I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 440: Next stop is Miami

Lu Zheng erased the traces of his existence on this computer, then quietly left the Allen Art Company and found a hotel to stay.

The next day, after getting the photos of the two posing as smugglers, Lu Zheng went to the Allen Art Company in stealth.


After half a day.

"Hahaha, are those two guys idiots from the LAPD?"

"Obviously, yes."

"They came to us to sell without even a little common sense?"

"Obviously, they don't know our background and the rules of this industry."

"As long as there is no clear evidence, we have three House members and one Senate standing behind us."

"There are also eight professors, and a dozen famous artists as guests of honor."


"Okay, stop laughing, first of all we have to figure out why people from the Los Angeles Police Department came to the door."

"Because of customs? Is one of our partners caught by customs?"

"Then it should be the FBI who found it?"

"Probably not. We have a share of the FBI and CIA in our profits."

"Our partner doesn't come from Los Angeles?"



"Through Interpol's network, went directly to the Los Angeles Police Department?"

"It can only be this."

"That's okay, we don't have a criminal record in Los Angeles, and the LAPD can't get a search warrant."

"And we have a single line of contact with foreign companies, and they don't know about our other channels and business networks."

"And all our business practices on the surface are legal."

"The point is to also pay taxes on time."

"If that's the case, then what should we worry about?"


"Anyway, be careful, the private auction will be on hold in a week's time."

"Okay okay, Jack, you're just being too cautious. Now that it's all right, how about going to the bar for a drink at night?"



At the same time, Lu Zheng was listening to Lin Wan's phone.

"The two police officers have found the USB flash drive that suddenly appeared. The police station has confirmed the authenticity of the contents inside, and is now applying for a search warrant against Allen Art Company."

"In order to avoid the leakage of information, this matter will not be delayed until tomorrow, that is to say, at the latest at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the police station will bring someone to the door."

"When you start, at least leave some other cultural relics other than our national cultural relics, otherwise it will be too eye-catching."

"By the way, I also read the information. Many of our cultural relics have been sold, and the Interpol branch in Beacon Country will continue to track them."


At five o'clock in the afternoon, before the people from the Allen Art Company left, the people from the Los Angeles Police Department had already taken over the building.

However, when they opened the last vault of the company, everyone felt their minds sink and then fainted.


"Mission accomplished."

Three days later, in a Chinese restaurant deep in Chinatown, Lu Zheng and Lin Wan were eating.

Lin Wan said with a smile, "Three days ago, after everyone was knocked out by a shock bomb, the 18 most valuable items in the vault were stolen.

This incident was initially suspected to be a competitor of Allen Art Company, including sending the illegal materials of Allen Company to the Los Angeles Police Department is also their plan.

That Alan Carter has a total of three companies, and now the Los Angeles Police Department has contacted the local police department where the three companies are located, and is ready to continue the investigation. It is necessary to recover the 18 most valuable treasures. "

Lu Zheng nodded, put a piece of braised pig's trotter into his mouth, and said while eating, "Come on, I wish them all the best!"

Lin Wan couldn't help shaking her head and snickering. With Lu Zheng's current ability, except that he couldn't fly, his other abilities were almost the same as those of the gods in ancient stories.

Healing, flying swords, stealth, illusion, avoiding water, and even taking out exotic fruits to create martial arts masters that can only appear in novels.

With his action, the people of the Lighthouse Country would naturally not find the slightest clue.

As long as Lu Zheng doesn't want to be exposed, people in this world will never find out that there is such an extraordinary person as him.

And Lu Zheng was obviously calmer and more low-key than she imagined.

"I thought you would show your extraordinary skills in front of them," Lin Wan said.

Lu Zheng shook his head and smiled, "As you said to me before, it doesn't make sense. At most, it's just teasing and teasing them. People who don't believe will treat them as fools, and people who believe don't know what dark things will happen. After all, there are too many of them, and it is more likely that they will explain the same thing together."

Lin Wan nodded, then skipped the topic and continued, "The case of the theft of Allen Art Company is another case, but the case of his smuggling from China has already been settled.

Because there are documents and accounts as evidence, the Chinese cultural relics still in the company's vault have been handed over to the embassy. How to return to China in the future will be arranged by the embassy.

So my task has been completed, and it is arranged that I can continue the last vacation, and with this extra reward, I can take three more days off. "

Lu Zheng smiled and said, "Really? That's really good news."

Lin Wan smiled sweetly, with an expectant smile in her eyes, "So, where are we going to play?"


Lin Wan raised her eyebrows, "Want to see Miss Bikini?"

"No." Lu Zheng shook his head, "Let's go fishing for the sunken ship."

"Find a sunken ship?" Lin Wan looked confused, "What sunken ship?"

"It seems that the Los Angeles Police Department has not synchronized all the news with you~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lu Zheng laughed.

"Stop selling off, hurry up, what shipwreck? Treasure?" Lin Wan's eyes brightened.

Sure enough, no one can resist the temptation to explore and find treasure.

"The information I found from the computer of the president of Allen Company."

Lu Zheng turned on his phone, opened the document, and showed it to Lin Wan.

"Spanish New World Treasure? Largest convoy in history? San Miguel?"

Lin Wan sucked in a breath, "Preliminary estimate, worth 300 million meters of gold?"

"With this vote, we will achieve financial freedom." Lu Zheng lowered his voice and whispered, "Do you want to do it?"

Lin Wan's eyes flickered, and she quietly shrank her neck. She approached Lu Zheng and said in a low voice, "Has the plate been stepped on? Is it stable?"

Lu Zheng was almost stunned by the skilled black words.

"Stable!" Lu Zheng nodded, "Everything is true, and the sea area is not large. Even if the San Miguel cannot be found, there may be other gains. After all, there are more than ten sunken ships lying on the seabed. It's on."

"Okay!" Lin Wan nodded decisively and whispered, "Done!"

Glancing at each other, high five for oath!


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