I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 369: Full Armor Fighting

During lunch, in addition to Du Lin, there was also Zhao Wenyu, the owner of the weapons factory.

Zhao Wenyu can get the most advanced steel from the military, and his background is unfathomable. He started this factory out of interest, and he took orders to make ends meet, so try to post as little as possible.

Lu Zheng's order can be said to be the largest order he has received since the establishment of the factory.

You must know that the cold weapons produced in his factory are all of the best quality cold weapons. The film and television crew can't afford them, and the average cold weapons enthusiasts can't buy too many.

And what about Lu Zheng?

Drum and urn golden hammer, moon sword, eight-foot-tall snake spear, dragon and tiger mace, bright silver coiled dragon spear, phoenix wings and golden halberd, Fangtian painting halberd, tiger-head embroidered spring knife, cloud pattern seven-star sword, Kaishan Xuanhua axe , water-separated Emei thorns, mixed iron eyebrow sticks...

Each type of cold weapon is required, and each type of cold weapon is divided into different styles. Each style of cold weapon is purchased from ten pieces, and the factory is also required to keep the molds for later use.

To be honest, if it weren't for the modern society now, killing people depends on guns, Zhao Wenyu would have called the police.

Are you planning to go back to ancient times to rebel?

Therefore, Zhao Wenyu also became interested in Lu Zheng, not treating him as an ordinary guest, and chatting every time they met.

On one of these occasions, Zhao Wenyu was tempted, and when Lu Zheng picked up the goods, he asked him if he wanted to try it.

After all, he is a cold weapon enthusiast, and his gestures are normal.

Lu Zheng also saw Zhao Wenyu's thoughts at the time, but his identity as a martial arts master had been filed with the Haicheng Bureau, so he didn't care.

After taking the mixed iron Qimei stick, Lu Zheng used the Shaolin stick technique he learned all the way from the Internet, and even played a few flower work in the film and television works.

Zhao Wenyu: ∑(°Д°)!!!

A stick made of steel! One person is tall! Thick eggs! Most people have a hard time picking it up!

But Lu Zheng played as light as nothing, just like an ordinary wooden stick.

The long stick swept over, the wind whistled, and Zhao Wenyu, who was hiding six or seven meters away, felt the pressure of the wind hit his face and shivered, for fear that Lu Zheng would let go and kill someone directly.

He's still pretty good, he's standing upright, and he doesn't lose face. The other staff members, one or the other, have all found cover.

Since then, Zhao Wenyu has called Lu Zheng as Brother Lu.

What? Is Lu Zheng younger than him? Don't you know that the master has been the teacher since ancient times?

This all-armor fighting event is because Du Lin will also participate, and Lu Zheng is a circle introduced by Du Lin after all. For the first time, out of courtesy, Zhao Wenyu asked Du Lin to invite him, but he naturally came over for lunch. .

"Brother Lu!"

Seeing Lu Zheng, Zhao Wenyu immediately came up to him, causing Du Lin to look at him in surprise.

"Wenyu! President Du!" Lu Zheng greeted the two with a smile, and then took his seat, "I remember that all-armor fighting is not a European competition, why do we have it?"

All-armor fighting, Lu Zheng had heard of it before, but he didn't pay much attention to it. At that time, he hadn't got the jade seal in his mind, and he only knew that it was probably a new project.

I just heard Du Lin talk about it, and he checked the Internet again, only to know that it is only held every spring in Europe, and this year's one has already been held.

As for the game... To put it bluntly, it is a fight between a group of ancient cold weapon enthusiasts who have money and leisure time.

Lu Zhengneng came, in addition to interest, the other was very boring.

"That is the originator of all-A fighting. Once a year, it has the strongest reputation and is the highest honor." Zhao Wenyu explained to Lu Zheng, "But it is only once a year, that's too little! So in fact, each club is privately making appointments. shelf."

"A private appointment..."

"Ahem, our purpose is to promote full-armor fighting, and strive to make full-armour fighting a formal sport." Zhao Wenyu immediately changed his words.

"Difficult." Du Lin shook his head and poured a bowl of cold water, "Nowadays, all-armor fighting is very geographically divided. Basically, all countries only use their own historical weapons and armors. The difference in equipment performance makes the competition not a big deal. It's too fair, there's no even distinction between the weights, and everyone is a piece of iron, and it's not too much to watch."

"That's because there are no masters. They used to be some enthusiasts. If they die, they are fitness, and they are not even athletes."

Zhao Wenyu said, "But now as the event comes out of the circle, more and more athletes and even martial artists are pouring in.

After all, full-armor combat has protection on the body, and the technical requirements are higher than the body, and the threshold is lower than that of boxing, UFC and the like.

For example, this time, in the match between our Haicheng Wuyue Club and Japan's Sixth Day Club, in addition to the team match, we enthusiasts were ready to play and had a good time. In fact, we each found a master in the single match. "

"Oh?" Lu Zheng raised his eyebrows, "There are also team competitions and singles competitions, so many things?"

"Brother Lu, don't you know?" Zhao Wenyu asked curiously.

"I thought it was a group of people wearing armor and fighting each other." Lu Zheng said.

Zhao Wenyu, "..."

Du Lin, "..."

"Actually, there are a lot of events. In the World All-Armored Fighting Competition, the single-player competition has weapon duels, and it is divided into short weapon competition, two-handed weapon competition, long weapon competition, and sword and shield combined competition."

Zhao Wenyu introduced, "There are also single-player mixed martial arts competitions, which do not limit the types and methods of weapon use. The last is the team competition, which is also divided into five-person competitions, ten-person competitions, and fifty-person competitions."

"Good guy." Lu Zheng couldn't help but sigh, he really didn't know.

"This time, we rented the Haicheng Gymnasium as the competition venue for two days. The first day was a single-person weapon competition and a single-person mixed martial arts competition, and the second day was a team competition." Zhao Wenyu said, "Each match of the single-person competition Each club can send two people to participate in the competition, and each person can register for a maximum of three single competitions in addition to the team competition.”

"There is still this limitation." Lu Zheng raised his eyebrows in disappointment.

Zhao Wenyu nodded, "I'm just worried about which company has hired a master~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then carry the audience."

Zhao Wenyu's eyes were shining, "Brother Lu, are you interested in playing?"

"Have you invited anyone else?" Lu Zheng asked.

Zhao Wenyu said, "I only found you, Brother Lu. Several other friends seem to have known masters. They said that they should invite each other, discuss internally, and then go on the field and beat up those who had a good life."

"How much do you want to beat up?"

"It's not that we want to beat people, but this match was proposed by Japan."


"After all, the All-A fighting in China is just the beginning. There are only three clubs in the country, Beidu, Haicheng and Shenzhen, so in fact, those Japanese people want to beat us while we are just starting." Zhao Wenyu said.

Lu Zheng blinked, then said to Zhao Wenyu, "When will the competition, I want to order a pair of fish scale armor."

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