I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 408: Come again with the boss

Xin Yuniang smiled and said, "Luo Sheng's dish is also a must-have, quite rare."

Lu Zheng nodded, "Indeed."

Although I don't know what seasoning is in it, ordinary people shouldn't eat too much, but youkai...

Well, when I didn't say it.

Seeing that Lu Zheng and Liu Qingyan both approved of this dish, Xin Yuniang was quite happy, so she said to Luo Tao, "It's rare that Young Master Lu and Miss Liu also like your dishes, so I'll go back to the mountain later to get some pickles. The prepared rabbit meat, please bring back the two distinguished guests and taste it slowly."

"Okay!" Luo Tao nodded.

Xin Yuniang turned to look at Lu Zheng, "It's just some worthless mountain goods, you two should not refuse."

"Then we're welcome."

Xin Yuniang smiled and said, "You two must be polite to your concubine."


During a meal, under the warm reception of Xin Yuniang and Luo Tao, the guests and the host enjoyed themselves.

"It's getting late, and the villa's wing has been prepared for the two of you. The two of you have a night's rest, and it's not too late to leave tomorrow." Xin Yuniang said.

Then, let the three maids stay in the living room to clean up, let a maid lead Lu Zheng and the two to the guest room, and she herself can't wait to take Luo Tao away and go to Jiyue Mountain not far away.

Watching the two leave, Lu Zheng and Liu Qingyan returned to the wing.

"Sure enough, it is a cautious, long-sleeved and good-dancing temperament." Lu Zheng said.

Liu Qingyan nodded, although she was not used to Xin Yuniang's behavior, but with her profound Taoism much higher than the two, she still greeted the two with a smile, and it was difficult for them to shake Xin Yuniang's face.

Isn't that okay?

"It's getting late, rest, sleeping in a bed is better than sleeping in a tent." Lu Zheng smiled.

"Okay." Liu Qingyan smiled softly, "I'll wait for Lu Lang to undress."


Early the next morning, Xin Yuniang brought Luo Tao back to the manor, and she brought ten catties of rabbit meat.

"Thank you!" Lu Zheng took it and thanked him, then put the rabbit meat into the gourd around his waist.

"By the way, I had a good chat with Luo Sheng yesterday, and I didn't have any gifts to give, and the gentleman's sword, there is a green rainbow sword here, which is just right for Luo Sheng." Lu Zheng patted the gourd again and took it out. A custom-made eight-sided Han sword.

Gold-patterned copper handle, the whole body is azure.

Luo Tao's eyes lit up, and Xin Yuniang also had a smile in her eyes. She stretched out her hand to take it and drew out her long sword, "Young Master Lu is too polite, such a good sword is really rare!"

But Xin Yuniang didn't care, after all, she was just a mortal soldier, and ordinary people couldn't break her demon body with it.

So after saying a word, Xin Yuniang handed the Han sword to Luo Tao and reminded, "Why don't you thank Young Master Lu?"

Luo Tao held the long sword, the smile on his face could not be contained, he hurriedly bowed and saluted, "Tao thanks Young Master Lu for the reward!"

Lu Zheng was stunned for a moment, then blinked, then he came back to his senses, stretched out his hand to help, "You're welcome, please get up quickly."

Luo Tao stood up, then hung the long sword on his waist, and matched with his Confucian robe that was incompatible with the Southern Border, he had the aristocratic temperament of a young master of the Spring and Autumn Period.

"Thank you Miss Xin for your hospitality, we'll leave now." Lu Zheng said with his hands up.

"Okay, the two of you walk slowly all the way."

Xin Yuniang and Luo Tao sent Lu Zheng to the gate of the villa and said goodbye again.

After Lu Zheng and Liu Qingyan returned the salute, they left hand in hand, their feet were like the wind, and they soon left Jiyue Mountain Villa.


"Lu Lang, what are you thinking?" Liu Qingyan looked sideways at Lu Zheng.

Just after leaving the villa, just turning around a forest, Lu Zheng's face changed.

His face was sinking like water, his eyes flickered, his brows were lightly wrinkled, as if he was stumped by some problem.

"I'm thinking... it's just an ordinary long sword. How much influence can it have on Luo Tao and Xin Yuniang?"

Liu Qingyan blinked, not understanding the meaning of Lu Zheng's words, "What impact can it have? Luo Tao may be able to fight with the beasts in the mountains with this sword after practicing for a few more years?"

"Really? What about Xin Yuniang?"

Liu Qingyan was puzzled, "What does it have to do with Xin Yuniang?"

Lu Zheng thought for a while, and then explained, "You said, if Luo Tao had any chance, what would he do to Xin Yuniang in the future?"

Liu Qingyan was stunned when she heard the words, "Maybe... it won't be so, right? Xin Yuniang is not bad to him, and she also passed on his cultivation method."

"Well, maybe." Lu Zheng looked relieved and nodded.

He had just delivered the sword, and when Xin Yuniang handed the long sword to Luo Tao, the jade seal in his mind was divided into two waves, one wave received dozens of luck, and the other received hundreds of luck, which can be said to be quite rewarding.


Lu Zheng was thinking that he just gave Luo Tao a sword, how could it have such a big impact, and it also affected Xin Yuniang.

Could it be that he is more talented than Zhu Yushan? Or is his chance too great?

But it's not right, the change of luck is only for the chance that has been obtained. You must know that things are impermanent, and the way of heaven is uncertain!

Unless his chance is this sword, or...

Lu Zheng took a step.

Liu Qingyan also stopped immediately, "Lu Lang?"

"Return to Dingfeng Mountain!"


Lu Zheng turned his head, at this time the two had left Jiyue Mountain for more than ten miles.

Lu Zheng lifted the lid of the gourd and said to Liu Qingyan, "I have to verify something, you go first, let's go back to Dingfeng Mountain first."

"Okay!" Liu Qingyan nodded, not talking nonsense, let alone resisting, and flew into Lu Zheng's gourd.

Lu Zheng took the gourd, then looked for the direction, his body sank, he fled into the ground, and immediately galloped in the direction of Dingfeng Mountain.


Dingfeng Mountain.

Hu Zhou is competing with Gao Junyu again, with one knife and one shot, you come and I go.

Wang Yuzhi was sewing with a red dress in Houshan cave.

Hu Yijun was standing on the top of Dingfeng Mountain, watching the vastness of the mountains.


Hu Yijun opened his tiger eyes, a thunderbolt flashed in his pupils, and his eyes turned, and he fixedly looked at the foot of Dingfeng Mountain.

The next moment, Lu Zheng got out of the ground and quickly went up the mountain.

"Brother Lu?"

Hu Yijun blinked, his figure moved, and the next moment he arrived at the mountainside hall.

Not long after, Lu Zheng and Liu Qingyan entered the hall again under the leadership of Hu Zhou and his wife.

"Father, Master said I have something to tell you."

Hu Yijun looked at Lu Zheng, Lu Zheng nodded and said, "Xin Yuniang found a face named Luo Tao. He looks like an ordinary person, but I found that his strength should be similar to Xin Yuniang."

"Oh?" Hu Yijun raised his eyebrows. He could hide from Xin Yuniang. Could it be...

"I suspect he is a magic cultivator in disguise." Lu Zheng nodded, "But I didn't dare to test it, so I came back and wanted to invite a senior to take a look."

Lu Zheng didn't want to ask Hu Yijun to take action, but only said to ask a master on the mountain.

Don't look at Xin Yuniang's high-level career, occupying a 100-mile radius to the north of Dingfeng Mountain, in fact, it is also a tacit understanding of the major forces, and it is given to others as a buffer zone.

And on Dingfeng Mountain, there are not many people who are more powerful than Xin Yuniang.

"Similar to Xin Yuniang's strength, but hiding beside her..." Hu Yijun thought for a while, then pondered, "Let me go with you."

Before Lu Zheng could answer, he felt a little lighter, and he, Liu Qingyan and Hu Zhou and his wife were dragged into the air by him.

Lu Zheng blinked, "Brother Hu, I'm actually not sure..."

"It's okay, Brother Lu is kind, it's just over a thousand miles away, it's just a walk."

Lu Zheng, "..."

Not long after ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ everyone arrived near Jiyue Mountain.

"I don't know if Hu Shanzhu is here, Yu Niang has lost her way, and I hope to forgive her sins."

The enchanting voice sounded, and Xin Yuniang walked out of the cave and flew into the air.

"Huh? Young Master Lu, Miss Liu, you are..."

"Miss Xin, I don't know where Luo Sheng is?" Lu Zheng asked bluntly.

"Huh?" Xin Yuniang's eyes flashed, then she immediately turned back to look at the gate of the cave, and said to the two beautiful young men who were holding the gate of the cave, "Go and invite Luo Sheng out to meet guests."


The two beautiful teenagers responded, turned around and entered the cave.

However, as soon as they entered, Hu Yijun laughed loudly, and then reached out and grabbed the back of Jiyue Mountain.

In an instant, the ground burst, the rocks shattered, and a scream rang out.

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