I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 494: 1 dead 1 drop

Three breaths came from the entrance of the cave, one was as majestic as fire, and two were filled with meaning.

Three great masters again!

"I knew there was a backhand!" Bei Huang stomped his feet, his eyes like a vulture.

"Rush out?" Leng Jue desperately turned his head.

"Catch the people from the Huangfu family!" Bei Huang paused and turned back immediately.

When everyone makes a move, the strength is similar, and it is basically a clear card.

The breath coming from the entrance of the cave was either strong or ethereal. Not only were there more people than him, but his strength was also stronger than himself. If you force a breakthrough, not only will you not be able to break out, but you will also be caught up by the three behind you.

It's better to turn back and break through the master of witchcraft. The other person looks young and has no deep mana. The last woman is the weakest, so don't care.

The two of them made their full shots, and they would definitely be able to win quickly, and then they would grab the two of the Huangfu family and make the other side throw the mouse.

As for why it would be useful to capture the Huangfu family...

If the other party doesn't care about the lives of the two Huangfu family, they can just push forward and use their strength to break in. Where is the use of sneaking in first and dividing their strength into two places?

Seeing the two demons turn back, Fan Boyu glared, "You look down on me!?"

There are people on both sides, and you are coming towards me, so you don't look down on what I am?

I saw Fan Boyu swung both hands, and when he opened his mouth, he exhaled a cloud of smoke, and a little aura in his hand penetrated into the smoke, and then formed a spell, rushing directly to the two of them.

Bei Huang's figure side, blocked the spell with Leng Jue life, and rushed straight to Lu Zheng.

Leng Jueming also knew the key at this time. Not only was a demon surging in his body, but he also flashed a machete with his backhand and slashed three times at Lu Zheng.

If Lu Zheng dared to hide, Bei Huang would immediately be able to break through Liu Qingyan's defense and restrain her and the Huangfu family.

"Good come!"

Lu Zheng patted the gourd, a peach wood sword appeared in his hand, the wooden sword was connected, and three white cloud sword qi burst out.

Bei Huang moved the seal in his hand, and the smoke was divided into five strands, turning into five figures filled with smoke, advancing in five ways.

Lu Zheng's eyes flickered, and five red jade swords flew out of the gourd, drawing five afterimages, straight to the five figures.

However, the five figures waved their hands together and deflected the flying sword, not allowing Lu Zheng to test the truth of each.

Sure enough, there is no one easy to deal with, the old demon.

At this time, time was pressing, Liu Qingyan did not dare to let go of the defense at all, and entered the gourd with the old lady. After all, a negligence might be caught by the opponent.

On the other side, Lu Zheng took a step back, golden light flashing in his eyes.

"Jinque Heart Sword, slash!"

"Flying clouds break evil, disease!"

"Qingwei Yuchen, Cardinal God Luck Thunder, give me a split!"


If you can't tell the difference, you can't tell the difference. You can always tell the attack from all over the world.

Everyone is a master, how can ordinary caves withstand such a powerful method?

The four of them just exchanged a move, and the whole cave began to rumble and shake.

The next moment, Lu Zheng's eyes flashed, and countless attacks were fired, but he didn't find the difference between the five figures.

Then, an invisible sharp blade crossed, Lu Zheng was stunned, his upper body couldn't help but crooked, and he fell to the ground sideways.

"Master Lu!"

Huangfu Jing panicked, and Lu Zheng was cut in half!

Only then did the invisible Bei Huang appear, with a grim smile on his face, he was about to catch Huangfu Jing, but his face suddenly showed a look of horror.

The person in front of him was cut in half, what about the blood?

And why wasn't that fox spirit flustered at all?

"Qingwei Yuchen, Taiyi Wulei, for Lao Tzu to bang Te Niang!"

Five thunders in a row, one stronger than the other, all smashed on Bei Huang's head.


Bei Huang spat out a mouthful of blood.

Only then did I see that the young man who had just been cut in half was standing safely on the side, while the object of his cut in the waist turned into two clods, just in the shape of a human.

Puppet art? Careless!

Seeing that Lu Zheng was about to pinch the seal again, Bei Huang hurriedly gathered the five smoky figures, then hurriedly backed away and turned around, only to find that Leng Jueming and the handsome uncle had fought two more moves, although they had the upper hand, but for a while Hard to tell.

At this moment, three figures appeared at the entrance of the cave.

A middle-aged man in an official robe, dressed in a black robe of sufficiency, is imposing.

A middle-aged Taoist priest in a blue Taoist robe, with white clouds all over his body and a whisk in his hand.

An old Taoist priest in a blue Taoist robe, with empty hands and a slightly hunched back, looked a bit wretched, but the lightning flashed in his eyes, but he was the most powerful of the three.

Behind the three of them, there were two figures, but two young women, under their protection, looked curiously at Dou Fa in the hole.


Bei Huang clenched his teeth tightly, only to see a ruthless flash in Leng Jueming's eyes, the long knife in his hand slashed three times at Fan Boyu, then turned around and walked towards the old lady of the Huangfu family and Huangfu Jing.

Don't even think about killing experts of the same level, but these two traitors must be killed!


Everyone is here, do you still have a chance?

Lu Zheng took three steps back in a row, and the endless white cloud big mudra was photographed one after another, not seeking merit, but no fault.

"King Kong Is Not Bad Dazhai Master"

Then he used cloud energy to protect himself and the three behind him.

Leng desperately rushed up, but there was nothing he could do with this cloud~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fan Boyu was about to go up again, but listened to Shou Yizhen and said to Wang Xiaowan, "Xiaowan, let's see how Leifa of our Qingwei Palace is doing. Kill the demon!"

As soon as the voice fell, a Taiyi Five Thunder Curse fell on Leng Jueming's head.

Leng Jue Ming protected his body with strong demon power, but was still hit by the thunderbolt on the top door, and the thunderbolt entered his body and was immediately injured.

Only then did Lu Zheng discover that the strength of Shouyi Zhenren is definitely the first of his own.

Fan Boyu pouted and waved at Du Yueyao, motioning him to look over, "Look at our Yuansheng Sect's methods!"

Then the right hand is upright, and it is about to move.

But Bei Huang suddenly knelt down and kowtowed to everyone, "I surrender! I surrender! I also ask you to spare your life. Bei Huang is willing to take care of the house and protect the hospital in the future, and act as a guide for all the masters!"

Fan Boyu couldn't help but stagnate for a while, and almost didn't recover in one breath.

You are a great monster in the Northern Territory, do you still have any self-esteem that would rather die than surrender!


Leng Jueming was struggling with his injuries and entangled with the big mudra of Baiyun, and when he heard Bei Huang's words, he almost flinched.

But before he could continue to reprimand him, he saw Fan Boyu turn his right hand, and a sluggish spell hit him.

At the same time, he heard the old voice sounded just now.

"It was Taiyi's five thunders just now, but now I can't use wind, fire and thunder, it's easy to burn his fur, it's better to use Taizhuan to deter Shenlei."

Then, Leng Jueming felt a thunder sound in his mind.

Before he could condense the true spirit to fight, Fan Boyu's Elimination Charm also arrived simultaneously, dispelling the true spirit he was about to condense by three points.

Then, before he lost consciousness, he heard the young man behind him say, "This guy is really pitiful, and he actually became a tool for the two masters to show their own methods."

I am so special!

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