I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 175: process follow-up

In the north of Wanfu County, the mountains are continuous, more than 130 miles deep, there is a barren mountain, with sparse grass and trees, strange rocks, shrouded in smoke and clouds, and the sun cannot be seen, it is the Wild Wolf Mountain.

Wanfu County has a nursery rhyme saying:

Baili Yelang Mountain, the most dangerous mountains, only saw people entering, but no one came out.

In the past 100 years, there have been many herb collectors, hunters, mountain hikers, and curious explorers who have died in the Wild Wolf Mountain Realm.

"I heard that apart from Leng Jian, how many dog ​​legs does he have?" Lu Zheng muttered to himself as he went up the mountain, "Come here quickly, I'm impatient to go all over the mountains to find his cave."

Walking all the way to the middle of the mountain, Lu Zheng finally showed a smile.

"come over!"

With a soft snort, Lu Zheng moved the seal in his hand, "The law is too high, gather Qi to attract clouds, be quick!"

With the cloud gathering technique, Lu Zheng pointed a finger, and a white cloud covered the position not far from his left.


With an exclamation, a shadow turned over and fled into the distance.

"Can you go?"

The Cloud Gathering Technique turns the True Cloud Mantra, the white clouds and mist are lingering, and the immeasurable spiritual energy gathers, blocking the opponent's path, killing the opponent's demonic energy, and then directly breaking in.


The figure spat out a mouthful of blood, and when he was about to escape, he found a cyan figure standing in front of him.

Lu Zheng stretched out his hand a little, and the cloud qi entered his body, sealing the demon qi in the monster's body, and then he just fell to the ground when he heard a "ouch".

"You are the monster of this Wild Wolf Mountain?" Lu Zheng smiled, his eyes flickering coldly.

The monster shook his body, raised his head, revealing a round face with a few long and hard beards on his cheeks, two big eyes that looked innocent, and said with a flattering smile, "Forgive your life, Ren Rongbing, I'm just a little demon, how can I be the owner of this Wild Wolf Mountain? There is someone else, someone else!"

"who is it?"

"It's King Leng!" The monster nodded again and again, and said in a hurry, "King Leng is a wolf monster, cruel and cruel. We have caught us to patrol the mountain for him and kill all those who enter the mountain. There is nothing we can do!"

"Really?" Lu Zheng couldn't help laughing, "You were forced to co-author?"

"Exactly!" The monster nodded with a shy face, "Actually, the little one really hopes that a talented and strange person like you can go up the mountain, kill King Leng, and rescue us!"

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"Then look at what this is?" Lu Zheng backhanded and pulled out a machete, which was Leng Jian's sidearm.

"Leng Yue Dao!" The monster exclaimed in surprise.

He was under Leng Jian's command, how could he not recognize Leng Jian's sidearm?

But... Leng Yue Dao is in Lu Zheng's hands, that Leng Jian...

The monster was trembling all over, and he always felt that the Leng Yue Dao would slash him in the next moment, "Yi Ren... Yi Ren spare... spare my life..."

"What kind of monster are you? A cat?" Lu Zheng looked at the monster and asked.

"The little man, Mao Jiu, is a lynx turned into an elite." Mao Jiu replied immediately, for fear that he would die if he answered too late.

"Really, then lead the way." Lu Zheng waved his hand, "Take me to the wolf's den."

"Hey!" Mao Jiu nodded again and again, and immediately led the way, extremely well-behaved.


There was no road at all on the mountain. The monster took Lu Zheng through the forest and walked around the cliff, and went around a few hills before arriving at an inconspicuous peak.

When Lu Zheng looked up, he saw that the mountain peak was not high, and a flat land was vaguely opened up on the mountainside, and several caves, large and small, were opened against the cliff.

"Is this the wolf demon's cave?"

"The biggest cave in the middle belongs to King Leng." Mao Jiu said.

"Mao Jiu, the king asked you to bring back a few women, why did you bring back a man? Although it is pure and white, the king doesn't like Lord Tu'er!"

The voice fell, and a vigorous man with a red complexion turned a few somersaults from the mountain. He was just about to come over, but his face changed, and he turned to leave.

"come over!"

Lu Zheng waved his hand, and the clouds gathered and scattered, and the vigorous man was just like this cat nine, wilting on the ground.

"Apart from you, is there anyone else?" Lu Zheng asked lightly.

"No... no..."

Lu Zheng raised his eyebrows, "I mean, is there anyone else in Leng Jian's subordinates besides you?"

Mao Jiu and the strong man looked at each other, wondering what Lu Zheng's question meant.

Lu Zheng frowned, "Isn't there another weasel?"

Mao Jiu and the two were startled, how could this person be so familiar with Wild Wolf Mountain?

So Mao Jiu nodded quickly, "Yes... Huang Jing'er... Not on the mountain, Your Majesty, no, Leng Jian asked him to watch the old lady Huangfu in a fox den fifty miles away."

Lu Zheng nodded, "Okay, come with me."

Bringing two monsters whose cultivation bases were sealed came to the cave, Lu Zheng looked at the cave in front of him, and could see a trace of black-stained gang wind circulating at the entrance of the cave.

"It's the magic of the wolf demon." Lu Zheng nodded, "The law is too high, gather Qi to attract clouds, be quick!"

Cloud Gathering! True cloud spell!

The mere black wind banning spell ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was broken in an instant, and a black light breeze blew past, but there was no threat.


The cave house is not small, and the most extensive of them are some prison cells with torture instruments. The bones and bloodstains indicate that this cave mansion is indeed a devil's lair for monsters.

Lu Zheng turned around and found no living people. Then he found Leng Jian's warehouse behind the cave. There were thousands of treasured banknotes, as well as gold and silver utensils, pearls and gems, all of which were shiny things.

After transferring all these things to the modern home, Lu Zheng finally came to the place where Leng Jian usually lived.

As expected of an old demon, despite the harsh living environment around the Wild Wolf Mountain, his cave residence is luxurious and gorgeous.

Top-quality pear wood furniture, silk brocade robes, gold inlaid jade candlesticks, hollowed-out bronze mirrors, white jade beds, carved flower stands, etc., are rare and good objects.

After rummaging in this living room, Lu Zheng found some valuable objects, but there was no sign of the magic weapon or exercise that he was most looking forward to.

Lu Zheng played with a stone tablet he just found in his hand, frowning and pondering, "Did he hide it, or did he comprehend those spells by himself, without inheritance, just like Qingyan's red pill?"

Looking at the stone tablet in his hand, there is a portrait of a lone wolf Xiaoyue engraved on the front. The lines are rough and simple, but it is quite charming.

Backhand put away the stone tablet as a collection, Lu Zheng searched his living room carefully again, but found nothing in the end, so he could only give up and turn around and leave.

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