I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 376: Hou Ping hunting tiger

"Lu... Young Master Lu..."

Zhao Wenrong's smile froze on his face, and stumblingly said, "I..."

"Brother Zhao!" Lu Zheng cupped his hands, "Last time I heard Brother Zhao mention about the female ghost, but I didn't hear it in detail, but this time it was thanks to a few people, which made it a pleasure for me to listen to."

"Hey?" Zhao Wenrong looked confused.

"Brother Zhao is kind-hearted, has a splendid heart, and has a deep affection. He is really a role model for my generation. Last time, we donated more than ten carts of food to the flood. The people who received the food were able to survive. They are very grateful to Brother Zhao for his kindness!"

Lu Zheng took two steps forward, patted Zhao Wenrong on the shoulder, raised his eyebrows at him, and then nodded to the people around him, then turned around and pulled Shen Ying away.

"Brother Zhao, who is this?"

Lu Zheng's aura was very strong, and Shen Ying was dignified and noble. The two calmed down these young people for a while, and didn't ask until they left.

"Where do I seem to have seen the lady next to this gentleman?" A young man scratched the back of his head.

"This gentleman seems to be the owner of Tianshizhai," a woman said. "Once I passed by Tianshizhai to buy sugar, and I seem to have seen him."

Zhao Wenrong nodded, "It's the owner of Tianshizhai, Lu... Brother Lu has a beautiful scenery. He and I were like old friends at first sight, like brothers!"


Zhao Wenrong is from the Zhao family in Yizhou Prefecture. Although he is only the third son of the family, he cannot inherit the head of the family, but it is said that he is deeply favored by the old lady. He doesn't know how much money he has given to him in private. His own net worth is comparable to that of the major landlords in Tonglin County. and wealthy businessmen.

Not to mention the fact that he was admitted as a scholar in the county examination. If he can be ranked in the middle again, it is impossible to say that he will be able to obtain an official status in the future.

You must know that Zhao Wenrong has been in Tonglin County and has been stationed in the county school for several months, but no one of his classmates can make him say that he is like a brother.

"Is there anything special about this Young Master Lu?" a man asked.

Knowing that Lu Zheng didn't expose himself to show his face, and he didn't want to show it, so Zhao Wenrong said, "It's nothing, I just heard the reputation of Tianshizhai, and I happened to meet when I went to buy candy. Several areas in the north were affected, and Brother Lu personally went to the disaster area to make a contribution."

Several people heard the words and were in awe.

You must know that this time the flood was not small, and foreign objects appeared. Those who dared to go to the disaster area in person were all ruthless characters.

"Master Zhao also sent a lot of food to the disaster area?" a woman asked, her eyes glowing.

Zhao Wenrong blinked, his body was straight again by three points, and he nodded indifferently, "Exactly, natural disasters are merciless, the people suffer, and I wait for the support of the court on weekdays, and this is the time when I wait to contribute a bit of strength."


"Young Master Zhao, you really have a heart!"

Shen Ying asked with a smile, "What's the situation with this young master Zhao?"

Lu Zheng told Shen Ying about the grievances between himself and Zhao Wenrong.

Because this matter was too small, Lu Zheng didn't take it to heart at all, so he didn't mention it to Shen Ying. Since we met today, I'll talk to Shen Ying.

"I can't say, this young master Zhao is also a wonderful person. He even changed the way of saying this as a bullshit." Shen Ying smiled, "But there is no place for Lu Lang in this story, no wonder he just When I saw Lu Lang, my face was very wrong."

Thinking of Zhao Wenrong's embarrassed look when he saw him just now, Lu Zheng couldn't help laughing.

But of course he wouldn't take this kind of thing to heart, and because of Zhao Wenrong's sensibleness, he even praised it.

"I see that Mr. Zhao seems to be thinking about one of the girls." Shen Ying smiled, "I don't know if he will get what he wants."

"Really? Why didn't I see it." Lu Zheng said.

Shen Ying smiled and took Lu Zheng's arm, "Lu Lang, you are a man and a sincere person, how can you show the thoughts of those dandy sons?"

Lu Zheng blinked, feeling that what Shen Ying said made sense.

Dude is indeed an honest man!

When the two came to Taohua Temple, they saw Qian Bo and Ambo busy from a distance.

"Huh?" Shen Ying said lightly.

"What's wrong?" Lu Zheng couldn't help asking.

"Hou Ping usually helps in the temple, why is he not here today?"

"What happened today?"

"If you ask, you'll know." Shen Ying said, and then she used the **** image to transmit the voice and asked Qian Bo who was busy in the temple.

"What?" Shen Ying raised her eyebrows.

"What's wrong?"

Shen Ying smiled and said, "You said that I robbed the matchmaker's business, but this Hou Ping went to rob the hunter's business."

"Fifty miles south of the county, in Fengping Mountain, I don't know which deep mountain and old forest came out of a tiger. It has already eaten two people. The county summoned hunters to go up the mountain.

Shen Ying said, "Hou Ping heard about this when he was in the temple yesterday, and left in the middle of the night with a stick, saying he was going to meet the big worm."

Lu Zheng was speechless, "He's a monkey demon, ready to pick up the reward for catching a tiger?"

"Isn't it right... Hey, are you back?"

Within the range of Taohuaping, Shen Ying's senses were very keen, and as soon as Hou Ping approached, she found out.

Lu Zheng followed Shen Ying's gaze and saw Hou Ping's clothes were broken, carrying a stick taller than others, swinging from one big tree to another.

"Hou Ping!"

"Fairy!" Hou Ping replied, then raised his head and saw Lu Zheng.

"Son! You are here too!"

After a few dodges, Hou Ping came to the front of the two, inserted the stick into the ground, and then bowed and saluted, "I have seen the fairy! I have seen the son!"

"Get up." Lu Zheng looked at Hou Ping, his eyes flashed, "That tiger is not easy to fight?"

"It's not easy to fight, it's really hard to fight." Hou Ping nodded again and again, "That big worm is about to become a monster, it's really tight!"


Lu Zheng and Shen Ying looked at each other, but they didn't expect to be a tiger who was about to become a monster.

The so-called fast becoming a demon means that he can already instinctively absorb the spiritual energy of the world, the essence of the sun and the moon, but he has not taken the initiative to cultivate, and he has not opened his spiritual wisdom.

This kind of existence is much more powerful than ordinary beasts. It is no wonder that Hou Ping has an iron rod in his hand, and his image is still miserable after a fight.

"What about the tiger?"

"Killed, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com gave it to those hunters who are ambushing in the mountains." Hou Ping said.

"In the past three days, haven't those hunters who entered the mountain been caught by tigers?" Shen Ying asked.

Hou Ping scratched his head, "I don't know, I didn't ask, but I think they were just happy, no one died, right?"

Shen Ying blinked and asked, "How did you give them the tiger?"

Hou Ping also blinked, "Did you just give them the tiger?"

"Did they recognize you?" Shen Ying asked.

Hou Ping nodded, "I recognized it."

Of course, those hunters had come to Peach Blossom Temple to pay their respects before, and they had met Hou Ping.

"You... Forget it, it doesn't matter." Shen Ying shook her head.

Left and right is also an official organization, and Hou Ping can be regarded as the protector of the Taohua Temple to the outside world.

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