"Are you under control?"

After being surprised, Medusa immediately thought of a possibility, which is mind control. Although this ability is relatively rare among the Inhumans, it is not absent.

Who controls them?


No, although he can also mind control, his control should not be strong enough to control Karnak and Tritan.

So, is it the dimensional lord who gave Maximus psychic abilities?

"Don't worry, I promised you." Su Yue said to the eager crystal, looking at Black Bolt who stood up angrily and Tetanus who glared at him, he said lightly: "I don't use the mind. The ability, but the ability of the Inhumans. To be precise, it is the ability of the first Inhumans in the history of the Inhumans."

"What, what do you mean?" Crystal asked blankly.

Black Bolt wanted to ask, but he was used to not opening his mouth easily. Now is not the time for him to speak.

"The... God of the Inhumans?" Crystal suddenly reacted.

When Maximus took her to Dimension Street for the first time, he introduced Su Yue, saying that he was the **** of the Inhumans, and that he could fill the defects of the Inhumans and make every Inhumans happy and satisfied.

The happiness and satisfaction that Crystal thought was the feeling of getting along with Su Yue every time, but it was obviously not the case.

"Crystal, what are you talking about, the **** of the Inhumans?" Medusa asked Crystal after struggling to get up.

Crystal Road: "Maximus took me to Dimension Street before. He said that the lord is the **** of the Inhumans, who can fill the defects of the Inhumans and satisfy everyone in the Inhumans. Also, his ability It was also given by the Lord."

The God of the Inhuman race?

The Inhumans present all looked at Su Yue, but the colors were different. Maximus, Karnak, and Tritan were fanatics, while Crystal was complicated. As for Medusa, Black Bolt, and Tetanus, they were puzzled.

Su Yue said indifferently: "Although it is an exaggeration to say that God is a bit exaggerated, it is actually true. In the history of the Inhumans, the Inhumans were born because the Kree needed to create a group of warriors with special abilities, so in the world of Earth Experiments in humans have changed the genes of some human beings. After that, the first Inhumans were born, and his mission was to help the Cree manage the Inhumans army, which is a kind of ability and **** at the genetic level."

"Every Inhuman race cannot escape this control. It can even be said that the Inhuman race is actually very similar to your Attilan's management method. Everyone is destined to have their own role since birth."

"You... you are also an Inhuman?" Medusa asked in a deep voice. "You are the first inhuman being created?"

"Do not!"

Under the gazes of everyone, Su Yue shook his head and denied: "I am not an Inhuman, or I can be an Inhuman as long as I want, but the identity of the Inhuman is too low, if I make myself an Inhuman, like It is you who are willing to become ordinary human beings, even a few grades lower."

"The first Inhumans, or the person who has the ability to rule the Inhumans is called Hive. It is not right to say that it is a human being. He is somewhat similar to tetanus, but tetanus is a dog, and he is like a parasite. At the beginning, the Kree people's experiments on the earth had not completely ended, they left the earth because of the war situation, and gave up the experiment of the inhuman race. After that, the hive ruled the inhuman race and other humans, and was finally sent to a certain planet by humans. Come on, exile."

"I brought this hive back some time ago, but this guy... a little bit unclear about the situation, so I killed it."

"Now, the only person in the world who has the ability to control the Inhumans is me."

Su Yue said and looked at Maximus, Karnak and Cui Tan. "They have all been controlled by me, but this control may not be the same as you think. They have not lost themselves, they are still them, but the flaws in their hearts have been filled, but they will be unconditional. loyalty to me."

On the one hand, Su Yue suddenly came to Tetanus's side, and Tetanus was persuaded to surrender before he could react.

After controlling tetanus, Medusa and Black Bolt lost their chance to escape from Attilan. After all, only tetanus can teleport.

"Now, I'll give you a chance to choose." Su Yue looked at Medusa and Black Bolt: "Either I persuade me to surrender and follow me, so that you can keep yourselves. I promised to help Black Bolt solve the problem. The problem of ability is the same. Moreover, the Inhumans who were brought to the Dimension Street are still managed by you."

"Either I will just wash away your memories and identities and make you completely lose yourself."

"Trust me, it's not difficult for me, it's just a matter of thought, so... tell me your choice."

If possible, Su Yue didn't want to wash away their memories. First, it wasted transcendence energy, although it wasn't much. Second, it wasn't easy to explain with Crystal.

After all, the face of the crystal still needs to be given some.

Medusa looked at Black Bolt, then at the crystal, and then said to Su Yue, "Only Black Bolt can decide this matter. You say you can solve Black Bolt's problem, then... it's better for you to go first. make it happen."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, no matter what you choose, the issue of Black Bolt's ability has to be resolved."

Su Yue didn't mind whether Medusa or Black Bolt had ulterior motives. In the face of absolute strength, any careful thought was useless.


Su Yue snapped his fingers, and the colorful light instantly lit up, and then enveloped Black Bolt's body.

After a while, the light disappeared.

Black Bolt rubbed his throat and subconsciously opened his mouth to make a sound.


The voice was hoarse, very deep, and very slight, but there was no sonic attack.

Cheng, succeeded? !

Chapter 0613 God of Inhumans!

Unbelievable, unbelievable! ! !

Black Bolt didn't expect the problem that had plagued him for half his life to be solved so easily?

What is Black Bolt's Inhuman ability?

is the ability to release sound waves.

This ability seems to be a bit common. For example, the black sea monster from the Green Arrow universe also has this ability. It doesn't seem to be particularly powerful. The attack method is single, and it is difficult to develop more methods and become the main hero.

But in fact, sound waves and sound waves are also different.

Black Bolt's sonic ability is definitely the strongest known to Su Yue in terms of sonic ability. For the time being, the Black Bolt in front of him is one of the strongest in the comics.

Is one of the strongest superheroes on earth, and one of the few heroes who can defeat the normal Thanos in a one-on-one duel.

Black Bolt can release devastating destructive energy through his voice. The energy released by even a whisper is quite terrifying, even in a vacuum environment.

When this kind of power is released at its maximum, it is equivalent to detonating a nuclear weapon, and can trigger natural phenomena such as volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, etc., and even tear space and time. With this electron energy, Black Bolt can use it for many more functions, such as explosion of electron energy, flying, increasing the power of the flesh, surviving in a vacuum, analyzing and dealing with various difficulties.

In addition, Black Bolt itself also has strength, reaction ability, resistance ability, speed and so on that are stronger than ordinary human beings.

Although the ability is powerful, it is not a happy thing for Black Bolt. First of all, he has to control himself not to make a sound, which is very difficult, because a lot of the time it is uncontrollable to make a sound, don't talk when you're awake, and if you snore when you're sleeping... well, that scene can be imagined .

Even if Black Bolt controlled his own voice after years of meditation, he could endure the inconvenience of life, but... not long after he acquired this ability, he unconsciously killed his parents because of his speech.

This is a bit miserable.

Therefore, Black Bolt can be said to be the one who wishes to be able to completely control his abilities and to be able to speak normally. But...isn't the realization of this dream too simple?

The dimensional lord just snapped his fingers, and then, the colorful light shone on him, and then... his ability changed?

Wait, didn't he take away his ability?

Thinking of this, Black Bolt turned to face the wall and spoke again.


With a loud bang, the wall was directly smashed by Black Bolt's sound waves.

The ability is still there!

Black Bolt stared at Su Yue with wide eyes in shock.

Su Yue shrugged: "Don't play with your eyes, it's not like you can't speak now. If you want to say something, just say it directly."

"You... how did you do it?" Black Bolt asked somewhat unskilledly.

Su Yue shrugged noncommittally: "That's why I wouldn't admit to being an Inhuman, because the level is really low. My level, how can I put it, as long as I want, anything can come true. For example..."

Su Yue turned his head slightly and opened it.


The same sonic attack as Black Bolt shattered the other wall.

See the eyes of Jigu!

It's such a cow.

Black Bolt was dumbfounded, and so were the others.

He, how could he also have the ability of Black Bolt?

This, this is too unreasonable, isn't it?

The ability of every Inhuman race can be said to be doomed when it is born. The Terrigan Mist only stimulates this ability. In other words, the innate ability of others is simply owned by you. already?

Well, isn't this fair?

"God of Inhumans... As expected..." Someone sighed softly.

Don't say, if it was before, Black Bolt and Medusa would definitely sneer at the **** of the Inhumans, but now, they don't know either.

First, he easily changed Black Bolt's ability, and then he directly acquired Black Bolt's ability, as well as the ability of Hive...

It is indeed an understatement to say that he is the **** of the alien race.

Because the Inhumans are really weak and very low in the eyes of the other party, so even if he is not an Inhumans, even if his abilities may all come from other people, there is nothing wrong with calling him a god. It’s just like how humans view real gods. Although gods aren’t human, it’s okay to say they’re human gods.

At this moment, to be honest, Medusa somewhat gave up.

Obviously, the other party is eyeing the Inhumans, and the Inhumans have no resistance. The ability of the hive can easily make the Inhumans become soldiers in his hands, and it will be futile to persist.

"I have done what I promised, what is your choice?" Su Yue looked at Black Bolt and asked.

Black Bolt was silent for a moment, then said, "I can surrender, but... I have one condition."


"I have restrained my ability for so many years, and now I abdicate, yes, but as a king, I can't just give up without any reaction. So, if you can withstand one of my strongest attacks, I will abdicate, on behalf of Ah Tiran accepts your rule." Black Bolt said solemnly.

Su Yue pursed his lips: "hypocritical, you know it's pointless, but you have to do it. Okay, I promise you, but in the same way, you also have to take my punch. If you die, then you die, how about that?"

"it is good!"

Fair enough, Black Bolt agreed.

"You come first."

Su Yue didn't have any special preparations, he just opened up the situation with the others a little, indicating that Black Bolt can start.

Black Bolt took a deep breath, looked at Su Yue solemnly, and suddenly opened his eyes.

A sharp and piercing voice suddenly sounded, and layers of sound waves visible to the naked eye oscillated out of the Black Bolt King's mouth, heading straight for Su Yue.

This is Black Bolt's strongest blow, and its powerful destructive power seems to show signs of being destroyed, even the sound, the air, and the space.

However, Su Yue only released the defensive force field.


When the sound wave hit the defensive force field, there was a roar of collision, and then the sound wave was bounced off by the defensive force field and scattered.

bang bang bang! Bang bang bang!

The sound wave instantly shattered the surroundings!

Everyone hurriedly avoided.

The dust drifted and the smoke filled the air. Suddenly, a strong wind blew through, like sunlight shining into the darkness, instantly blowing the smoke and dust away, and then Su Yue threw his fist and came to Black Bolt King.


He punched Black Bolt in the abdomen, and Black Bolt's expression turned grim, as if he had been pressed the stop button, and he didn't move for a moment.

Chapter 0614 Attilan and Unmanned Nova Fighter

Su Yue slowly closed his fists, and the Black Bolt King almost kept his movements unchanged and knelt on the ground with a thud, leaning forward, his head on the ground.

One punch, just one punch, Black Bolt lost his fighting ability.

Medusa and Crystal hurriedly came to Black Bolt to help him up. Black Bolt's facial features were hideous, his expression was painful, his body was slightly convulsed, and it seemed that the injury was not serious, but fortunately there was no danger to his life, which made him feel bad. Medusa and Crystal breathed a sigh of relief.

"you lose."

Su Yue looked down at Black Bolt and said indifferently, the ability to persuade to surrender directly took Black Bolt and Medusa over.

In this way, only Crystal has not been persuaded to surrender in this palace. However, it doesn't really matter whether Crystal persuades to surrender or not. First of all, his relationship with Crystal is relatively good. If there is a choice, Su Yue does not want to use the ability to persuade Crystal to surrender. This will affect the relationship between the two, and the feeling will become unreal. ; Secondly, Crystal is a child who has no ambition and has not experienced social beatings. As long as Crystal finds out that Medusa and the others are not abnormal and stay in Dimension Street with peace of mind, she will have no idea.

If so, why bother?

Almost all the members of the Attilan royal family were persuaded to surrender, and the next thing was much simpler. After the Black Bolt got over a little bit, he immediately began to act. First, he convened all the elders of the council. One of the cores is equivalent to a cabinet minister. Although the key matters are still decided by the king, Black Bolt, the power of the parliament is not low.

After the members of the parliament arrived, Su Yue simply and neatly persuaded him to surrender.

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