I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 153: City tour

Known as the first old wine in Yizhou, Lu Zheng tasted it, and it was indeed clearer, purer, and fragrant. Although the degree was not enough, the taste was really good, indicating that there are still good wines in Dajingchao.

Satisfied, Lu Zheng and Duan Changzai walked out of the restaurant slowly, Duan Changzai asked with a smile, "Let me show you around the city, and bring some gifts for your two confidantes."

Duan Changzai knew about Shen Ying, and the matter of the Peach Blossom Temple was still in his hands. This time, there was another female doctor neighbor who had done good deeds. Judging from the description in Lu Zheng's words, it must have been in his bowl. vegetable.

Lu Zheng, "..."

Okay, you are right, so Lu Zheng nodded, "Then I will trouble Brother Duan."

"You're welcome, you found the wizard and killed it, but it saved us a lot of energy. We should take the lead in this matter in Yizhou, and Baiyun Temple should also have a reward. Today, you are a guest of Zhenyisi. What trouble is not troublesome? of."

Duan Chang pointed to the front, "Li Ji Cloth Factory has its own dyeing workshop and female workers. The fabrics produced are delicate with tentacles and delicate embroidery. You can take a few and bring them home."

"Okay." Lu Zheng nodded in response.

The two walked all the way into Liji Cloth Workshop. The Cloth Workshop occupies a large area, and the business is booming. Many small cloth merchants from all over the world come to purchase goods.

While waiting, Lu Zheng looked around, and found that the cloth workshop produced brocade, yarn, silk, satin, etc., and the quality was better than that of Tonglin County, so when a guy came up, Lu Zheng waved his hands and turned all kinds of colors. Five pieces of cloth were pulled and sent to the inn.


After leaving the cloth workshop, Duan Chang continued to take Lu Zheng to the east. As a result, just two steps away, he saw an old monk walking slowly in the crowd. When he encountered a pedestrian, he saluted and asked for alms.

Ten steps later, Lu Zheng confronted the old monk.

"Amitabha!" The old monk stopped, rushed to Lu Zheng and Duan Changzai, lowered his eyebrows, and saluted, "The old monk would like to ask for a copper coin, cast a golden body of the Buddha, pray for the benefactor, and wish the benefactor good luck in this life. When you are peaceful and happy, you will experience the bliss of the West in the next life."

Lu Zheng took a closer look at the old monk, and saw that the old monk was wearing a worn gray monk robe with several patches on the top and bottom.

It's just that the figure is straight, the eyes are clear, and the speech is clear, which means that although he is old, he is not old and confused.

Duan Changzai took out a copper coin from his waist, and saw the edge of the old monk's hands together and stretched forward in a bowl shape, and then he put the copper coin in the old monk's hand.

Hearing what the old monk said, he saw that Duan Changzai only gave him a copper coin. Lu Zheng's eyes flashed, and he also took out a copper coin from his purse, ready to hand it to the old monk.

However, the old monk did not accept it. Instead, he put the copper coins that Duan Changzai gave him into his sleeves and saluted, "Amitabha, thank you so much."

Then he stretched out his hand again and took Lu Zheng's copper coin, "Amitabha, thank you so much."

After finishing speaking, the old monk turned to let the two of them go, and continued to walk slowly. When he saw people, he saluted, "Amitabha! The old monk would like to ask for a copper coin to cast the golden body of the Buddha..."

Lu Zheng looked back at the old monk, followed Duan Changzai and continued to move forward. After walking a few steps, he couldn't help but ask in a low voice, "Brother Duan, do you know the details of the old monk?"

Duan Chang shook his head and pointed, "It's okay to be curious, just ask, it's not good intentions to investigate other people's details when you have nothing to do."

Lu Zheng turned his eyes and nodded to be taught.


"Juggling! Juggling!"

"Turn white rice out of thin air! Turn white rice out of thin air, all the officers pass by and take a look!"

When Lu Zheng passed by, he saw a middle-aged man sitting on the ground with a straw mat in front of him, with a wooden barrel, a wooden plate and a pottery bowl by his hand.

First of all, the middle-aged man showed the wooden barrel in his hand, with only the side of the barrel and no bottom, then he put the wooden barrel on the mat and covered it with his hand, while the other hand held the pottery bowl and reached into the wooden barrel .

Scooped, took out the pottery bowl, that is, a thick bowl of white rice was placed in the pottery bowl.

"Okay-" cheered.

The middle-aged man smiled, poured a bowl of rice into the wooden plate, and then reached into the wooden bucket to scoop out a bowl of rice.

After going back and forth like this, in a short while, a huge pile of rice was piled up on the wooden tray.

After filling the wooden tray, the middle-aged man picked up the wooden barrel and displayed it left and right. It was still the wooden barrel with only the edge and no bottom.

"Color--" The applause was thunderous.

The next moment, the middle-aged man put down the wooden barrel, and poured all the white rice in the wooden tray back into the wooden barrel. Finally, the wooden tray was empty, and the middle-aged man raised the wooden barrel again, which was still the bottomless wooden barrel.

"Good trick!"

"Thank you for your support! Thank you very much!"

The middle-aged man stood up and slowly paced around the crowd with a wooden tray, asking for a reward.

For a time, some people left, some people paid, and the scattered copper coins fell into the wooden tray.

Turning to Lu Zheng's side, Lu Zheng took out ten copper coins from his purse and threw them gently into the wooden plate, "Wonderful, see the reward!"

"Thank you!" Glancing at Lu Zheng, the middle-aged man sang loudly with a smile on his face.


When he came to a bookstore, Lu Zheng became interested and went in with Duan Chang for a stroll. "I wonder if there are more books in Yizhou Prefecture than in Tonglin County?"

"More must be more, but it's probably useless~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Duan Chang shook his head and said.

Lu Zheng looked around. Although it was true, he still bought a few books of words that were not available in Tonglin County, and counted them as gifts from Liu Qingyan.


Wandering all the way, Lu Zheng bought some snacks, preserved fruits, bamboo and wooden toys, and finally stopped at a piano shop.

"Brother Lu still plays the piano?" Duan Changzai was quite surprised.

"Slightly understand." Lu Zheng nodded lightly with a smile, and then walked into the piano shop.

Duan Changzai buckled his chin, and was very surprised in his heart. He thought that Lu Zheng not only cultivated both Taoism and martial arts, but also had a brilliant literary talent. Now it seems that he is proficient in music theory?

At a young age, he can order everything. Could it be that after the death of an almighty, the soul will be reincarnated and rebuilt in the next life?

"This son, are you looking at the piano?"

Seeing that Lu Zheng was wearing a long gown, with a refined manner and a dignified air, he was accompanied by a strong man, obviously of extraordinary status, so the shopkeeper of the piano shop hurried up to greet him and personally received him.

"Is there a good piano?" Lu Zheng asked.

"Yes, yes, please take a look!" The shopkeeper led Lu Zheng to the side of the shop, and there were more than a dozen lyre strings in different styles on the wooden shelf.

"Look, the shop specializes in lyre, and the pianos are made by experienced masters for decades. This phoenix-tail qin is made of phoenix perch wood in Phoenix Mountain in Yaozhou, and the sound is exciting. Made by pine, the sound of the piano is far away, and this..."

He was eloquent and eloquent. In the blink of an eye, the introduction of six or seven pianos was finished, and Lu Zheng listened with a stern look on his face.


"Is the piano good? You can't tell if you try it? Can you get started?" Lu Zheng asked.

"Of course!" The shopkeeper saw Lu Zheng looking at the Fengwei Qin, so he carefully removed the Fengwei Qin from the frame and put it on the short table on the side, which was specially used for testing the piano. Place, "You Please!"

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