I Have a Dragon

Chapter 425: : Descending People

"Wake up soon!"

Mo Nan gently shook Zhuang Ziling's shoulders and found that she was still drunk and had no intention to wake up.

But Mo Nan did not intend to hang out for Zhuang Ziling.

As a princess Danhui, who could force her to drink if it weren't for her?

"Sure enough, you still need someone to wait for you!"

Mo Nan stepped out of the door and drank two times outside, calling someone from Danhui. He had no time to take care of her. And he was a man who took care of a drunk beauty in the room at night, so it would not be good for her to pass it on.

All of a sudden, several people from Danhui came.

"Why is our lady so drunk? She is just drinking a little bit of wine tonight!" The elder was a little surprised, and immediately asked two female Danshi to take care of Zhuang Ziling.

Mo Nan was so funny that you guys did n’t know what to eat or drink with the owner of Yaowang Island. Ask him this outsider, how did he know?

"Zhi Ling!" Liu Jiale rushed in quickly, and when he found out that Zhuang Ziling looked so surprised.

"It's impossible, she was talking and laughing when we ended!"

Mo Nan had thought that she might have been drunk on the way back. It was too easy to get drunk on Yaowang Island.

"Take care of her! I'm back!" Mo Nan left a word and left immediately.

"Wait--" Liu Jiale suddenly stopped Mo Nan.

"Mo Zhenren, you were the first to discover her? Why did she get drunk like this? How did you meet her? How could she be in her room, she was unconscious now, what did you do to her? So many questions, you haven't given us an explanation yet! "Liu Jiale said in a deep voice.

He was righteous and righteous, but it immediately caught the attention of all Dan divisions. Now that their princesses are doing this for no reason, the consequences can be big or small, all of which must be traced.

"Wait until you wake up and ask her yourself!" Mo Nan didn't want to explain, did she say that she was almost violated by two people on Yaowang Island in front of so many people? Such a trouble is not good for anyone.

Elder Dan knew that Mo Nan had kindness to them, and at this time did not dare to force him too tightly, and immediately said, "Well, okay! Let's wait until she wakes up and talk!"

Liu Jiale saw that everyone was not supporting him, and he was a bit displeased. He was not in Danhui at the beginning, but he heard that Mo Nan went to Danhui to kill many Dan divisions, and even the statue of King Dan was smashed. This made him quite uncomfortable.

Now seeing that Mo Nan didn't buy anything, it was even more displeasing, and he said impatiently: "You can go back, just take out your mobile phone and let everyone take a look."

Cell phone?

Mo Nan froze for a moment. To be honest, there is no signal in Cangwuyuan, and now there is no more in this illusion. He usually uses a watch even when watching time, and he has not used the phone for a long time.

He even heard the words on the cell phone suddenly stand out.

"See what my phone does?"

Liu Jiale suddenly raised a little business and said, "We Ziling is drunk and unconscious. She is Princess Danhui again, such a big beauty, such an identity. If you take the opportunity to take a little picture of her, then we will be Danhui. Image will be damaged. "

When he said that, he suddenly found that Mo Nan's face was not right, and then he remembered that Mo Nan could easily kill the King of Sands, and his tone changed: "Mo Zhenren, we are also compelled, for the image of our Danhui Think about it. This will also let us rest assured that Ziling is not it? If you are innocent, I will apologize to you on the spot! Take it out and see! "

The other Dan divisions were trembling for a while, and they all stared at Liu Jiale, not expecting this guy to be so brave, even Mo Nan dared to bump it.

"Jia Le, you filter! I believe that Mo Zhenren is definitely not such a person!" The elders were almost on their knees. Isn't this **** Liu Jiale trying to kill them?

With Mo Nan's background, even if he stripped Zhuang Ziling on the spot to take a round, they would not dare to have any objections.

"Do you like to treat people as yourself?" Mo Nan stared at Liu Jiale without blinking.

The so-called benevolent sees the benevolent sees the wisdom, and indeed it is not fake! Liu Jiale was the first one to think that Mo Nan would take pictures secretly, so was the thought in his mind!

Liu Jiale's face was a little pale, but he also knew that he should not compromise at this time.

"You've been with Ziling for so long, shouldn't we check your phone, shouldn't it?"


Belly sinister heart of a gentleman!

As soon as Mo Nanmen reached out, Liu Jiale sucked the whole person with a sigh.


Holding his throat in one hand, Liu Jiale's face was swollen purple in just one second.

"In what capacity do you speak to me?"

Liu Jiale apparently did not expect that Mo Nan would suddenly shoot. His cultivation was the best among the Dan Clubs, but in Mo Nan's hands, he did not even have the resistance.

At this moment, he knew how big the gap was between him and Mo Nan.

"Mo Zhenren, he is still a child and is not sensible. You can spare him!" Elder Dan said anxiously beside him.

"Child? Is he still a child?"

Mo Nan glanced at Liu Jiale. This guy is not thirty or twenty-eight. Is he still a child?

"Since you said I would take pictures, I don't believe you anymore! After I left, who knows if you would strip her clothes and take pictures of her?"

In a word, the people present suddenly whispered, one by one, awkward and helpless.

"Mo Zhenren, what you said, we are all Danhui!"

"Yes, she is our Princess Danhui. How could we be so disrespectful to her?"

The elder's face was beating for a while, this Mo Zhenren's bite was too exaggerated!

"Really? What if I don't believe it?" Mo Nan said again.

The elder's old face was no longer able to hang, and he immediately fell down and knelt down, respectfully said: "Mr. Zhen, you have a lot of adults, please raise your noble hands! If it were not for you, we might not know where to sleep .Thank you very much, this Jiale has been over concerned for a while, Mo Zhenren forgive him! "

Talking, other Dan divisions also knelt together. They were really afraid of another massacre in Danhui Valley by Mo Nan.

"Mo Nan!" Suddenly, Zhuang Ziling on the bed woke up after taking the panacea. She apparently listened for a while, and immediately struggling, begging: "Please let him go. I know you are sure He won't do that kind of thing. If you really need anything, Mo Zhenren, we will obey the mission from top to bottom.

Mo Nan snorted coldly, and then looked at Liu Jiale coldly, seeing that this guy's eyes were protruding, and he was about to choke.

"Have you heard that? I still need to do that?"

嘭 ——

Mo Nan threw Liu Jiale into the yard.

He patted his palm, and walked to his room as if nothing had happened.

Everyone in the room looked at each other, and this Monan couldn't really provoke him casually.

"Zi Ling, what happened? How did you drink?"

Zhuang Ziling sighed with a sigh of relief, touched his sore head, shook his head, and was unwilling to say more. He murmured another sentence: "I thought it would be easier for him to come with us. Now it seems Instead, he was involved, and he was afraid it would not be so easy to ask for medicine. No wonder he was so angry. "

Zhuang Ziling looked in the direction of Mo Nan's disappearance, but his heart was getting heavier and heavier! I can only wait until tomorrow when the master of Zhang Lei Island returns.


Noon the next day.

Someone came to report, saying that it was the owner of the young island.

Mo Nan heard a sudden shock in his mind. This time he asked for medicine related to his father's life and death. No matter what, he must get it.

"Mo Zhenren, please come with us! The owner of our little island is waiting for everyone in the spiritual garden at the back." A charming son-in-law whispered as he led the way.

Mo Nan smiled faintly, and unexpectedly this Zhang Lei Shao Island owner was quite special, even receiving guests in the spirit garden.

However, this is better. If you see a suitable elixir, you can buy it directly.

"Mo Zhenren, we are the master of the island, and there are other guests, please!"

Mo Nan nodded and walked into the gate of the Lingyuan. The first thing I saw was the beautiful Zhuang Ziling. There was a young and handsome young man standing beside her, which should be Zhang Lei.

Before Mo Nan took the second step, he suddenly raised his eyebrows. He even saw another big enemy of his own, Cao Kun, the lord of Caomen!

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