I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 398: The correct way to open the mantra

The latest website: Sitting at the window, admiring the moonlit night in the mountains for a while, seeing that the night was getting darker, the two of them slept together in their clothes and lay on the bed.

Of course, after all, they were in a haunted house, so the two of them couldn't do anything, just close their eyes and rest for a night.

The moon is in the middle of the sky, and the night is close to midnight.

Lu Zheng was smelling Liu Qingyan's body fragrance beside him, and the two of them were playing games under the quilt.

You buckle me, I squeeze you, a circle and a twist.


Lu Zheng sniffed and suddenly smelled a soothing scent.

"Is this trying to help us fall into a deep sleep as soon as possible?" Lu Zheng couldn't help but look at the cracks in the door where the scent wafted in, "Is the service of this haunted house so considerate?"

Liu Qingyan also snorted and said softly, "There is also a spiritual power inside, which makes the effect of sleep aid three times better. This is for fear that we will sleep slowly!"

"So..." Lu Zheng rolled his eyes.


Lu Zheng blinked, and sensed a gloomy aura permeating the room, accompanied by the soothing smoke, wafting around the room back and forth, and then pouring into the two of them in unison.

At this time, the Yin Qi in the room was already heavy, but now it is 30% heavier.

The two gestured for a while, and then they held each other gently, clenching their hands tightly, without opening their eyes, they already understood each other's thoughts.

Breathing smoothly, as if sleeping.

The next moment, the yin energy in the room was three-pointed again, and at the same time, the voice of the shopkeeper sounded.

"We haven't eaten meat for about two months, haven't we?"

"It's been almost two and a half months, and there are more and more people walking this mountain road, and there is almost no chance for us to start."

"We haven't inhaled yang energy for a long time, and we've been drinking human blood. I'm greedy to death."

This is the voice of two shop assistants.

"Leave these two brains to me. I like to eat them steamed."

A rude voice sounded, which Lu Zheng had never heard before.

"Don't worry, relax, the whole head is left to you." The shopkeeper said.

Lu Zheng felt that the yin was getting stronger, and the coldness was getting closer.

"Tsk tsk, I don't know which family's Young Master and Miss Jiao are, they are in a hurry, but they end up finding their own way." The shopkeeper said with a smile.

"What a coincidence, just in time for the night there is only one team, which is our food." The shop assistant who opened the door to welcome customers smiled.

"Poor, pitiful." The second shop boy smacked his lips, "It's better to let them die in their dreams and suffer less pain."

"Suck it!" A rude voice sounded, "I'm coming, I'll go down with a knife, and my head will be separated. I'm very happy."

"Nonsense!" said the shopkeeper, "Blood splashing around, what a waste, let me strangle them to death first, the blood is still hot, it's better to drink."

"This is good! This is good!" The shop assistant who had pity Lu Zheng and the two just smiled, "Let them struggle more, and the blood will be hotter."

"After this meal, I don't know how long the next meal will take, but you have to enjoy it."

"Yeah, we can't let the caravans on this road have frequent accidents. It would be bad if they provoke an expert."

"What nonsense, shopkeeper, hurry up, I've boiled the water in the kitchen, and I'm waiting for the heads to be put in the pot." The rude voice said, "These two people are finished, and there are ten people on the second floor. How many heads?"

"Okay, I'm here..."

The shopkeeper's voice suddenly stopped, because he suddenly found that Lu Zheng and Liu Qingyan who were lying on the bed opened their eyes together.

"Why did they wake up?" The first shop assistant asked blankly.

The shopkeeper's expression changed instantly, and then in an instant, his arms suddenly stretched, like noodles, wrapped around the necks of Lu Zheng and Liu Qingyan.

At the same time, standing behind the crowd, the tall, 1.9-meter tall, round-headed, sturdy fat man also exploded.

The figure has grown fatter again, and the height has been raised by a section again. It has grown to more than three meters, and the inn can't fit in the inn. He can only stand down by bending slightly.

Then, the blue-faced, ferocious-looking giant corpse, with a half-meter-long board knife in each hand, rushed to the heads of Lu Zheng and Liu Qingyan and chopped them off.

The two shop assistants also reacted, and the whole person became slightly transparent in an instant, his eyes turned pure black, his face was pale, and there were bloodstains on his face.

The next moment, the two ghosts blew at the same time, and the cold wind was blown out of their mouths, sweeping the entire wing, and the temperature of the entire room suddenly dropped by ten degrees.

Lu Zheng and Liu Qingyan felt the most obvious, and suddenly they seemed to be in the icy sky and snow in the cold winter and twelfth lunar month.

"One giant corpse, two ghosts, what is the other one? Noodle Corpse?" Lu Zheng teased with a little doubt, making Liu Qingyan smile.

Seeing that Lu Zheng still had the time to make fun of them and tell jokes, the faces of the four ghosts changed drastically, and their actions became faster and faster.

"The Supreme Promise, the Edict of the Three Purities, set!"


"Sure! Set! Set!"


In an instant, the four ghosts were frozen in place, unable to move.

The shopkeeper's two arms were already a foot in front of the two of them. The giant corpse had a hideous face, and the board knife in his hand had been raised high. Spit, looks like two horror dolls.

"That's right, this is the correct way to open the body-fixing spell." Lu Zheng rolled over and sat up, shaking his head and sighing.

Yaya, all day long fights by leaps and bounds, fighting monsters and monsters who have been practicing for hundreds of years.

Today is a good thing, except for the shopkeeper who seems to be more powerful, the other giant corpse and two ghosts look terrifying, but their strength is not tyrannical, they must stay, Ba Shi!

No wonder Sun Wukong only uses the immobilization spell on the weak, but never uses it when fighting monsters of comparable strength.

"These four ghosts are not timid. This path is the closest, and it is only two hills away from the official road. They dare to kill people's lives." Liu Qingyan said in a deep voice.

"I didn't listen to them, they almost only started when there was only one group of guests staying in the store." Lu Zheng said, "It's normal for a group of people to disappear without a trace, not to mention that they only come out every few months. hand."

Liu Qingyan nodded, "No wonder Luo Jin and the others haven't noticed for two years."

Lu Zheng snorted, "But if they didn't meet us on the same road, they wouldn't be able to get out this time."

"For the loss, we thought that the ghosts in this room are not evil ghosts." Liu Qingyan shook her head, "If there are other caravans here tonight~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and they don't do it, we won't do it either."

Lu Zheng shrugged, "So, things are so wonderful, it is estimated that their luck has come to an end."

Liu Qingyan nodded, "That's it."

Lu Zheng looked at the four ghosts.

Under the immobilization spell, these four ghosts didn't even move their bodies, even their eyes and pupils didn't move, just like four wax statues.

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, they are already dead, what are they still doing in this world?"

Lu Zheng twisted a curse on his hand.

"The edict of the Supreme Being, the real cloud kills the devil, be sick!"

Under the spell of the true cloud, the ghost body collapsed.

First, the two ghosts dissipated, then the giant corpse turned into black water, and finally the shopkeeper was beaten into a gray fog by the True Cloud Curse, and then the soul died out and disappeared between heaven and earth.

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