This is so annoying, co-authoring with me to absorb a space gem on a timeline is equivalent to destroying a space on a timeline? Why haven't I found out that you have this problem before?

Maybe it's because the Infinity Stones are clustered together? After all, this is to completely absorb and integrate the power into one's body and master its origin. It is normal to have a little reaction;

Maybe something went wrong, someone made trouble?

The absorption process of soul gems was not affected, but then death bubbled up. What about space gems? Who is the space related to?

Su Suyue's first reaction was the three remaining gods.

Eternity, infinity, annihilation.

Eternity among these three gods represents the specific phenomenon of the total time of the universe, and can manipulate the timeline arbitrarily and create new branches on the timeline.

In other words, this may correspond to the time gem, or the source of time.

Annihilation can create and manipulate all matter and space-time axes that do not exist or cannot exist, and seem to correspond to the gem of reality or the source of reality.


Infinite represents the specific phenomenon of the totality of the entire space. It can arbitrarily manipulate all the spaces in the entire universe. It should represent the space gem or the origin of space.

So... I didn't run away.

If it's not the problem of the Infinity Stone itself, then Infinity is making trouble for itself.

To their degree, they must already know their existence and what they are doing, especially when it comes to their respective fields, they must be more sensitive. If Infinite finds itself absorbing the power of space gems, seizing the origin of space, and intervening and destroying, that is what it should be.

Now that you know who your opponent is, it's easy to handle. The first question is how to find the infinite. After all, it is not easy to find this kind of concept source-level **** without contact and no bond. The soul source is only aimed at The soul born in this world, and the infinite is obviously not, even if it is, it is difficult to sum up with the concept of soul with its strength.

So from the perspective of the soul, it's not enough, then... the problem comes back again, in the case of infinitely destroying yourself and absorbing the space gem, you can't find infinite, what is the best choice?

Of course it's a soul gem!

I just said that this gem can enter the mind of everything that exists. Even if you can't directly sense infinity, as long as there are traces of infinity, you can find infinity along the way.

So I made the wrong choice at the beginning, because I started with the mind gem, and then I went to absorb the space gem.

Well, it doesn't matter, it's the same whoever comes first, and it won't take much time.

Su Yue temporarily gave up absorbing space gems and started absorbing mind gems instead. However, the special mind gem also has a moth.

Chapter 0711 The New Primitive Beyonder (The Finale)

What happened to the Mind Stone?

This moth actually has nothing to do with the Mind Gem, but has something to do with time, yes, time, not space.

The time for the Mind Stone seems to be locked!

What does that mean? To put it simply, the mind gem has no concept of time, and the time on it is still, which leads to a result, no matter what operation is done on the mind gem, the mind gem will not change, because time is still. .

Why does time stand still?

Someone must be making trouble again.

The source of infinite power is space. Now that there is a problem with time, it is definitely not infinite. So since it is not infinite, and it has the same strength as the infinite, it can even stop the time of the soul gem. It is obvious who his identity is?


Only the remaining three gods, Eternity, master the source of time.

Why did Eternity take action? Why haven't you absorbed the Time Gem? Oh, isn't the answer obvious? I haven't absorbed it yet instead of not absorbing it. In other words, it's a matter of time sooner or later. Eternal will naturally not be indifferent. Don't take advantage of everyone to beat Su Yue together now, are you waiting for them to be defeated one by one?

So it is normal for infinite and eternity to join forces to deal with themselves, and death is a lesson from the past.

"Hmph, I thought it would take me too much time to absorb the energy of the Mind Gem?" Su Yue was actually mentally prepared, let alone infinite and eternity. If there is no accident, the last annihilation will find a suitable opportunity. Will definitely take action.

Suyue VS three gods?

Then let's see who can play who.

As soon as Su Yue's thoughts moved, the transcendental energy was activated instantly, and there was no sign of it being activated. Su Yue directly used the ability of transcending energy to make things happen to change the essence of the Mind Gem, making the Mind Gem jump out of the existence of this world and make it happen. was immediately isolated.

Can't you use time to isolate the mind gem?


I can too, I can change the connection between the Mind Gem and this world, so that it exists in this world but is isolated from the outside world!

The rules of this world, the time of this world can't affect things outside this world, right?

Eternal time blockade, self-defeating.

But it didn't take long for Su Yue to be happy, and sure enough, Annihilation also shot.

The moment he made his move, Su Yue felt a little tricky. He really deserved to be a god, and he really had incredible power.

What is the power of annihilation? Nothingness and unknowable concrete phenomena can create and manipulate matter that does not exist or cannot exist in the universe, and can arbitrarily create, destroy, manipulate and change all existing and non-existent matter and timelines in the universe.

To put it simply, Su Yue's side set the mind gem as non-existent in this universe, and the annihilation of the hand held it down.

Do you not exist?

Exactly, no existence is under my control.

In terms of conceptual level, of course, the annihilation of this universe cannot be higher than that of the Transcendent, Su Yue. Even if all the universes are added together, even if it is the Almighty Universe, there is no one that can surpass the Transcendent. At most, it is equal.

However, the embarrassing thing is that Su Yue's transcendence power has not recovered to the original level. He is always downgrading himself, downgrading himself, and he is depressed now, right?

In essence, Su Yue can ignore the influence of annihilation, but in reality, his current strength is not enough.

It seems that you can kill anyone with a gun, but the problem now is that there is no bullet in the gun! In theory you can kill anyone with a gun, but there's no bullet for a hammer?

In theory, Su Yue can change the impact of annihilation, but the energy beyond that is not enough. No matter in terms of quality or quantity, Su Yue is now at most offsetting the impact of annihilation, and he can't do a backhand slap to death and annihilation.

What's the use of this?

He counteracted the effect of annihilation, and the result was a tossing in vain, and then he went back to the embarrassing situation at the beginning, that is, the time of the mind gem was locked, and he couldn't absorb it.

The situation is deadlocked. These three gods should not be able to deal with him, and he can't help them now. At present, the only way to break the situation seems to be to continue the deadlock. After all, Dimension Street will bring him a lot of dimensional points, dimensional points Can be transformed into a transcendent energy boost.

One side is slowly improving, the other side is standing still, and in the end it must be him who wins. It takes an inexplicable amount of time, and... Su Yue felt very aggrieved.

The three of you beat me one, it's nothing, you win or lose, but now I can only deal with you by taking time, which is very depressing.

When has Su Yue suffered this kind of grievance since crossing into this world?

You can trick anyone you want. When have you been cowardly? When did you not win? The more he thought about it, the more angry Su Yue directly activated the transcendent energy in his body.

Push, push, rub... not enough? Then the dimensional points are also converted into transcendental energy to supplement.

not enough?

Su Yue suddenly activated the four gems, including the time gem, the mind gem, the space gem, and the reality gem, to resonate with the gem representing soul and power in his body. He gathered his transcendence energy and the power of the infinite gem, and snapped his fingers.


With the sound of his fingers, the remaining four gems exploded and dissipated directly into the universe.

Other than that, there doesn't seem to be any change around.

The only change is Su Yue.

There was a special temperament in him that was difficult to describe in words. He was still him, but he didn't seem to be him anymore.

His body, his soul, and the essence of his life are rising like a rocket at this moment. At the same time, the dimension street also begins to expand rapidly at this moment, and it returns to zero at the dimension point. In the case of no upgrade at all, it is so fast Expansion, in just a short moment, has already covered the entire universe.

"So this is the situation of the transcender." Su Yue murmured to himself with a dazed look ahead.

what did he do?

He used his transcendence energy and the power of the Infinity Stone to make a change to himself, and he restored himself to the power of the original transcendence period.

Under normal circumstances, this is impossible to succeed. No one can become a primitive transcendence with this level of strength, but Su Yue can.

Because Su Yue himself is an existence after the original transcendence kept breaking the rules, he can use limited power to achieve a higher effect, which is to restore his original power.

After all, the power of the Primordial Transcendent was sealed because of his self-abnormality. Since it was sealed, there is a possibility to break the seal, and the most likely one is naturally himself, that is, Su Yue.

So Su Yue directly broke the seal with the power of himself and the Infinity Stone without experiencing any memory recovery, and regained his original power.

In other words, Su Yue is now a primitive transcendence, both power and identity, but thinking is not, he is a primitive transcendence, but also Su Yue, a brand new primitive transcendence.

"Controlling everything that doesn't exist, right? Hehe, let's see who doesn't exist now!" Su Yue thought of sneering, and the annihilation somewhere in the universe instantly slammed into annihilation.

"Lock the time, right?" Su Yue had another thought, and the eternity exploded somewhere.

"You're the only one left, you can go too." Su Yue directly exploded the infinite.

This is the power of the original transcendence, the **** of the origin of the universe? It's useless, it's just a matter of thought, after all, they are only at the level of a single universe, and Su Yue, who has become a new primitive transcendence, has the power to control the entire almighty universe.

So, isn't the answer obvious?

As for the Infinity Stones broken? Su Yue laughed and thought, no matter whether it was absorbed by him or disappeared in an explosion, it reappeared at this time, and all had the original ability.

One thought creates the world, one thought destroys the world, this is the original transcendence.

Now this universe has been completely surrounded by Dimension Street or beyond the realm. All origins and belongings belong to the Beyonder. Even if the Beyonder wants to, he can instantly make countless universes in the omnipotent universe disappear, leaving only this one universe.

But Su Yue didn't do that. He restored the power of the original transcendence, but he wasn't the original transcendence. For destroying the universe? Or conquering other parallel universes is not really of much interest. Now that his strength has reached the peak, what he wants to enjoy more is to accompany the people around him in his undisturbed universe, enjoy the fun of hunting like a mortal, and occasionally focus on other universes outside the Marvel universe. Wild food, or meet new beauties in the new universe.

As for the Marvel Universe?

Just pretend this universe doesn't exist.

Su Yue's re-emergence directly made this universe disappear from the cognition of the omnipotent universe. Even if someone could travel through the universe, they could only travel through the universe in the sequence of the omnipotent universe, and would not be able to travel through his own world at all.

The only thing that can be known should be OAA, but he is more like a kind of consciousness, and it will not appear easily. Besides, he has ripped off a universe as his own one-third of an acre, what else do you want?

To put it simply, if each universe is compared to each game, then Su Yue can now not only disassemble the source code to know the game plot, but also modify the game source code arbitrarily. However, Su Yue did not intend to modify and own each game. Instead, he collected the Marvel game for exclusive use, and planned to gradually drag the characters (beauties) from other games to the Marvel game and collect them together. After all, Su Yue is already invincible, so he doesn't need to work hard to increase his strength. The next thing is to capture the beauties and have fun. For each universe, the present, the past, and the future, for Su Yue, who controls time and space, it will never be too late for a strategy. Even wanting to customize the character was something Su Yue had in mind.

"Hey—" Su Yue had a thought, and he had returned to the Dimension Street on Earth, holding a Lolita in his hand. This is the new goddess of death created by Su Yue in one thought, and can share the authority of death from Su Yue. The original goddess of death was a skeleton frame, which was destroyed by Su Yue. But Su Yue suddenly wanted to play and develop on a whim, so there was a new Lolita goddess, and the life of a transcendence is so capricious.

These things that happened in the universe and the changes in the timeline are meaningless to the people in Dimension Street. They don't know what happened at all. For them, the only feeling when they see Su Yue is to say hello, thank Su Yue for giving peace they bring.

"Lord Lord." Carol Danvers appeared behind Su Yue, watching people greet Su Yue, she couldn't help laughing and shouting with emotion.

Su Yue turned his head, and the Lord Lord first sounded from the guards and the nearby crowd. For some unknown reason, it quickly became uniform, and it didn't take long for the sound to reverberate through the heavens and the earth.

Su Yue smiled and his thoughts moved slightly, and fireworks suddenly appeared in the sky for no reason. At the same time, all the summoned Dimension Street characters also had a thought in their hearts, and they had an additional ability.

An ability that can return to one's original world at any time and back at any time.

All of a sudden, the Lord's name was shouted even louder.

【End of the book】

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