In the end, the only more accurate news is the Holy of Holies. After all, both Casillas and Stephens Trange have been there before.

Therefore, these people quickly began to investigate the Holy Sanctuary. The War Machine and Iron Man also came from the Avengers, and at the same time, Natasha inquired about the situation from the Dimension Street.

In addition, like S.H.I.E.L.D., Hydra, these old-fashioned organizations will definitely not miss it, but with the source of Dimension Street, S.H.I.E.L.D. is not too concerned, just sent someone to investigate the situation, On the other side of Hydra, there are more branches, except for their own people, let them investigate slowly by themselves.

And Nick Fury, although this old fox escaped from its shell and focused on the Tianjian game, he will definitely understand what happened on Earth.

Not necessarily participating, but you must know the relevant situation.

This is Nick Fury.

It is General Ross who really cares about this matter. The registration bill is now in full swing. Although the disappearance of the captain and the others has made General Ross a little depressed, in general, the promotion effect of the registration bill is still very obvious. For those who are not registered but have extraordinary power, General Ross naturally hopes to use this opportunity to let them sign the bill on the one hand, and increase the influence of the bill on the other hand.

I have to say that General Ross has a really big heart!

Want to get Kama Taj's mages to sign the bill? Hehe, he is floating. Kama Taj has been secretly protecting the earth for so long, and its extraordinary status is not restricted by any mere act. It can be said that when there is Kama Taj, this country does not know where.

Although the ancient master is 'dead' now, and Kama Taj suffered heavy losses due to Casillas' betrayal, but the thin dead camel is bigger than a horse. If you say that it was Dimension Street, Kama Taj might have followed. , but General Ross and those under his command?

Ha ha……

Speaking of which, I don't really blame General Ross for his expansion. During this time, he had a lot of mutants who signed the bill, whether it was active or passive, it can be said that these people's life is the door, and the future life of these people is in General Ross. Holding it in his hand, with such a powerful force, can General Ross not swell?

Although it is impossible for him to forcibly instruct these mutants now, after all, it will affect the bill, and he is not sure that he can deal with the death of these people, but there are still some people who actively join the command of General Ross, and General Ross calls these people X agents .

With these powerful mutants, can General Ross not swell?

Therefore, when other organizations were still quietly inquiring about the situation and Niao Qiao wanted to make small moves in a low-key manner, General Ross directly came to the Sanctuary to take advantage of the current chaotic situation and let them sign the bill. .

Even, Iron Man and War Machine are there!

This action is not only for the mage to sign the bill, but also to show his power!

Whether it's for those extraordinary humans, ordinary humans, or... Avengers!

To put it simply, General Ross wants to let people know that he has strength now!

Chapter 0649 teach life

Then, General Ross was taught to be a man!

The **** decides the head. There is actually no problem with General Ross' thoughts and actions. As an official representative, his goal and position must be to let those who are disobedient know what they can do and what they can't do.

They must be made aware of fear, so that they will have fear in their hearts and will not be unscrupulous.

However, General Ross chose the wrong time.

He wrongly overestimated his own strength and underestimated Kama Taj's strength.

When General Ross took Agent X into the Sanctuary and used an official stance to force Stephens Trench and other Kama Taj mages to sign the bill, Stephens Trench, the successor appointed by Gu Yi, also Without expressing his position, Mordo took the lead.

Yes, let's go straight.

Very strong, very direct, what kind of politeness? Pretending to be a snake? I won't say a word of nonsense to you, just a horizontal push in the mirror space instantly teleports Ross and Agent X to where they are going.

Without warning, without any preparation, Ross and the X-Men almost blinked and found themselves in a snowy world.

The cold wind was slowly blowing, and everyone shivered subconsciously, looking at the dazed Snow White World with a dazed look.

who I am?

Where is this?

Why am I here?

Are you not facing those mages in the sanctuary of Hong Kong? Why did you come to this ghost place all of a sudden.

"General Ross, now... what should we do now?" Someone asked General Ross.

General Ross was also very stunned. He led the team in high spirits and wanted to show his strength and muscles. The result was like being played with a monkey. As soon as he showed up, he was immediately dismissed. This feeling made General Ross the first reaction. Not angry, but ignorant!

Really confused!

But now is not the time to let him be stunned. In this cold climate, if you don't find a way to do it as soon as possible, you may freeze to death. Besides, there are so many people around, it's not a bad time to get a job, if there are no problems at the moment. The way to solve it is really shameful inside and out.

Fortunately, it was not troublesome to solve this problem. Naturally, General Ross's phone had a positioning system. Once he ruled, someone would answer it soon.

The real tricky part is what to do next!

Obviously, he still knows too little about Kama Taj, and he doesn't have an intuitive understanding of their abilities and strengths. In this case, even if he goes back and finds the door again, the result will not be much better.

What we have to do now is two things, or two choices. One is to collect the information of Kama Taj in detail immediately after returning, and then go back to the place when you think it is safe to deal with it; the other is to ask Dimension Street to come forward. The Fengshen team will help to deal with some relatively powerful targets that are not easy to solve.

Kama Taj is also a target.

It's just that the only thing that worries General Ross is whether Su Yue will let the Fengshen team take action on Kama Taj. After all, Su Yue also took action in this incident, and it is obviously on Kama Taj's side. If If Su Yue wants to stand by Kama Taj, let alone help, it is a blessing to stand by and watch. After all... Su Yue's character is very strong, he wants to say something to make Kama Taj detached from the world There is no way.

You can't tear yourself apart with Su Yue, right?

It's just a bit embarrassing not to win Kama Taj now. It would be embarrassing to break up with Su Yue. You would even lose your job and even your life.

He doesn't think that his daughter who works in Dimension Street has such a big face that Su Yue can bypass him.

Therefore, General Ross, who was in high spirits and inflated, is now completely lost.

After a long time, the plane arrived late, picked up General Ross and Agent X, who were already frozen, and left this snow-white, endless icy world.

There are two flowers, one for each.

Leaving aside the experience and thoughts of General Ross and the others after they were teleported away, let's talk about the Holy of Holies.

Although Stephens Trench expressed his support for Mordo's attitude and actions, it has to be said that Stephens Trench was somewhat worried.

He belongs to the category of rushing ducks to the shelves. Before he can learn his skills, the sky is falling. The giant who shielded him from the wind and rain is dead, and Kama Taj is now severely damaged. At least two of the three sanctuaries have been destroyed, plus a lot of subsequent consequences, which makes Stephens Tran Qi already had a headache and felt numb.

Then, it got worse!

Stephens Trange wanted to ask Mordo what to do next, but Mordo was silent...

"What's the matter? It's hard to do this?" Stephens Trange asked.

Mordo shook his head: "This is your business, you have to figure out a way yourself."

Stephens Trange was stunned: "What do you mean by that, you..."

"I'm leaving." Mordo said directly.

"Go? Why?"

Mordo shook his head and said nothing.


Of course, it is also because of the ancient master. Knowing that the ancient master has been using the power of the dark dimension, although he did not directly betray like Casillas, it is impossible to accept it without any influence.

In Mordo's heart, what should I say, the pursuit of power has become more eager.

He wants to leave Kama Taj, wants to seek stronger power, and his attitude is very firm.

Although Stephens Trange wanted to persuade Mordo to stay, he did not have the position to make a decision for Mordo, nor did he have the relationship to persuade Mordo to change his mind.

In the end, Mordo left.

Without informing the king, not informing others, or even making a big splash, he just quietly left.

When Wang came back from other things, he found out that Modu had left. Although Wang really wanted to find Modu, there was a huge crowd. If Modu didn't want to be found, it would not be easy to find him.

Fortunately, Wang didn't mean to leave, so Stephens Trange was not without helpers. With Wang's help, although it was impossible to return to the past, he had a clue and tried his best to restore the card. The order of Ma Taj.


"This is so special, it's too much."

In the dark dimension, Su Yue let out a long breath and muttered. In this dim dimension, there is no concept of time at all. Su Yue feels that he has absorbed a lot of energy for a long time, but the energy remaining in the entire dark dimension is still huge, and he doesn't know how to measure it.

It seems that if you want to absorb all the power of the dark dimension, you can't do it in a short time.

Chapter 0650 Whether the earth is chaotic or not, Su Yue decides.

At the current speed, Su Yue felt that even if he didn't eat or drink, he would absorb it here 24 hours a day, and it would probably take several months to completely absorb the dark dimension.

It's been too long. Although it was expected that absorbing the power of the dark dimension would not be a matter of a day or two, if he did nothing for a few months and absorbed energy here, Su Yue really couldn't stand it these days.

Even if you can make a qualitative leap after absorbing the power of the dark dimension, but now there is no strong enemy on your side, you don't need to give up your life at all, you are in a hurry.

Besides, there are other things out there.

For example, there is still no conclusion about the captain, the others and the immigrant mutants over there, the star-devouring messenger.

Another example is that according to the time, it is estimated that the plot of Thor 3 will soon be reached. Hela, the goddess of death, returns, opening the prelude to Ragnarok.

When dealing with the dark elves, Su Yue reminded Frigga that as for what Frigga would do, it was up to her and Asgard.

In addition, there is Thanos. There are some conspiracies. Thanos is regarded by Su Yue as a chess piece to expand the territory of Dimension Street, so before the appearance of Thanos, Su Yue must have the energy to continuously upgrade, so as to maximize the benefits. .

Su Yue thought about passing the time so that he would not be bored, and persisted for a few more days, and finally he couldn't hold on anymore.

Repeated things can easily make people feel boring, not to mention that absorbing energy itself does not require Su Yue to do anything extra, nor does it require him to stay focused.

To put it bluntly, Su Yue almost stood in the dark dimension and stayed for many days without doing anything. Although this feeling was different from being locked up, it also had the same effect.

Although there are some sayings that there is no time in cultivation, but the premise is that you are in cultivation. Like Su Yue, who just stays here without doing anything, no one can stand it.

"Slip away, go back to take a bath, eat something, have a good rest, and come back later."

Su Yue is flashy.

Anyway, there is no Dormammu out to make trouble in the dark dimension now. Even if other monsters and ghosts want to attack the dark dimension, they must have this strength.

Even with this strength, it is impossible to replace Dormammu's original identity as the new lord of the dark dimension in just a few days, right? Even if there were, they couldn't compete with Dormam at the beginning, and Dormam was easily pinched to death by Su Yue, so naturally they couldn't stop Su Yue.

Therefore, the dark dimension is now Su Yue's private plot, and you can come whenever you want.


The sound of breaking the air sounded, Su Yue dodged, and people had appeared on the top floor of the Dimension Street building from the dark dimension.

"Huh... it's better to be at home." Su Yue sighed, turned around and went straight to take a shower.

Dirty is definitely not dirty, but after this bath, Su Yue still felt very happy.

After taking a shower, someone came downstairs to deliver a big meal from the chrysanthemum. While Su Yue ate his food, he asked Wanda about the situation in Dimension Street during this time.

Dimension Street itself has not changed much, and it is still very lively. At the same time, the high-speed rail plan is also opening other lines in an orderly manner.

It's just that there are more homeless people in Dimension Street, mainly on the streets and high-speed rail stations. During the day, there may be slightly fewer people. At night, many homeless people spend the night here.

The homeless in the United States are different from the homeless we think. What do we think of the homeless? Very old, incapable of labor, dirty beggars.

But the homeless people here in the United States are different. Many of them are young and look good in clothes.

Then why become a tramp?

On the one hand, the habit of early consumption in the United States makes them unable to withstand economic disasters. Once they lose their jobs, they will lose their income immediately. Houses and other things can easily be taken away and left on the streets.

As for why they don't look for jobs? Hehe, first of all, there are not many jobs here. Second, you have to work hard to do manual work. The labor here is very expensive. Because labor is expensive, many times people don’t find workers at all, and they do it themselves.

There are two main types of homeless people in Dimension Street. One is temporarily encountering difficulties. Staying in Dimension Street at least avoids the possibility of being robbed and bullied; the other is... mutants.

Yes, mutants!

Although Dimension Street has not checked and restricted the identities of these mutants, it is easy to determine the identities of these mutants without special investigation, because probably Dimension Street is the only place where you don't need to hide your identities. After all, Dimension Street There are many kinds of existence.

These mutants enter Dimension Street to seek shelter. After all, they are from another world, and there are many actions against mutants in this world. Many people who do not want to register will hide. Dimension Street is obviously one of the best place.

Because no one dares to run wild in Dimension Street.

If these mutants want to live well in this world, then Dimension Street is the best opportunity.

There will be no discrimination against mutants, no attack on mutants, as long as you have money, as long as you are willing to work hard, as long as you do not violate the rules of Dimension Street, then you can live freely here, just like everyone else. Enjoy your rights.

However, making money is difficult.

After all, they dare not go to work outside Dimension Street, and there are very few jobs in Dimension Street. How many people dream of getting a job in Dimension Street, so their only advantage is probably their own ability.

After all, there are mutants in Dimension Street. Some are smarter and smarter. They have already started to contact the guards of Dimension Street, hoping to join Dimension Street and become a member of the guard through this relationship.

After Dimension Street finished speaking, Wanda talked about other things.

For example, Iron Man once contacted Su Yue to ask about the previous matter, and Stephens Trange also came to see Su Yue, because of General Ross and the registration bill, and then General Ross also came to ask about the card Mattage.

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