I Have a Dragon

Chapter 916: : City of Chaos

"Heavenly army, why did you suddenly stop and stop attacking?"

In the demon soil, many practitioners have begun to discuss colorfully. Originally, the Celestial Army was commanded by Ji Changhao Shaodi himself and brought together the ten ancient families to put pressure on the demons together.

Everyone knows that Mozhai is also a group of Mozhuang practitioners. Their main eyes have already escaped from the realm, and everyone believes that he has fallen.

This time the Celestial Army launched a large-scale attack, and determined to win it, why did it suddenly stop attacking?

"I received the news. I heard that the Luoshen tribe, the Moonskin tribe, and the Butian tribe that have always kept a low profile have come together. It should be more powerful, but after the gathering, the entire army stopped. You Is it strange? "

"These ancients are negotiating what interests they should have. We should not have much time. Once the army has broken the city, we have finished everything. As soon as they have not sent their troops, quickly find the" Tian Bei Shen Jue Jue ". I heard that this is the ancient method that made the Lord of the Demon Earth so dazzling. "

"It's" Tian Bei Shen Jue Jue "? How did I hear it was" Tiandao Zhenshen Seal "? You should also know that there has been a change in the way of heaven's fortune? Yes, I heard that it is the divine power of the Tiandaozhenshen Seal. Moreover, why did the Luoshen tribe not suffer the Luoshen robbing for so long? It was because the Lord of the Demon Soil used the Seal of Heavenly God on her here! "

When all the practitioners heard it, they suddenly realized that they couldn't help but groaned: "Really? No wonder so many large gates have poured in. I originally wanted to hide and avoid it. It seems that this time, the chance is absolutely intolerable. Miss it! "

For a time, all mysterious news spread throughout the 90,000-li city, and it was well-founded. If it's just an empty city, would the Celestial Army attack over thousands of miles?

In just a few days, there were more than three times as many people in the 90,000-li city. At the same time, they were full of curiosity about the entire city, and they had to break into each forbidden area to see it, which made the entire city chaotic.

Demon repairers, just maintaining order every day is enough to burn their heads!

It would be no exaggeration to use the phrase "Monsters and Monsters!"


Gao Hongyu and Lin Siyi brought two followers into the city of 90,000 miles.

The two of them, no matter how they say, are the old friends of Mo Nan. Now that the soil is in dire straits, the two of them will naturally not come back. Especially Lin Siyi, at first she and Mo Nan entered the nine-day Jedi, but later because of her father Lin Qingtian and sister Lin Xiangyun, she was afraid to see Mo Nan again.

It's just that the real fire robbery domain is not the real fire robbery domain that year, and her arrival this time is purely to help.

However, shortly after they entered the gate, they were intercepted.

"Stop—this is the site of the Blood Sect. Every passerby will pay a toll of one million tolls!" A sturdy-looking male practitioner, with hundreds of disciples, will be directly The fairy was lit.

"Don't blame us for not reminding you that you don't want to die, it's better not to make so much nonsense. Pay money and get away—" Another old bearded man yelled coldly, squinting.

Lin Siyi and Gao Hongyu glanced at each other and asked strangely: "This 90,000-mile city is all owned by the city owner! But all the repairers can enter freely. Here, when is your bloodlocked site? Another one Hand over a million spirit stones, I'm afraid your head is burned out! "

"Oh? One million, many?"

Suddenly, on a high-rise building, a young man was slowly dropped. This man had a strong body, and there was a blue-blue breath around his body. He slowly fell, as if the whole world was also a little quiet.

"Vice Sovereign!" Many monks hurriedly saluted.

Lin Siyijiao trembled, but the deputy monk ’s cultivation was a few levels higher than her. Gao Hongyu also apparently found out that she was directly in front of Lin Siyi: "We are the realm of real fire. Why do you collect money, Lord? "

"Hahaha, it's very simple-from now on, this area! From entering this gate to the third virtual market, all of us are under the jurisdiction of the Bloodlock Sect! Is there any problem?" The deputy sovereign smiled proudly.

Divide the city? The expression on Lin Siyi's face was so tense, she could not imagine that these gates could not be so lawless. The 90,000-mile city in the famous heavens was even divided by a small gate.

what on earth is it?

"True!" The Deputy Sovereign stepped out suddenly, and his voice skyrocketed with his momentum: "If you don't pay, then die--"

Bang! !!

The deputy lord's right hand slammed and made his hand a knife. A few hundred meters of slash was slashed out by him.

Gao Hongyu was so angry that he held the Excalibur with one hand, a fierce block!

A loud roar exploded from it.

"Kill--" The disciples who locked the blood sect rushed up in an instant, and surrounded Lin Siyi and others around him.


The two sides fought together in an instant.

But Lin Siyi, the only four people in the group, could be their rivals. With few moves, they were forced into the corner.

Lin Siyi's heart could not help but sink. She had thought of the danger of the 90,000-li city this time, but she did not expect to come in and encountered such a danger. Although she did not bring anyone over, Mo Nan and her were in the ninth day. Among the Jedi, picking the road together has no effect.

In addition to the two Emperor Beixuan Yao, she also has one. She has not used it for so many years. She thought of using this avenue to recruit powerful people to protect the city of Monan. Now she even has this opportunity. No more.

"Who is murdering here! When cutting--"

Just then, a cold female voice came suddenly, the cold voice was full of majesty, with an irresistible command.


Suddenly, a spear raged, and with a bang, the Deputy Sovereign was nailed to the ground.

嘭 ——

I saw a brave young girl rushing out of the air, and she was standing in the air in a combat costume. Behind this girl, there is a brigade, with a black battle flag on it and the word "Sima" written on it!

"It's the Sima family of Heilongjieyu!"

The two sides at war stopped suddenly. Even those disciples who locked the blood sect were frightened and stopped. Although their ancestors were large, their ancestors were nothing compared with Sima's family in Heilongjieyu.

And the young girl in front of them also recognizes that they are stationed in Heilongjiejie perennially, and are famous in all directions, named Sima Ji!

Among the big team, there was an old man who looked like a torch. The old man looked icy cold, and there was a sound of avenues between the steps. He was the powerful subordinate Sima Xingkong of Mo Nan in the wasteland of time.

This Sima family was invited! Under the leadership of Sima Xingkong, it is naturally incumbent on him to protect the stability of the 90,000-li city.

"Sima senior!" Lin Siyi called out immediately.

"Hard work!"

Sima Xingkong naturally knew the relationship between Lin Siyi and Mo Nan. He nodded to Lin Siyi. At this time, he didn't need to talk much and met again. Naturally, he knew why the other party was here.

"Dare to riot in the city, violate the city rules, and kill all--"

Sima Xingkong waved with one of them, and the famous soldiers rushed up to kill all the disciples of the Bloodlock Sect.

Lin Siyi stepped forward excitedly: "Fortunately, the predecessors arrived and eliminated them as much as possible! Si Yi thanked you here! In the future, there will be soldiers from the Black Dragon Robbery, and the city of 90,000 miles will be safe!"


Sima Xingkong couldn't laugh. He didn't encounter decent cross-talks on the way. As soon as he entered the city, there was such a division of the territory. How much chaos did the 90,000-li city?

"Don't he be there, can't the whole city be kept?"

Sima Ji held a spear in her hand, her cloak was dazzling, and she strode forward: "Grandpa, the enemy has already killed as many as possible, let's go and meet with the deputy leader of the city, right?"

"it is good--"

Sima Xingkong encountered several riots along the way, and her heart was sad and angry. This was only the result of the turbulent incitement of the Tuntians. At the same time, he felt in his heart: Mo Shaozun! Where are you If you are here, give them a hundred guts, they will not dare to mess!

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