At the same time, the others around them responded very quickly, releasing energy weapons almost uniformly. At the same time, Su Yue, who didn't know when and how they appeared, surrounded them.

Su Yue glanced at each of them with shocked and fearful expressions, and calmly said to Casillas: "Borrow a door, I'm too lazy to go out by myself."

"When did you appear here?" Casillas asked cautiously.

Su Yue answered his question in a very good manner: "After this mirror space came out, I have to say that Kama Taj's magic is indeed unique, whether it is an energy whip, a portal, or a mirror space, it is very unique. good."

"So, have you seen it all?"

"I see."

Casillas was a little flustered in his heart. How should I put it? Although he killed the ancient one, although he was swollen, he was still worried about the dimensional lord.

No way, Su Yue is too strong!

He was so strong that even if he swelled up, he would not dare to say that he could defeat Su Yue!

Now that Su Yue is suddenly here, how can Casillas not panic? But Casillas responded quickly. Although he knew that the relationship between Su Yue and Gu Yi had become good in the later period, since Su Yue had seen what just happened here from the beginning to the end, especially Master Gu Yi. Since he didn't take action, it means... the situation may be different from what he thought.

Casillas admitted that if Su Yue tried to save Gu Yi, he would definitely be able to do it, but he had been standing by and did not even act directly when he appeared just now, but he didn't seem to want revenge for Gu Yi!

"You can think more about some things before you do them. Once you do them, there is no need to think about them." Seeing Casillas' extremely active mental activity, Su Yue said lightly, "I'm just here to watch. I don’t want to miss such a famous scene as Gu Yi was killed. When I showed up, I just borrowed a door and didn’t bother to go there by myself. As for other things, I’m not interested.”

"You already knew that Gu Yi was going to die?" Casillas frowned slightly, seeing that Su Yue was too lazy to respond, although he was angry, he endured it.

Anyway, as long as Dormammu is summoned, Dormammu's strength will naturally be able to take care of Suyue.

"Where are you going?" Casillas asked.

To be a tool man, just open a portal, no big deal, I think Master Gu Yi was also a tool man and a driver back then.

"Don't be so troublesome, I'll go wherever you go." Su Yue said.

Casillas' eyes narrowed: "What do you mean?"

"Forget it, let's be honest with you. I know what you're going to do. It's nothing more than going to the Sanctuary of Hong Kong and summoning Dormammu to come to Earth. It just so happens that I want to meet him too. Stop by, you do what you do, and I do it. Mine, you can put your heart in your belly, I will definitely let you summon Dormammu smoothly." Su Yue didn't bother to waste time with Casillas, after all, Casillas is just a tool man, a small role. .

Master Gu Yi died, and Dormammu will appear soon. For Su Yue, Dormammu and the dark dimension are what interests him!

Su Yue confessed that he was too lazy to waste time, but Casillas didn't think so. At the moment Su Yue's voice fell, he almost couldn't control it and shot directly. Fortunately, the fear of Su Yue made him not lose his calm and stabilized his emotions.

With that being said, Casillas was also on guard.

Can he believe what Su Yue said?

Predictive ability?

This is an ability that Su Yue has shown a long time ago. Many people know that Su Yue can predict the future, and can even travel to the future through time.

For example, Stephens Trange, he will become a very powerful mage in the future, and in that movie Casillas saw a lot of Kama Taj mage, but he did not have himself, nor Mordo, nor Gu. one.

It can even be said that Casillas' expansion, such as being able to kill Gu Yi, is partly due to the future given by Su Yue.

Therefore, Casillas is not surprised that Su Yue will know that Gu Yi will die here, and that he knows that he is going to Hong Kong Sanctuary to summon Dormammu. What really worries him is that Su Yue knows what will happen in the situation He was still so calm, and even took the initiative to go together, why?

Is it because he thought he was sure he could deal with Dormammu?

Casillas was full of thoughts, and he wasn't sure what to do for a while. Take Su Yue with you? Casillas worries that Su Yue will affect his plans. If I don't take him, I'm afraid I will do it. Casillas asks himself that he may not be Su Yue's opponent. If he loses, then all his plans will be in vain.

"What? Do you have to think about this trivial matter for so long?" Su Yue squinted at Casillas.

Casillas shook his head and stepped out of the way.

Obviously, it is useless to stop Su Yue. He is not sure to solve Su Yue. At that time, Su Yue will be able to go to the Holy of Holies even if he doesn't need himself, and he will be able to stop his plan. It may even be counterproductive.

The best way now is not to provoke Su Yue, take a step by step, and wait until Dormammu arrives on Earth!

"Isn't that good? It's a waste of time to think so much." After Su Yue finished speaking, he walked straight into the portal.

The next moment, he had already arrived outside the Holy of Holies in Hong Kong.

"Ring ling ling..."

The phone rang suddenly, and Su Yue answered it at will, with a slightly strange expression on his face.

The call was from the Dimension Street guards, and the reason was very simple. Just now, a portal appeared outside Dimension Street, and then Stephens Trange and Mordo entered the Dimension Street with the injured and dying Master Ancient One. , I want to find myself to save Gu Yi.

Uh, this is really surprising but not unexpected news.

Chapter 0642 Wait for Dormammu!

Stephens Trange's thinking is right. The Ancient One Mage was injured, and the injury was very serious. It was a fatal injury. At this time, only Su Yue could guarantee a 100% cure for the Ancient One Mage.

But what Stephens Trange didn't know was that Su Yue wouldn't save Gu Yi, and Gu Yi didn't want Su Yue to save him at all, and it could even be said that he didn't want to be saved at all.

Su Yue said to the other end of the phone to ignore it, then hung up the phone and glanced at Casillas who followed. Casillas obviously heard the content of the phone, knowing that Stephens Trange took Master Gu Yi to Dimension Street to find Su Yue for treatment, so he looked at Su Yue with complicated eyes.

On the one hand, he hopes that Su Yue can leave here, so as not to destroy his grand plan to summon Dormammu; on the other hand, he does not want Su Yue to go back to save Gu Yi. If Su Yue takes action, Gu Yi will definitely be able to live. Will come back for revenge.

Casillas suddenly felt that he was more entangled when facing Su Yue than when he plunged into the darkness and rebelled against Kama Taj.

"Look at what I'm doing? Go with your business." Seeing Casillas and the others coming out, Su Yue looked at himself like this and waved his hand to urge.

Uh, this tone, this action, made Casillas feel like he was a younger brother and Su Yue was a boss.

He wanted to say something, but he couldn't start, so in the end he just took people away.

Casillas and the others left in a mighty manner and entered the Holy of Holies. From the outside, the Holy of Holies was as calm as water, as if nothing had happened, but inside it was actually a fight.

The mages of the Sanctuary have already received the news and made preparations in advance. Although Casillas and the others could not make a sneak attack, they still have the upper hand in strength. The morale of them still makes them strong.

After several fights, Casillas and the others won in the end. Although there were injuries on the hands, the damage on the Sanctuary side was even more serious. Although there were also a few people who could not run away in the end, it was no longer a problem. .

Inside the Sanctuary, Casillas glanced at Su Yue, who was drinking milk tea leisurely and contentedly outside, like an ordinary pedestrian, took a deep breath, turned around and prepared to start the ceremony of summoning Dormammu.

Su Yue was not interested in the summoning ceremony. All he had to do now was to wait for Dormammu's arrival. Before Dormammu appeared, he would try his best to solve the troubles that might affect the arrival of Dormammu.

For example, Stephens Trange and the others!


The golden portal appeared out of thin air, and the shimmering rays of light made the surrounding pedestrians startled, and they all avoided it.

In the portal, Stephens Trange, Mordo, Wang, walked out from inside.

Judging from their solemn expressions, Gu Yi must have died.

"Lord Lord, did you already know that this would happen?" Stephens Trange came to Su Yue, and it seemed that he was not surprised that Su Yue would be here.


Su Yue's psychic ability swept around them and quickly understood what was going on.

Su Yue didn't go back to Dimension Street to treat Master Gu Yi, and Master Gu Yi didn't want to live, so he handed over the heavy responsibility to Stephens Trange before he died as in the movie.

Of course, what was different from the movie was that Master Gu Yi reminded Stephens Trange that he could go to Su Yue if he had trouble that could not be solved. After all, Kama Taj has no time gems now, and as a price, Su Yue is also obliged to protect the earth from other unique invasions and to properly help Kama Taj's mages.

The body of Mage Gu Yi was temporarily left on Dimension Street. Stephens Trange and Mordo returned to Kama Taj to prepare weapons. They called the king by the way, and then went to the Holy of Holies in New York first, and found that there was nothing there. Then he came here without stopping.

Stephens Trange said angrily, "Since you know all this, why don't you stop it?"

Su Yue cast a glance: "Why should I stop it? Does this matter have anything to do with me? Moral kidnapping is not a good habit."

Stephens Trange didn't say a word. Although he was still angry, was he reasonable? It doesn't make sense at all, and since things have come to this point, it's useless to talk about it now. He glanced at Wang and Mordu and was about to bypass Suyue and go to the Sanctuary to stop Casillas and others from summoning Dormammu.

Yes, by now, Casillas and others have already known the purpose of the rebellion against Kama Taj, Stephens Trange and the others.

That is to call Dormammu to the earth and let the dark dimension completely swallow the earth.

As soon as the three of Stephens Trange moved, they heard a pop, and an energy whip was thrown directly to the ground, thrown in front of them, and stopped them.

"What do you mean?" Stephens Trange frowned, and Mordo and Wang's expressions were not very good-looking.

First of all, they knew everything but didn't stop Casillas, let alone save Gu Yi's death, and now they seem to stop them from dealing with Casillas, which makes it hard for Stephens Trange and others not to think about Su Yue. Purpose.

"Stand still, wait obediently." Su Yue took back the energy whip and joked with a smile: "Don't say, your Kama Taj's magic is really convenient, okay, don't use that kind of eyes one by one. Look at me, although I am not a messenger of justice, I will never let the earth be destroyed, after all, this is my territory."

"I'm not letting you go now because the summoning ceremony hasn't been completed, and Dormammu hasn't appeared yet. At this time, you can get away with it. What about next time? What about next time? With your strength, it's impossible in the short term. It is Dormammu's opponent, no, it should be said that even Casillas and you are not completely sure to be able to deal with it now."

"I don't want to wipe your **** again and again. Wouldn't it be better to solve it once and for all?"

"You want to wait for Dormammu to appear?" Stephens Trange responded.

Su Yue nodded: "Yeah, I promised the Gu gang to help you, the solution to Dormammu is just easy, my real purpose is the dark dimension. I'll say it first, just this time, I believe that Domamu and the darkness will be solved. After the dimension, other monsters and ghosts do not dare to easily attack the idea of ​​the earth, you can also have sufficient development time, and if there is any trouble at that time, it should be yours and you have to solve it yourself."

Chapter 0643 Dormammu? I even have to solve the dark dimension together!

"You, you want to solve Dormammu, and... also the dark dimension?" Stephens Trange was surprised!

Wang, I am shocked!

Mordo, shocked!

They knew that Su Yue was very strong, and they believed that Su Yue would not do anything bad for the earth. They even guessed that they might be targeting Dormammu. Not just Dormammu, but the entire dark dimension!

This, is this possible?

You must know that just one Dormammu makes them feel like the sky is falling. That is Dormammu, the lord of the dark dimension, even a mage as strong as the ancient one would not dare to say that he can defeat Dormammu, let alone completely. Solved Dormammu.

As for the dark dimension? Haha, I didn't even think about it. That is the dark dimension, an independent and powerful dimension that may have existed for the same time as the earth. Want to completely solve the dark dimension? This difficulty is more difficult than destroying the earth, no, it should be said that it is similar to destroying the universe!

What no one dared to think about was that Su Yue dared to think about it, and planned to do it.

How could this surprise Stephens Trange and the others?

"Is there a problem?" Su Yue asked indifferently.

Wang and Mo Du subconsciously shook their heads and didn't say anything. They had a certain understanding of Su Yue's strength. If the strength of Su Yue or Dimension Street was used to level the dark dimension, it would not be impossible.

Of course, their perception is that Su Yue and Dimension Street go all out, and then spend some time and protracted war to push the dark dimension a little bit.

If they knew that Su Yue didn't plan to use such a time-consuming and laborious method at all, but planned to directly absorb the dark dimension and make the dark dimension disappear completely, I am afraid they would not be so calm now.

As for Stephens Trange, he still has some understanding of Su Yue, but he does not have an intuitive and practical impression, so he can accept that Su Yue wants to deal with Dormammu, but he feels that Su Yue is a little too much to deal with the dark dimension. .

Once an accident occurs, it is an irreversible consequence.

Therefore, Stephens Trange wanted to persuade Su Yue not to be too arrogant, but before he finished speaking, he suddenly looked up at the sky.

The originally clear sky turned black, as if the end of the world had come. The dark clouds were getting bigger and bigger, not only blocking the sun, but also swallowing the sky.

The wind, as the dark clouds hung up without warning, the dark clouds gradually changed with the wind. The originally simple dark clouds turned black and blue, shining brightly, faintly flashing with thunder, and the roar was deafening. Normal tearing.

It became more and more intense, and the sky gradually split, and it seemed to reveal the scene of another world.

Dark Dimension!

"It's too late!" Stephens Trange called melancholy, then looked at the Holy of Holies.

Boom! boom! boom!

The sound of collapse sounded, and the Sanctuary began to collapse and crack. The surrounding melon-eating crowd shouted in horror and fled in a hurry. Soon, this collapse began to spread from the Sanctuary to the surroundings, and the nearby buildings also began to crack and collapse.

The vision in the sky, the collapse on the ground, the screaming crowd, and the dim sky, all of which are combined together, it really seems like the end is about to come.


Stephens Trange gritted his teeth and looked at the few people who ran out of the Holy of Holies.

The leader was the proud Casillas.

Dormammu is coming, everything he wants is about to come true.

"This is an internal matter of your Kama Taj, you handle it yourself, I won't intervene." Su Yue on both sides directly expressed their attitude before they started.

Help Stephens Trange against Casillas? It's a bit too cheap for Su Yue, and he's not Stephens Trange's nanny, either Gu Yi or the Time Stone, but he doesn't have such a big face, unless Kama Taj is merged into Dimension Street. , otherwise he would be too lazy to be a nanny.

After Su Yue finished speaking, ignoring the reactions of Stephens Trange, Casillas and others, he jumped into the sky with a swoosh and rushed into the dark dimension in the sky.

"Seeking death!" Casillas glanced at Su Yue, who rushed into the dark dimension, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

If Dormam came to Earth, Su Yue might still cause him some trouble, but Su Yue actually chose to go to the dark dimension? That was Dormammu's territory. In Casillas' view, it was no different from seeking death and rushing to death.

"Alright, since he chose to die, then I'll take care of a few of you who slipped through the net first." Casillas retracted his gaze and looked at Stephens Trange, then his hands shook, and the magically condensed weapon appeared directly. rushed over.

At the same time, the followers behind him followed suit.

Stephens Trange took a deep breath, glanced at Wang and Mordo with dignified faces, and also released magical weapons to meet them.

The same is true for Wang and Mordo.

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