I can often see them, and even say hello and chat a few words. In this case, I expect them to tout Iron Man crazily?

  How can it be!

  Iron Man and War Machine left Dimension Street, and Natasha was in no hurry to leave.

  On the one hand, there is nothing to do even if I leave. After all, I am still waiting for the news from the captain's side, and there are no other important tasks for the time being; on the other hand, Thunderbird and Sonia are both acquainted with her, and it is also an obligation to help them get acquainted with this place, although The mutant underground organization is definitely not as strong as the star swallower, but if the captain's plan can be successful, the mutant underground organization also occupies a very important proportion, so it is also very important to stay and promote this matter as much as possible.

  And, no one else except Natasha.

  Iron Man and War Machine, a bad mouth, a bad joke, are not suitable candidates.Although Polaris and Lauren are in the same world as them, but they have no friendship, they are still people in Dimension Street. From their point of view, their trust must be compromised.

  Only Natasha, she can make Thunderbird and Sonia relatively trust her, and because she is very familiar with Dimension Street because of her relationship with Su Yue, many things are not fortified against her, which can better make Thunderbird and Sonia Learn about Dimension Street.

  There are two flowers, and the words are divided into two ends.

  Not to mention that Thunderbird and Sonia under their leadership were browsing Dimension Street like Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden, and that Su Yue returned to her residence and drank the coffee brought by Wanda with a slight smile on her lips.

  The range of smiles is getting bigger and bigger.

  His mood is getting better and better.

  Why didn't he go back to the dark dimension?Why are you in a good mood?

  the reason is simple!

  After he returned to this world and returned to Dimension Street, he immediately felt the change in Dimension Street.

  Of course, this is not a change in the environment, but a change in the coverage area after the upgrade of the Dimension Street system.

  After the previous upgrade, the coverage area of ​​the Dimension Street system will also increase.

  However, the increased area after the previous upgrade is basically reasonable and normal.But the increased area after this upgrade is somewhat abnormal. Not only does the current land area of ​​Dimension Street wrap up, but it continues to spread in all directions along the land area of ​​Dimension Street, and the spread is quite large. It will not be the end until at least the scope of the current dimension street has been expanded.

  This increase range is too abnormal, it can be said that it is several times more than the previous ones combined!

  Although Su Yue is very happy that the range has increased so much, after all, the wider the range, the more dimensional points you will get every day, the stronger your own strength will be, and the larger the range of God's law will be.

  In other words, even if the current ownership of these places is not Suyue or Dimension Street, it is actually the same as Dimension Street.

  In the future, if someone dares to pay attention to Suyue or Dimension Street, even if they do not enter Dimension Street, but are just outside Dimension Street, they will still be punished by the law of God.

  In addition, Su Yue originally had some concerns that once the captain's plan was successful, then a large area for the placement of mutants may need to draw out some of the escort's energy. After all, the scope of Dimension Street is not so wide, and it is handled without the constraints of God's law. Still some trouble.

  As a result, don't worry now, as long as the scope of this land is near Dimension Street, it will definitely be included in the scope beyond the realm.

  In this case, can Su Yue be in a bad mood?

  Although I don't know the specific reason yet, the system itself is Su Yue's own power, and the transcendental realm represented by the system is a relationship between the two and their own and complement each other, so it is most likely because of their own strength or the essence of life. The improvement of this time has led to the increase in the range after the upgrade beyond the realm.

  "Lord Lord, you seem to be in a good mood?" Wanda asked with a smile while sitting beside Su Yue.

  Su Yue nodded: "It's really good, I improved the scope of Dimension Street, this time the improvement is a bit big, from here to here, it will be the scope of Dimension Street in the future, of course, these places do not belong to Dimension in name. street."

  Su Yue drew the new dimension street with a wave of his hand.

  "Call back and let the guards rearrange it."

  "it is good."

  Wanda nodded, since the scope has increased, the scope of the guards' usual patrol will naturally increase and change.

  Although Wanda didn't know why he turned these places into the scope of Dimension Street in advance before the land was bought, it was indeed a happy thing.

  The better the development of Dimension Street, Wanda and the people who belong to Dimension Street will naturally be happier.

Chapter 0663 Expand the scope?

  The increase in the scope of Dimension Street has not caused any negative or bad impact on their lives for the people nearby. On the contrary, for the people near Dimension Street, they have already regarded themselves as part of Dimension Street. , and proud of it.

  When the escort patrols every day, the people nearby are very enthusiastic about them. Now who will call the police when something happens?Just notify the escort team directly, even before the incident happened, the escort team will solve it first.

  If nothing else, the problem of public security has improved countless times compared to before. Although it is not yet the level of not closing doors at night, at least businesses dare to operate at night, and even when they are alone, they dare to travel at night.

  Even if they meet any gang members, they are not afraid at all, because those gang members are more afraid of any fights and disputes here than they are, and they are polite like gentlemen!

  Where there is light, there will be darkness. Some people support Dimension Street and support Dimension Street. Naturally, some people want to be detrimental to Dimension Street!

  It's just that some of the ideas are obviously 'newcomers', otherwise... it would definitely not be so self-defeating.

  Where is Dimension Street?

  That's a place where even the government has to compromise, no matter who it is, who dares to act wild on Dimension Street?Not to mention that it is not good for Dimension Street.

  As long as you have this idea, basically as long as you enter the Dimension Street, you don't need to do anything, and you don't even need a escort team, you will appear directly.

  No trial is required, and no evidence is required. As long as you suddenly twitch for no reason after entering Dimension Street, you will not run away!

  The most important thing is that although Dimension Street has not used any force, no one dares to underestimate the strength of Dimension Street.

  Don't look at the guards who are usually only responsible for some petty troubles, but if something really happens, such as the previous alien invasion, if there is no Dimension Street, hehe...

  All in all, even those who are conspiring against Dimension Street basically dare not show any attitude easily. Only those 'newcomers' will rely on their own abilities to take action without knowing it.

  Then, nine times out of ten, these people entered Dimension Street and threw themselves on the street.

  But this kind of situation is actually very avoidable. Almost all of these stunned youths think they can do it. Even if there are countless examples, they will not take it seriously if they don’t experience it themselves. I won't go directly into Dimension Street, but I plan to observe and observe nearby. No matter what I want to do, I have to understand the situation first, right?

  Then... Dimension Street was upgraded, and the scope of God's Law was increased.

  Those who stayed near Dimension Street and wanted to observe were just out of luck.

  According to the statistics of the escort team, um, it was also reported nearby. In just three days, at least hundreds of people were found!

  Without exception, all were convulsions suddenly!

  The scope of Dimension Street has expanded!

  The news spread quickly, and then some people began to test the scope of expansion. As a result, many more people were reported and arrested for this test.

  Finally, a conclusion is drawn.

  The scope of Dimension Street has expanded at least several times, and this news made many people worried.

  Such a long distance, even if someone really wants to do something to Dimension Street, it is useless. The distance is too far, whether they want to attack or retreat.

  The most important thing is that it will be hard to monitor the situation of Dimension Street in the future!

  What is even more worrying is that there is no sign or basis for the expansion of Dimension Street. Suddenly, there are God's laws in places that do not belong to Dimension Street, and it is so far away all of a sudden!

  This time it increased so far, what about next time?

  Sooner or later, the whole earth will be shrouded in the law of God, right?

  In this regard, some people secretly expressed their hope that Dimension Street could give an explanation.

  But Dimension Street did not respond at all!


  It's not bad that I don't take the initiative to do things, and you want me to give you an explanation?

  Dimension Street does not restrict freedom. The only thing that God's law restricts is those who want to hurt Su Yue. As long as you don't have this idea, then you'll be fine?

  All in all, all in all.

  In a word.

  There is a move to go, no move to die.

  Su Yue's mood was not affected by these things. On the contrary, he was in high spirits now, so he took a day off, and then returned to the dark dimension to absorb it non-stop.

  The dark dimension is a big treasure. At present, it is still far away to completely absorb it. Let’s not talk about whether the infinite charging treasure plan can be successfully launched. The energy absorbed alone is enough to upgrade the Dimension Street several times.

  According to the scale of this upgrade, it will be upgraded several times, hehe...

  In this case, Su Yue naturally became angry!

  Unconsciously, time passed quietly like this.Although the increase in the scope of Dimension Street caused a big stir, but without the public foundation, this incident did not cause much disturbance.

  What can I say, double standard.

  If Dimension Street doesn't have this strength, what would your reaction be?

  [-]% protest, saying you violated their freedom!

  But it's different now?


  How can freedom be safe?

  The real buzz is about Flushing Meadows!

  This is one of the largest parks, adjacent to the original Queen's Botanical Garden, which is now Dimension Street.

  There are many facilities in the park, skating rinks, volleyball courts, tennis courts, golf courses, soccer fields, skate parks, and zoos are all closed. surrounded.

  How big is this place?

  Not to mention the specific numbers, just look at the facilities inside to know.It can be said that only two-thirds of these can accommodate two or three dimensional streets!

  Of course, it refers to the land of Dimension Street, not the system scope.

  In fact, this park is also within the system of Dimension Street!

  This park can be said to be a landmark building, as well as a playground that people go to most often, as well as a popular tourist destination for tourists. Now it is suddenly closed and surrounded for no reason, which naturally caused an uproar.

  Whether it is ordinary people or the media, they are very curious about what this is for?

  It doesn't look like it would be rebuilt, and it's unlikely to be rebuilt to run something else, after all this isn't private land, and it's impossible to sell!

  Under the curiosity of all parties, a rumor soon appeared.

  This piece of land... belongs to Dimension Street!

Chapter 0664 tripartite meeting

  The scope of Dimension Street has actually been changing over the years. It really only had one street at the earliest and expanded several times later. Today's Dimension Street no longer belongs to the concept of a street, and it is not even suitable to describe it as a block.

  In terms of area alone, it has far exceeded the scope of general blocks. It is more like a community with its own unique label, culture and content than a block.

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