I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 459: Luxurious dinner in progress

Lin Wan had already changed into her regular clothes.

Now that it's summer, and the weather is getting hotter, I know what Lu Zheng loves most, and what his advantages are.

Lin Wan was wearing a beige dress with a close-fitting waist, with a curvy and slender waist, and a pair of white sandals with broken diamonds, showing off a pair of long straight legs.

Standing at the door, holding her cell phone, and imagining Lu Zheng's helplessness in a taxi facing a traffic jam, Lin Wan couldn't help laughing.

Then, she saw a figure turning a corner in the distance, running all the way at the speed of a 100-meter sprint.

Lin Wan laughed happily, then decisively raised her phone to start recording.

After a while, the figure came to the front, Lin Wan smiled like a flower, and strolled up to meet him.

It's just that Lu Zheng didn't seem to slow down at all?

"What the **** are you doing!"

Lu Zheng, who didn't slow down, hugged Lin Wan's slender waist, and then slowed down while holding her and spinning, making her legs off the ground and almost flying.

"What are you doing"

Lin Wan went down to the ground, patted Lu Zheng, and then looked around, and she found that many passers-by around were paying attention to it.

"Kiss, hug and hold high." Lu Zheng raised his eyebrows and smiled, "I see you are recording video, isn't this a video recording?"

"Fuck you, I don't want it"

Having said that, don't laugh so happily and sweetly, okay?

"I booked a table at Wangjiang Pavilion." Seeing Lin Wan smilingly accepting the phone, Lu Zheng continued, "At six o'clock in the evening, there are still two hours before now."

"Then let's go shopping first." Lin Wan grabbed Lu Zheng and said, "Just look at the pedestrian street near Jiangting Pavilion."

They drove the car directly to the underground parking lot of Wangjiang Pavilion's commercial business. Lu Zheng and Lin Wan first went around the nearby pedestrian street and bought two short sleeves and a pair of running shoes for Lu Zheng and a pair of jeans for Lin Wan. Only Shi Shiran came to Wangjiang Pavilion.

"Welcome, good evening, both of you, do you have an appointment?"

"Yes." Lu Zheng nodded, quoted his surname, and was led to a table by the window.

"Both please!"

Just after sitting down, two hot towels were brought up, and at the same time, two cups of herbal tea were also brought.

"Don't say it, the service is really good." Lu Zheng smiled.

Lin Wan's mouth twitched, and the two waiters also smiled sincerely.

The service is of course good, and the price is included in the price of the dishes.

After the two wiped their hands, the two waiters immediately took the towels, and then put on a beautifully made and illustrated menu.

Lu Zheng picked up the menu and asked casually, "We are here for the first time, do you have any recommendations?"

"Sir, this is a set meal system. What's your taste preference?"

Lu Zheng opened the menu and found that it was indeed a variety of set menus, divided into appetizers, soups, main dishes, main dishes and the last dessert.

In fact, there are not many set menus, most of which are to change the appetizers and main dishes.

Lu Zheng and Lin Wan each ordered a different set meal, and prepared to change it later.

"That's it." Lu Zheng returned the menu to the waiter.

"Okay, please wait a moment!" The waiter took the menu and backed out.

Seeing the waiter retreat, Lin Wan picked up her phone and fiddled with it, and then Lu Zheng's phone dinged and there was new news.


"It's the advertisement booklet of the special auction of the San Miguel." Lin Wan smiled, "You can take a look. There are also links to the auction items, you can also go on it and take a look."

"No response from Spain?"

"Of course there is, I protested, but they were slapped back by the Florida government." Lin Wan said with a disdainful smile, "Then they persuaded them, but it is said that they called on collectors all over the world not to participate in this auction. "

"is that useful?"

"Of course it's useless. Many established museums and private collectors in the Americas and Europe have confirmed that they will participate in this auction."

"In addition, the good news media ranked the value of these treasures in order." Speaking of which, Lin Wan's eyes lit up, "Guess what is the most valuable treasure in this batch of treasures?"

Lu Zheng raised his eyebrows, "The most valuable collections are all in my gourd."

You know, after they picked up the treasure, it took them three days to pick out the most beautiful and valuable treasures and prepare them as private collections.

"Guess well!" Lin Wan smiled.

Lu Zheng raised his eyebrows and rubbed his chin, "Could it be that pair of gold earrings made of a dozen red diamonds connected in series?"


"Is that a string of blue oceans? A necklace of dozens of blue diamonds of different sizes?"

"Not right!"

"What is that?" Lu Zheng really couldn't guess, "Are the colored diamonds on these two pieces of jewelry the most valuable?"

"It's the crown." Lin Wan revealed the answer, "The middle is a red diamond, and the crown is inlaid with three pink diamonds."

"Why?" Lu Zheng blinked, "That red diamond isn't very big, do we keep the biggest one?"

"Because the crown was prepared to be worn by the King of Spain when he ascended the throne, and the inner side of the crown has God's blessing inscribed~www.wuxiaspot.com~, so it is very memorable." Lin Wan said, "It is said that the Spanish royal family has secretly entrusted a certain A collector is ready to bid."

"You say no with your mouth, but your body is honest?"

Seeing Lu Zheng teasing and looking at her, Lin Wan's face turned red, her eyes rolled over, and she glared at Lu Zheng "ruthlessly".

"Hello you two, this is the appetizer and soup, please take it slow."

Two waiters came with trays and placed two side dishes and a bowl of soup in front of Lu Zheng.

What a big plate!

Very little food!

It is exactly the same as the photos displayed on the platform!

Lu Zheng and Lin Wan smiled at each other and didn't care, they just thanked the waiter, then picked up the fast food and started eating slowly.

"The Western-style dining process, the combination of Chinese and Western dishes, and the tableware prepared by both Chinese and Western, this is really a combination of Chinese and Western."

"It's quite ceremonial." Lu Zheng shook his head and smiled, "What are the appetizers, soups, main dishes, main dishes, desserts, aren't they traditional cold dishes, appetizer soups, hot dishes, main dishes and desserts? ?"

"Eat yours." Lin Wan picked up a piece of smoked fish and put it into Lu Zheng's mouth.

"Ah woo!" Lu Zheng ate it in one bite, "It tastes good, not purely Western, but with a bit of Soviet-style smoked fish."

What kind of cooking skills Lu Zheng is now, it is not easy to get a compliment from him.

Lin Wan said, "That's not it, it's a top restaurant in Haicheng anyway, and it can't use the environment and service to attract people."

Lu Zheng smiled slightly, and took a shrimp ball to Lin Wan's mouth, "Ah"

Lin Wan raised the corner of her mouth, her sandalwood mouth opened slightly, she stretched out her small tongue, and gently rolled the shrimp ball into her mouth.

------off topic-----

Thanks to fellow Daoist Sikong Xiaoyu, fellow Daoist 08a, v Yun Danfengqing v Dao Friend for the Hundred Rewards

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