I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 357: Young Doctor Empress

The latest website: Chu Zhen and Yi Lingling were shocked once again when they learned that Liu Qingyan could cure a patient and save a life by using only three medicines to help a patient suffering from malaria.

Knowing that the two herbs, Xinghucao and Tongqi, are still lacking, the two volunteered and said that they would help collect the herbs from all over the mountains and plains.

"We still have many colleagues and friends in nearby counties who can all help." Chu Zhen said to the crowd.

"When the time comes, everyone can meet at Yuzhou Prefecture, and you should be able to buy some food and medicinal materials there," Yi Lingling said.

"Thank you two for your generous help!"

"You're welcome, Miss Liu is helping the world to save people, and Brother Lu has a lot of medicinal materials. We just fill in the gaps. If we don't do our best, wouldn't we be embarrassed to death?" Chu Zhen said.

Now that the disaster is urgent, the brothers and sisters Chu Zhen don't talk much, just eat breakfast and leave quickly.

Liu Qingyan left medicinal materials for the patients in the village, and then several people left again.

In the next few days, Lu Zheng and the daughters of Wuxiuzhuang would take turns to leave each place and go to the depths of the forest to find Xinghucao and Tongqi.

As Liu Qingyanruo said, these two medicinal materials are abundant in the south, and it is not difficult to find them.

However, after a few days, these two medicinal materials are not lacking.

Because many practitioners found them with Xinghucao and Tongqi.

It was Chu Zhen and Yi Lingling who spread the news, and everyone knew that there was a goddess doctor in the boundary of Huanshui County, Yuzhou, who could cure the plague malaria that is currently breaking out.

So everyone gathered Xinghu grass and Tongqi, found them, and gave them to them.

At the same time, Liu Qingyan was not stingy at all, and directly sent out the prescription of "Xiaoxing Hu Siling Eliminating Malaria Decoction", which marked the medicinal properties, usage, and precautions that vary from person to person, etc. Please On their behalf, they sent them to doctors and doctors who rescued the dying and the wounded.

Well, it’s okay to use the dosage in this recipe directly, but after all, the human body is different. If a professional doctor adds or subtracts the details, the recovery efficiency can be greatly improved.

With the spread of this prescription, it directly shocked the circle of doctors in Lingbei, East Sichuan.

You must know that a top-level prescription is just like the inheritance of a direct line.

Liu Qingyan's move is equivalent to Baiyunguan's direct public disclosure of his core heirloom "Taiqingdu Xuanyu Qixingyun Secret Method".

Well, the levels may be different, but the importance to the physician circle is similar.

All doctors who received this prescription would salute deeply in the direction of Yuzhou.

What is the benevolence of a doctor?

This is called the doctor's kindness!

What is Xuanhu Jishi?

This is called Hanging Hu Ji Shi!

At the same time, Liu Qingyan took medicines to cure the disease and saved countless lives. The name of the Qing Doctor Empress was called from Yutou Village to Kuoshan Town, then from Kuoshan Town to Huanshui County, and then from Huanshui County. Yuzhou Mansion.

Soon, the two news were merged into one, and the Qingyi Niang Niang spent all her efforts to develop a cure for malaria, and it was fully disclosed for the sake of the world, and then the news of countless lives spread.

Then Lu Zheng watched Liu Qingyan's body shimmering with golden light of merit and virtue, constantly penetrating into her body, improving her physique, and even assisting her "Period Menstruation" and "The Heavenly Demon Nine Transformations Blood Refining Method" Rapid progress, and even her cultivation base is also advancing by leaps and bounds.

Lu Zheng was numb all over.

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!"

The jade seal in the mind is like a convulsion, and it harvests a few rays of luck from time to time.

Although it's not many times, it can't stand the number of times!

At this rate, after this flood, Liu Qingyan can at least accumulate the heritage and potential of a thousand-year-old demon.

And the people who followed Liu Qingyan, as assistants, were also dazzled, sharing a lot of merit and golden light.

Du Yueyao, who always accompanies her in consultation and treatment, is still the one with the most profit, as the deputy of the Qingyi Empress.

Lu Zheng even had a feeling that Du Yueyao might soon be able to practice with the gradual improvement of his physique due to merit qi.

As for Lu Zheng himself?

Just a passerby...

Of course, Liu Qingyan also felt the golden light of merit and virtue entering her body, but she didn't care about it at all, but kept walking around, consulting and treating diseases.

For a full month and a half, everyone traveled almost all over the several states in Lingbei, distributed thousands of tons of food, and treated countless patients.

Thanks to the efforts of everyone, countless victims were saved from starvation, and countless old and weak people were saved from dying of illness. The plague that might have been raging was also killed by Liu Qingyan in the bud.

Not only that, but once this prescription continues to spread, and finally spreads across the landscape, the threat of plague malaria will be much smaller.

After all, most physicians' prescriptions for treating malaria are not as effective as this "Xiaoxing Hu Siling Eliminating Malaria Decoction".

Liu Qingyan's contribution this time can be said to be immeasurable.

At this time, the situation in Lingbei Road is much better than before. The government has already traveled to various places to organize manpower to reinforce the river embankments, clean up the farmland, and prepare to plant another crop of short rice before mid-summer to make up for the previous losses.

"Lingbei Road suffered relatively little damage. Now that the government has entered the field again, most of the villages are safe," said Hu Cainiang.

They went to a nearby county town a few days ago and found some news.

"However, there are many mountains and waters in the east of Sichuan, and there are many villages scattered around, surrounded by mountains and rivers. It is said that the rain is still not small. Not only some villages have not been rescued, but there are even monsters and ghosts." Lin Jinger said.

Lu Zheng stood with his hands behind his back, facing a turbulent river, looking at Liu Qingyan, and Liu Qingyan was also looking at Lu Zheng.

The two smiled at each other.

Lu Zheng nodded and asked, "Since that's the case, let's go around East Sichuan again?"

Hua Yixing nodded and said, "Going to East Sichuan, this tributary of the Dongtian River is the fastest, but now the river is surging and there is no ferry. If we take the mountain road, I'm afraid it will take a few more days."

The next moment, everyone saw a vortex suddenly appeared in the middle of the river in front of them, and a breath came from it. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Hua Yixing's expression changed, "There are monsters! Everyone be careful!"

Du Yueyao and others were startled, and subconsciously hid behind Lu Zheng.

However, Lu Zheng and Liu Qingyan didn't change their expressions, and Lu Zheng waved his hand, "Don't worry, this person still has a scent of incense on his body, he should be the water **** here."

"Old Turtle of Yuejin River Water House, at the order of my family Hebo, send a few to Chuandongdao."

A dull voice sounded, and a behemoth rose from the water.

"Wow!" Du Yueyao exclaimed, "What a big turtle!"

What appeared in front of several people was a large tortoise with a diameter of nearly three feet.

"He Bo is casting spells in the water house to keep the river running. I can't be there in person, please forgive me." The old turtle spit out, "Today I saw the Qingyi Empress and her party going to the east of Sichuan, and I was very impressed, so I sent the old man Turtles come and give you a ride."

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