
Li Yong was stunned for a moment, saying that this koi was the first to see it, right?

The koi in the fish tank in my living room just died, and there is a shortage of koi in the town feng shui. I originally wanted to go to the town's fish street in two days.

As a result, I read a book this morning and happened to want to eat fish, so I went to the pier to stroll around, but I happened to see a koi.

This koi has three colors, red, white and blue interlaced. It is slender and elegant. It is estimated that it looks better than most of the koi in the fish street. It is suitable for keeping in the white porcelain closed fish tank.

Although the big man's offer was a little inflated, he hadn't made a counter-offer yet, so why did someone preemptively agree?

"Lu Lang, isn't the look in this fish's eyes particularly pitiful?"

Liu Qingyan leaned over slightly, approached the fishing boat fish warehouse, and looked at the koi.

"Bring it back, it happened to be raised in the yard's pond."

Lu Zheng bought a few to get into the yard and opened it up. He also imitated Suzhou gardens and built a small bridge and flowing water. Although it was stagnant water, he planted water plants and lotus flowers. In addition, he filtered and cleaned it with infuriating energy from time to time. Koi.

"Okay!" Lu Zheng nodded, then stretched out his hand and took out three treasures of consistent value from his sleeve and handed them to the boatman.

"By the way, there are wooden barrels on the boat. How much is it for me?" Lu Zheng asked.

"I don't want money! I don't want money!" The big man took the treasure money, smiled happily, waved his hands repeatedly, and asked his companion to go to the cabin to get a wooden bucket, and then scooped it into the fish warehouse, and the koi was accompanied by half a bucket of water. Scooped out together.

Li Yong didn't say a word, and the deal between Lu Zheng and the boatman was reached.

He blinked, pouted, and shook his head.

Forget it, a gentleman doesn't take people's favor, let alone a beautiful girl who opened his mouth, just go shopping in the fish street in the afternoon.

"Boatman, pick me two fatty fish." Li Yongchong nodded and smiled at Lu Zheng, then turned to the big man.

"Okay!" The big man nodded, the business was good, and he was very happy, so he took the straw rope in one hand and went to the warehouse to catch fish.

Carrying the wooden barrel in one hand and the turtle and carp in the other, Lu Zheng and Liu Qingyan turned around, nodded to Li Yong, and then walked back.

Li Yong returned the gift, then paid the money, and took the two fish that the big man handed over. He was about to have a few words with Lu Zheng, but when he was making friends, he found that the two of them suddenly disappeared on the road.

"Hey?" Li Yong blinked, wondering if they were so fast?

Then carrying two fishes, Li Yong walked out of the pier quickly, stood on the edge of the pier, turned his head to look around, but still didn't find it.

"It's weird." Li Yong shook his head, and turned his eyes around the carriages around the pier, but he didn't make further inquiries.

"Forget it, maybe it's the young lady in the state government's trip. If you miss it, you will miss it."

Li Yong shook his head, shaking off the feeling that he had missed something in his mind, carrying two fish, and hurried home to cook.

On the clouds, Lu Zheng and Liu Qingyan saw Li Yong muttering to himself leaving, looked at each other and smiled, then turned around the clouds and flew directly to Tonglin County.


On the cloud head, Lu Zheng looked at the koi in the bucket, thoughtful.

Liu Qingyan's eyes flashed, looking at Lu Zheng and the koi in the water, she couldn't help laughing, "What's the matter, Lu Lang is worried that this koi will be bullied by those bigger koi?"

"That's not it, it's not bad that it doesn't bully those ordinary koi." Lu Zheng shook his head.

"Huh?" Liu Qingyan was stunned, Lu Zheng had something to say, could it be...

A demonic force poured into the koi, checked it, and found nothing.

Liu Qingyan looked at Lu Zheng, but Lu Zheng raised the corner of his mouth and nodded.

In fact, Lu Zheng didn't think much about it, after all, it's just an ordinary koi, there are many places in this world.

But the problem is, just after he promised Liu Qingyan to buy the koi and paid for the koi with the boatman, the light of luck of more than 300 to 400 points was credited, which almost scared him to death. .

Not this koi, but that scholar Li Yong.

Even the two of them combined!

It is more than the light of luck provided by the two old demons in Duyu Mountain before!

Could it be that he is also an old demon?

Therefore, although Lu Zheng tried three times with his true energy, he did not notice that there was anything wrong with this koi, and Lu Zheng would not think it was an ordinary koi.

So the question is, how to deal with this koi?

"How to do?"

"Of course it was released." Lu Zheng said as a matter of course, "When I lower the cloud head, put this koi back into the river."

In any case, safety comes first. It is impossible for Lu Zheng to bring this koi home. Anyway, he has already earned hundreds of rays of luck, no loss!


Liu Qingyan hesitated, "What if it is caught by ordinary fishermen again?"

Such a beautiful koi, Liu Qingyan naturally has some sympathy.


Lu Zheng blinked and realized that if this fish is an old demon, how could it be caught so easily?

What if you come across someone you don't understand, and just stew it?

Is it...

You must know that the light of luck is not completely positively related to its own strength. It includes strength, potential, luck, influence, etc. Of course, strength is the most intuitive manifestation.

Therefore, the old demons have a lot of luck light, and Zhu Yushan, Du Yueyao and Wang Xiaowan will also harvest the light of luck when they change their luck.

As for the koi in front of him, if it is really an old demon, it is impossible for mortals to capture it without any time, and it has long since shown its original shape and eaten them in one bite.

Therefore, such a performance is either a high potential but a low strength, or an old monster who is seriously injured.

No matter what, Lu Zheng should be able to deal with this koi.

That being the case...

"Explain it yourself, what's the origin?"

Lu Zheng said lightly, embracing Liu Qingyan at the same time, ready to start at any time, and ready to leave at any time.

If it is a man-eating monster, then kill it to earn luck, and if it is a nobleman in distress, then save it.

As soon as the words fell, Lu Zheng stared at the barrel, and saw the koi swimming in the barrel without any reaction at all.

Lu Zheng said fiercely, "If you don't explain it, I'll stew you and drink soup when I get home!"

If you buy a fish, you can get so much luck light. If you really boil the soup, can the luck light directly reach thousands?

Lu Zheng couldn't help swallowing a saliva. It seems that this is possible?

"Humph! Sister Fox will protect me!"

A crisp voice suddenly sounded from Koi's mouth.

Liu Qingyan was shocked, is she really a monster?

Lu Zheng was also surprised, this koi can actually see through Liu Qingyan's body?

Aged old demon! Must be an old demon!

Lu Zheng's eyes narrowed, and he protected Liu Qingyan and kept a distance from the barrel, "Junior Baiyun is watching Lu Zheng, and senior is also invited to show up."

"Hee hee? Are you saying I'm a senior?"

Koi's voice was full of laughter~www.wuxiaspot.com~, but he turned and asked, "How did you find me? No one can see through the transfiguration that my father taught me."

Liu Qingyan looked at Lu Zheng, and Lu Zheng said lightly, "First, those big carp in the fish warehouse are hiding from you, which is unreasonable.

Second, when the boat scooped you in with a wooden barrel, you didn't panic or struggle at all. This is not the behavior of ordinary fish.

Third, your eyes are very smart, different from ordinary fish. "

What are you kidding, knowing the result and guessing the process is not easy?

"Oh, so that's what it is, you are really amazing!" Koi really got fooled.


The next moment, the koi jumped out of the wooden barrel, and in an instant, it changed its human form.

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