Fierce fists and feet, lasers again and again.

The anger has made Guoguo Superman lose his calm and rationality!

Who is he?

Protector of the country superman.

The leader of the seven heroes.

The greatest and most powerful superhero in the world.

How could he possibly endure someone threatening him, someone trying to destroy everything he is currently using?

kill! kill! kill!

This guy must be killed!

A series of lasers shot out as if they didn't want money. These lasers failed to hit Suyue, but they hit the city below.

The building was destroyed, the road was penetrated, and the traffic jam caused a car accident. Pedestrians on the side of the road were injured and screamed because of the collapsed building.

The catastrophe came suddenly without a chance.

And the cause of the disaster was simply a superhero fight that got out of hand.

Hearing the screams and screams below, and looking at the Protector of the Country who didn't care, Su Yue shook his head unknowingly, and suddenly slashed Binglunwan.

"The ice dragon spins its tail!"

The freezing slash rushed forward, and the direction the blade was slashed towards became a frozen area in an instant.

A large icicle appeared out of thin air, and the protector of the country was frozen inside.


The huge icicle fell straight down from the sky.


With a loud bang, the icicle hit the road, instantly smashing the originally straight road into a deep pit.

Nearby cars stopped one after another, and the panicked pedestrians tentatively looked into the deep pit.


A loud bang sounded from the deep pit, countless ice cubes collapsed, and the protector of the country slowly vacated the sky, without even looking at the surrounding melon eaters who were talking about them suddenly rushed to the sky.

What about people?

The protector of the country looked at the empty sky and looked left and right, angrily using his super vision to find Su Yue's figure, but Su Yue disappeared as if the world had evaporated.

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

An angry roar resounded through the heavens and the earth, and the lasers from the protector's eyes shot out wantonly, almost turning the sky into a fiery red.

After venting for a long time, the protector of the country turned around and flew away.

"This mentality is not good..." Su Yue, who had returned to his residence, shook his head with a smile, sensing the unwillingness to leave the protector of the country.

Protector Superman, a replica of Superman, is not much inferior to Superman in terms of ability. Even though there are not many tricks in his abilities, it is no exaggeration to say that he is the strongest superhero in the world. The main thing is that he has an advantage over Superman, he has no kryptonite influence.

In terms of Su Yue's current strength, it is very easy to defeat the protector of the country. As soon as the fruit of the operation is released, even the body of steel can be chopped to pieces. It is not difficult to kill him. With a scalpel, the heart is cut out, and there is no steel. It is not difficult for the protection of the body to destroy his heart.

If you feel uneasy?


Using the transplanting ability of the fruit of surgery to exchange the souls of Guoguo Superman with other people, not only can he easily kill the incapacitated Guardian Superman, but even create a new Protectorian Superman.

For the time being, Su Yue is not going to kill Guoguo Superman.

Such a good sandbag, such a good sparring partner, it is a pity to kill him like this, Su Yue plans to keep him to improve his ability and combat experience. At the same time, he also wanted to see how the beards of the black-robed pickets were going to use their mortal bodies to fight against these 'gods' with super powers?

Chapter 0167 The protector of the country who lacks maternal love?

A few days later, what Su Yue had expected happened.

Bearded Billy Butcher persuaded Huey to accept the compensation provided by Locomotive and sign a non-disclosure agreement, but the condition was to go to the headquarters of the Super Seven to hear Locomotive apologize in person.

The purpose of this is to take the opportunity to place monitoring equipment to collect evidence.

Unfortunately, the mission failed.

Bearded Billy Butcher was going to give up Huey for various reasons and wanted him to quit, but they thought things were too simple.

This method may work for ordinary people, but not for superheroes with super powers.

The invisible man followed Huey to the place where he worked to interrogate him. It stands to reason that being invisible can also change the density of the body. The defense is invulnerable. Huey should have no chance of escaping. He drove the car into the store and hit the invisible man, and then dyed the invisible man red with blood, so that he could not be completely invisible. Finally, Huey and Billy Butcher teamed up to stun the invisible man.

Su Yue was curious about what they would do next.

The Invisibles know their identities, and Huey and Billy Butcher have no turning back.

Imprisoning invisible people?

Over time, the Protector of the Kingdom will definitely look for his whereabouts everywhere, and it is only a matter of time before he is discovered with super vision and super hearing.

Kill the Invisible Man?

The skin on his whole body is as hard as iron, invulnerable to swords and guns, and it is difficult to kill him silently by conventional means. Once the movement is relatively large, the protector of the country may find out and appear in an instant, and then... kill them.

This is a dilemma.

Bearded Billy Butcher did not disappoint Su Yue. He stuffed the invisible man into the trunk and took Huey to meet someone.

This person's name is Frankie, an unemployed vagabond who does everything. He also has an identity, that is, the former teammate of Bearded Billy Butcher, and a teammate of the black-robed picket team.

Billy Butcher, Huey, and Frankie imprisoned the invisible man in an electrified cage. At the same time, they also covered the room where the invisible man was imprisoned with shielding foil. It can block the signal on the invisible man, and at the same time block the super vision of the superman.

"Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di..."

The text message sounded, Su Yue turned off the surveillance screen on his mobile phone and opened the text message from Skye.

After reading it, his brows slightly furrowed.

Skye's text message said last night that a city senator or a high-ranking official such as the mayor was discussing with Madeleine Stillwell, the president of the Water Company, about choosing a guardian hero for the city. During the period, because of the price problem Without negotiating, the high-ranking official brought up something called Compound No. 5 in an attempt to blackmail and lower the price.

But Madeleine Stillwell denies that the superhero is related to Compound 5 and refuses to lower the price.

The two parted unhappily.

That night, the plane that the man was on crashed in an accident, and all the people on the plane died.


of course not!

Skye's investigation found that the cause of the plane crash was two tiny lasers.

Can fly and emit lasers.

The identity of the murderer is already obvious.

This is the so-called superhero who kills innocent passengers on an entire plane in order to eradicate one target.

"Guardian Superman is to keep the secret of Compound No. 5? Can you find out what this thing is?" Su Yue texted Skye back.


Skye texted back.

"No, I don't think his motive was for Compound 5, but... Madeleine Stillwell!"

"The president of the Water Company? What does it mean for her?" Su Yue asked in surprise.

Skye replied: "He probably likes... no, it should be said that he is obsessed with Madeleine Stillwell."

Su Yue has seen Madeleine Stillwell on TV. She is a very old strong woman who is qualified to be the mother of the protector of the country.

Damn it, can't you?

Protector of the country actually has a love...mother...complex?

Sure enough, everyone has their own dark side, and everyone has their own little hobbies that are hard to describe. Compared with the little hobbies of the Devil's Claw Girl, the hobby of Protector Superman is indeed more explosive.

Is Protector of the Country a lack of maternal love since childhood?

According to Skye, Protector of the Country should have been hiding his thoughts all the time, and he has only a normal relationship with Madeleine Stillwell. But a shrewd person like Madeline Stillwell should be aware of Protector's attachment to her, right? So this woman is probably not a good bird. She should have been using this infatuation or attachment to firmly control the protector of the country in her own hands.

"There is very little news about Compound No. 5. I suspect it has something to do with the superpowers of these superheroes. I informed Queen Maeve to let her investigate internally, but she is now assigned to a secret residence by the company. It is estimated that it is difficult to inquire. Useful news. By the way, Queen Maeve didn't betray you, if you want to see her, I can help you get her surveillance done."

"Understood, I'll be there in a while."

Su Yue replied, and Skye immediately sent Queen Maeve's address.

After half an hour.

Su Yue swaggered into the secret residence where Queen Maeve was.

"I've played against Guoguo Superman."

On the sofa, Su Yue said lazily with Queen Maeve leaning against her arms.

Queen Maeve turned her head to look at Su Yue in surprise: "Who won?"

"He can't kill me, I don't want to kill him for the time being, so it's a tie."

Su Yue got up with a smile, picked up Queen Maeve's phone from the table, flipped through the address book and quickly found Madeleine Stillwell's number.

"What are you going to do?" Queen Maeve asked curiously.

"Talk to her, and by the way, get a copy of Compound No. 5 and take it back to the scientific research center to study the sound."

Su Yue does not need Madeleine Stillwell to admit that Compound 5 is related to the birth of superheroes, nor does she need more information from her. She only needs to provide a sample.

As for whether she would refuse?

Su Yue didn't think about this issue at all, anyway, even if she refused, the Protector of the Country would do it for him.

Chapter 0168 Sign me to be a hero? How dare you think!

Water Company.

Super Seven Headquarters.

Su Yue looked up at the building that was high into the clouds, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing and hearing domineering turned on.

He clearly sensed that there were several other people on the top floor of the building besides Madeleine Stillwell, including Protector of the Kingdom.

Not surprisingly, the rest should be Locomotive, Deep Sea, and Black in the Super Seven.

Xingguang ran across time and space to Dimension Street before he officially joined. Queen Maeve was in a refrigerated state, and the invisible man was captured by the black-robed pickets. Now the remaining four members of the Super Seven should be here.


The sound of breaking the air sounded.

Su Yue moved to the side ahead of time and stretched out his arms horizontally.


A blue figure quickly rushed out of the building and slammed into Su Yue's arm. Immediately afterwards, a painful muffled sound rang out. The locomotive stumbled back, clutching its neck, and choked with pain.

The locomotive stared at Su Yue in disbelief and wanted to speak, but rolled his eyes and fell to the ground.

Want to play Mawei? I know this set better than you!

Although the speed of the locomotive is very fast, Su Yue's domineering prediction can make Su Yue deal with it calmly.

Move, reach out.

Two simple actions made the locomotive overturn directly.

Su Yue cast a glance and walked straight into the building.


On the top floor of the building, the elevator door slowly opened, and a blond woman in a white sleeveless shirt and a dark floral dress stood in front of the elevator with a warm smile.

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