I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 513: I can fight back

Of course, Hu Zhou and Gao Junyu came, as well as Gao Zhen, the guard of Feixiong Mountain, and Hu Dalu, the guard of Dingfeng Mountain.

Hu Zhou and the two went to Chuandong Road to deliver the letter. After sending the letter, they stayed there for a long time. Then they walked around the Chuandong Road, made friends with various monsters, and had some discussions before they were ready to return to Feixiong Mountain in southern Xinjiang. .

They flew all the way, and when they passed by, they found someone fighting from a distance.

Because the distance is relatively far, Hu Zhou and the two also adhere to the principle of not causing trouble and not watching the fun, put away their curiosity, and prepare to avoid them far away.

It's just that Gao Zhen and Hu Dalu, who followed the **** all the way, got a little closer and found that it was Lu Zheng, so he sent a voice transmission to Hu Zhou and the two of them, appeared at the same time, and flew together.

Hu Zhou and Gao Junyu, both left and right, handled all matters very well along the way, and they were already preparing to go home at this time, so their appearance would not affect anything.

So, when the four came to the front, Hu Zhou and Gao Junyu took out their swords and guns, and they were about to go forward to fight.

This is not the time to be polite, Lu Zheng said loudly, "The other party is the saint of Yuan Shengjiao, you two are not opponents, hurry back and ask the two seniors to help!"

Gao Junyu turned back, "Uncle Fifth!"

Hu Zhou also shouted, "Uncle Dalu!"

Hu Dalu had a friendship with Lu Zheng who drank at the same table. Gao Zhen also had a relationship with Lu Zheng. He also knew that the other party gave the young lady a top-level mortal spear. Master.

So when they heard the young master shout, the two of them didn't talk nonsense, their bodies were full of demonic energy, and they each got up and went straight to Saintess Xueyi.

Hu Zhou looked at Fan Boyu and Zao Wuji who were fighting fiercely, his eyes flashed, he swung the long knife in his hand, and asked loudly, "Master, which of these two are your own?"

Lu Zheng didn't even look at it, "The ugly one is the enemy."


Zao Wou-Ki was furious, what is the ugly one an enemy?

I'm not ugly at all, okay? Fan Boyu is a little too long!

But before Zao Wou-Ki could speak, a knife on the left and a gun on the right had already grabbed them both.

The demonic energy on the left was crimson, majestic and violent, and a tiger roar could be heard faintly. The momentum was amazing and breathtaking.

The demonic energy on the right is billowing with black energy, bloodthirsty and violent, like a black bear standing in the void, slapping himself fiercely.

The two half-demons with profound background showed their fighting power beyond their own strength. Together with Fan Boyu, they completely resisted Zao Wou-Ki, and even slightly counter-suppressed them.


the other side.

The participation of Gao Zhen and Hu Dalu in the battle made Lu Zheng's pressure straightly relieved.

Although Saint Xue Yi was powerful, she was seriously injured after all, and Gao Zhen and Hu Dalu were both powerful people who could be sent out to protect their respective young masters. Even if they were not as good as the Saintess of Yuan Shengjiao, they were much more powerful than Fan Boyu and the like. .

I saw Hu Dalu let out a tiger roar, and a wave of sound waves rushed towards Saintess Xueyi.

Gao Zhen followed behind Sonic and directly transformed into a black bear body, more than 50 feet tall, with a pair of black bear paws as big as door panels, slapping down at Saintess Xueyi.

The black bear body is so powerful, when facing a master, there is no reason to use it.

The tiger's roar frightens God, and the black bear is like a mountain.

Both are masters. They can see the truth of Saintess Xueyi at a glance, and attack her weakness directly. How can they have the intention to fight with her?

Lu Zheng laughed, patted the gourd with his backhand, and the six-handed red jade sword flew out, three in front and three behind, forming a six-joint, coming from behind Saintess Xueyi, breaking her back.

Saintess Xueyi's eyes were like knives, guarding the sea of ​​true spiritual consciousness and isolating the tiger's roar, while facing the black bear body, she raised her hand and controlled the opponent's blood.


With a roar, the black bear's blood surged, and a blood arrow spewed out from his back, but it was injured by Saintess Xueyi's spell.

But he also successfully rushed to Saintess Xueyi and slapped it with a palm!

Saintess Xueyi twisted her hands together, and the three plain-colored runes grew from small to large, blocking the black bear's palms.


With a loud bang, Gao Zhen stepped on the void and stepped back three feet. Saint Xueyi took advantage of the situation to fly back, and once again spewed a small mouthful of blood, and then drew a circle with both hands, and the true qi poured out, and the six-handed red jade sword was swept away. Fly in one roll.

However, one of the ruby ​​swords swept past her, slashing and tearing the sleeve of her left hand.

The corner of Lu Zheng's mouth twitched, now it seems that it is not the matter that Saint Xue Yi wants to keep him, but the matter that he seems to be able to keep Saint Xue Yi.

Can I fight back?

What the hell? calm down! Be careful! Don't stand up!

Lu Zhengjian pointed to a point, the red jade sword formed a line, each sword shot several meters of sword light, the momentum was high, and the sharp edge was abnormal, piercing back and forth, forming a sword net, covering the Xueyi Saintess.

Saintess Xueyi flipped her palm, and the jade bead appeared again, three-color brilliance flickered, blocking all the sword qi from three to five feet away.

Defense magic!

Lu Zheng's eyes flashed. Before, Saintess Xueyi urged the jade beads to block the Lei Fa Yunfa. Lu Zheng thought that it could only block magic attacks, but did not expect that even physical attacks could be blocked?

"Good magic weapon!"

Do you have magic weapon? Am I not there?

Lu Zheng pulled out the peach wood sword with his backhand, and stepped into the void under his feet, attracting celestial phenomena up and down to earth.

Since he obtained the "Qingwei Yuchen Lei Fa", Lu Zheng began to cultivate this thousand-year-old peach wood sword with Lei Fa. Although it is far from reaching the perfect state of success, it is still a thousand-year-old lightning strike.

Lu Zheng gathered his strength, Gao Zhen slapped his palms, and Saint Xue Yi felt that the sky was dark, as if two invisible palms fell from the sky and locked herself.

Seeing that Yuzhu was powerful, Hu Dalu also broke his clothes with his arms, and he flung his body, wrapped in a gust of wind, and took Saintess Xueyi directly.

Saint Xueyi bites her silver teeth, but her jade beads are hard to resist physical attacks.

With a shock of true qi, he struggled again to break free from Gao Zhen's imposing lock, and his body was erratic. He passed three moves with Hu Dalu, exchanged injuries, avoided the gusty wind like a knife, and then looked at Lu Zheng, but his whole body was completely covered. shock.

"Qingwei Yuchen, Taiyi Wulei, Boom!"

Lu Zheng used the peach wood sword as an introduction and a mana accumulator and amplifier, and issued the strongest Taiyi Five Thunder spell in his life.


Thunder descends!

The thunder with the power to exorcise evil spirits fell from the sky, Gao Zhen and Hu Dalu, who had been hiding far enough, were still shocked, looking at Lu Zheng with shock in their eyes.

Even Saintess Xueyi's expression changed.

If she was in her prime, she would naturally not take this thunder technique seriously, but now she is seriously injured, and she just exchanged some moves with the two big demons, and her injury has worsened.

If it goes on like this, won't it become weaker and weaker, and it will be difficult to succeed?

no! This battle cannot be delayed any longer! Must win fast!

Saintess Xueyi's eyes slammed, and taking advantage of the opportunity when Gao Zhen and Hu Dalu were slightly away~www.wuxiaspot.com~ threw the jade beads to Lei Ting, her figure flashed, and she broke through the void and came to Lu Zheng in an instant.

In the sky, the Taiyi Five Thunder Spell smashed on the jade beads, the three-color light flickered, and the thunder dissipated, but the jade beads were also dim and flew back.

In mid-air, Saintess Xue Yi turned pale because the jade beads were attacked by the thunder, but she had come close to her when Lu Zheng burst out with all her strength.


Saintess Xueyi stretched out her plain hand, and Qian Qianyu pointed to Lu Zheng's eyebrows.

But when he glanced at the corner of his eyes, he saw that Lu Zheng's eyes were hideous, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"The Supreme Promise, the Edict of the Three Purities, set!"

------off topic-----

Thanks to the dead Taoist friends, the old Taoist friends who are not dead


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