"I know, the person in charge of the cinema." Peter Parker said.

  "One of the two Spider-Mans to be summoned in a while is from Mary Jane's world." Su Yuezheng said, Mary Jane just arrived.

  "Lord Lord, are you looking for me?" Mary Jane came to Su Yue, glanced at Peter Parker next to her, and asked curiously.

  Suddenly receiving a notification from Lord Lord, Mary Jane was very curious about what happened to Lord Lord suddenly calling her here. Is there any new short film?

  "Come and sit."

  Su Yue beckoned Mary Jane to sit next to him, then pointed to Peter Parker and said, "This is Peter Parker, and the future Spider-Man. It's just that he's still too young, so I'm going to summon spiders from other worlds. Spider-Man came to teach him. One of the Spider-Man is from your world, and you should know it, so I called you over."

  "Spider-Man in my world? I still know who?" Mary Jane was suddenly curious.

  "You'll know in a while." Su Yue pretended to smile mysteriously, and then started the precise summoning directly.


  "The call is over."

  "Congratulations to the host for summoning the dimensional creature in the dimensional world "Spider-Man": Peter Parker."

  After the precise call ended, a figure suddenly appeared in everyone's sight.

  This man was wearing a red and blue spider tight-fitting uniform, and he couldn't see his appearance at all.

  "What place is this? You... Who are you, Mary Jane?" Peter Parker of the old version of Spider-Man was startled when he appeared, and then looked at Mary Jane in surprise.

  "Who are you? Do we know each other?" Mary Jane looked at him and guessed with some doubts.

  Only from the figure, she has no clue at all.

  "It's me, Peter Parker, do you remember?" With that, Peter Parker from the old version of Spider-Man took off his mask. "We used to be neighbors and classmates."

  Mary Jane watched him recall for a moment and finally remembered.

  How should I put it, Mary Jane has been away from the original world for a long time, and she has also stayed in this world for a long time. Whether it is life or work, Mary Jane at this time has already had a relationship with the original Mary Jane. made a big difference.

  It can be said that her memory of the original world has gradually been sealed up.

  As for Peter Parker, she did feel familiar, and she was indeed her neighbor and classmate, but how should I put it, it was just familiar.

  Although they are neighbors, they don't have much contact with each other. As for classmates?Peter Parker was a little transparent in school, no, it should be said that he was a bullied little transparent, and the two had nothing to do with each other.

  He has been summoned to Dimension Street for many years. This Peter Parker can recognize himself at first sight, and he is so excited. This makes Mary Jane, who has been able to stand on his own, react instantly. This Peter Parker probably likes it. Or have a crush on yourself?

  Mary Jane leaned towards Su Yue naturally, and took Su Yue's arm with both hands: "Hello, welcome to Dimension Street, this is the lord of Dimension Street."

  Peter Parker didn't have any special reaction when he saw Mary Jane's actions, such as sadness and disappointment.How should I put it, the young Peter Parker did have some admiration for Mary Jane at first, but it was only limited to that, and he never thought of any further ideas.

  Moreover, the butterfly effect caused by Mary Jane's disappearance has changed many things, and now Peter Parker is simply surprised to see Mary Jane in this place after so long.

  "Dimension Street? What is this place, and why am I here?" Peter Parker quickly calmed down from seeing Mary Jane and began to ask about his situation.

  "parallel world!"

  Su Yue explained: "Dimension Street is a place where all the dimensional worlds meet. Many years ago, Mary Jane came here from your world and has been living here since then, and now, you have also come from your world. here."

  "I was summoned!"

Chapter 0604 Old, Middle and Young Three Generations of Spider-Man

  "You mean this is not my original world anymore? How is this possible?! This is too... too unbelievable? The theory of parallel worlds is actually true, and there are really parallel worlds. "Peter Parker of the old version of Spider-Man was shocked when he heard Su Yue's explanation.

  Although the old version of Spider-Man's Peter Parker is a poor diaosi, or a poor diaosi superhero who relies on mutations, he has a very smart mind.

  Not long ago, he took down an opponent, Norman Osborn, father of his good friend Harry Osborn, aka the Green Goblin.Before he knew that Norman Osborn was the Green Goblin, he was praised for his intelligence and talent.

  And no matter which version of Spider-Man it is, his opponents basically belong to the technology side, which can also prove his talent in this area.

  Moreover, the parallel world theory has basically been heard by even non-professionals.

  "How did you call me into this world?" Peter Parker of the old version of Spider-Man asked Su Yue curiously. As for his own situation, he didn't seem to be worried?

  In other words, his current mind has been attracted by the parallel world.

  "That's it."

  Su Yue said with a smile and called again.


  "The call is over."

  "Congratulations to the host for summoning the dimensional creature in the dimensional world "The Amazing Spider-Man": Peter Parker."

  The system sound fell, and another person suddenly appeared in everyone's sight. This person is quite similar to the uniform worn by Peter Parker of the old version of Spider-Man. They are also red and blue, but the details appear. Don't get bad .


  As soon as this Spider-Man appeared, he subconsciously stepped back a little, looked around and everyone in surprise, and then looked at Peter Parker of the old version of Spider-Man in surprise. "Who are you? My fan?"

  "Are you Spider-Man?" asked Peter Parker of the old Spider-Man.

  "Of course!"

  "I'm not your fan, I'm Spider-Man too, my name is Peter Parker," said Peter Parker of the old Spider-Man.

  "You're also Spider-Man? You're still called Peter Parker? Dude, if it's a joke, you're not funny at all, I'm not that old." He said to the others, "If you want to If you find someone to pretend to be me, at least find someone who looks a little like me, right?"

  Su Yue waved to Peter Parker Jr. beside him, motioning him to walk to the other two Spider-Man.

  The three Spider-Man stood together, Su Yue smiled.

  One is the old version of Spider-Man, the other is the Amazing Spider-Man, and the other is the Spider-Man of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. From the perspective of youth, they are very in line with the feeling of the old and middle-aged.

  The old version of Spider-Man is naturally 'Old', the Amazing Spider-Man is 'Medium', the Spider-Man of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is 'Blue', well, no problem.

  "Let me introduce to you, this is Peter Parker, the Spider-Man of my world." Su Yue pointed to little Peter first, and then introduced: "This is Peter Parker, the Spider-Man of Mary Jane's world, this is Peter Parker. Spider-Man in Gwens Daisy's world, also known as The Amazing Spider-Man."

  "You know Gwens Daisy?" The Amazing Spider-Man couldn't help but interject.

  Su Yue nodded: "She is also in this world, but not in Dimension Street. As for what Dimension Street is, as well as your situation and the next situation, Peter, you go to Claire, after which the two Spider-Man will be temporarily It's over to you, you have to learn from them, after all... Spider-Man's competition is fierce."

  "no problem."

  Little Peter Parker responded, and then excitedly communicated with the other two 'seniors', and took them out of here.

  Although the two Spider-Man were still a little confused for the time being, they didn't resist, and they didn't do anything.Not to mention the more intimate and friendly Spider-Man, even if the King of Heaven is here, he has to obey the rules of Dimension Street in the end!

  After the three generations of Spider-Man left, Su Yue smiled and said to Mary Jane, "What do you think?"

  Mary Jane didn't react: "What do you think? What can I think? Oh, you mean the Spider-Man in my world? I still have some impressions of him, but I didn't expect him to become a Spider-Man."



  Su Yue laughed dumbly, but it was normal to think about it later. After all, when Mary Jane was summoned, she didn't have much interaction with Peter Parker. For Mary Jane, Peter Parker was just an ordinary neighbor. In this situation There really isn't anything special about it...

  "Would you like to go back to your world?" Although the main purpose of calling Mary Jane here was to have fun, what was the point of letting people go back?

  It's okay to play.

  "I don't want to." Mary Jane simply refused. "For me, there's nothing in that world that is worth my nostalgia. This is my home."

  "OK then."

  Su Yue shrugged and didn't say anything, after all, Mary Jane was different from Gwens Daisy.Mary Jane's previous family environment was not so happy and warm, and there was nothing worth recalling or nostalgia for.

  When it comes to Gwens Daisy, his father is very powerful, and his conditions are excellent in all aspects. If there is a chance, Gwens Daisy should be willing to go back and see.

  Speaking of Gwens Daisy, after she was summoned, she was basically at Stark Industries with Mrs. M and Heidi Shaw. Almost no one knew that she was actually from Dimension Street. integrated into this world.

  Stark Industries is indeed a cornucopia and a cash cow. Although it no longer sells weapons, the energy aspect and the influence of Tony Stark, the Iron Man, have made Stark Industries' earning power not only unaffected, but even better than before.

  The purpose of letting Mrs. M and the others go to Stark Industries was to make money on the one hand, and to poach people on the other hand.Now that these two purposes have been completed, it seems that there is no need to continue to let Mrs. M stay there to make money for Tony Stark.

  Anyway, if you have shares, you can get money regardless of whether you are the president or not. Although it is a little less, in terms of cost performance, there is really no need to keep it.

  It's better to let them come back and take over the real Dimension Street industry, such as the Hammer Group, which is no longer what it used to be.

  Although it hasn't changed its name, the Hammer Group is now Dimension Street's own industry!

Chapter 0605 Mrs M resigns?

  Mrs. M has managed Stark Industries in an orderly manner over the years. In the movie, Stark Industries has shifted from weapon development to new energy fields. In addition to Tony Stark and the main researchers, the biggest contributor is Pepper. Potts.

  It's okay to let Tony Stark research an invention, let Tony Stark stand out and become the star of Stark Industries, and it's okay to drive the company's stock price, but let him sit in the office and deal with all kinds of things. Cumbersome documents to drive the normal development of enterprises?

  Sorry for disturbing you!

  Today, Tony Stark doesn't have a helper like Pepper Potts. If it wasn't for Mrs. M, although Stark Industries wouldn't be devastated by this, it would never have reached the height it is now, and it would not have been so smooth. Just through the transition period, and Tony Stark can't be his Iron Man so casually and easily, and there are so many excess funds to study his iron suit.

  In terms of ability, Mrs. M is definitely the most capable one of Pepper Potts in Dimension Street. This has nothing to do with personal preference, nor the starting point of ability, but mainly experience!After all, Mrs. M is in charge of a top group like Stark Industries, and she is almost independently responsible. She can stand firmly as the president in such an environment, and she can make the company develop so well and so healthy, even if she is not convinced. no.

  There are actually a lot of investment companies outside Dimension Street, such as Stark Industries, Hammer Group, Roxon Oil Company, etc. These companies and enterprises regularly have extremely high rates of return, but except for the Hammer Group, the others are basically owned. Equity, being able to have a certain amount of power on the board, is not worth wasting too much experience.

  The reason why Mrs. M, Gwens Daisy and Heidi Shaw went to Stark Industries at the beginning was because Stark Industries was a cash cow.But now that Stark Industries is on the right track, it is natural to consider the issue of cost performance.


  Stark Industries, Office of the President.

  Su Yue appeared teleportation.

  In the office, Mrs. M was bowing her head and signing the document handed over by Gwens Daisy beside her. In the corner of the front, Heidi Xiao got up with a swish.

  Mrs. M, Gwens Daisy, Heidi Shaw, they are almost inseparable. Among them, Mrs. M is the leader, Gwens Daisy is her assistant, and cooperates with her to execute some business affairs. Tishaw was the bodyguard.

  It can be said that without Heidi Shaw, Mrs. M and Gwens Daisy would not be so relaxed and only need to concentrate on business matters.

  "Lord Lord."

  Heidi Xiao said hello softly, and then walked towards the door consciously.

  She knows very well that the Lord must have something to do this time, and it is a very important thing.

  In the past, although we didn't meet much, occasionally we met privately in a safe place. Lord Lord would not come directly to a crowded place like Mrs. M's office.

  Hearing Heidi Shaw's voice, Mrs. M and Gwens Daisy also reacted at this time, and hurriedly said hello.

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