I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 469: windfall

"So it is." Lu Zheng nodded.

"Young Master Lu." Mr. Wang said cautiously, "Thank you so much for saving the little girl, and I asked you to move to the front hall and wait for the little old man to serve tea."

It is said to be serving tea while moving, but it is actually preparing meals and thanking gifts.

Lu Zheng waved his hand, "I just said that saving people is just a little effort, and if you really want to thank me, why don't you give me the big **** you just killed?"

"Of course, Lao Li, go to the kitchen and get that big cock!"


The old servant bowed and stepped back, then hurried out to the kitchen.

"By the way, you just said that chicken..."

Lu Zheng nodded, "It's a chicken demon."

"Chicken demon?" Mr. Wang blinked, with a confused look on his face, such a weak chicken demon? Was slashed by Lao Li with a knife and bled?

Wang Xiaowan also asked curiously, "Is that bowl of chicken blood a chicken demon?"

Lu Zheng nodded, and said that he accidentally met Li Laosi two days ago, and he became interested and followed the fun along the way.

"So, that chicken demon is actually very weak, that is, it is a pit for money."

Mr. Wang said externally, "I didn't want to meet the old man. I don't need to use it to fight **** to make money, but to see a doctor for Xiaowan, so..."

Wang Xiaowan couldn't help laughing, "So I didn't expect it to die under the mouth of a wild beast in the forest, but inadvertently died in my kitchen."

This time 17bxw Zhang Si. The three of them looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh, and also brought in some sense of distance between them.

"So that chicken..."

Lu Zheng said, "My wife is greedy and loves to eat chicken. This chicken has better meat than usual domestic or even wild chickens."

Hearing that Lu Zheng already had a wife, Wang Xiaowan's eyes darkened, but she recovered in a blink of an eye, her expression unchanged.

"So that's the case." Mr. Wang hurriedly said, "In addition to cockfighting, the old man's house also has a chicken farm on the outskirts of the north of the city. Many of them are free-range hens, and the meat is fresh and tender. I will send more to the son's house in the future."

Without giving Lu Zheng a chance to speak, Mr. Wang said, "Young master, don't refuse. I know that you are not short of money, so I can only do what I can and talk about my heart."

Lu Zheng naturally had no reason to refuse, so he nodded and smiled, "Old member Wang has a heart."

Mr. Wang nodded, "Speaking of which, I have to thank the fourth Li. If it weren't for him, the old man would not have met the son. If it was delayed, Xiaowan would..."

Shaking his head, he said, "One hundred taels of money can be exchanged for the appearance of the young master. If the old man is not at a loss, let the fourth Li make a fortune."

Speaking of which, Li Laosi's behavior can't be deceived, only that no one would have thought that he would have the ability to find a chicken demon to fight a cock, and as a result, he cheated.

It's just that now his golden finger has been killed in the kitchen, causing it to be lost...

If his mind is calm, he may not be able to live a good life by relying on this hundred skills. If he quickly squanders this hundred skills, I am afraid that the future life will not be easy.

But this has nothing to do with Lu Zheng and Mr. Wang. Without that strange chicken monster, Lu Zheng would not pay attention to an idler.

But after a moment, the servant Lao Li came in with two pockets.

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. "Master, Young Master Lu."

"The kitchen has already plucked the chicken, cleaned it up, and treated it a little bit. I don't know what the young master needs, so I brought all these things here, you see..."

"Okay, give it all to me, chicken hearts and gizzards can be eaten with stew, and chicken feathers can also be made into a few shuttlecocks." Lu Zheng got up and took it.

After taking the cloth bag, Lu Zheng turned his head and said to a few people, "Okay, I'm leaving. By the way, Miss Wang has been tortured by corpse poison for half a year, and she has been training more recently."

"Yes, yes." The three nodded.

"in addition……"

Lu Zheng thought about it and asked, "Does Miss Wang intend to practice?"

Wang Xiaowan's eyes lit up, "I used to just follow the remnants of my family's miscellaneous books to practice randomly, and I've never seen strangers. I, can I?"

Mr. Wang hurriedly asked, "If you go to a teacher to practice, do you want to become a monk? Can't go home for a long time?"

Lu Zheng smiled, "It depends on your choice, how can the cultivation path be so easy, maybe a hundred years of cultivation is still a loess cultivation, but it delays the time with relatives and does not enjoy life.

I just saw that Miss Wang has achieved a little in practice, and her talent is not bad, so I just said it.

If Miss Wang is interested, she can go to Shaotong Mountain after she gets better and ask my master for advice. "

"Good good!"

Mr. Wang nodded again and again, and Wang Xiaowan also looked excited.

Not to mention the rest, isn't Lu Zheng a ready-made example?

Apprentice to Baiyunguan, and it is already so powerful, it is still not the same as buying a property in Tonglin County, marrying a wife and giving birth... It should be soon.


In the next moment, nearly forty rays of luck were recorded.


Lu Zheng glanced at Wang Xiaowan and knew that she had made a plan to apprentice to Baiyunguan. She had introduced herself, and her talent was extraordinary, so Daoist Mingzhang had no reason not to accept it.

This is her chance, her luck has come, and Lu Zheng's jade seal has already begun to draw dividends from the light of luck.

I didn't expect to make money watching a lively event~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I'm really lucky.

And if Wang Xiaowan really entered the gate of Baiyun Temple, maybe she would be able to continue shaving wool from her in the future?

With a wave of his hand and a stealth trick, Lu Zheng disappeared from the sight of the three.

"What a magical power!" Old Li was stunned.

Mr. Wang grabbed Wang Xiaowan's hand and said, "Xiaowan, you, are you okay?"

Wang Xiaowan looked excited, "That's great, this son is really amazing! By the way, Daddy, do you know this son? Is his surname Lu?"

"Yes, Lu Zheng, Young Master Lu." Mr. Wang said outside, "I don't know where I live, but there is a sugar factory and a sugar shop in the city, and the sweets shop belongs to him."

"Danshizhai? Zoo candy?" Wang Xiaowan's eyes lit up, saying that she was also a loyal user of Tianshizhai.

"Yes, it's him."

"He's already married?" The fire of gossip in Wang Xiaowan's heart began to burn, thinking what woman could be worthy of Lu Zheng?

"How do I know this?" Wang Laoyuan said helplessly, "I just met twice in Lepinglou and Cong Anfang, and when I nodded, I didn't say a few words."

"Oh." Wang Xiaowan nodded.

"Xiao Wan, you won't..."

"Dad, I'm just curious." Wang Xiaowan couldn't help but glance at her father, and then her expression became solemn, "Xiaowan is going to go to Baiyun Temple in Shaotong Mountain to visit her teacher and become an outsider after her illness is cured. Lay, from now on, I will practice at home and serve my father."

Just after landing, two "gugu" sounds came from Wang Xiaowan's stomach.

Make a big tyrant. "Dad, I'm hungry~"

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