I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 425: Wansongshan

The latest website: Southern Xinjiang, Wansong Mountain.

Wansong Mountain is a mountain and a small mountain range.

There are many kinds of trees in the mountains, such as pine, cypress, birch, willow, locust, banyan and so on.

As for why it is called Wansong Mountain instead of Wanbai Mountain and Wanhua Mountain, it is because there is an ancient pine tree on the main peak of this mountain range.

Moreover, this ancient pine tree has become an essence, its primordial spirit has been condensed, and it has turned into a human being.

What do you say this mountain is not called Wansong Mountain?

If you dare to call Wanbai Mountain, it is estimated that the cypress trees up and down the whole mountain will disappear completely overnight.

Forget it, it’s still Wansong Mountain.


The breeze was blowing, and the pine needles were blown, and there was an inexplicable sense of rhythm in the seemingly messy voice, as if singing an indescribable scripture.

Wansong Peak, under the ancient pine trees.

A stone platform and a few stone benches.

On a stone bench, an old man in a green robe sat.

The old man's complexion was a touch of light green, and his hair was also gray with a light green streamer.

It's not human at a glance!

The old man's face was calm, the clouds were light and the wind was light, facing the thirty-eight vertical and horizontal straight lines depicted on the stone platform, as well as the black and white stones on the platform, silently thinking.

a long time……

Raising his hand, he took a black jade chess piece from the stone bowl on the side and placed it on the plate.

Settle down, close your hands, and sit still.

The breeze was blowing, and the clothes followed the wind, but the old man's figure remained motionless.

If it wasn't for the movement just now, he would be like a clay-body wood plastic.


A yellow bird seemed to be tired from flying, and landed on his shoulders.

He looked left and right, then jumped off his shoulders step by step, and finally landed on the stone table in front of him.

The flat stone table is not very friendly to the claws of the bird, so the yellow bird jumped twice, maybe it was uncomfortable, so it spread its wings, fanned it twice, and the claws were hard, and then flew away. .


The eyes of the old man Furui Wubo suddenly flickered.

The next moment, not far from the old man, two figures emerged from the ground.

"Old Pine, I'm here with the little friend Lu who broke your endgame."

"Lu Zheng, a layman from the Outer Sect of Baiyun Temple, has met Senior Wan Song!"

The people who came were Song Kaichuan and Lu Zheng.

Song Kaichuan is not Lu Zheng. He has scruples when walking underground, and it is difficult to recognize the direction. He has to carefully pay attention to the front.

Song Kaichuan's land travel was really fast and fast, and there were no problems with Lu Zheng's land travel at all.

And judging from the fact that he also turns from time to time underground, he can easily sense various conditions far ahead.

And because the strength gap is too big, there may be monsters blocking the way, but they can't sense Song Kaichuan's exploration.

So they went south all the way, and they have been walking underground, and they have never been on the ground once. Lu Zheng doesn't know where Wansong Mountain is in the southern border.

The only good thing is that Song Kaichuan's earth-moving technique is really fast. After just a little more than a day, they have already arrived.

Just came to the ground, heard Song Kaichuan's words, saw the old pine tree in front of him, and glanced at the old man with turquoise skin, beard and hair, Lu Zheng knew that he had reached the ground and saw the Lord.

"Lu Xiaoyou." Daoist Wansong nodded, looked indifferent, and said with a smile, "I have Lao Xiaoyou come over."

"Senior Wansong is very polite!" Lu Zheng cupped his hands and said, "Junior also loves to play chess. If you can see the legendary chess game in your dreams, you can't say that this junior still has the light of senior!"

Daoist Wan Song smiled lightly and gestured for the seat opposite, "Old Dao is playing chess with himself, little friend, please take a seat."

Daoist Wansong has lived for thousands of years, and Yuanshen has also traveled down the mountain, and has a lot of knowledge. It is not unusual for someone who can talk like Lu Zheng to have seen one hundred and eighty.

The focus is on the ability!

"it is good!"

Lu Zheng nodded, not polite, knowing that Daoist Wansong was preparing to test himself.

Coincidentally, I also saw the chess skills of Daoist Wansong, and touched the quality of the legendary chess game in the dream.

Lu Zheng took his seat and looked at the chessboard.

The next moment, the white jade and black stone entered the eye, the situation changed color, and the two sides were like two big dragons fighting in the sea of ​​clouds.

You have me I have you.

Lu Zheng's eyes flickered, and he saw the general trend of the chess game in an instant.

Black and white, evenly matched.

Black's main attack, opening and closing, is like a broken bamboo, attacking from all sides, the front is fierce and the rear is solid, as fierce as a flying tiger, and as stable as Mount Tai.

The white chess is the main defender, and it is even and stable.

When one person plays chess, there are actually four styles of chess. The point is that these four styles of chess are intertwined and intertwined with each other.

Just horrible!

Lu Zheng's pupils shrank, resisting the urge to take a breath, and sat on the stone bench with a calm expression.

Don't be cowardly!

Brother is also a person who stands on the shoulders of a group of giants. At any rate, he is also a person who combines the essence of modern ancient times and countless people in the two worlds, and then integrates them with the light of luck, innovates the old and brings forth the new, and reaches a very high level in the game of chess. .


Lu Zheng couldn't help but glance at Song Kaichuan.

To be honest, Song Kaichuan's chess skills are already very good. In this world, the only person Lu Zheng has seen who can surpass him in chess skills is Peng Yuzhen, the head of the Jinhua faction.

However, Lu Zheng just glanced at the chess game of Daoist Wansong, and he couldn't help feeling that Song Kaichuan's claim that he and Daoist Wansong lost more and won less in chess was putting money on his face.

Lu Zheng glanced at the chess game, and immediately said, "Junior holds white, should it be me?"

Daoist Wan Song raised his eyebrows, showing a touch of appreciation, "Exactly, little friend please."

In fact, Lu Zheng's sentence has already revealed an extraordinary realm of chess.

Because the two sides are evenly matched at this time, but White is the main defender. Once this move is played by Black, White will immediately be trapped at the disadvantage, so this move must be White.

You can see such details at a glance, and Daoist Wansong really has a faint expectation for Lu Zheng's chess skills~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

You know, Daoist Wansong didn't have any expectations for Lu Zheng before.

He himself is quite talented in chess, otherwise he would not be dragged into a dream game by the gods of the upper realm. Although the chess game has been incomprehensible for thousands of years, his chess skills have increased in the past two thousand years.

He is confident that his chess skills have already reached the pinnacle in the world, and Dugu seeks to lose, and the chess game in his dream, Wansong Taoist also thinks that he can only solve it by himself.

As for Song Kaichuan's invitation to Lu Zheng, Daoist Wansong only considered it to help the younger generation, but he didn't really care too much.

However, Lu Zheng's expression did not change when facing his own chess game, and he could see the current situation at a glance.

Daoist Wansong nodded and commented on Lu Zheng: Not bad.

------off topic-----

Thank you Shanhe for living up to Taoist friends and 08a Taoist friends for their hundreds of rewards

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