I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 340: Fried peach **** mountain

Peach Mother Mountain.

The mountain is filled with pink smoke, and it is shrouded in a rotten peach miasma all the year round. Only by wearing a special peach wood token can you resist the miasma attack and walk as usual.

In fact, this mountain is not particularly tall or steep among the surrounding mountains, but it is a sacred mountain in the hearts of the surrounding people.

Because there is a divine tree on the mountain!

The divine tree has spirits, often manifesting true spirits, manifesting saints in the human world, and recruiting believers in the mortal world, passing down immortal methods, and sheltering one side.

There is a peach goddess statue in every home of the common people, which is worshipped every day and prayed for blessing.


"Unfortunately, you probably have to pray to another god."

Lu Zheng came to the boundary of Taomu Shenshan, identified the location of Taomu Shenshan, and then fell into the ground after sinking.

There was no secret visit, and there was no test of the truth, and Lu Zheng never planned to show his face from the beginning to the end.

In the face of a thousand-year-old demon, doing more and more mistakes will only make the other party feel vigilant and even take action in advance.

Lu Zheng didn't want to experience the true spiritual cultivation of this thousand-year-old peach tree spirit.

So, do it all at once!

Lu Zheng sank into the ground and walked quietly to the bottom of Taomu Mountain.

After crossing a few small hills and slowly approaching Taomu Shenshan, Lu Zheng crossed the foot of the mountain and walked up quietly.

The mountain of Taomu Shenshan is more than one thousand meters high. Lu Zheng sneaked all the way, avoiding the stones, only walking through the soil, and approaching the Taomu Shenshu step by step.


Lu Zheng stopped and didn't dare to move, because he felt a small tentacle in the soil ahead.

It's the roots of that peach tree spirit!

"It has already reached the range that the peach tree spirit can perceive."

After calculating the distance, it was about 300 meters away from the location of the peach tree spirit on the top of the mountain, but Lu Zheng brought hundreds of cloud bombs called sub-nuclear bombs this time. Mountains are still fine.

"Let's do it!"

At the distance that the peach tree spirit could not perceive, Lu Zheng immediately dug a hole in the mountain, and then put these cloud bombs into it one by one, and arranged a bomb network under the peach tree spirit.

At the same time, these bombs are connected to each other, and it is confirmed that they can be detonated in series.

As for detonation? Of course, it was the hundreds of kilograms of TNT that Lu Zheng brought.

In order not to attract the attention of the peach tree spirit, Lu Zheng acted very carefully, and directly took away the soil with a gourd, and then replaced it with a bomb, with almost no movement.




It took Lu Zheng five or six days to travel, but it took almost the same amount of time just to set up the explosion site. Make sure that there is enough space for the bomb to be fully released.

For this, in addition to arranging bombs, he also collected a large number of soil and rocks below the Taomu Shenshan, trying his best to ensure that the Taomu Shenshan could be blown up at one time, and the body of the Taomu Shenshu could be shredded directly.

"Good guy, I feel that after this wave, I can directly join the various engineering teams that are digging mountains and roads!"

"Tsk tsk, directly improve the work efficiency of civil engineering, I am really a genius in infrastructure!"


The goddess of the peach mountain, the goddess of the peach tree.

The branches and leaves of the mother peach swayed, seeming to feel some kind of unease.

A pink figure suddenly appeared in the Peach Mother Temple under the divine tree.

"I've seen my mother-in-law!"

"I've seen my mother-in-law!"

Several practitioners who were on duty in the hall immediately bowed and saluted.

I saw that this peach mother was wearing a pink peach blossom flying shadow silk Luo Jinyun palace dress, wearing a red phoenix feather and a golden step on her head.

Yurong with red lips, phoenix eyes and crescent eyebrows, with a dignified and graceful expression, his eyes are as deep as a sea of ​​stars, giving people a kind of extraordinary pressure.

"Well." Mother Tao nodded, "What happened recently under the mountain?"

A few servants looked at each other, then shook their heads together, "Go back to your mother, Lord, the mountain has been stable as usual recently, and there is nothing to do."

Mother Tao frowned, her eyes swept across the hall, and then her eyes flashed, "Is there any news from the Quartet?"

The envoys from the four directions went to the Central Plains to collect the spirit of the peach blossom fairy, with four enemies and one, and the four-pole lock **** decree blessed by themselves.

After counting the time, they should have collected the soul of the incense little **** and returned to the southern border, right?

"Go back to the mother, there is no news from the gods from the four directions."

"Huh?" Mother Tao frowned. Did something happen to her?

Before his own Taomu Shenshan had no grudges with Dajing officials and sects, it stands to reason that the Quartet gods would not encounter anything before they started.

"Could it be that someone else bumped into him while he was doing it, and saved the Peach Blossom Fairy?"

"Or after taking the spirit of Fairy Peach Blossom, was the official of Dajingchao intercepted on the way back to Southern Border?"

"Could it be that my uneasy mood is because I can't get the spirit of the Peach Blossom Fairy?"

"Send a few more people to go..." Mother Tao frowned, and then did not continue.

"Forget it, no need..." Taomu shook her head, then flickered, left the Taomu Temple and appeared on the top of the mountain, atop a peach tree seventy to eighty meters high.

It is her body, the thousand-year-old peach tree!

Looking into the distance, Taomu can see hundreds of miles of continuous mountains, endless sea of ​​clouds, wild beasts roaring in the mountains, and birds flying in the sky, a magnificent view of harmony and nature.

"Am I worrying too much?"

The peach mother used the roots of the peach tree to sense the ground and the ground in a radius of dozens of miles, but she still didn't find anything wrong.

"Could it be because of that Taoyao ghost?"

It stands to reason that the arrest of Shen Ying is far away, and it will have no effect on her in a short time, so it should not cause her anxiety.

But she didn't find anything else wrong, so she had to pull her thoughts back to Shen Ying.

The peach mother is like a fairy, suspended on the top of the thousand-year-old peach tree, like a goddess of the heavens, so that her subordinates and mortals on the mountain are all heartbroken and prostrate to the ground.

"No way! That ghost of Taoyao is the key to my enlightenment. Now I have entered a bottleneck. If there is no change, eight hundred years later will be the time when my body will be withered and my soul will dissipate.

But if you can swallow the ghost of Taoyao and use this poem "Taoyao" to feed back your body, you will definitely be able to cultivate into a pure yang true spirit, see it for a long time, and travel the world.

Messengers of the Quartet, you must not disappoint me! "


the other side.

Lu Zheng finally arranged all the bomb networks, and at the same time posted a few hundred kilograms of tnt as a primer ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ on the detonation place of the cloud bomb, and set the timer.

ten minutes!

The next moment, Lu Zheng fled away, quickly left Taomu Sacred Mountain, and came to another mountain more than ten kilometers away from Sacred Mountain.

After waiting for a few more minutes, Lu Zheng sneaked out from the ground, crouched behind a big rock on the top of the mountain, and then took out a professional camera and aimed it at the Taomu Mountain in the distance.

Look down at the watch.

"Five, four, three, two, one, fry!"



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