This is Yang Conspiracy.

"Okay, I will inform them and let them consider it carefully." Natasha said as she stood up.

"Let's go now?" Su Yue was a little surprised. He knew that Natasha must have come to ask something, but he didn't expect to leave after asking.

Natasha shrugged helplessly: "No way, General Ross doesn't have much time left for us, we still have to tell everyone as soon as possible, and discuss how to deal with it by the way. Anyway, I can sign or not. The main thing is to look at them.”


Su Yue nodded.

Natasha's status is relatively detached, so Su Yue has nothing to worry about. With the courage of General Ross, he does not dare to attack Natasha, nor does he dare to take any action against Natasha's decision.

Speaking of which, Su Yuedao was a little curious about how the Avengers would choose. After all, the current Avengers are different from the Avengers in the movies, and they have different experiences.

Without Wanda and Vision, the two foreign aids Ant-Man and Spider-Man would not be involved. The situation might really change, which made Su Yue still looking forward to it.

After Natasha left, Su Yue recalled the movie Captain America 3, which is the plot of the civil war. In addition to the registration act, the cause of the Civil War was the Winter Soldier.

The Winter Soldier was taken by Zemo, and at the same time, the Black Panther officially debuted because of this incident.

Right, Black Panther!

If Shu Rui and T'Challa are both in Dimension Street, the current Black Panther who died because of Zemo, the relationship between King T'Challa and Dimension Street is also good. It would be a bit unfortunate to die like this.

What if the old black panther hadn't died?

Zemo's strategy to frame the Winter Soldier will definitely be greatly reduced. General Ross will not spend much effort to hunt down the Winter Soldier, and the captain will not oppose Iron Man because of the Winter Soldier. There is a good chance that a civil war will not break out, or that it will break out less intensely.

In addition, if the old black panther does not die, the new black panther will not succeed, so the plot about the black panther will also be affected. With the current physical condition of the old black panther, unless it is a sudden accident, he will not be able to hang up in a short time, which is likely to continue to deepen the relationship between Dimension Street and Wakanda.

The annexation of Wakanda is unlikely, but it is much easier to stand on the same side.

Wakanda has money, technology, and friendship. If Dimension Street wants to go out and expand its influence, allies like Wakanda are still needed.

If you think about it this way, you don't need to completely stand by and watch the excitement in this matter, and you can get a lot of benefits from it.

At the very least, for the reward given by General Ross this time, the expanded Dimension Street will require a lot of money to build, and Wakanda... is very rich!

0618 Ally Wakanda

The Registration Act is still only implemented internally, or just a prototype, and has not been officially announced and established. Such a big thing, or this kind of milestone change, will definitely not be announced directly and launched lightly, and it must be a big move to increase its influence.

If it is said that Suyue and Jiyuan Street are aimed at those who need to be registered, then making big moves requires influence to push the bill.

Nine times out of ten, this big move should be like the official announcement of the news by the joint organization in the movie, and then a voting session. However, Wakanda will also take this opportunity to officially come out and contact other countries, and then... the old black panther was killed by Zemo.

Su Yue first notified the Fengshen team, Queen White, Ao Bing, Jesse Quick, Wonder Woman, Saitama, any one of this lineup is extremely strong, and let them be responsible for deterring those who refuse to register. The guy is totally picky and pinch.

Afterwards, Su Yue went to the scientific research center to find Su Rui.

"Where's your brother?" Looking at Su Rui, who was focusing on research, Su Yue asked T'Challa straight to the point.

"I don't know, are you looking for him?" Although T'Challa nominally came to Dimension Street to protect Su Rui, in fact, he would often follow Su Rui to the scientific research center at the beginning, and then he basically moved freely. .

After all, Dimension Street is sincerely inviting Su Rui to study, and Dimension Street itself can be regarded as the safest place. T'Challa has no interest in these scientific and technological research. Knowing that Su Rui will not be in any danger, he is naturally resistant. I can't stop hanging out with a bunch of mad scientists every day.

"There is something related to you, you ask him to come over." Su Yue said.

"What's the matter with us?" Su Rui asked and sent T'Challa a message. "He's coming right now."

"Let's talk with him when he comes." Anyway, in order to gain Wakanda's goodwill and promote the relationship one step closer, rather than talking to them alone over and over again, it is better to call over and talk together.

Su Rui was very curious about what made the Lord Lord, who has always been indifferent and did not show up very much, come to him specially, and it was something related to them, but since Lord Lord said to wait for T'Challa to come and talk, Su Rui also There was no questioning.

After Su Rui saved the research he was busy with, T'Challa arrived.

Don't look at the fact that T'Challa is now the prince of Wakanda, but it is quite normal to dress up in Dimension Street, not wearing any traditional clothes, of course, not wearing a black panther uniform, even if there are many identities about the black panther Everyone already knew it, including their siblings.

"I called you here because I have something to say about you, or about Wakanda." After Su Yue's opening remarks, he went straight to the topic. "The United Organization is currently withdrawing from the registration bill, targeting groups such as avengers and mutants with abilities beyond ordinary humans, and you Wakanda are expected to attend when that time comes."

"My father told me about this." T'Challa nodded: "What is the purpose of this matter, Lord Lord? Do you want us in Wakanda not to participate?"

"It's up to you. The Conferred God team in Dimension Street has reached an agreement with them and will help them arrest those who refuse to register. This is not what I'm talking about. You should all believe that I can predict the future, right?" Su Yue asked.

T'Challa and Su Rui were stunned for a moment. They didn't seem to expect that Lord Lord would suddenly talk about predicting the future. Could it be that Lord Lord is looking for them because of the future?

about the future?

Su Rui looked at T'Challa subconsciously. If she was talking about the future, the only thing she could think of was the short film related to her brother and sister. In the short film, Wakanda could be regarded as one of the main teams, and T'Challa became the Black Panther, and he also participated in the war.

Wait... T'Challa has become a black panther... In the future... Su Rui turned his head to look at Su Yue, and asked a little excitedly and nervously: "Lord Lord, shouldn't what you want to say have something to do with my father? ?"

"Father?" T'Challa also reacted at this time.

If you can become a black panther, it means that you have succeeded. Since you have succeeded, it means that your father...

"Lord Lord?" T'Challa hurriedly looked over.

Su Yue nodded: "It is indeed related to your father. At the joint meeting held soon, a guy named Zemo will cause an explosion in the venue as a winter soldier, and your father will be killed. You, will Temporarily taking over as the Black Panther and wanting to seek revenge from the Winter Soldier, and because of the registration act, the Avengers' civil war is finally triggered. This is Zemo's purpose!"

"Zemo!!!" T'Challa muttered the name gloomily.

Regarding Su Yue's statement, whether T'Challa or Su Rui, there is no doubt at all.

"What do I need to do!" T'Challa said solemnly.

He knew very well that since Su Yue had told him such important news, he would definitely have goals and arrangements.

But, T'Challa agrees!

After all, this is about his father's life, and Su Yue has no obligation to remind them at all. Even if Su Yue has any ill will towards Wakanda, he should just sit back and watch it happen. After all, supporting them is more beneficial than keeping his father in power. More.

"I don't care what Zemo wants to do with me, you can find someone else or yourself to find out about Zemo's whereabouts. To tell you this news, on the one hand, it is because of your contribution to the scientific research center, and on the other hand, I hope to share with you Wakanda. Become an ally!"


"Since you Wakanda have decided to come out, you definitely need an external embassy, ​​right? I recently acquired some land, which is near Dimension Street. If you want, you can put Wakanda's embassy in Dimension. In the street. Of course, it would be better if you could do more by the way when building the embassy."

"Dimension Street can support you in Wakanda coming out, and it can make you Wakanda come to the people of the world more safely. Wakanda can also support the construction of Dimension Street. I think this is a win-win situation."

After T'Challa heard it, he understood. In short, it was to pay. But the money, T'Challa felt it was worth it, and it was of great benefit to Wakanda.

It can be said that all kinds of benefits cannot be bought with money!

0619 Zemo

T'Challa is not the kind of second-generation ancestor who knows nothing and understands nothing. After the old Black Panther died in the movie, T'Challa also took a lot of trouble to become the king, the new Black Panther, and at the same time. Let the Panthers, let Wakanda come out of the closed state.

It can be said that the Black Panther has a very detached position in the Avengers as the king of Wakanda. It is different from the Winter Soldier, Falcon, and War Machine, which are only second-tier after joining the Avengers for a period of time. Black Panther can be said Comes up with the attitude of a giant.

Of course, this matter can be said to be good or bad. The Black Panther's status in the Avengers is equivalent to having more allies in the Avengers. Even if someone wants to fight Wakanda's idea, they have to carefully consider the impact of this aspect. , even if it is official, there is Black Panther, and the fact that Black Panther is a member of the Avengers has to be taken into consideration.

The disadvantage is that you can see the results in the movie. The battlefield of Avengers 3 was directly placed in Wakanda, which caused Wakanda to suffer a lot of losses. At the same time, Wakanda's soldiers were also killed and injured a lot. .

But overall, the pros outweigh the cons.

Closer to home, after listening to Su Yue's reminder and proposal, T'Challa directly contacted Wakanda's father and conveyed Su Yue's reminder and proposal.

Regarding the reminder, the old black panther was actually prepared. After all, he also watched the movie. Otherwise, how could he have promised to send his children to Dimension Street so happily? Isn't it because you are a little worried about the possible implications of the content of the movie?

As soon as T'Challa said it, the old black panther immediately decided to agree to Su Yue's proposal and let Wakanda and Dimension Street form an alliance.

Wakanda does not need to develop much power outside, as long as there is a vocal embassy and a stable and safe environment, the main purpose is still for Wakanda's nationality status.

And Dimension Street does not pose any threat to the Wakanda country, and Wakanda's Zhenjin is not difficult to obtain for Dimension Street, so the alliance between the two is absolutely happy!

Wakanda has money and can help the development of Dimension Street. Dimension Street has strength and can ensure the peace and security of Wakanda.

This kind of alliance that has no threat and can complement each other is very rare.

The old black panther told his son that he agreed to establish an alliance with Dimension Street, and would transfer a billion dollars for the construction of the embassy in Wakanda as soon as possible. However, he would let his son give the money directly to Dimension Street.

To put it simply, this money is given to Dimension Street. After all, how much does it cost to build an embassy?

After T'Challa communicated with his father, he conveyed the news to Su Yue. Su Yue was very surprised by this. He guessed that the old black panther would agree, but he didn't expect that the agreement would be so painful, and the shot would be so generous. A billion dollars is a lot of money.

That's fine. This shows that Wakanda's alliance attitude is firm. Moreover, once the embassy is built, most of them will be Su Rui or T'Challa who will stay here and be in charge. This is actually not much different from joining Dimension Street.

The alliance with Wakanda went very smoothly. Su Yue brought Shu Rui and T'Challa to the Dimension Street Building to hold a meeting.

There were a lot of people attending the meeting. In addition to Pepper, the second-in-command of Dimension Street, there was also the Hulk from the Legal Department, who was in charge of building Annabeth, and Daisy Johnson and Felicity Hitty from the Network Department. , and Little Pepper's assistant team.

At the meeting, Su Yue first talked about forming an alliance with Wakanda, and then transferred the one billion dollars that had already been received to Xiao Chili, and asked Xiao Chili and the others to come up with a rough plan. The content of the plan is naturally about the construction of the new land and the construction of the embassy. By the way, the Wakanda side can choose the location of the embassy on the basis of the plan.

However, T'Challa, the next king, is obviously not interested in this kind of thing. He wants to find Zemo and solve the crisis that his father may die.

Therefore, Su Rui is solely responsible for the affairs of the embassy, ​​and Su Yue left it alone after explaining the matter. He said hello to Daisy Johnson and asked her to help find Zemo. After finding it, he told Techa the location. pull.

Although the current T'Challa has not officially become a Black Panther, it does not mean that he does not have the uniform of the Black Panther and has no ability, but he is not as strong as he was later. Therefore, in the face of a guy like Zemo who plays tricks and conspiracies, he can definitely get it at his fingertips.

Facts also proved that Su Yue's idea was right. That night, Daisy Johnson found Zemo's whereabouts through the Eye of God and told T'Challa that T'Challa had also left Dimension Street overnight.

I have to say that Zemo is still very good. Obviously just an ordinary person, but he can forcefully cause the two giant captains of the Avengers to break with Iron Man. It can even be said that if there is no captain, the Winter Soldier might have been killed by Ze Moyin like this.

No matter the timing of the shot, the angle of choice, etc., all of them prove Zemo's power without exception.

Although Su Yue didn't go to Zemo like T'Challa, he wouldn't miss such a good show, so he directly locked on Zemo and used his psychic powers on him.

I have to say that Zemo's news is very well-informed. He already knew the registration bill and the joint meeting to be held, he had chosen the Winter Soldier as an entry point, and he had already started preparations.

At the same time, unlike the movie, Zemo even meant to pull Dimension Street into the water this time.

Others may not know the identity of T'Challa and Shuri and other Wakanda people, but Zemo does. If the king of Wakanda died at the hands of the 'Winter Soldier', surely Shuri and T'Challa would not let the Winter Soldier go?

Once they intervene, Dimension Street will definitely not stand idly by. At that time, it will not only trigger the battle between the captain and Iron Man, but also bring in Dimension Street.

With the style of Su Yue and Dimension Street, this matter will definitely not stop easily. No matter which side wins, Zemo's goal will be achieved.

Su Yue was not angry about Zemo's thoughts, but he just sighed that Zemo was so daring and dared to play with fire!

Whether it is the Avengers, Wakanda, or Dimension Street, as long as his conspiracy is exposed, it will be easy for any party to kill him.

In addition, through Zemo's memory, Su Yue discovered a thing that deviates a lot, but eventually went back to the original track.

That's why Zemo is targeting the Avengers!

Chapter 0620 I wasn't caught by T'Challa, I was caught by you!

Baron Rizemo in the movie is different from the comics, he does not belong to the Hydra group, but a colonel of an elite spy unit in Sokovia who lost him during the Avengers battle with Ultron's Sokovia Zemo knew he couldn't kill the Avengers, so he decided to avenge them by making the Avengers go to war.

Zemo found clues through the documents disclosed by Black Widow, which was the incident exposed by Snake Shield after the Insight Plan incident. Then he found the person in charge of the Winter Soldier program, killed him and got a way to control the Winter Soldier.

The Winter Soldier has been deeply brainwashed by Hydra. Although it usually looks normal, once the hypnotic password appears again, it will be controlled. Unless the hypnotic program in the brain is completely cleared, whoever knows the password will be the one who knows the password. Master of the Winter Soldier.

Zemo first disguised as the Winter Soldier to create an explosion in the Union Building in Vienna, killing the old Black Panther; then he managed to destroy the circuit and killed the psychiatrist he sent, while disguising as a psychiatrist, the Winter Soldier would be arrested. Hypnotized, the Winter Soldier mode was restored, leading to even greater misunderstandings and riots.

Afterwards, Zemo came to Siberia to find the birthplace of the Winter Soldier. After killing the remaining Winter Soldiers, Zemo exposed the fact that the Winter Soldier killed Iron Man's parents, leading to the team captain and the Winter Soldier to fight against each other. Iron Man, completely broke the captain and Iron Man.

In the end, the Black Panther found Zemo, Zemo told the Black Panther the whole story and apologized. After listening to Zemo's words, the Black Panther gave up the idea of ​​killing and revenge, and decided to deal with Zemo with justice. Zemo wanted to commit suicide, but was stopped by the Black Panther , and eventually Zemo was handed over to Every Tros for custody.

This is the whole scene of Zemo in the movie. By the way, Every Tross is the deputy commander, and he can be regarded as the deputy of General Ross.

If the world also develops according to this trajectory, there is no problem, but the problem is that the development of this world is already different from that in the movie.

The first thing to do is that Ultron did not fight the Avengers in Sokovia at all. In other words, Zemo's family should not have died, so naturally Zemo should not seek revenge for the Avengers!

but! ! ! The point is, I don't know whether to say that some things cannot be avoided, or that Zemo's family is born with bad luck. Obviously Ultron didn't fight the Avengers in Sokovia, but Ultron had an encounter with Zemo's family when he collected materials to prepare the city to lift off, and then it happened to be affected, although It can't be considered a murder by Ultron, but it also died because of Ultron.

Then, why did Zemo hate Ultron?

But Ultron is dead, what should I do? Zemo naturally transferred this hatred to the creator of Ultron, Iron Man Tony Stark. Speaking of Tony Stark, it is enough. Wanda and Pietro also hated Tony Stark because of Stark Industries' missiles. I have to say that he is really good at pulling hatred.

Zemo's hatred was transferred to Tony Stark, and naturally also extended to the Avengers, and then, although the cause went around in a circle, it eventually returned to the same plot.

I have to say that Su Yue, who had learned about the situation, felt a lot of magic.

Of course, Su Yue doesn't think that this is a big cosmic consciousness. If you have to say that there is cosmic consciousness, it should be here. Therefore, the Zemo incident is purely a coincidence, and it is precisely because of this that Su Yue finds it magical.

After being amazed, Su Yue paid attention to Zemo's current situation.

Zemo is in Detroit at this time. He has found the person in charge of the Winter Soldier project and is asking how to control the Winter Soldier.

After that, Su Yue paid attention to T'Challa's movements again.

T'Challa's action is very strong. After starting from Dimension Street, he was almost at Zemo's place, about ten minutes away.

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