I Have a Dragon

Chapter 1405: : Golden Holy Dragon?

Did the Ancient Star King betray Mo Nan?

This idea came out of everyone's mind instantly.

They just listened to how the ancient king of the stars would maintain Mo Nan, how could it be the ancient star?

"God Monan, please be careful. How could we be the king of our realm?" Hai Zhongshi immediately said anxiously.

He didn't want to see such a scene. One was their salvation benefactor, and the other was the leader of our tribe. What would happen if the two sides happened?

But before everyone could tell what was going on, the ancient King of the Stars waved his sleeves and opened angrily.

"It's me! But rest assured, King Ozawa promised me that I would not kill you."

After hearing this, there was an uproar in the audience.

It seems that some people do n’t know the ancient king of the world. Did n’t you just say that you want to help Mo Nan to fight against the king of Daze?

Why do you suddenly admit to selling Monam?

Mo Nan was not surprised, and glanced again at the mighty Daze King, saw his dragon-shaped state, and said calmly:

"For Jinlong?"

"Huh. Little Monan, you are less of an innocent here. In the Ten Realms, all practitioners know that I have a lot of dragon breeds. This golden dragon was hard to raise, and I never thought I would be this The thief stole it. "

The king of Osawa yelled, seemed very angry, pointed at the nine-pronged golden dragon, and said sadly, "You stole my golden dragon, and you killed the king of my kingdom when you were found. Fortunately, an old brother of the ancient star gave me a ventilating message to delay you. Yes, otherwise you will run away. "

Most of the practitioners present at the scene met Mo Nan for the first time, and of course he did not know who Mo Nan was.

But they do have some knowledge of the King of Dazai. This king of dragons, known as the Dragon King, does have many flying dragons in his court.

Is this golden dragon really stolen by Mo Nan?

At this time, the nine-pronged golden dragon couldn't help but laughed twice and uttered words:

"What kind of identity is Lao Tzu, and this little king of yours can raise? You are in my eyes, but a pseudo dragon!"

There was a moment of grief for the king of Dazai. The sharp five fingers gently covered his chest and said:

"You hurt your father so much. I have only raised you for decades. You are just signed a soul contract by Mo Nan's blood. I don't blame you. If you blame me, blame me for a moment, no Protect you, let the little thief Mo Nan have the opportunity. But rest assured, I will take you home again today! "

The nine-clawed golden dragon snorted and said, "I don't talk to the dead, it's a waste of my saliva!"

Mo Nan did not entangle on this issue, no matter how small the sky was said by the king of Dazai, it was just an excuse to win the golden dragon.

Instead, he continued to look at the ancient star king, Shen Sheng said:

"Give me a reason not to kill you!"

"With the King of Dazai, you can't kill me. I just chose the right path."

The ancient star king shook his head gently, as if talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

"I and the King of Daze, as neighbors, have lived in peace for many years. He has a very high reputation in the Ten Realms. Once I go to war with him, it will definitely cost me a lot, and other Kings will even take it up. To us. "

"He is very strong. No one is his opponent in the Ten Realms. And you, it ’s just a casual repair who does n’t know where it is coming from. You have no chance against him at all. Here you are light. ,I know."

"Now that I am beheading you with the King of the King of Dazai, then I have even made credit for it. He has promised me that he will take the first place among the Ten Realms and I will be the second."

With that said, the next king of Daze, Haha laughed wildly, then said: "Relax! Brother Gu Xing, you help me find my enemy and get back the Golden Dragon, I will never forget your hard work."

The King of the Ancient Stars salutes him, and then continues: "As for Mo Nan, you saved my clan, I really appreciate it. Unfortunately, they are all civilians. If you obediently let Jin Long out I can plead for you and let you go. "

Mo Nan closed his eyes, as if feeling the bitterness of these words.

It took him a long time to say, and Shen Sheng said, "I see. Seeing you as a real villain, I will only kill you, and it will not harm your people."

"Presumptuous-do you treat me as a furnishing?"

Suddenly, the king of Ozawa roared loudly, and a monstrous flame blew directly from his mouth.

This flame was like an extraterrestrial meteorite. It was so violent that it hit Monan directly at such a short distance.


There was a roar throughout the Jiewang lobby, and the huge lobby was shattered directly.

Originally, the castle of this kingdom was above the floating void island.

Now by the terrible blow from King Ozawa, the entire floating island was penetrated by a huge hole, and countless pieces of broken earth and gravel fell from the huge hole.

Looking from the distance of Jiewang City, I saw that the smoke and dust from Jiewang Fortress filled the sky, and many things fell from it.

For a while, many civilians looked up and did not know what happened.

But at this moment, I suddenly saw a figure flying up into the sky from the inside, facing the huge suspended kingdom castle.

"Boy! Suffer—"

King Ozawa didn't mean to belittle his enemies, he jumped to the top of the castle and shook at Mo Nan.

Hum! !!

There was a burst of golden light on the body of King Ozawa, and his entire body appeared with gold scale armor.

At first glance, it looks like a scary golden suit!

Mo Nanli was standing in the void, his silver hair was flying, and he felt that the dragon blood on the King of Dazai was really special, and he nodded, and Shen Sheng said:

"If you don't do evil, if you practice for 3,000 years like this, you may really have a chance to peek into the Dragon Soul!"


King Dazai stepped on it and jumped into the air. A golden aperture swayed under his feet, making people think he was jumping on the aperture.

He shook his fist, but the golden fist turned out to have a faucet.

"Sacred Dragon Roar--"


The wings of King Ozawa called the wind and the rain, and brought thunder and lightning.

Numerous practitioners looked wide-eyed.

"This is the power of King Osawa!"

"He is a golden holy dragon, and no monk is his opponent at all!"

"Unfortunately, God Mo Nan, he saved our people, but ... unfortunately, he was caught by King Dazai."

Although many practitioners of these clan regrets, even Hai Xieer and others exclaimed, they all know that in these ten realms, as long as they are against the king of Dazai, there is only one end, that is death. .

They've seen it too much and have already guessed the result after seeing this scene.

Huh! !!

The king of Osawa struck a punch, and the whole king city shook a bit.

Mo Nan stretched out his hand and made a loud noise, forming a huge light curtain, and bounced the king of Daze directly.

King Ozawa fell on the square in front of the castle, rolled far, and smashed two castles.

This shocking scene surprised the people of the monks for a while.

Mo Nan didn't have any smug look, and Shen Sheng said, "You haven't used all the power! Now let's do it! Let me see what you can do with this pseudo dragon."

King Daze stepped out of the ruins step by step, and his golden suit was brighter.

"You didn't do it all! I felt it too! Let me see it today."

Mo Nan shook his head, his eyes looked at the distant starry sky, and said, "You have no chance to see. If I unblock all the repairs, the entire northern starry sky will need to be replaced."


The king of Ozawa yelled, and he burst into anger, banging out another punch at Mo Nan.

This fist is full of five or six rules.

One side of Mo Nan's body, one hand above the void, a voice in his mouth said:

"Zhuo pseudo-dragon, show your true body!"

"Hell-like magical powers-exorcism!"

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