I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 479: unspeakable guess

Bureau of Meteorology.

"A cumulonimbus cloud appeared in a county in southern Sichuan!"

"No way? Shouldn't there be a clear sky over there? How did it form?"

"Uh... It's strange, only a few kilometers of small cumulonimbus clouds suddenly appeared."

"A sudden individual cyclone?"

"I don't know, the height suddenly decreases, the density of the cloud clusters increases, and it is very likely to rain!"

"Quick! Inform the Ministry of Agriculture of Sichuan Province, prepare for drone inspections, and formulate artificial rainfall plans!"

"It's already on the phone!"

"No, no need to fight." A man pushed the door in from outside.

"What's wrong?"

"The phone number from the Ministry of Agriculture of Sichuan Province, it's already raining in that place."

"So fast?"

Another inspector looked at the screen, "It's been less than twenty minutes since the cloud formed, right?"

"I'm going, the Dragon King is raining!"

"Hey? Look, the cloud is showing signs of expanding and is moving to the southwest."

"Continue to monitor, I will notify the place, if there is any sign of stopping or dissipating, pay attention to timely notification and use artificial rainfall!"


"We're always watching!"


On the other hand, when the clouds are condensed and the concentration is sufficient, after the rain starts, Lu Zheng doesn't need to care anymore.

So, controlling the excess clouds, Lu Zheng began to slowly move southwestward along the arid area.

Motivating the cloud all the way, while continuing to rise high in the sky to condense water vapor.

In this way, Lu Zheng and Lin Wan flew in the sky with clouds involved. It took a whole day to circle several cities in southern Sichuan Province, and each place took one to two hours. drizzle.

There is no way, Lu Zheng's strength is here, no more ability.

That's it, after a day, Lu Zheng's mana was basically exhausted.

That's it, it's just localized dry weather in a small part of the country.

It can only be said that Lu Zheng still has a long way to go if he wants to resist the natural disaster with one person's strength!


In the evening, continue to eat hot pot to reward yourself.

After eating, I went to the night market, carrying a bag of spicy rabbit heads, and shopping while eating.


On the other hand, the Bureau of Meteorology is still working overtime.

"The analysis report came out, and there was no single or small airflow change or cyclone formation in southern Sichuan Province."

"The cumulonimbus clouds that formed at noon today slowly dissipated after nightfall."

"There is local rainfall in some areas of the three cities in southern Sichuan Province, basically all in the farmland area."

"The scope and path of the rainfall has become a long snake trend. Although there are some cloud clusters and rainfall spread from the existing cloud clusters, the overall trend is very obvious."

In the Meteorological Bureau office, the atmosphere suddenly became strange.

There are old experts, middle-aged officials, and young technicians here.

Each of them is well-informed, not to mention the meteorological experts who study the atmosphere all the year round, even the young technicians have seen the meteorological cloud maps over the years.

But none of them had ever seen such a bizarre cloud chart, like drawing a twisted and staggered curve along arid farmland with a pen on the map.

It's so artificial!

"Would you like to make a report to the top? Ask if it is a secret experiment of the military?" an expert asked, after all, the scientific and technological society should still focus on science.

"Secret experiment to help you irrigate?"

"Like a weather weapon?" the expert asked rhetorically, "Try the rain first?"


He nodded for the middle-aged man with a national character face, "I'll report it later, do you have any other analysis?"

Then, everyone here looks at me and I look at you, relatively speechless.


The next day, early in the morning, the giant panda breeding base.

"Look at that roll!"

"so cute!"

"Mamamama, can we buy one and go home?"

"Oh, he's climbing a tree!"

"Oops he's rolling down!"

Even early in the morning, the giant panda breeding base was already crowded with people, and everyone walked, watched and climbed the mountain.

Lu Zheng and Lin Wan were among the crowd. They entered through the bamboo road, went around the Science Museum, and then followed the tour route of Panda Mountain, passing through various panda activity areas.

Early in the morning, the giant pandas have not yet entered the sleepy afternoon, so most of the pandas are active, eating bamboo, climbing trees, playing with each other, which is very enjoyable for the visitors.

I have to say, it's really cute!

Lu Zheng wanted to get one to be raised in ancient times to see if he could enlighten the spirit and turn it into a demon.

In order to prevent tourists from being monotonous just looking at pandas, and also worried that tourists won't see anything when pandas take a nap, there are also Swan Lake and wild bird habitats in the pandas, as well as a red panda activity area.

At noon, I went to a highly rated restaurant to eat authentic Sichuan cuisine. After eating and drinking, I found a public park, and the two flew together.


"Report! Report!"

"In the southern part of Sichuan Province near Yunnan Province, another mysterious cloud has formed!"

"What? Here again?"

In the satellite monitoring room, a large number of experts and scholars soon poured in.

"Contact the Meteorological Bureau of Sichuan and Yunnan Province and let them observe on the spot."


Everyone looked at each other~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then looked at the middle-aged man at the head. It was the director of the meteorological bureau who said yesterday that he was going to report.

"Look at what, I only sent the report in the morning, how can it be so fast!"

An old man looked at the infrared satellite cloud image on the screen, frowned and said, "Even if it is a military experiment, it won't be a continuous experiment for two days, right?"

"Report, Sichuan Province is calling, and the farmland in the cloud cluster area has started to rain!"

Everyone, "..."

It rained just after the cloud formation took shape. Is there any scientific reason for it?

Didn't you see that the old expert had already started to cover his chest?

"Quick! Urgent report! Let the military send a drone to see what's in the cloud!"

"That... Mr. Zheng..."


"Would you like to think about it again?"

"Considering what?"

"A drone?"

"Why consider it?"

"Would it be offensive to send a drone up, um, offend people?"

In an instant, everyone in the monitoring room was as quiet as chickens, and everyone stopped talking, even breathing a little lighter.

In fact, after seeing the strange cloud chart yesterday, everyone has some indescribable guesses in their minds.

It's just that everyone is atheist, and there is absolutely no thought of feudal superstition!

Even if there is, it will never be said!

However, when the decision to send the drone in was spoken, one young technician was concerned about speaking out.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, especially the eyes of the director and the old experts, he felt like he was about to cry, and then he couldn't help swallowing, and Ai Ai said, "Why don't you ask the above if you can send a dragon Team master?"

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