I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 128: lively ancient year

Dajing Dynasty, before the New Year.

"Lu Lang."

As the Chinese New Year is approaching, even Renxintang does not have many people.

Liu Lao Zhang received Liu Qingyan's wink, looked at Lu Zheng and said, "It's boring for you to stay at home alone, why don't you come to my house?"

Liu Qingyan immediately looked at Lu Zheng with expectant eyes.

Of course Lu Zheng had no objection, "Okay!"

Liu Qingyan smiled brightly, "It's been a long time since I played chess with Lu Lang, so I'll have a few words tomorrow."

Turning to some regrets, she said, "It's a pity that Sister Shen can't leave the Peach Blossom Village, otherwise it would be good to celebrate the festival together."

Lu Zheng said, "We can see her on the first day of the new year."

Liu Qingyan nodded, "That's fine."

In the afternoon, Hu Zhou came to help as usual, and Liu Lao Zhang asked Hu Zhou, and after learning that they were only mother and son during the Chinese New Year, he invited them to the Liu family to celebrate the New Year together.

Hu Zhou said that he wanted to go home and ask Hu's mother to decide, but Lu Zheng estimated that Hu's mother would not refuse.

Lu Zheng smacked his lips. He didn't expect to have a lively new year after coming to Dajingchao for more than half a year.


On the eve of New Year's Eve, which is roughly equivalent to the modern New Year's Eve, Lu Zheng explained that Aunt Liu was in the Liu family's New Year's Eve early in the morning, and then returned to the bedroom, packed up all the gifts he had prepared, and carried a large basket.

"Uncle Liu! Aunt Liu! Qingyan! Happy New Year to Qingquan!" Lu Zheng came to the door.

"Lu Lang is here, come in quickly!" Mr. Liu greeted Lu Zheng to enter the door, and then he sniffed decisively, his eyes shining.

Lu Zheng knew that Mr. Liu would be fine, so he didn't give a shit, and said to the Liu family with a smile, "I brought some gifts for everyone."

Liu Qingquan answered immediately, "Do I have lollipops and yo-yo-mei?"

Lu Zheng shook his head with a smile, and Liu Qingquan's face immediately collapsed, as if he was about to cry.

"But there are better toffees, halva and chocolate."


toffee? Is it sugar made from milk?

Halva? Is it a candy that tastes crunchy, similar to a snack like shortbread?

And chocolate, the name sounds weird, what is that?


Lu Zheng and a few people came to the front hall together, put down the bamboo baskets, and then took things out one by one.

Give it to my aunt first.

"This is halva, this is toffee, this is chocolate, this is plum."

Lu Zheng has removed all the packaging of these candies and put them into prepared bamboo tubes.

Liu Qingquan took one, held it in his arms, took another, and held it in his arms again.

And then... I couldn't hold it any longer, but I couldn't bear to let go of anything.

Liu Qingyan was too blind to see, she reached out and took two cans.

Lu Zheng smiled slightly, and then gave it to Liu Lao Zhang again. "This is white wine, this is yellow wine, let's see if it suits you."

"This is a two-way cashmere scarf. Aunt Liu, you and Qingyan have one, let's see what color you like."

"Okay!" Mrs. Liu didn't expect that she still had a gift, so she was very happy.

Liu Qingyan took the cashmere scarf that Lu Zheng handed over, and when she passed it, she only felt soft to the touch and delicately made, "Good craftsmanship."

"Qingyan, I don't think you usually bring that golden hairpin, so I bought a few more hairpins to see if you like it."

In addition to personal gifts, Lu Zheng took out fruit wine, snacks and the like.

Until the end, Lu Zheng took out a half-large box about a square foot.

Seeing Lu Zheng taking out the wooden box so solemnly, the Liu family's eyes all focused on it.

"what is this?"

Lu Zheng opened the wooden box, and several members of the Liu family saw that there were many small wooden blocks less than an inch in the box.

Liu Qingquan took one and saw two circles on the other side of the small wooden block.

Liu Qingquan looked and looked, still confused, "What is this?"

Liu Qingyan saw that the smile on Lu Zheng's face was quite mysterious, so she also picked up a wooden block, but saw that six small linear patterns were carved on the surface of the wooden block, and the pattern was also smeared with green paint.

Picking up another piece, the picture on the surface turned into a bird again, with red and green colors, quite delicate.

Liu Qingyan's eyes flashed, "Is this a game?"

Lu Zheng clapped his hands and smiled, "Exactly!"

The quintessence of Mahjong has officially landed in another world!

"Similar to Shuanglu or Feiye?" Liu Qingquan asked.

Liu Qingyan looked at the number of wooden blocks in the wooden box, shook her head and said, "There are a lot of chess pieces, which may be similar to Go."

Liu Qingquan's face collapsed when he heard this, "That's too difficult."

Lu Zheng shook his head and said, "It's not difficult, it's not difficult, I was thinking that we have to keep watch late, just eat snacks and chat, it's a little boring, so I brought a deck of cards to pass the time."

"Is it not difficult?" Liu Qingquan's eyes lit up, "Is it fun?"


Just kidding, Mahjong, the quintessence of the country, is a simple game that goes up to ninety-nine, and can be played as long as you watch two games.

However, there are endless changes, and luck is as important as skill.


Several people vacated the table in the front hall. Lu Zheng asked the Liu family to sit around the table and taught them to play a round of cards hand in hand.




"Five tubes!"

"Don't worry, I'll touch it!"


"Haha, what a fool!"


Looking at Liu Qingyan's bright eyes and excited face, Lu Zheng suddenly remembered an old movie~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Did I do something stupid?

Pooh! No! Qing Yan devoted herself to researching medical skills and curing diseases and saving people, which is not such a person.

"Lu Lang?"


"Let's bring this when we go to see Sister Shen tomorrow. Well, let's bring mahjong, just to let Sister Shen play."

Lu Zheng: Σ(°△°|||)︴

After another round, Mrs. Liu saw that it was getting late, so she reluctantly got off the table and went to the kitchen to prepare lunch.

So Lu Zheng took it for granted.



After lunch, the Liu family continued to fight, two old servants poured tea and water, while Lu Zheng stood behind Liu Qingyan and pointed at her.


"Sister! Give me money!"

Liu Qingyan glanced at Lu Zheng who asked her to fire, then took a penny from her purse and handed it to her sister.

Not long after, Hu Zhou's mother and son arrived, and a few people stopped for a while.

Immediately afterwards, Mother Hu was quickly pulled to the table, Hu Zhou waited on the side, and Liu Qingyan pulled Lu Zheng into the study.


After closing the door, lighting incense, and brewing clear tea, the room suddenly became quiet, and then the mood also calmed down.

Lu Zheng put on the chessboard, Liu Qingyan sorted the pieces, the two sat opposite each other, and began to play.

There are comings and goings, there are in and out.

"Lu Lang, thank you."

"Thank me for what?" Lu Zheng was really surprised. "A gift? It's just some drinks and novel food."

Liu Qingyan smiled sweetly, "Thank you Lu Lang for helping me avoid the troubles of other hospitals."

Lu Zheng raised his eyebrows, "You know what? It's nothing, it's just a small matter."

Liu Qingyan settled down gently, her voice inaudible, "It is Qingyan's luck to know Lu Lang."

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