I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 422: Snow Bamboo Town

The latest website: Dingshan County, Xuezhu Town.

This town is located in the northwest of Dingshan County, quite close to Tonglin County.

In addition to farming and some service industries in the town, the rest are large and small workshops that use snow bamboo as raw materials.

On weekdays, Xuezhu Town is very lively, because the snow bamboo products in the town are not worried about sales, and many merchants come to the town to purchase. If you want to sell more money, you can go to the county or even the prefecture to sell on your own.

However, in the past few days, the atmosphere in Xuezhu Town was obviously not right. When everyone met, there was no smile on their faces, as if a dark cloud was pressing on people's hearts.

"Did anyone die yesterday?"

"I haven't heard the news yet."

"Did no one report to the mayor?"

"do not know."

Five days ago, a worker who was taking care of him at night in Dazhufang died in the workshop. The townspeople reported it to the county. The final conclusion was that he died of natural causes.

So everyone didn't take it to heart, thinking that he died suddenly because of something wrong, so what should we do or do.

But the next day, another Li Ji Zhufang's nurse died, and everyone felt that something was wrong.

Reported to the county again, the yamen brought the old man to check again, and came to the same conclusion as before.

Not to mention that the people in the town didn't believe it, even the yamen and the yazuo didn't believe the conclusion they came to, so they decisively reported the matter.

However, it takes time from the report to the feedback, so the people of Xuezhu Town can only wait.

So, on the third and fourth days, two more ordinary people died.

It is now the fifth day.

But now it was the afternoon of the fifth day, but no one reported to the official.

"Aren't people dead today?"

As a result, as soon as this question arose, a townsman rushed over from a distance in a panic, "Come on! Come on!"

"Who! Who died?"

"No, not one, but two. Li Dahe and his daughter-in-law didn't go to work today and were found dead at home in the afternoon."


"My God!"

"The more you die, the more you die!"

"How to do!?"

"No, I don't know, why hasn't the imperial court sent someone here?"

"Several elders from the town have already gone to the Xuanhe Temple in the east of the county. I heard that the Taoist priest in the temple is very effective, and it can also subdue demons and eliminate demons!"

"Really! When will they be able to come?"

While several people were discussing with each other in a panic, two Taoist priests had already arrived not far from Xuezhu Town.

"Senior Brother Yuanjing, I have to trouble you this time about Xuezhu Town."

"Where and where, slaying demons and subduing demons, saving the world and saving people, this is the duty of my generation who entered the world."

One of these two Taoist priests looked less than thirty years old, wearing a blue Taoist robe from the White Cloud Temple, and it was Yuan Jing.

There is also a younger one, wearing a black and blue Taoist robe, and a black black crane woven on the sleeve. He is the direct disciple of the contemporary master of Xuanheguan, the Taoist Linghe.

Xuanhe Temple is just a small Taoist temple. There are several methods of refining talisman water to save people and reciting incantations to exorcise ghosts.

However, it is only limited to ordinary foreign objects that are not powerful. If you encounter powerful foreign objects, you have to go to Yizhou Prefecture to ask for those few Taoist temples.

Of course, in recent decades, he will also go to Tonglin County to find Baiyunguan for support. For example, Yuanjing has come to Dingshan County for support several times.

But this time is different. This time it was Xuanhe Temple that Yuan Jing first found. She was about to ask if anyone had been weakened or died because of yang energy. Someone from Xuezhu Town came to burn incense and asked for help. .

So Yuan Jing did not delay, leaving behind the slow-footed people of Xuezhu Town, and rushed over by herself.

Of course, Xuanheguan couldn't pretend that he didn't see this, not to mention that the people actually came to beg them, so Xuanheguan's master immediately dispatched his chief disciple Linghe Taoist priest to follow and help out.

The two traveled all the way, and just came to the boundary of Xuezhu Town at the fifth day of You Hou, and stepped into Xuezhu Town before the afterglow completely fell.

The two walked two steps along the street in the center of the town, and Linghe asked worriedly, "It's already dark, I don't know when the ghost will come out?"

Yuanjing looked at the sky, then looked around, pointing to the square five-story building in the center of the town, "Let's go to the restaurant and observe, if the ghosts do it, they should be able to find clues."

Linghe followed Yuanjing's fingers and looked over, and his expression couldn't help but stagnate.

"What's wrong?" Yuan Jing discovered that Linghe was wrong.

Linghe Qiqi Ai said, "Well, that is the biggest brothel in Xuezhu Town."

Yuan Jing, "..."

Why is the largest building in a town a brothel? The largest building in Tonglin County is also Mingyue Building instead of Chunfeng Building!

Yuan Jing sighed, "It doesn't matter, we won't go in, we'll go directly to the roof."

Linghe nodded again and again, "That's fine."

It was already the end of You Shi, the sky was already half dark, the sun had already set, and the entire Xuezhu Town had been engulfed by the night. The pedestrians on the street had already returned home, and the street was extremely cold.

Not just on the street...

"Is this a brothel?"

Yuan Jing came to the building and looked upstairs. Only a few rooms were lit with dim lights. Most of the other rooms, including the halls on the first and second floors, were all pitch-dark.

Linghe blinked, "Maybe it's because of people dying every day recently."

They all hid at home and didn't dare to come out at all.

But in the face of this kind of foreign object, just hiding at home, isn't it deceiving oneself?

"Go! Go up!"

Yuan Jing lifted her breath lightly and jumped to the second floor of the building, and then she was like catkins flying, and she went up to the roof of the building layer by layer.

Linghe is of course far worse than Yuanjing, but this kind of flying over the eaves and walls can't trouble him, just a moment, he reaches the roof.

It's just that he made a little movement, which caused a few exclamations from the room upstairs, and then the gasping sound that lowered his voice.

Linghe glanced at Yuanjing a little embarrassedly, but Yuanjing didn't look at him, and looked around the town carefully.

Linghe also straightened his face, looked around, and asked carefully, "Can we find that ghost?"

Yuan Jing shook her head, "I don't know."

If the other party is not weak, the aura will not be leaked, and naturally they will not be sensed.

Yuan Jing stood in the center of the town, in addition to sensing the breath, she also held the expectation of seeing the other party.


Time is passing bit by bit~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Just as Hai Shi was about to pass, and Zi Shi was about to come, a wave of mana suddenly erupted in the east of the town.

"Someone does it!"

Linghe just said a word, and found that Yuan Jing had already flew past.

"Brother, wait for me!"

Linghe hurriedly followed.

Yuan Jing flew downstairs, with Bai Yun holding her body lightly under her feet, flying over the roof of the town, and soon arrived at the scene.

In the small courtyard, a ghost covered in white clothes with disheveled hair was surrounded in the center, and three women wearing pink peach embroidered spring cloud brocade skirts surrounded the periphery, either serving as soldiers or pinching seals.

In just a few rounds, the three women slaughtered the ghost, neatly.

"Peach Blossom Goddess!"

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