I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 454: casual gathering

The female guests arrived first, followed by Yuan Jing, Guang Yue and Xin Zhanting.

In the end, Du Yueyao and Hou Pingcai, who were helping out in the front yard, came to Taolin Square with the Eighteen Heavenly Girl.

Everyone's here, let's eat!

Cough cough!

Of course, Lu Zheng wouldn't give any lengthy leadership speeches, so he simply said that during the festival, he would call his friends together to get together to relax, exchange cultivation experiences, play chess and play the piano, Have fun.


The eighteenth day women were dressed in full costumes, each holding a wooden plate, and on the wooden plate was a small porcelain plate, which contained a round pill.

After the eighteenth day women entered the venue, they dispersed one by one, came to the guests in charge of each, took out the porcelain dishes, and placed them on the table.

"This is……"

"Hey! What a magic pill!"

Guangyue fixed his eyes on the medicine pill, "This medicine pill seems to be stronger than Buddhism's Xiaohuan Dan."

Yuan Jing nodded, "Probably similar in potency to the Xiaopeiyuan Pill that is commonly used in Taoism."

Guangyue: →_→

Yuanjing: ←_←

Except for a few girls from Wuxiu Village, the others just received the invitation and were invited to come for a small gathering. Lu Zheng did not say anything about the Pilling Conference in the invitation.

So everyone thought they were just here to have a drink, eat fruit, play chess, chat, and relax.

The melons, fruits, drinks and entertainment activities prepared by Lu Zheng are already very comfortable. I didn't expect that the party has just started, and they will make more moves?

"This is the three ginseng Yuzhi Dan that I and Qingyan worked together to refine. It uses three kinds of spiritual ginseng as the main medicine, functions to invigorate Qi, and enhances the cultivation base. In addition, a section of Yuzhi from a century-old Zhima is used to increase the medicinal properties of the medicinal herb. Spirituality and activity, the other twelve kinds of adjuvants are all century-old medicinal materials."

Lu Zheng gently pinched the medicinal pill from the porcelain plate in front of him, "The key point is that the medicinal properties are gentle. After taking it, I am not afraid that the medicinal power is too strong, and it can be absorbed naturally and slowly."

Looking at everyone, Lu Zheng said with a smile, "You guys might as well give it a try."

Having said that, Lu Zheng took the lead and sent the medicinal pill into his mouth.

The medicinal pill melted in the mouth, and it flowed into the stomach along the esophagus in an instant. The next moment, a warm and peaceful aura spread from the stomach and slowly merged into the meridians of the whole body.

The faint aura gradually filled up, part of it was attached to the meridians, part of it was integrated into the infuriating energy, and part of it was gathered in the dantian area, releasing the medicinal power slowly.

"Thank you Brother Lu!"

"Thank you Miss Liu!"

Everyone has fought side by side with Lu Zheng's family, and they have a close relationship, so they don't pretend to be polite. They all say thank you and then take the medicine pill.

At the entrance of Sanshen Yuzhidan, everyone in the seat will benefit. Among them, the ones with the greatest gain are Bai Tinger and Hou Ping, who are the weakest.

As for Du Yueyao, she hadn't even cultivated her true qi, so she accumulated all the medicinal power in her dantian and meridians, and slowly improved her physique.

"Comfortable, the young doctor has good methods, this elixir has good medicinal properties, and it is worthy of a medical family!"

Xin Zhanting thought that this was Liu Qingyan's family heritage. He took a sip of the medicinal pill and felt comfortable all over. He raised a glass to the table where Liu Qingyan was sitting, and drank it all in one go.

Liu Qingyan blinked and wanted to explain, but was grabbed by Lu Zheng, so after thinking about it, she didn't explain.

"Everyone is free, don't be polite!" Lu Zheng raised a glass of fruit wine and smiled.

"You're welcome! You're welcome!"

"Come on, let's continue playing chess, our four-nation war has not yet been decided."

"Miss Lin, it's your turn to sit on the estate."

"Taoyue, Taoqing, Taozhen, let's play the qin and play Xiao to cheer up the guests."

"Great monk, can you play chess?" Yuan Jing raised her eyebrows at Guang Yue.

"Amitabha, Daoist brother, today I will show you the Buddhist chess path."

"Brother Lu, how about you and I have a hand-to-hand talk?"

"Sister Shen, I want to play checkers, how about you come for me?"

"Mahjong? Come and come, the civil servants in the Temple of the City God don't dare to beat me on weekdays, but today it can be considered enjoyable."


Xin Zhanting and Shen Ying went to replace Hua Yixing and Lin Jinger on the mahjong table.

Hua Yixing went to play checkers, while Lin Jinger stepped aside and, together with the two peach blossom goddesses, prepared to create a picture of a summer trip to the peach forest.

After Bai Ting'er played a game of checkers, she only felt a sudden rush in her temples, and then she ran away decisively to find a few peach blossom girls to play the piano with.

Liu Qingquan brought Du Yueyao and a peach blossom girl into the arena again, and then together with Xiaocui, Yumingxin and Hua Yixing, formed the highest-level six-nation melee.

Guangyue and Yuanjing played chess, and Zhu Yushan also pulled Lu Zheng to start a game.

Liu Qingyan accompanied Lu Zheng, watching the game between Guangyue and Yuanjing, and watching the game between Lu Zheng and Zhu Yushan, and then found that Lu Zheng's cultivation speed was much faster than these two, which was actually a normal one. thing.

The most idle and happiest is Hou Ping. In one hand, he keeps sending fruit to his mouth, and in the other hand, he keeps pouring into his mouth with a jug. He watches mahjong for a while, checkers for a while, and listens for a while. Xiaoqu, looking at the painting for a while, I just feel that there is nothing more joyful in life than this.


"Brother Lu's chess skills are quite advanced, and he is indeed better than me."

Zhu Yushan dropped a white stone, "I'm not weak in Yizhou City and Heshen Mansion, but every time I play chess with Brother Lu, I have a feeling of being controlled everywhere and it's hard to play."

Lu Zheng smiled slightly, "Luck is just luck."

Liu Qingyan pursed her lips and snickered, Zhu Yushan's chess skills can't be considered weak, it is estimated that it is comparable to Shen Ying, but compared with Lu Zheng...

Thinking that Shen Ying had also expressed this kind of emotion, he knew that Lu Zheng's skill in performing hand chess was not mellow and flawless.

Zhu Yushan shook his head again and again, "No no no, Brother Lu is modest, it's not luck."

After a pause, Zhu Yushan continued, "Fortunately, my heart is studying, not chess, otherwise I would have to be beaten by Brother Lu."

Lu Zheng blinked his eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said casually, "Actually, playing chess is like a battle between two armies. I wish you brother, although you mainly focus on managing local government affairs, you can't ignore military affairs at all. If you are sent to the northern border, then What should I do if I encounter a surprise attack from the Three Kingdoms in the Northern Territory?

At this time, neither the civilian means nor the cultivator's means may be the best. The two-party game that evolved from the way of the game may not be able to provide you with another military idea. "


Zhu Yushan was stunned by Lu Zheng for a while. After thinking about it, it seemed quite reasonable?

Zhu Yushan nodded thoughtfully, "Brother Lu is polite, I will study the game of chess carefully when I go back."

Lu Zheng nodded, and before he spoke, the jade seal in his mind made a "hum", and the account was paid again.

Twelve o'clock!

Lu Zheng, "..."

what are you doing! I'm just joking, do you understand again?

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