I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 401: Hu Zhou makes fish




Lu Zheng and Liu Qingyan didn't need to move, those white fish would automatically rush into the waterless space formed by the water droplets.

Lu Zheng just took a large wooden bucket from the gourd, waited for the white fish to rush in, then reached out and grabbed them, and threw them into the wooden bucket.

In order to prevent them from struggling and jumping, Lu Zheng also gave each white fish an immobilization spell.

Keep it alive and fresh, don't move!

However, just when they caught seven or eight white fish, they felt that it was almost the same, and when they were about to float ashore, something suddenly fell from it.

Almost transparent silk threads, dark and dull iron hooks, and bait that exudes a touch of spiritual energy.

"Huh?" Lu Zheng couldn't help raising his eyebrows, "Is Xiaozhou here too?"

"Is it his fishing rod?" Liu Qingyan asked.

Lu Zheng nodded and said, "Yes, it's really a coincidence, then let's catch a few more fish."

Lu Zheng no longer waited for the white fish to rush in automatically, but used the handling technique to catch seven or eight more fish and put them all into wooden barrels.

Then, Lu Zheng and Liu Qingyan held water beads together and walked towards the water together.


In the deep pools of the valley, the light boat swayed.

Hu Zhou held a long purple bamboo fishing rod in his hand, and while fishing, he boasted to Gao Junyu next to him, "I was watching Master how to fish, I have learned it, I will show you a hand later. ."

But Gao Junyu obviously didn't believe it very much, "You told me the same thing when you roasted goat meat last time, but what was that thing you roasted? Coke?"

"That time was an accident, this time it will definitely not be!" Hu Zhou defended, "The barbecue has a bit high requirements on the heat, this time it is just steamed, I can definitely do it well."

"Really?" Gao Junyu pouted, expressing doubt.

When Hu Zhou entertained Lu Zheng last time, Lu Zheng had already added a bit to his cooking skills, so when he was playing in southern Xinjiang and encountered fresh ingredients, Lu Zheng would show his hand. The boat dipped in light.

In this way, when Lu Zheng left, he insisted that he had seen Lu Zheng cook, and Hu Zhou, who had already learned, invited Gao Junyu over, and was ready to show his hand and conquer Gao Junyu's stomach.

The results are of course delightful.

However, Hu Zhou was not discouraged, thinking that he had chosen the wrong way last time, and that he still had some hands-on skills, and this was the accident.

But this time is different, it's just steamed white fish, isn't it just put water at the bottom, put the fish on top, and then steam a stick of incense?

It's so simple, if you can't do it well, then you're not stupid?

As for Lu Zheng, he seems to have handled the fish before steaming...

It looks like it's just gutted and empty of water... right?

that is it!

So when he heard Gao Junyu's questioning, Hu Zhou said he would never accept it, "You can rest assured, it's absolutely fresh, and with the meat of this white fish, you can swallow your tongue."

"Okay, trust you again." Gao Junyu couldn't help licking her lips.

It is said that she also has half of the blood of a black bear on her body, and she also has a soft spot for fresh and tender fish.

"The bait has been put down, now waiting for the white fish..."

Just halfway through the words, Hu Zhou's expression suddenly changed and his eyes narrowed.

"Something's coming up in the water!" Gao Junyu snorted softly and grabbed the bright silver Panlong spear with her backhand.

The next moment, whoosh!

Two figures rushed out of the water from a dozen feet beside the light boat.


"Master Lu!?"

Seeing Lu Zheng's figure, Hu Zhou and Gao Junyu whispered together.

"When you see the hook, you know it's a boat. Oh, Miss Gao is here too!"

Lu Zheng pulled Liu Qingyan, and the two took a few steps in midair before arriving in a light boat floating on the water.

"Take the fishing line, I have caught more than a dozen fish, enough to eat." Lu Zheng smiled.

Hu Zhou also saw the big wooden barrel in Lu Zheng's hand, so he said ok, and began to collect the fishing line.

While collecting the fishing line, he also bowed to salute Liu Qingyan, and said hello with a smile, "Hello, Mistress!"

"This is my wife, Liu Qingyan." Lu Zheng introduced Gao Junyu, and then turned to Liu Qingyan to introduce the other party, "Gao Junyu, Miss Gao, is Xiaozhou's fiancee."

"I've seen Master Liu!" Gao Junyu hurriedly put down his spear and saluted.

"Hello, Miss Gao!" Liu Qingyan also nodded her head and responded with a smile.

Lu Zheng looked at the two, "Didn't you get married only in the tenth day?"

Gao Junyu nodded, "Yes, isn't it already the sixth day of the sixth day today?"

Lu Zheng: ? ? ?

Hu Zhou explained, "Master, the customs of southern Xinjiang are different from Dajing, and the distance between Feixiong Mountain and Dingfeng Mountain is too far, so there is no step to welcome the marriage. On the tenth day of the first lunar month, you can go directly to the church to marry."

It turned out that, Lu Zheng nodded clearly.

And everyone is not ordinary people, and there is no rule that they can't meet before marriage. Since Gao Junyu came to Dingfeng Mountain, Hu Zhou took her out to find something delicious.

"In that case..." Lu Zheng smiled.

"If that's the case, I'll make steamed fish for everyone." Hu Zhou took it all in. "Master has something to do, and the disciples do it, and I saw Master make it last time, and I already know it."

Liu Qingyan couldn't help laughing when she heard the words, "Xiaozhou is sensible."

Hu Zhou scratched his head and smiled.

Gao Junyu also chuckled and was very satisfied with Hu Zhou's performance.

Lu Zheng raised his eyebrows, but didn't stop Hu Zhou's kindness, "Okay! Then I'll just eat it."

"Master, don't worry!"


With an embroidered spring knife in hand, Hu Zhou skillfully peeled off the skin and scales, opened his belly, and put it on the shelf to control the water.

To set up the fire, Hu Zhou brought a specially made iron pot with water in the lower layer, and in the middle was an iron sheet full of holes, which he specially let the blacksmith in the village forge.

Lu Zheng didn't care about Hu Zhou's side, and accompanied Liu Qingyan to chat with Gao Junyu.

Gao Junyu has only been to Yongzhou, and has never entered the hinterland of Dajing. At this time, chatting with Liu Qingyan, it is like a curious baby.

Liu Qingyan is also more attentive than Hu Zhou. She has been to many places, plus listening to music and reading books, there are also many things to talk about~www.wuxiaspot.com~ One of them talks about the Central Plains, and the other talks about the Southern Xinjiang. , chatting like a girlfriend, talking non-stop.

Lu Zheng listened to gossip while drinking melon seeds and peanuts.

Then the two women chatted, and they talked about Hu Zhou boasting about his cooking skills. Gao Junyu said that Hu Zhou invited him to a barbecue last time, and then roasted the goat meat into coke.

"He said that steaming is easy. This time, I must try it." Gao Junyu smiled. "It just so happens that Master Lu is present, just to make a comment. Let's see how warm he is to you."

To char a barbecue?

Lu Zheng suddenly had an ominous feeling.

next moment……

"Master! Mistress! Jun Yu! The steamed fish is ready, come and **** craft!"

------off topic-----

Thank you Tianxingjian YQ, Ouhuangxueshui and Qi Fengyun for their hundreds of rewards

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