I Have a Dragon

Chapter 1028: : Gao Pan My Nangong Family


The famous Xiaoxiao Jiutianjun died like this?

The practitioners present were dead for a while, watching the flames slowly disappearing above the sky, the ash turned into corpses.

Ashes fly out! This is the moment!

"He, he even slayed nine Heavenly Kings in a row? Meng Qige, am I right?" Nangong Zhulu's voice also became trembling, she could not imagine that Mo Nan in front of her was still a hidden real Mighty One. She stared at the man next to her for evidence.

Nangong Meng was also shocked with a look. He just said that he would let Mo Nan feel happy to hand over the origin of the avenue. Their Nangong family would come forward to intercede, but now the form has changed dramatically:

"Is he really the King of Eyes?"

Nangong Meng's words suddenly made all Nangong people tremble, looked at Mo Nan one after another, looked at some images, in the rumor that the King of the Eyes is a silver-haired boy, all kinds of magical powers are present, but he was not mentioned. What magical powers are there?

If the King of Eyes, it is not necessarily a good thing to meet him? Not to mention ~

Suddenly, Nangong Meng's eyes fell on the ring that fell in front, and the origin of the frost they had just lost.

At this time, Mo Nan had reached for the front of his hand and absorbed the rings and the origin together. The understated movement seemed to be the most common thing.

For Mo Nan, this is indeed a trivial matter!

The higher his cultivation, the various magical powers cultivated in the previous life can be used at any time. The old pigs next to him, and even the people in the Nangong family, did not see the magical powers he had just used, but they were silent and silent. He stared at him without blinking, as if he could see something.

Mo Nan didn't care, it could be seen that it was one thing, and being able to crack it was another.

"Thank you for saving your life and saving your life, Nangong's family will never forget it!" At this time, Nangong Zhulu quickly walked up and gave a big gift to Mo Nan.

The other members of the Nangong family naturally also knew the etiquette, and they quickly stepped forward and thanked them for their lives.

Mo Nan had a good impression of Nangong Zhulu, because she cared about him very much before the war and let him escape.

"It's just a hand! Get up!"

"Thank you senior, haven't you asked the senior to surname?" Nangong Zhulu asked respectfully again.

This question actually made all Nangong practitioners hold their breath. They also want to know if this is the King of Eyes?

"My name is Mo Nan!"

This name made many practitioners in the Nangong family sigh with regret, they have never heard of the name.

"Predecessor Mo ~ This Chixiao Jiutianjun is also a prestigious one in this Shinto alliance. Now that the predecessors beheaded them, it is bound to cause a lot of unnecessary trouble!" Nangong Zhulu did not mind anything, no The words "Lingmu King" from Mo Nan's mouth did not disappoint her:

"Our Nangong family still has some fame in this mad land, and it also has a place in the Shinto Alliance. It ’s better to wait a bit longer than the predecessors. The terrain here is complicated and boring along the way. How about leaving this place? "

Mo Nan smiled slightly. This nangong bamboo dew was sharp-spoken. If it were an old pig, it would be "Run with you!" She was so nice.

However, she said that the Nangong family also has a place in the Shinto Alliance, which attracted Mo Nan's attention.

"Oh? Escort is not necessary! I'll make a deal with you! You will take me to the heart of Shinto Alliance, this frost origin ... will belong to you again!" Take it out.

"What? Really?" Nangong Meng waited for someone to scream.

They originally thought about how to ask Mo Nan to return to this frost origin, after all, this is the origin of the avenue! But on the one hand, Mo Nan saved them, and his life was saved by Mo Nan. Why was his face open?

On the other hand, that is to fear that Mo Nan ’s cultivation is in order. If he angers Mo Nan, a flame comes to burn, they are not as good as Chi Xiao Jiu Tian Jun.

Nangong Zhulu was very happy at first, but then hesitated a little: "Seniors, although you are very tall, but once you arrive at the center of Shinto, there is the master of Chixiao Jiutian, you ..."

"No matter! On the way, you can hide where we are!" Mo Nan revealed the source of the frost, and his sale actually put the Nangong family into a huge crisis.

"Okay--" Nangong Zhulu agreed.

Nothing is happier than recovering from the loss. Regaining the origins of frost has shocked everyone in the Nangong family.

"Let's go--"

No one wants to stay here anymore, or it may change later.

In fact, it is necessary for the Nangong family to lead the way, because this Shinto alliance definitely exceeds the participation of hundreds of millions of practitioners. The surrounding area has long been covered by matrix formations, shielding imprisonment, powerful people of all races, etc. .

Even if Mo Nan ’s consciousness is against the sky, he ca n’t see where it is at the core, and if his whereabouts are exposed along the way, I ’m afraid he will single out hundreds of millions of practitioners alone. It is not necessary for him to do such unpleasant adventures!

With the guidance of the Nangong family, the journey was much smoother.

A few dozen miles away, Nangongmeng brought a huge flying beast to a group of fellow practitioners. This giant beast looks like a pterosaur, but it is gray-brown in color and looks like a bird. The meat wings are two or three hundred meters long, which is enough for all practitioners to ride.

The old pig was very envious, shouting: "Qing Niu, look at your small body, and then look at the big people, are you ashamed?"

Nangong smiled smugly and said, "This is a bird that is unique to our mad sand robbed territory, named Qianlique. Their ancestors drank the blood of the Phoenix and gave birth to such offspring after breaking through."

"It turned out that the blood of the Phoenix was so fierce, and I went back to try two pounds." The old pig groaned, while still secretly swallowing.

Suddenly, Qitiantian laughed suddenly, his voice clear, "What do you think the blood of the Phoenix is? Can you get it casually? Well, you don't know when you die."

The Nangong people originally didn't know the beautiful appearance, but only saw her wearing a mask, her back was beautiful and noble, and now when she heard the moving voice, she suddenly felt a shock.

"This sister ~" Nangong immediately stepped over and cared, "How did you get tied up? Did something happen?"

Mo Nan's brow frowned, Shen said: "Stop! She is not something you can provoke!"

Nangong Meng and others were all surprised. Before that, they were very strange. Why did Mo Nan hold such a tied nun?

"This brother ~ you, leave me alone!" The sound of Qingtian's voice changed, almost crying! Listening to her voice, if you lift the mask, you will just see a face with a pear flower, "He is a wicked man, he lost something, but he must have stolen it, and he must also tie me to see my family ~ I Why is my life so hard! "

Nangong Meng's expression was courageous and he had a courageous sense of righteousness. He looked at Mo Nan fiercely and said in a deep voice: "Mo Daoyou, aren't you bullying others by bullying and bullying small ones? What have you got? You have to tie her? I think you have a different picture? "

"Nangong Meng!" Nangong Zhulu immediately drank, and she gave him a fierce glance, gritted her teeth: "This matter has nothing to do with us, you should not be rude to our benefactors!"

"Are you confused? Our Nangong family is in charge of the world's injustices. Who in the mad sand robbed the domain does not know our Nangong family's reputation? I ca n’t ask the thing to understand? Not to mention, yes, yes, wrong Wrong, right or wrong score clearly! "Nangong Meng's voice improved a few points, righteousness.

As soon as Mo Nan's eyes were cold, he glanced at the heavenly sky, and immediately let the heavenly sky sound, and he said deeply, "I only said once, her business is not that simple! If you don't understand the reason, don't take it out of context. ! "

Nangong Zhulu was angry when she saw Mo Nan, and she immediately said with anger: "Yes, yes ~ Senior Mo, you calm down. Brother Qi, you really are, what's their relationship with us? What happened? Do you know what else do you want to cause at this time? "

Then, she dragged Nangong Meng to the bird's head, and said: "Senior Mo's cultivation was forgotten by you? Did you provoke him? Are you really crazy?"

Nangong murmured coldly, and said, "Is he very powerful? We at Nangong also have Tianjiao. We want to use a powerful flame magic power to kill Chixiao Jiutianjun at once, at least ten people, I don't know if you are afraid. What? You clearly lose your identity as a Nangong family, understand? "

"You, you are too much! I won't tell you so much, anyway, don't make trouble here!" Nangong Zhulu didn't want to say more, and then went back to Mo Nan with a smile.

Nangong Meng turned back and swept away the weak and stupid Qiutian, he can be sure that even if she can't see her appearance, she can conclude that she is a stunning beauty. It's just a pity that it fell into the hands of Mo Nan ...

Humph! If he is really so powerful, he will not immediately hear our Nangong family's name, and immediately use the "Frost Origin" to make a high-nine friendship with my Nangong family!

If you change someone else, who would be willing to use the "Frost Origin" to make a big family?

This guy must not be a character with a background, let alone a good person!

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