I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 353: Yutou Village Disaster Relief

Take seven women to the flooded land to rescue the world...

Seven fairies?

However, with the girls from Wuxiu Village, it is indeed more secure in terms of safety. After all, he may travel through the modern age from time to time, and he cannot stay by Liu Qingyan and Du Yueyao's side all the time.

That being the case...

Set off!

First, they picked up Du Yueyao, then went to put away all the medicinal materials in the Liu family, and then they set off together.

Well, in addition to Du Yueyao, there are also her maid Yulan and two guards.

Lu Zheng and his party of 11 went all the way to the northwest, but not long after leaving the county, many people came to help the old and the young.

Going retrograde all the way, ignoring most of the ordinary people, but once they encounter someone who is sick or weak, a few people will step up to help.

The two women, Lu Zheng and Liu Qingyan, gave them acupuncture and prescribed medicine, Yulan and the five women of Wuxiuzhuang helped to boil the medicine, and the two guards did their best to help them chop wood or pack their luggage.

For several days, people were getting closer and closer to the disaster area, and more and more people were affected.


Lingbei Road, Yuzhou.

The capital of the most flooded state this time, the Yijiang River breached several places in the state, almost submerged all the counties in the state, and made the country into Zeguo, only a few highlands in the south were spared.

When Lu Zheng and several people came to Yuzhou, they entered the center of the disaster area.

When Lu Zheng saw those fleeing people along the way, he thought it was miserable enough. Now that he entered Yuzhou, he realized that he was really young.

The court has tried its best to help, and some practitioners have come to help, but after all, there are too many ordinary people, and the situation is still serious.

The point is...

Malaria has appeared among the victims, and many people are already sick.

"Hurry up!"

"The porridge shed is cooking porridge, hurry up and line up!"

"Daoist Master Duan is here, Daoist Master, please show my mother, she said she was uncomfortable!"

Several people came to Yuzhou, and they did not stop for a moment. The imperial court in Yuzhou Prefecture was the strongest, and there was no shortage of supplies. Several people went deep into the county towns and villages.

Set up a porridge shed, cook porridge and distribute it, consult and treat diseases, and administer acupuncture and prescribe medicine.


Huanshui County, Kuoshan Town, Yutou Village.

The second day that several people came to the mountain village.

"Doctor, doctor! My mother has a stomachache, can you go take a look?"

A grumpy little girl rushed in front of Liu Qingyan and started kowtow without saying a word.

Liu Qingyan got up immediately, picked up the medicine box and left, and Du Yueyao hurriedly followed.

After a long while, Liu Qingyan came back, Lu Zheng looked and saw Liu Qingyan nodded and said, "It's still malaria, I have given that elder sister a needle and prescribed medicine, but her condition is a little serious, and she is not too sick. know when it will be fine."

After a pause, Liu Qingyan pondered and said, "I found that the prescriptions for treating malaria in medical books are similar, but they are not like Xinghucao and Tongqi. Is it because the author did not discover these two drugs?"

Lu Zheng blinked, "Maybe."

After all, it is a medical work of another parallel world. Even if the two worlds are similar, it is normal for the species to be different.

Liu Qingyan pondered, "I want to try a few more prescriptions, maybe it will work faster and save more people."

Just then, another man walked in with an old woman supported.

"Doctor Liu! Doctor Liu! My mother said she was dying"

"Hurry up and help grandma sit down!"

Liu Qingyan hurriedly asked the old woman to sit down, and then took a pulse.

"How?" Lu Zheng asked.

"One cent for Xinghucao, one cent for Artemisia annua, seven cents for Bupleurum, seven cents for Huangling, five cents for Tongqi, three cents for Zhimu..."

Liu Qingyan said a new prescription.

Lu Zheng has also added a lot of luck to his medical skills, but he lacks practice, so he is already weaker than Liu Qingyan in medical skills.

Hearing Liu Qingyan's words, and verifying it in her heart, she realized that this party can indeed give it a try.

"I come!"

Lu Zheng boiled the medicine by himself, blessed him with infuriating energy for a moment, and soon boiled the soup and gave it to the old lady.

After taking a bowl of soup and medicine, the old woman's face was obviously a little better.

"Take the other two medicines back. After taking them for three days, if they don't heal, come to the doctor again. If they heal, come and tell me."

"Yes yes yes! Many thanks to Dr. Liu." The man thanked the old lady and left.

After that, Liu Qingyan began to try new remedies for patients suffering from malaria.

Although this prescription is definitely effective, the strength of the effect needs to be verified. Now that the flood has just passed, and the plague has just begun, it is an opportunity to test the prescription.

Seeing that Liu Qingyan entered the state, Du Yueyao was assisting by the side, and Lu Zheng left the humble shack and looked around.

In the open space at the head of the village to the east, Magnolia and the women of Wuxiu Village were distributing porridge to everyone. In the other highlands not far away, two guards were helping to build a simple house to keep out the wind and rain.

In the center of the village, all the houses have been soaked in water, and now there is still knee-deep water, making it completely uninhabitable.

Hundreds of people from Yutou Village gathered on a high ground not far away at this time, sitting on the ground in the open air without any cover.

Lu Zheng was silent.

He thought about it a lot, but he didn't seem to think about anything. Various pictures, videos and pictures on the modern Internet, as well as the scene in front of him, interweaved in his mind.

"Lu Lang~"

Liu Qingyan appeared beside him and held his hand, "What are you looking at?"

"I didn't see anything." Lu Zheng shook his head.

Liu Qingyan clenched Lu Zheng's hand, "We need to stay nearby for three days, at least treat the patients who contracted the disease, and see the effect of my prescriptions before leaving."

"Well." Lu Zheng nodded, and then came to the highland to help build temporary housing.


After being busy for a long time, everyone finally has a place to live, and they have come to an end to see a doctor and cook porridge.

The villagers calmed down, and then some heartless children played with the girls~www.wuxiaspot.com~ gradually raised their smiles.

Lu Zheng also took toffee candy and peanut seeds from the gourd and distributed them to everyone.

The villagers had seen Lu Zheng take out the food and grass from the gourd before, but they were not too surprised. They knew that this was a fairy-like character, so they were more awe-inspiring, but they did not dare to get too close.

But the children are okay, their curiosity and longing are more than awe, and they have eaten some caramel candy when they went to the township market before, but they may not have eaten rock candy. .

Seeing the smiles on the faces of the villagers, Lu Zheng was also in a good mood.

However, this good mood only lasted for a short while, and was interrupted by two voices.

"Haha! There's a lot of food to eat, so I can have a full meal today!"

"Choose some of the most tender ones, and then go to other villages!"

"Save it! Then pick a few children!"

"It's okay to be a virgin!"


When they entered the eyes, two figures came from riding the waves, one was fat, with a round head and big eyes, and the other was sturdy with a long face and wide mouth.

I have a seal of two worlds https://

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