sounded instantly.

The people around shouted and either turned around and ran, or were frightened or squatted or lay on the ground covering their ears and didn't move.

"Jennifer, was shot?"

Su Yue in the car raised his eyebrows unexpectedly. In the comics, a gang shot and killed Jennifer in order to prevent her from appearing in court. She was seriously injured and needed a blood transfusion. Due to ischemia in the blood bank, Bruce Banner happened to be nearby. , so he lost his own blood. Then, Jennifer's DNA mutated to become the Hulk.

"It won't be so coincidental, is it this time?" Su Yue felt that according to the development of the movie universe, Jennifer became the Hulk after the end of Avengers 4. Now that Avengers 1 has just ended, Jennifer It's impossible to become a She-Hulk in advance?

Or... what kind of butterfly effect did you have because of your own reasons?

Regardless of whether Jennifer became the Hulk this time, or whether she caused the butterfly effect or not, it is a fact that Jennifer was shot.

Su Yue was surprised, but not flustered.

Whether injured or dead, Su Yue can be rescued, so why panic?

It's like you are playing games with your girlfriend, and your girlfriend is injured and bleeds in the game, will you panic? When you die, do you panic?

After all, it's not really dead.

Chapter 0494 Blood transfusion and the Hulk who was beaten by Saitama


The sound of breaking the air sounded, and Su Yue appeared in front of Jennifer.

"Looks like I can't eat the breakfast I prepared." Su Yue threw the prepared breakfast to a shivering homeless man in the distance, then bent down and reached out to hug Jennifer.

"It's... it's you..." The injured Jennifer looked pale and looked at Su Yue who was holding herself up.

"It's me." Su Yue smiled and nodded and said, "Now there is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

"Shouldn't it be... send me to the hospital first?" Jennifer said weakly.

Su Yue clicked his tongue and said with a chuckle, "I won't let you die, it's hard for you to die, so don't worry, don't think about the hospital first, what I just said is more important."

"Okay, what's the good news?"

"The future I told you yesterday may soon come true. In the original trajectory, you became the Hulk because you were shot and lost the blood of Bruce Banner."

"Bad, what about the bad news?"

"The bad news is that you have no choice. You should consider writing your resignation when you are well."

Jennifer forced a smile: "Listen... it doesn't sound like bad news."

If she really becomes a Hulk, becoming the exclusive lawyer of Dimension Street is the only chance for her to continue her career, so it is inevitable to resign from the original law firm. Since it is inevitable, it is not bad news.

"Of course, the premise of no choice is that you are willing to become the Hulk. If you don't want to, I can cure you normally, and there will never be scars and sequelae."

From the bottom of her heart, Su Yue hopes that Jennifer will become a Hulk, and only when she becomes a Hulk, will she be determined to stay in Dimension Street to work. But she was not going to forcibly turn Jennifer into a She-Hulk. After all, she didn't have to import Bruce Banner's blood now. She made a decision for her, which would inevitably make her feel bad about it afterwards.

"I think... In addition to the law, I also need another force for justice." Jennifer felt herself getting weaker and weaker. She looked at Su Yue and gave you a smile before fainting.

The corners of Su Yue's mouth raised slightly, and she teleported directly to the hospital in Dimension Street.

The lord suddenly appeared with an injured person, and the doctors and nurses in the hospital instantly became nervous. They inquired about the situation as soon as possible and arranged for treatment in the operating room.

"Leave a female doctor and a female nurse, and the others can go out." In the operating room, Su Yue rejected their surgical arrangement and drove the extra people out.

Immediately after a thought, he directly teleported Bruce Banner, who was far away from S.H.I.E.L.D., into the operating room.

Bruce Banner shook his body to stabilize his body, looked around suspiciously and was about to speak.

"Your cousin was shot and needs your blood now." Su Yue waved to the doctor and nurse who were left behind. The two reacted and went straight to draw blood for Bruce Banner.

"Jennifer? How could she be shot? No, how did you know Jennifer?" Bruce Banner cooperated in drawing blood with a confused expression, looking at Jennifer in a coma on the hospital bed with a little surprise.

"I don't need to tell you anyone I know, right?" Su Yue replied, palms down, and the room of the surgical fruit directly surrounded the operating room.


The sound of breaking the air sounded in the Room, and then, a bullet flew out of Jennifer's body.

No surgery, no surgery, and the bullet was taken out without any risk.

After closing the Room, Su Yue signaled that he could help Jennifer with a blood transfusion.

"Your Hulk is very quiet."

While the doctors and nurses were helping Jennifer with a blood transfusion, Su Yue called Bruce Banner aside and asked casually.

"Yeah, now I asked him to come out, but he won't come out." Bruce Banner said with a complicated expression.

Su Yue was stunned: "What's going on?"

"Then ask the bald head of your subordinate. Hulk touched him when the Chitauri invaded, and then... he was beaten." Bruce Banner looked resentful, like a wronged little daughter-in-law.


Su Yue didn't stop laughing: "Hulk was beaten? Cough, you don't need to be too sad, even if there is no Saitama, he will be beaten by Thanos soon."

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