I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 487: Whole Pig Feast

Taiyuan Xuanguang, invisible and intangible, is not the same attribute as Peach Blossom Demon, so it is better to restrain the fan that can fan out the wind and fire.

So when Shen Ying saw that the pig demon used the treasure fan, she immediately took the peach blossom and cast Taiyuan Xuanguang.

Originally, I was a little worried about the goddess under my command, but seeing that Lu Zheng had solved the magic smoke in them, he immediately calmed down and concentrated on responding to the enemy.

However, seeing that his own smoke had no effect on Shen Ying, and there was a man who could not see through the depths, the short fat man gave a strange cry, turned over and drilled into the hole again.


There was a thunderclap on the ground, and a thunderbolt appeared instantly, slashing straight in the middle of the pig demon and the hole.

"If I annoyed my wife, let her vent her anger and take hostages. It's not the actions of a hero who calls himself 'Lao Tzu'." A faint laughter sounded in the pig demon's ear.

The pig demon was very angry, "When did I call myself a 'hero'!?"

However, the road ahead was blocked, and Taiyuan Xuanguang behind him instantly brushed it and wrapped himself in it.

The next moment, the pig demon only felt that he was trapped in a quagmire, and the mana that Taiyuan Xuanguang had brought with him was constantly scouring his body-protecting demon power.

The pig demon screamed strangely, waving the fan in his hand again and again, the wind was chaotic, and the firepower was scattered, but it had no effect on Taiyuan Xuanguang.

In terms of Taoism, the pig demon is similar to Shen Ying.

But just now, the pig demon had a fan in hand, and just one move broke Shen Ying's peach blossom spirit, but Shen Ying changed his move, and Taiyuan Xuanguang responded, and immediately trapped the pig demon again.

This is the role of powerful magic weapons and spells in fighting.

You must know that Shen Ying's Peach Blossom Demon contains Peach Blossom phantom and Peach Blossom Demonic Qi with spiritual power. The five elements belong to wood, half solid and half empty, and it can be blown away by uncommon wind. From this, it can be seen that the fan is also a magic weapon that is not weak.

However, Taiyuan Xuanguang comes from the Jinhua School's "Taiyuan Xuanshu", from the upper realm Taiyuan Zhenjun, restraining the power of the fan, and the pig demon does not have the magic weapon to deal with Xuanguang, so it runs into walls everywhere.

"Wow wow! If you have the ability, let your grandfather go back to the hole to get the weapon, and fight again!"

The pig demon was screaming and scrambling left and right in the profound light of Taiyuan, unable to advance an inch.

"Go to the cave and rescue Tao Zhen." Lu Zheng said to a few peach blossom goddesses.


Tao Rui and Tao Qing hurriedly bypassed the range of Taiyuan Xuanguang, went deep into the cave, and soon came out with Tao Zhen, who was unconscious, and Fang Tian Hua Ji, who was lost by Tao Zhen.

"Fairy! Young Master! Tao Zhen was just stunned!" Tao Rui shouted.

Lu Zheng nodded, and another cloud-cleaning spell went down, and the smoke in Taozhen's body was expelled and slowly woke up.

"Sister Rui? Qingqing?"

Tao Rui supported Tao Zhen, "Xiao Zhen, the fairy and the son are here, it's alright."

Only then did Tao Zhen look at the pig demon trapped by Xuan Guang, her eyes lit up.

Seeing that Tao Zhen was fine, Shen Ying also felt relieved, and then Taiyuan Xuanguang stepped up again.

The pig demon made a strange cry of "Ow", its eyes were red, and the whole body was filled with demonic power.


Shen Ying mixed in the peach blossom again in the profound light of Taiyuan, but in just a moment, the pig demon was full of peach blossoms.


Peach Blossom Sha launched, I saw the pig demon let out an earth-shattering scream, and immediately fell to the ground, dying and disappearing.

The next moment, the corpse burst through the clothes and turned into a big wild boar with a length of one and a half feet.

"Humph! Relying on a mere treasured fan, one dares to commit murder just by being obsessed with smoke. I really don't know how high the sky is, it's just courting death!"

Shen Ying took back Xuanguang and Taohuasha, a pair of peach blossom eyes flashed with cold light, and the evil spirit was astonishing.

Lu Zheng blinked and found that there was no light of luck in the account, which means that the death of the pig demon had nothing to do with him, and Shen Ying could kill him alone.

Both happy and regretful...

If I knew it earlier, I would do it myself, maybe I can get a little bit more or less?

Forget it, forget it.

"Thank you fairy! Thank you son!" Tao Zhen came to him and bowed in salute.

Shen Ying hurriedly helped Tao Zhen up, and infuriated her body to investigate, and found that it was indeed fine, so she nodded, "It's alright."

Lu Zheng stretched out his hand, and the dough fan in the pig demon's hand fell into his hand, wiped it from top to bottom with True Qi, and wiped off the greasy and demonic power on the fan.

"The fan is made of sycamore wood. The wood has a spirit and contains a little fire. Can you use it?"

Shen Ying took the group fan, and the mana activated it, and a casual fan was a breeze blowing with heat.

Nodding her head, Shen Ying smiled and said, "It's really a magic weapon. I don't know where this pig demon got this fan and lives here in seclusion."

Tao Zhen said, "Fairy Rongqi, this pig demon should have settled down not long ago. I see that the decoration in the cave is simple, and there are several rooms in the cave that seem to be being excavated."

"Oh? A new monster?" Shen Ying raised her eyebrows and nodded, "No wonder he's so arrogant, and it's not far from the county seat, and I haven't heard of him."

"It's fortunate that we met him first, otherwise he might have built the cave, and he would have harmed the town of Tianchun under the mountain."

"What's left in the cave?"

"Just some stone beds and stone tables. There's nothing left."

"If that's the case, then go back." Shen Ying looked at Lu Zheng and smiled, "It's time to add meals at night."

Lu Zheng couldn't help laughing, "Just right, call Qingyan and the others for a picnic."

Shen Ying collected the fan, Lu collected the corpse of the pig demon, and everyone rose again, abandoned the cave, and flew back to Taohuaping.


Back at Taohuaping, Lu Zheng sent a peach blossom goddess to the county to call someone, and Lu Zheng took the seasoning and grill from the gourd.

After taking the corpse of the wild boar demon, Lu Zheng's eyes flickered. Facing the curious and expectant eyes of everyone, he rubbed his chin, "How about I make a whole pig feast?"

Taoqing asked curiously, "Isn't it just eating pork at night? Why is it called a whole pig feast?"

Lu Zheng smiled and said, "As the name suggests, the so-called whole pig feast~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is that each dish uses a piece of pig body, and uses different methods to make more than a dozen dishes, and each dish tastes different. ."

"Different parts?" Taoqing looked at the wild boar that Lu Zheng had thrown in the yard, "Apart from pork trotters, what else?"

"You'll know when it's done!"

Lu Zheng laughed and looked at the sky, "I definitely won't be able to eat it at noon, eat it at night!"


Soon after the afternoon, Sister Liu Qingyan brought Du Yueyao and her apprentice to Taolin.

Knowing that Lu Zheng was cooking in the kitchen aroused Fan Boyu's curiosity. After entering the kitchen, he couldn't help but sigh.

At night, the eighteenth day girl moved a long table to the hospital, and then saw that the kitchen door in the front yard opened wide, and the dishes were suspended in the air, and then flew out one by one and landed on the table.

"Cold pork head!"

"Pork tongue in brine!"

"Red Oil Pig Ears!"

"Crystal Pigskin Jelly!"

“Braised pork trotters!”

"Dry pot pigtail!"

"Tear the pig's heart!"

"Stir fried kidney flower!"

"Small fried pork liver!"

"Dry Pot Fat Sausage!"

Next comes the hard vegetables...

"Braised pork!"

“Pork Chop!”

"Sweet and sour pork ribs!"

"Pot-wrapped meat!"

"Twice-cooked pork!"

"Steamed Pork Noodles!"

"Meicai Duck Pork!"

"Barbecued pork!"

"Four Happiness Balls!"

"Pork stew noodles!"

Countless aromas mixed together, followed by countless swallowing sounds, and finally the sound of Liu Qingquan's saliva dripping to the ground.

------off topic-----

Thank you 08a Daoist and Krius Daoist for the Hundred Rewards, and thanks to the blunt Daoist in the right corner for the Alliance Leader Award

Please pay attention to the latest chapter of I have a seal of two worlds

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