This is also what it should mean. After all, there are more people in the residential area, and it is a serious life circle. If it is not lively and not prosperous, it will be strange.

  Moreover, the construction of the residential area seems to have never stopped. Although each project is not very big, it is always under construction.

  "Lord Lord."

  A soft call came from behind him. Although Su Yue heard many similar greetings along the way, this voice was very familiar to Su Yue.

  Turning around, Su Yue saw Mei who was walking quickly.

  This plum is not a plum.

  It's not Melinda May, but Aunt May.

  Seeing Mei, Su Yue was a little dazed. In his memory, he seemed to have not seen Mei for a long time.

  The main reason is that there are more and more things about Su Yue, and more and more Shenlong sees the beginning but does not see the end or does not go out in seclusion. Of course, there is another reason that there are more and more people related to him.

  In addition, May doesn't have that much free time. She usually has to go to work, and she has to take care of Peter Pike during the rest of the time, so it's true that she hasn't seen each other for a while.

  "Long time no see, you are still so beautiful." Su Yue said with a smile.

  Mei said with a smile, "I'm old, so what's so beautiful?"

  Su Yue shrugged: "You know, years can't leave traces here with me. If you want, I can make you look younger at any time. Of course, I personally think your charm is better than before."

  Mei giggled. Although the years had left marks on her, she maintained her figure, temperament, and appearance better than ordinary women.

  This point, Mei is still very contented.

  "I just finished my recent work, so I came out for a walk. After walking around, I'm about to go back. Would you like to sit at my place for a while?" Su Yue invited Mei.

  Mei shook her head.

  Shake your head?


  Su Yue looked at Mei unexpectedly, and heard Mei say, "Actually, I came to you on purpose, Peter... Peter has something wrong recently, but when I asked him, he refused to say."

  For the Peter Parker thing?

  Little Peter has always been well-behaved and brought no burden to May. Besides, Peter and May are also dependent on each other. For May, she almost regarded Peter as her own son.

  "What's wrong?" Su Yue asked.

  Mei shook his head: "I can't tell, but it feels mysterious and keeps avoiding me. And I also found that he often goes out secretly at night, and sometimes he doesn't even come back until dawn. But there is nothing in Dimension Street that he needs. The place to sneak out at night, I was thinking... Is Peter in love?"

Chapter 0600 Spiderman

  Peter Parker is in love?

  When Su Yue heard Mei's guess, he couldn't help but feel a little dazed. How old is Peter Parker? He's not even a little kid, right? How could he fall in love?

  But on second thought, Su Yue reacted.

  He thought that Peter Parker wasn't even a little kid, and it was impossible to fall in love, but in fact, Peter Parker was no longer young, and he was no longer the kid he remembered.

  In Su Yue's impression, Peter Parker was still a few years old, and he was still the same as when he first met Mei.Unconsciously, several years have passed. According to the current timeline, Peter Parker is already in high school, right?

  Falling in love is normal.

  Su Yue just wanted to enlighten Mei a few words, but suddenly thought of something.

  its not right!

  With Peter Parker's character, even people who really love him won't confess it so easily, and it's even less easy to get together.According to May, it's not a day or two for Peter Parker to sneak out at night. To put it bluntly, if Peter Parker really has a target, he must be a classmate at school. They are all the same age. Peter Parker can be in the middle of the night Sneak out, can other girls do?

  Moreover, although Dimension Street is a never-night street, Peter Parker can sneak out, but how did he sneak out of the house with Mei on his back and sneak back?

  She lives in a high-rise!

  So, the most likely reason is that Peter Parker has been bitten, in other words, he has become Spider-Man.

  Of course, it is the kind of Spider-Man who has not officially debuted yet.

  "Have you ever wondered what Peter's future will look like?" Su Yue asked Mei with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

  Merlin stopped.

  Wasn't he saying something was wrong with Peter, maybe a relationship thing?Why did you suddenly ask about Peter's future?

  Mei thought for a while and said, "Peter is a smart boy. I have never worried about him in my studies or in life. I believe he will have a good future."

  "Have you ever thought that he...maybe become a superhero?" Su Yue asked again.

  May asked back, "You're talking about... Spider-Man in the movie?"

  The short film of Avengers 4 is really amazing. Almost all heroes, big and small, have appeared, and the little spider is no exception.After all, in terms of age, he should be the youngest among those heroes, and there are also highlights in the short film.

  When the movie first came out, many people were investigating the identities of these heroes, and Peter Parker couldn't escape.His identity was soon exposed, but Peter Parker didn't have any ability at the time, and secondly, he grew up on Dimension Street, so no one hit him at all.

  Even the people in Dimension Street only joked a few words. It can be said that he is not too prominent in Dimension Street.

  At first, May and Peter Parker were shocked and surprised when they knew that Peter would become Spider-Man in the movie. Peter Parker was also very excited. After all, he was no stranger to superheroes. And I also hope that I can become a superhero to repay Dimension Street.

  It's a pity that Peter Parker couldn't see what he was capable of, except for the battle suit 'he' wore in the movie.

  Now that Su Yue suddenly mentioned Spider-Man, Mei also reacted unexpectedly. "Don't you mean that Peter Parker's abnormality has something to do with this?"

  Su Yue released his psychic ability to find Peter Parker, then sensed his situation, nodded with a chuckle, "It's confirmed, it's really related to this matter."

  "Do you know why Peter Parker became Spider-Man?"

  "do not know!"

  Mei shook her head.

  Su Yue said: "In addition to ideas, beliefs, kindness, and justice, the most fundamental willingness is because he was bitten by a spider."

  "Radioactive spiders!"

  "Ah?" Mei was shocked. Although she didn't understand what it meant, she was subconsciously worried.

  Su Yue shook his head and said: "Don't worry, although this situation is rare, Peter is not in danger. Not only is there no danger, but he has also gained a lot of benefits. For example, he has spider sense, which can sense everything around him and stay away from danger in advance. With super strength, it can be said that in terms of strength alone, Captain America is not necessarily an opponent of Spider-Man, and he can have contacts with the level of Hulk."

  "Also, he has the ability to absorb spiders and can crawl on walls. This is why he can go out and come back in the middle of the night without telling you. Otherwise, with your concern for Parker, you must investigate when you notice something is wrong with him. Have you been monitoring?"

  Mei nodded subconsciously: "I did look at the surveillance, but I didn't find any pictures of him going out and coming back."

  "That's because he didn't walk out the door at all, he climbed out the window."


  Mei was shocked again!

  Climbing out of the window, they live in a high-rise, this is too dangerous!

  "Didn't I say, he can stick to the wall and crawl. It's not too dangerous for him to climb up and down. Besides, Peter is really smart, he developed the spider web launcher himself, that's the movie That stuff. It can be said that he has become the Spider-Man in the movie except that he did not have the technology and money to support him to study the spider suit."

  Having said that, Su Yue took another sentence: "By the way, don't worry about whether he is in love or has someone he likes, this kid... Do you know what he does every night when he goes out?"

  Mei shook her head: "What are you doing?"

  "Going to be a good neighbor for people!" Su Yue explained dumbly: "Every night, he will leave Dimension Street and return to the block where you used to live, and then be a hero, guarding the safety of that block. As far as I know, what he did It’s not bad. Although it’s a fledgling with little experience and some talkativeness, it does reduce a lot of crime rates, and it gets along well with people nearby, so it’s acceptable.”

  "That's because most people know that he is Spider-Man." May said worriedly: "Will he cause any trouble if he does this."

  "Don't worry, he is from Dimension Street. Do you think anyone dares to trouble Dimension Street?"

  Su Yue is not worried about this. The little spider now is different from the movies or comics. He doesn't need to hide his identity, and he doesn't need to worry about the crisis and trouble that will arise after his identity is exposed.

Chapter 0601 Spider-Man Meets Blink

  Does Peter Parker need to hide his identity?

  No need at all!

  First of all, Peter Parker is a person from Dimension Street. If he does bad things, there may be some righteous people who are not afraid of power to fight Dimension Street; but what he does is good, he is helping people, he is fighting criminals, this kind of Vigilante, who would trouble him with this kind of superhero behavior?Who will trouble Dimension Street?

  As for the criminals who were caught by Peter Parker, hehe... They may not be reconciled, and they may continue to compete with Peter Parker, but they never dare to retaliate against Peter Parker. After all, Peter Parker's Behind it is Dimension Street.

  Such criminals, let alone revenge on Dimension Street, dare to enter Dimension Street is a problem.

  This is the advantage of having a background and a backer.

  The current Spider-Man Peter Parker is not the Spider-Man Peter Parker in the movie. Although he lacks the 'Godfather' of Iron Man, he has more.

  "If you believe me, leave Peter's business to me." Su Yue said to Mei.

  Mei nodded and said, "Of course I believe you. You and Peter are the two most important people in this world for me."

  "Go to my place first? When Peter goes out again at night, I will chat with him." Su Yue asked.

  "it is good."

  Mei nodded.


  As night fell, the lights in Dimension Street were still bright, and people came and went.

  A figure quietly walked out from the intersection of Dimension Street, then quickly left Dimension Street and walked towards Queens.

  This man is not tall and has a schoolbag on his back, but his steps are very agile, and he has a very lively feeling, just like a student who comes out of school after the school bell rings.

  Exactly, Peter Parker.

  It didn't take long for Peter Parker to sneak into a dim alley nearby, taking advantage of no one's idea. He took off his schoolbag while walking, took out a red headgear from it, and took off his coat and stuffed it into the schoolbag.

  Inside is a red sweater.

  Putting on the headgear and putting away his clothes, Peter Parker tucked his schoolbag into the gap in the trash can, then raised his hand and raised his head, ready to use the spider silk to run up the roof.


  Just as Peter Parker was about to take off, the dark alley suddenly lit up with a dazzling purple light.

  Peter Parker was startled, stepped back subconsciously and looked in the direction of the light, and saw a person walking out of the purple light like a starry sky.

  "Whoa whoa who are you?" Peter Parker asked in surprise as he stepped back.

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