I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 416: Yuan Jing is injured

Lu Zheng and Bai Ting'er played music together, Yuming sang with heart, Hu Cainiang dragged Shen Ying and sister Liu Qingyan to dance together, Hua Yixing beat the beat, Lin Jinger also rose up, and painted the situation as A picture.

These leisurely and happy days are really not exchanged for a god!


"I feel like I'm living a fairy-like life now." Lin Wan said while lying in Lu Zheng's arms, "But there are not many cases, and I've been very leisurely all day."

"That's not good, just sync messages all day long, how easy it is." Lu Zheng said.

"But seeing other colleagues working so hard and busy, I have the ability, so I always feel a little embarrassed." Lin Wan said.

Lin Wan is now successful in martial arts, and has taken Biluoguo and Yujingdan, drinking stalactite and ganoderma wine all day long.

However, since being transferred to the Interpol Action Division, although all of them are involved in major cases, the number has gone down immediately, and most of them are synchronized with the news, rarely requiring the actual intervention of the Action Division.

As a result, Lin Wan basically turned into a 9-5 office worker who had plenty of time to practice martial arts and exercises.

However, Lin Wan, who was so leisurely, couldn't even ask Huang Xiumin to go shopping.

Without him, Huang Xiumin would be too busy.

Seeing that her former colleagues were so busy, and as far as she knew, the coast police, the border police, the police and so on were very busy.

As far as she was, she had the ability far beyond ordinary people, but she was the most leisurely, which made Lin Wan feel a sense of guilt.

Of course, Lin Wan is also very awake. She has all this because of Lu Zheng, and Lu Zheng has many secrets. She can't expose Lu Zheng, so she can only endure it. Exposing more than ordinary people's combat power is already the limit.

Lu Zheng felt greasy at the beginning.

"You think too much. Interpol is the best place for you. Although you don't do it many times, every time is important."


"For example, in the case of Japan, without you, even that Haneda Mahiro couldn't be caught, and in the case of Aichi, I also got news of another transaction partner, Sonny."

Lu Zheng said, "Important people need to be used in important occasions. If you don't make a move, it will be effective."

Lin Wan pouted, "But if it wasn't for you both times, it would have been a failure."

Lu Zheng raised his eyebrows, "That time in Japan, Haneda Mahiro was arrested has nothing to do with me, this time in Asia, are you sure you won't get the news of Sonny by yourself?"

Lin Wan heard the words and thought for a while, even if she couldn't save Censuswang, it would be no problem to infiltrate the yacht and record the transaction information between Satun and Sonny.

"In these two incidents, although the investigation by Japan about the culprit behind the scenes has not ended, although Satun died, his property has not been destroyed.

But it's all because the Interpol branch of other countries is holding back, and your performance is amazing, and this is very honorable, and ordinary people can't do it. "

Lu Zheng clapped his hands, causing a wave of ups and downs, and said with a smile, "You underestimate yourself too much. I heard that Interpol has already called you a female tyrannosaurus?"

Lin Wan was stunned, "Who said that!?"

Lu Zheng shrugged, "Last time I went to your unit to pick you up for dinner, I heard what your colleagues said when they were chatting, and looked at me with sympathy."

Lin Wan was so angry.

The last time he tore the door of the car with his bare hands, he was dubbed Lin Dali by the city bureau insiders.

Can you speak well!

"Besides, it's good to be free. Only when you're free will you have time to travel. I think the last time we went to the jungle in northern Myanmar for a free exercise was pretty good, aren't you also very happy?"

Lu Zheng smiled and said, "You work in the Haicheng Liaison Office of Interpol, and you can get all kinds of inside information. Baishang who sells goods into China, and various traffic jams around China, deceive people and kidnap them after going abroad. The company that blackmails the wire fraud..."

"It's easy to 404 in China, and your identity as a police officer is not easy to interfere. I think there should be nothing to do abroad, right? The national law can't control it?"

Lin Wan's eyes lit up completely, "I can't control it, of course I can't control it!"


"So, I have to discuss with my colleagues in the Liaison Office first!"

Lu Zheng: ?_??

"Haha! Female Tyrannosaurus?" Lin Wan squeezed her fists and creaked, "If that's the case, then feel the anger of the female Tyrannosaurus!"


The next day, Lin Wan felt at ease and went to work in high spirits.

Lu Zheng traveled back to ancient times, put on a wolfskin jacket, a tigerskin hat, and pigskin soft boots on his feet, and walked out of the yard as leisurely as an old landlord.

As soon as he went out, he saw a snow mass flying towards him.

The snow ball is soft and not strong, but what is more important is the person who threw the snow ball.


Lu Zheng didn't dodge and let the snow ball explode on his face, smearing his face.

He wiped his face, sneered, grabbed a handful of snow at his feet, and rushed towards Liu Qingquan.

Liu Qingquan's face turned pale, and while running away, he shouted, "No! Brother-in-law! Don't come here!"

next moment……


The door of Liu's house was gently opened, Liu San stuck his head out, and saw that Lu Zhengzheng had put a mass of snow on Liu Qingquan's neck.

"so cold!"

Liu Qingquan shivered, shaking all over, and shaking the snow out, then bent down to grab a mass of snow, and stuffed it into Lu Zheng's neckline with his backhand.


Liu San couldn't help grinning, then retracted his head and closed the door.


In the afternoon, because he bullied children, he was threatened to make another snow sculpture.

So Lu Zheng took the tools at home and came to Liu's house, piled the snow in the yard to a corner, and started to work.

When Liu Lao Zhang and Liu Qingyan returned home in the evening, they found that three Liu Qingquan appeared in the yard.

There are those who are playing, who are reading, and a real person who is admiring two snow sculptures of his own image.

Du Yueyao, who followed up, asked in surprise, "It's so beautiful, Big Brother Lu can still make snow sculptures?"

Liu Qingquan clapped his hands and smiled, "Brother-in-law knows a lot!"

Mrs. Liu came out of the back kitchen, "Everyone is back, dinner is ready, come in and eat."

Another warm dinner~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the evening, Lu Zheng, who was sleeping with Liu Qingyan in his arms, trembled slightly and fell asleep instantly.

"Lu Lang, Daoist Yuanjing is injured. The other party is two ghosts who have accumulated years, and they have been trapped by the concubine with the peach forest."

"I'll be there soon!" Lu Zheng said.

"Don't worry, Lu Lang, these two ghosts also have a so-called master. It is estimated that they are not weak. Daoist Yuanjing said that Lu Lang should go to Baiyunguan first and ask Daoist Mingzhang to come with him."

"Okay!" Lu Zheng agreed and woke up instantly.

Liu Qingyan also woke up, "Lu Lang?"

"Senior Brother Yuanjing is injured and is now in the Peach Blossom Forest." Lu Zheng said.

"Qingyan will go with you!"

"No, you go to Baiyun Temple first."

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