Chapter 0629 The Ancient One Mage is Here

The biggest condition that Stephens Trange can come up with now is that he will become a mage in the future. Although he knows nothing about how to become a mage and his abilities after becoming a mage, he knows nothing about it. , which is the biggest and only chip.

To be honest, if it wasn't for Stephens Trange to know that there is no doctor or that kind of program in medicine today that can cure his hand 100%, no, let alone 100%, it's not even the slightest chance of success None, but whenever possible, he would use the mage as a bargaining chip to trade with those people or forces who had wooed him before.

After all, facing Dimension Street and Su Yue, the pressure is still too much!

Unfortunately, now he has no other way, this is the only place where he can cure himself.

"Do you think you are very strong?" Su Yue looked at Stephens Trange and said lightly: "Even if you become a mage, there are a lot of people in my Dimension Street who can easily defeat you, you can do it. There are many people in my Dimension Street who can do it. In other words, even if you become a mage, it is not so important to me and Dimension Street, let alone you are indispensable. "

"I..." Stephens Trange paused and said, "Even so, I believe it shouldn't be too difficult for you to heal my hand, right? With a little effort, one more mage will be able to work for you. This transaction should Still a good deal.”


Su Yue said noncommittally: "But, if you cure your hand, you will lose the chance to become a master."


Stephens Trange's eyes widened instantly. Heal my hand and lose the chance to become a mage? Why? What does my hand have to do with me being a mage? Wait... If you can't be a mage if you heal your hands, then in the movie...

I became a mage, so my hand wasn't healed at all?

"Why?" Stephens Trange couldn't help asking.

Su Yue shook his head and did not answer his doubts. In fact, even if Stephens Trange's hand was cured, it was possible to become a mage after going to Kama Taj to learn magic. After all, Kama Taj's magic is not Only people with disabilities can cultivate.

However, sorcerers and sorcerers are also different.

There is a difference between Stephens Trange who has a hand injury and Stephens Trange who is not injured.

The biggest point, such as mentality and concentration, will affect his magic practice, especially mentality, which is very important.

Su Yue has no idea of ​​taking over Kama Taj, Stephens Trange, to be honest, Su Yue doesn't like this person very much. Even if he becomes a postdoctoral doctor, he is no longer so vicious, but it still makes Su Yue not feel good. .

Of course, this has nothing to do with what Stephens Trange did right or wrong!

"Tell me your answer, do you want to choose to heal your hands and go back to be a doctor, or do you want to become a mage? If you want to continue to be a doctor, I can cure you, and you will stay in the hospital on Dimension Street in the future. If you want to become a mage, I can tell you some clues. In addition, let me tell you one more news, magic can also heal your hand." Su Yue looked at Stephens Trange and raised his finger: "You only have one minute. time to consider."

The former can heal his hands quickly and without risk at all, but at the cost of working in the hospital on Dimension Street in the future, the latter requires him to learn magic by himself, and then decide whether to heal his hands or become a mage, but he doesn't need to do it for Su. more work.

The inclination of these two options is obvious, and each has its advantages and disadvantages.

Stephens Trange really wanted to choose the former. He wanted to heal his hand and return to his previous life. As for not being a mage? Although it's a pity, he doesn't know whether magic is easy to learn after all, and he doesn't know what kind of life he will face after becoming a mage, one known and one unknown.


Stephens Trange was about to say his decision when he saw Su Yue turned his head and looked over. Stephens Trange also turned his head, and saw a man wearing a golden hood and a very special outfit approaching.

"This is it similar to the one I wore after becoming a mage in the movie? It's just a different color. Could this person be..."

Stephens Trange was thinking about it, when he heard Su Yue chuckle and say, "Mage Gu Yi is here very quickly, why? I'm afraid I'll dig your corner."

Mage Gu Yi who was teased was not angry, but responded with a smile: "Didn't you say before that you would let me come to Dimension Street after my death? Unless Kama Taj has a new Supreme Mage, I will not die. "

Having said that, Master Gu Yi happened to appear at this time, not for Stephens Trench, or, in other words, worried that Su Yue would turn Stephens Trench to Dimension Street.

To put it bluntly, Mage Gu Yi now doesn't dare to sit back and relax like in the movies and wait for Stephens Trange to deliver it to his door at Karma Taj. The future that I knew at the beginning has already changed. As for the new future after the change?

The ancient master did not use the time gem to peep, after all, even if he knew it, it was useless.

First of all, she can be sure that Su Yue is not a threat to the earth, and she can even say that he has replaced the Supreme Mage as the protector of the earth; secondly, even if she uses the time gem to know the future, the future will change at any time, maybe after reading it here, Turning his head was changed by Su Yue again, so it doesn't make sense to look at it or not.

From the current mentality of Master Gu Yi, it is the same whether he sees it or not. It is better to worry about Su Yue than to worry about the future. After all, it is too difficult for Su Yue to win over Stephens Trange. , Stephens Trange took the initiative to come to the door.

To Su Yue, Stephens Trange is not important, even if he is attracted to Dimension Street, it is just a bad taste, because there is not much more of him in Dimension Street, and there is not much less of him. But it is different for the ancient one and Kama Taj. Stephens Trange is the best mage identified by the ancient one, and he is also the supreme mage who succeeded him. Without him, the future of Kama Taj But it's hard to say, without him, Master Gu Yi would not be able to let go of his burdens and responsibilities and choose 'death'.

So, Master Gu Yi is here.

Seeing Stephens Trange's thoughtful look, Su Yue didn't make a fool of himself: "This is the ancient master of Kama Taj, and he is also a famous supreme mage in the multiverse, who has always protected the earth from other Dimensional invasion. The reason why you can become a mage in the future is because of her training you. Now that she is here, you can make your choice."

Chapter 0630 Stephens Trange and the Ancient One's Choice

Although Master Gu Yi took the initiative to come to Dimension Street, he did not really put down his body to compete with Suyue for Stephens Trange.

The reason is very simple. First of all, Su Yue has no interest in Stephens Trange, and she is not too eager. It seems that Kama Taj is not very compelling;

Secondly, Master Gu Yi knows that rushing is not a business. If you really want to talk about attractiveness or advantages, Kama Taj is still worse than Dimension Street. If you lower your body and show more enthusiasm, you will be more enthusiastic. Let Kama Taj, who is still ignorant, look down on Kama Taj.

Su Yue, who should be introduced, has just introduced that the mage of Kama Taj, the most famous supreme mage in the multiverse, has always protected the earth. In the future, Stephens Trange can become a mage because of himself, so the ancient mage has no more Saying something superfluous, just nodded to the slightly decapitated and said hello.

Stephens Trange is also a smart man. He is very clear that he will not give himself too much time to think about it right now. Once he makes a choice, he will probably lose another chance, so he only asked one question.

"Magic, can you heal my hand?"


Master Gu Yi answered calmly and calmly, as if this was just an answer that didn't require thinking.

"Can I join Kama Taj and learn magic from you?" Stephens Trange asked again.

But, obviously, this is not a problem, but a choice.

Master Gu Yi nodded with a smile: "Of course you can. Since you know that you will become a master in the future, I might as well say more. You are the successor I was optimistic about a long time ago, and Kama Taj will hand it over to you in the future. Will become the new Supreme Mage!"

Although Stephens Trange was a little surprised, he was not too excited. Instead, he turned to look at Su Yue, and bowed very solemnly and sincerely: "Thank you very much for your help, although you may not care. My strength, but if I become a mage in the future and you need it, I will go all out to help you."

"It's okay, although it was a bit annoying before, but now at least you know how to repay your gratitude." Su Yue said with a smile: "Since Master Gu Yi is here, you don't have to travel far and wide to find Kama Taj. I'll give you an hour to go back and pack your things, after all, if you go to Kama Taj in a short time, you will say goodbye to the current Huahua world."

Stephens Trange glanced at Mage Gu Yi, saw Mage Gu Yi nodded slightly, then turned around and left in a hurry.

Before coming to Dimension Street, he was decadent and apprehensive. When he left Dimension Street, he was already relaxed and excited.

Watching Stephens Trange leave, Su Yue turned his head with a smile and said to Master Gu Yi, "I gave Stephens Trange back to you, don't you say anything?"

"It seems that he made his own choice, right?" Master Gu Yi said.

Su Yue pouted: "It's boring to say that, right? If I really wanted to keep him in Dimension Street, he wouldn't even have a chance to choose. If you don't believe me, I can call him back, and I'll definitely make him change his mind."

"do not!"

Master Gu Yi hurriedly shook his head, he believed that Su Yue had this ability. "Well, I'll come to Dimension Street when Stephens Trange can be on his own. I like this place very much, and I really want to live a relaxed life that doesn't need to be burdened with pressure and responsibilities."

"Not enough!" Su Yue shook his head: "It's not enough, I want the time gem!"


Master Gu Yi was stunned. "What do you want the Time Stone for?"

Su Yue didn't hide it, and said directly: "To absorb the energy in the Time Stone, let's put it this way, I returned the Infinity Stones one by one for two purposes. One is to guarantee the timeline and break the cycle, and the other is to hope Thanos It can appear as usual. Now both of these purposes have been basically achieved, so where the Infinity Stones are, or whether they exist or not, doesn't make much sense to me."

"With my current strength, if I want to improve, I need to absorb a lot of powerful energy. At present, there is not much energy on earth that can be absorbed by me. The Infinity Stone is the top priority. I have already absorbed the Mind Stone, so... ...hand over your time gem."

Master Gu Yi frowned and said, "The Time Stone is the sacred relic of Kama Taj!"

"Come on, let me not say whether the time gem belongs to you Kama Taj, even if it is, you can keep it? I have already got the time gem twice, and returned it to you twice, right? Even without me , even if you don't talk about the future Avengers crossing back and borrowing gems, Thanos alone, you can't protect the Time Gem, or Stephens Trange can't protect the Time Gem."

"I want it from you now, but I'm just talking."

Now I just ask for it. If I don't give it, I'm afraid it's not just talking, but it's going to be done. If you do it, can you keep the time gem?

Master Gu Yi knew very well that he was no match for Su Yue at all.

"Without me and without the Time Stone, it is very difficult for Stephens Trange to deal with invasions from other dimensions." Master Gu Yi said solemnly.

Su Yue shook his head and said: "I don't need him to deal with it, at least not until he grows up. With me and Dimension Street, it's not so easy for guys from other dimensions to invade, such as Dormammu... I can Promise you, if he invades, I will kill him, unlike Stephens Trange, even if there is a Time Stone, I can only negotiate with him to let him leave the earth."

"Take a step back, even if you don't give it, it's easier for me to get it from Stephens Trange. There is no Time Stone in the beginning, and Stephens Trange may practice harder instead of relying on the Time Stone. Also, he doesn't have to take as much pressure as you, isn't it nice?"

"Gu Yi, I admire you very much, and you will come to Dimension Street in the future, that's why I said so much. You should know that I can't get what I want. If I were someone else, I wouldn't be so good at talking. "

For this reason, Su Yue's attitude is very clear, what else can Master Gu Yi say?


Master Gu Yi crossed his hands, the necklace on his neck instantly lit up, a green gem slowly floated out, and floated in front of Su Yue.

Chapter 0631 Time gem, awesome!

Time gem, here it is!

Once again, no, it should be said that he got the time gem again and again. Su Yue was not excited. After all, this gem was the one he had the most times in his hands.

It's impossible to get excited.

Moreover, Su Yue had no interest in the Infinity Gems at the beginning. After going around, the Infinity Gems changed hands several times in his hands. If his strength did not rise later, he could absorb other energies and convert them into transcendental energy to improve himself. There is no interest in Infinity Stones right now.

So at this moment, Su Yue was not excited, only sighed.

"You said just now that the Mind Gem has been absorbed by you, so the Mind Gem doesn't exist anymore?" Gu Yi also sighed at the Time Gem in Su Yue's hand, but her sigh was different from Su Yue's.

After all, the Time Stone has belonged to Kama Taj for too long. It is completely regarded as a sacred object of Kama Taj, an heirloom and the like. Now that the Time Stone has changed hands, it may no longer exist in the future. Emotionally, Master Gu Yi was somewhat sad.

In addition, Master Gu Yi sighed because of Su Yue.

I think when Su Yue first came to this world, Master Gu Yi or Kama Taj acted against him. At that time, Su Yue had to rely on special methods such as the fruit of surgery and Dimension Street to resist, although the results It's a temporary draw, but it's completely different from the strength that you have to bow your head if you don't agree.

To be honest, Gu Yi can't see through Su Yue's strength today.

On the one hand, there are too few opportunities for Su Yue to make a move, and the power of Dimension Street is getting stronger and stronger, not to mention that no one dares to provoke Su Yue to provoke Dimension Street. The people at hand have solved it.

This kind of situation can still be understood by the ancient master. Just like Kama Taj, there are usually some small problems that are basically solved by the masters under his subordinates. If there is really something that cannot be solved, or the strength is strong, it is the ancient master who will take action. .

The difference is that if you compare Su Yue to the ancient one, there are very few who are stronger than him, at least a handful on earth.

No, it should be said that there is no!

"Gem is a carrier of energy. I have absorbed all the energy, and naturally the carrier of gems no longer exists." Su Yue explained.

"So, Thanos can't gather the Infinity Stones."

"Of course, let alone Thanos, it is impossible for anyone in this world to gather the Infinity Stones. Without the Infinity Stones, there would be no snap of fingers, and half of life would not disappear. Even if Thanos came to Earth, it would not be the same. Originally, it would bring disaster and pain in the future, on the contrary... his only function after he came to earth is probably to send the other gems he collected to me!"

When someone delivers it to your door, why pick it up yourself?

Master Gu Yi sighed, nodded and said, "In the future, the earth will be handed over to you to protect."

"Anyway, you will also be in Dimension Street in the future, don't say it as if you have completely let go."

Su Yue said with a smile, and then took the time gem to prepare to leave: "I'll go first. When Stephens Trange returns, you can just take him to Kama Taj."

Master Gu Yi will definitely come to Dimension Street, and Stephens Trange Su Yue has no interest, so there is no need to stay here and continue to wait for Stephens Trange, and there is no need to talk to Master Gu, after all, Gu Yi is now A mage should be very sad.

Back on the top floor of the Dimension Street building, Su Yue took out the time gem and began to try to absorb it.

Both ears do not hear things outside the window, and they only read the books of sages and sages.

Su Yue's situation for the next period of time was somewhat similar. The mutants, the registration act, the captain, and the others who traveled through parallel worlds almost ignored them, and absorbed the energy in the time gem with all their concentration.

Originally had experience in absorbing Mind Gems, Su Yue thought it would be easier and faster to absorb Time Gems this time, but when he absorbed it, he found out that was not the case.

Each Infinity Stone has its own ability. Although this ability cannot be called consciousness, it also has an instinctive characteristic reaction. For example, there is consciousness in the mind gem, and it will actively resist Su Yue's devouring, while the time gem does not have such active consciousness, but it has special passive characteristics.

It's time!

Every time Su Yue absorbs the energy of the time gem, or at a node of the energy of the time gem, this strange passive characteristic will be activated, and then the energy he absorbed will disappear, and then return to the time gem again. .

This is such a hell!

Su Yue never thought that such a situation would happen. No matter how awesome the infinite gem is, it is just a gem. How could such an operation be possible?

Besides, you are at the level of the multiverse now, right? Although it may be slightly worse in some aspects, the multiverse level is definitely fine, at most it is a relatively weak multiverse level.

However, the energy that was swallowed up and absorbed by oneself can actually go back. I have to say that the time gem is really awesome!

It's no wonder that the lords of the dark dimension like Dormammu are not opponents of the Time Stone, and are disgraced by the cycle of the Time Stone.

What should I say, although Su Yue was surprised that the Time Stone could still have such an operation, he was not discouraged. No one in the movie has studied absorbing the energy of the Time Stone alone, so it is barely normal to not find or say that this situation does not occur. After all, each Infinity Stone has its own characteristics.

For example, they are also Infinity Stones. In the movie, Thanos used the Time Stone to restore the Mind Stone that was destroyed by Wanda, so it makes sense that it can restore the energy absorbed by him.

The reason why Su Yue is not discouraged is also very simple. If he can't do it now, it doesn't mean he can't in the future. As long as his strength improves again, as long as he exceeds the "level" of the time gem, he will naturally be able to ignore its characteristics.

Moreover, through this incident, Su Yue also thought of a possibility.

Since the time gem can restore the broken mind gem and restore the mind gem from the broken state to its original state, does that mean that you can use the time gem to restore the infinity gem that was completely absorbed by yourself?

If you can!

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