The key is, what do you do next?

The visitor is a guest, so you can't just leave it alone, right? Or... take a crystal to stroll around Dimension Street?

"I... Can I have a look around?" Seeing that Su Yue was silent, the crystal girl asked in a low voice tentatively.

"Of course." Su Yue thought about it and said, "I'll show you where I live first."

"sorry to bother you."

Princess Crystal is really a good boy who is simple and polite.

Su Yue took Crystal to visit her room. In terms of luxury, Crystal, as the princess of the royal family, her room is definitely no worse than Su Yue's. The only thing that interests Crystal may be the cinema and the rooftop swimming pool.

The former is because Attilan does not have it, and the latter is because the ability of crystals can drive the four elements of earth, air, fire, and water, and has a natural affinity for water.

After visiting the room, Su Yue simply took Crystal to the elevator and walked out of the Dimension Street building to stroll around the Dimension Street. Crystal's eyes widened and he lingered.

Whether it is the peace and excitement in Dimension Street, or the various shops and commodities she has hardly seen, Crystal is amazed.

"Everyone here respects you." Crystal looked at the people who greeted Su Yue along the way, and couldn't help but sigh.

It is not easy for a king, a lord, to be respected by everyone.

Crystal could see that these people greeted Su Yue not just because of Su Yue's identity, but because they respected Su Yue from the bottom of their hearts.

"Lord Lord, I... can I take a photo with you?" A girl ran in front of Su Yue, a little nervous, and shook her phone with anticipation.

"Yes, in exchange, you have to take a picture for us." Su Yue said with a smile.

Chapter 0514 Carolina Dean?

"I'll shoot for you first." Carolina didn't expect that Su Yue would really agree, so she hurriedly agreed as soon as Su Yue's voice fell, for fear that Su Yue would go back on it.

"I didn't bring my cell phone when I came out, use yours and pass it back to me." Su Yue said.

Of course, Carolina would not refuse. After all, this means that she can get Su Yue's contact information. Even if the photo will be deleted after uploading, she already knows Su Yue's contact information, right?

Can I ask for the contact information of the dimensional lord Su Yue, who can do such a thing?

Su Yue leaned on Crystal's shoulders, and Carolina hurriedly took a few serious pictures with her mobile phone. I have to say that at this moment, she envied the girl next to Su Yue. She didn't know who she was or what her relationship with Su Yue was.

"not bad."

Su Yue glanced at the photo taken by Carolina and nodded with satisfaction. Then she picked up her phone to find a good angle. Carolina tentatively approached Su Yue and made a relatively intimate gesture.


The picture freezes and stays in Carolina's phone.

Su Yue entered his number into the phone and saved it, and then returned the phone to Carolina: "My number has been saved, you can call me later. By the way, what's your name?"

"Carolina, Carolina Dean." Carolina looked at the number saved on her phone excitedly.

"Let's get back in touch."

Su Yue waved his hand and left with the crystal.

After walking away, Crystal asked curiously, "Do you often take photos with people like this?"

Su Yue shook his head: "Very few, I don't mind them taking pictures of me, but I've hardly ever taken a photo with anyone. You know, I'm a lord, there will be many people who dream of reaching the sky in one step or those with other ulterior motives who want to approach me, or borrow money from them. By getting close to me to achieve some purpose."

"Then you agreed just now?" Crystal asked in surprise.

"I have the ability to predict the future. Although that girl is very ordinary now, she will become extraordinary in a short time." The corner of Su Yue's mouth was slightly raised, and he recognized Carolina when she appeared in front of him.

Carolina Dean, one of the members of the Leaving Home Alliance, has a dual bloodline of humans and aliens, usually human, and the other half is Giborim.

Su Yueyou noticed that Carolina had a bracelet on her hand. At first glance, it seemed to be just a decoration. In fact, the bracelet inhibited her ability. All along, her mother used the teaching to brainwash her, so she did not dare to take off the bracelet.

Until one day, she accidentally took off the bracelet and discovered her own abilities, and then she discovered the evil secrets of her mother and the parents of other friends.

Under normal circumstances, Carolina or the Leaving Home Alliance should not have anything to do with her. If the fate of Dagger Tandy is not changed, they will have a chance to cooperate. However, under the butterfly effect, Dimension Street is famous, and it is normal for Carolina to come here.

As for Carolina taking a group photo with herself, this kind of thing is nothing to think about, whether it is identity, appearance, status, ability, Su Yue is the idol or object of worship for many people, this kind of people who take the initiative to approach themselves, Countless, Carolina is nothing special compared to these people.

"What about me, can you predict my future?" Crystal did not doubt whether Su Yue had the ability to predict the future. She was more curious about her future.

Su Yue shook his head: "The future is not static, all I can see is the original future, not the future after you know me now."

"Is that so... Then what was my original future like?" Crystal continued to ask.

"Let's not say anything else, in your original future, you would like an ordinary human being on Earth."

Crystal let out a cry, rolled her eyes, and asked pretending to be normal, "I heard from Maximus that you are the **** of the Inhumans, so are you also the Inhumans?"

"No, I'm human." Su Yue said with a smile.

Crystal's eyes brightened.

"Maximus said that I am the **** of the Inhumans? It's not wrong to say that. How should I put it, there are actually Inhumans in Dimension Street, and there are quite a few." Su Yue smiled and pointed to the place that happened to appear in the The doppelganger Alyssa Whitley in his sight. "She is a human race, can be cloned, and is a member of the Dimension Street guards."

"The Inhumans originated from humans, and later split into two. One went to the moon and the other stayed on Earth. The Inhumans on Earth have become part of the Dimension Street, and... many of the humans have Inhumans 's genes, as long as they are transformed by the Mist of Terrigan, they can become Inhumans..."

"There are also Inhumans on Earth?" Crystal was taken aback. She really didn't know that there were Inhumans on Earth. The information and education she received, only Attilan was Inhumans, and there were Inhumans.

After being surprised, it was joy.

There are also Inhumans on Earth. Su Yue is still the leader of Inhumans, which means that it is not a Dimension Street, but from the perspective of Inhumans, he and his brother-in-law, Black Bolt, are on the same level, which also means... himself and Su Yue There are no obstacles.

In Attilan, the hierarchy is very strict. Everyone's fate has been doomed after Terrigan's transformation. The royal family is always the royal family, and the commoners are always the poor, which will never change.

It is almost impossible for the royal family to have equal contact with the commoners.

Crystal was suddenly taken to Dimension Street by Maximus. In fact, she didn't know what to do and had no purpose, but everything in Dimension Street really gave Crystal a new feeling. As for Su Yue, he didn't know why Maximus brought the crystal over. Anyway, he took the crystal to walk around Dimension Street and tasted the delicious food such as Chrysanthemum Downstairs and Yile Ramen. It was getting late. And Crystal doesn't seem to want to leave.

After thinking for a while, Su Yue asked, "It's getting late, is it alright if you don't go back?"

"Ah... it's already... it's already so late." Crystal seemed to realize that a long time had passed, which made her a little panicked, worried that her sister would find out that she was gone.

"I... I have to go back, can I still come to you in the future?" Crystal asked hurriedly.

"You are welcome at any time, just remember to keep it secret."

"Okay, I won't tell anyone except tetanus." Crystal hurriedly assured, and then contacted Tetanus with Attilan's contact information.

Tetanus is a dog that can move minds.

Well, big dog!

Chapter 0515 Step by step is no longer appropriate

Although tetanus is a dog, a dog that may be bigger than a tiger and a lion, but its breed is destined to not give people a fierce feeling even if it grows up.

Crystal rubbed Tetanus's head. After saying goodbye to Su Yue with some reluctance, she teleported back to Attilan with Tetanus.

Tetanus's transmission method is very special, as if it was pulled by some force, the space near the body produces a special sense of distortion, and then it disappears completely.

The entire transmission process takes about three or four seconds, which is neither fast nor slow.

Sending off the reluctant crystal, Su Yue went back to the top floor of the Dimension Street building to take a shower and changed into comfortable clothes. Then, in the living room, he glanced at Dimension Street, which was already brightly lit like a city that never sleeps, and turned to sit on the sofa. Next, start converting the dimension points in the system.

Dimensional point is the only 'currency' of the system, and it is also the transcendent energy of the variant. It can be freely converted between the two, but it will consume some handling fees.

In fact, even if Su Yue doesn't convert the dimension points, he can still get transcendence energy every day. How can I put it, the dimension points provided or generated by the people in Dimension Street are actually two copies. One is very small and will automatically become transcendence. The energy is absorbed by himself, which is why he can achieve what he wants when he has not studied and understood the system and his identity before.

The other is the dimension point that appears in the system.

To put it simply, Dimension Street obtained transcendence energy, a large part became the dimension point in the system, and a small part was directly given to Su Yue.

At present, there are three ways that Su Yue wants to increase transcendence energy: the first is to absorb various powerful energies such as cosmic energy, and convert these energies into transcendence energy. It will consume some extra energy.

The second is that Dimension Street gets that small amount of beyond energy, just like putting the salary into Yu’ebao, the salary doesn’t change, but it pays you some interest every day. Even less is more.

The third type is to transform the dimensional points in the system, but it is best to do so if you do not plan to upgrade in the short term, after all, a large number of dimensional points are required to upgrade the level of the dimensional street.

As for the lottery summons, it doesn't matter. After all, the precise summons can be sent into the soul in one shot, and the consumption of one time can be ignored in the current situation of deep wealth.

In the short term, Suyue has no idea of ​​upgrading Dimension Street. After all, Dimension Street is still under development, and it will not be too late to upgrade when it develops to a bottleneck.

And, he has an idea!

To put it bluntly, the Dimension Street system is a golden finger given to yourself before reshuffling and retraining. In theory, the Dimension Street system is also designed by the ability of transcenders. The so-called Dimension Street upgrades some functions, such as the law of God and so on. Yes, in fact, the essence is the ability of transcendence!

The Dimension Street system is an initial plug-in left by Tuba to ensure that you don't accidentally receive a box lunch during the novice's development period. Once it develops, for example, now, Su Yue can do what the Dimension Street system can do.

So, here comes the problem.

If you no longer consume dimensional points to upgrade the level of Dimension Street in the future, but convert all the dimensional points in the system into transcendence energy to improve your strength, if you recover to the level of transcendence, let alone the added dimension gate and The second and third dimension streets are over, even if it is directly connected to the multiverse, it is no problem, right?

After all, transcenders are really big guys!

Perhaps it is the development strategy set by the Tuba to follow the steps step by step. At the beginning, Su Yue also planned to build walls and store grains step by step to become king, but any plan cannot be rigid, and needs to be adjusted according to the situation.

Build walls high and store grain widely, that's no problem.

But slow to become king?

It is no longer necessary.

With the strength and status of Su Yue today, unless he chooses to completely conquer the earth, he will be called a king, no problem, right?

Chun Lai, I don't speak first. Which worm dares to make a sound? That's fine, right?

That being the case, it is meaningless to upgrade the Dimension Street step by step. The benefits obtained after upgrading the Dimension Street and the cost-effectiveness of the dimensional points consumed are too low.

Although there are some things that Dimension Street can do that Su Yue can't do, such as 'modifying settings' to create a dimensional gate that can be played freely, such as creating a third dimensional street in other worlds, but this is because The current 'level' of Su Yue is too low.

If you compare a large-scale traveler to a level 100, Su Yue may be only level 30 now. Of course, level 30 can't do things that can be done at level 100, but if Su Yue continues to level up, he will naturally be able to do it.

Dimension Street is equivalent to equipment, and Su Yue is equivalent to a character.

If both equipment and characters need 'experience' to upgrade, the large design route is to upgrade the equipment first, and then upgrade the characters after the equipment is full.

But now, Su Yue feels that the level of the equipment is enough. There are no bosses on the map that he can't win and can threaten him, so he plans to directly upgrade the character level. Only when the character level is improved can he Go to mix new maps and fight new bosses.


Colorful lights flickered on Su Yue's body, and a mysterious and sacred aura suddenly appeared on him.


Daenerys, who was originally on standby not far away, felt the breath and knelt on the ground involuntarily.

He hit the ground with his head, shivering.

The dimensional point is converted into transcendental energy, complete!

Su Yue opened his eyes, put away the special effects he had made on purpose, glanced at Daenerys, and nodded slightly in satisfaction.

"Isn't that right? I'm also a dimensional lord anyway. It's impossible to justify without special effects and halo effects. After all, being strong is only temporary, and being handsome is forever."

After the special effects and halo effects disappeared, Daenerys finally felt that the powerful pressure disappeared, and then got up in a panic.

"Ring, ring, ring..." The phone rang suddenly.

Su Yue made a move, and the phone flew directly into his hand, an unsaved number.

"Yes, is it Lord Lord?" A voice that held his breath and was a little nervous asked tentatively.

"It's me." Su Yue responded, then smiled, "Are you Carolina Dean?"

"Yes, it's me. I didn't expect Lord Lord to remember my name, no, I mean I didn't expect Lord Lord to recognize me by hearing the voice." Carolina Dean on the other end of the phone was obviously a little surprised. Excited and slightly incoherent.

Chapter 0516 Valentine's Day is coming?

"Beauty is always impressive, isn't it?" Su Yue leaned back slightly, put his feet on the coffee table, and said relaxedly, "I'm still thinking about when you will call me, by the way, you have a dimension Street app?"

"Yes, I downloaded and used it a long time ago." Carolina Dean said hurriedly.

"That's good, the Dimension Street APP has a new communication function, you know? Tell me your APP account, I'll add you later, and you can send me the photo."

The Dimension Street APP is a collection of software. In addition to scanning QR codes, making online reservations, and publishing news, it also has a communication function. This communication function is similar to a letter, which is very convenient and easy to use. It can be said that 80% The above users are all using this new social software.

Carolina Dean told Su Yue about her account number. After hanging up the phone, she hurriedly logged in to the APP and changed a new avatar for herself, which is the photo taken with Su Yue today, and then checked what she had posted again and was sure. He breathed a sigh of relief when there was no problem.


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