I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 540: eat melon to eat yourself

Lighthouse Country, Miami.

Grant slipped and fell in the shower, knocked his head on the edge of the bathtub and passed out. When he was found, he had lost too much blood and died.

Because there are so many cases of such deaths, no one suspects that there is something tricky about this matter. The tricky thing is that Grant's will deposited in a law firm was lost.

Because only the law firm and the notary knew about the will, and the notary was involved in Grant's heir dispute, the law firm resolutely pretended not to take the lead, and the notary was in the midst of it.

As a result, Grant's men were divided into three groups, and the dog's brain was hit in a short time.

Within ten days, the gunshots in some places hardly stopped. Of course, Lu Zheng would never admit that he had slightly affected the emotions of some people.

Then, when several heirs were all shot to death by each other, and then other big bosses in Miami entered, everyone discovered that most of the assets left by Grant after his death had disappeared for no reason, leaving only a few real estate and a large amount of debt.

In other words, Grant's Purple Sun Group went bankrupt, and no one has inherited it yet, and the bank's loan to it has turned into a pile of bad debts.

At this time, the CIA was devastated by the disclosure of its 8 billion meters of gold and black accounts, and the accidental death and dog-biting dog on Grant's side did not arouse their concern and attention at all.

Of course, the above is all for the future. Lu Zheng made a secret move at first, and then after taking away nearly one billion meters of gold a little, he did not follow up, but left early.


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Lu Zheng, who had just dealt with the matter, was tasting authentic American beef burgers in a Burger King store when he saw a few policemen beckoning to stop a pickup truck across the street outside the store, and then he drew his gun and pointed his gun at the cab without saying a word. snapshot.

Lu Zheng, "..."

Hearing the sound of gunfire, everyone in the burger shop was panic-stricken. Some people fled to the back of the kitchen, some people drilled under the table, and of course, more people were leaning on the ground.

It hurts to be skilled.

Only Lu Zheng didn't care, and looked through the window with interest.

I used to see this kind of situation in the news and videos, but today is the first time I saw the lighthouse police on the spot.

Empty the magazines!

I saw that the police emptied the magazines, fired dozens of shots, and completely smashed the pickup cab into a sieve. Only then did they put away the guns and start calling for additional troops and ambulances.

Two policemen guarded the scene, two policemen maintained order, and two other policemen came together chatting and laughing. The target seemed to be a burger shop, ready to buy something to eat.

Seeing that all the customers in the store looked at them with lingering fears, the two policemen laughed and said, "It's okay, my friends, I'm a drug addict. I want to attack the police after drinking too much, but we've shot them to death. You are safe."


"Thank God!"

"thank you all!"

These words were said by a few white people, and a few black people who were getting up from the ground looked at them with strange eyes. Obviously, they did not believe the words of the two policemen.

"Joe, over there!"


The called policeman turned his head, followed his partner's eyes, and saw a strange yellow man eating a hamburger gracefully, looking at the tragic scene outside with interest.

"He's very calm."

"Unlike ordinary Asians, ordinary Asians will pee their pants at this time."

"Foreign tourists? Or... spies?"

"It's a bit obvious, right? Maybe it's a reporter or something."

"I don't know, go ask, maybe it's another credit."

The two policemen stopped buying hamburgers, but approached Lu Zheng one by one.

At this time in the lighthouse country, Lu Zheng certainly won't reveal his true appearance, so he just uses illusion to transform himself into Yuan Jing's appearance, so as to ensure that he will not be exposed.

Seeing the two policemen approaching, Lu Zheng's eyes flashed, and he was a little unclear. So, why did he provoke them just for a meal?

"Sir, please show your ID."

One cop said, while the other put his hand on the **** of the gun in the lower back.

documents? Where did Lu Zheng get the certificate.

Unexpectedly, eating melons can still eat on his head, Lu Zheng can only answer, "I didn't bring it."

"Did not bring?"

Not to mention the second policeman, the first policeman reached out and touched the handle of the gun, "Then please come back to the police station with us."

"No." Lu Zheng frowned and asked lightly, "What did I do? Why did I go to the police station with you?"

Can the Lighthouse State Police bring people back to the police station at will?

Lu Zheng's brows wrinkled, and a high-ranking aura emerged spontaneously. This is the confidence and aura brought by killing people and standing at the top of the food chain.

But this time, it made the two policemen feel like a big enemy. The next moment, the two pistols were pointed at Lu Zheng together.

"stand up!"

"Hold your head with your hands!"

"Squat down!"

"Come out slowly!"

The two policemen said several contradictory orders in an instant, and then looked at Lu Zheng angrily, their bodies tense.

What's so special, in the lighthouse country, the white people are the masters. Where can you get the arrogance of Asians? Shouldn't Asians be all submissive pussies?

"We now suspect that you have something to do with a robbery, come with us!"

In the restaurant, when a group of customers saw the two police officers take out their guns, they suddenly became furious and fled the restaurant before the shots were fired. Several shop assistants even hid in the back kitchen together, only sticking out a few heads. Watch the fun.

Facing the two muzzles, Lu Zheng was completely unmoved. Instead, he put the last hamburger into his mouth, and sneered at the corner of his mouth, "Is this what the police of the lighthouse country do?"

Raising their brows, two eagle-like eyes looked at the two of them, and the next moment, the two policemen were so nervous that they subconsciously pulled the trigger.

"Bang bang bang!"

Of course, the two didn't hit, because Lu Zheng lifted the table immediately, blocked the bullet, and then pushed the two policemen out.

Then, like a swimming fish, he slid three steps away, appeared from the side of the table, grabbed the pistols of the two policemen, and with a wave, knocked the handle of the gun on the back of the two people's heads, really breathing Entering, the two souls were shaken away.

Vegetative × 2!

As soon as the gunshots sounded ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ exclamations came from the back kitchen, and then with a bang, the door was immediately slammed shut.

On the street, a few curious policemen who had just seen the guests leaving in large numbers heard gunshots and saw the scene through the glass.

Draw your gun! Find cover! Call for support!

When the other party didn't have a gun, the lighthouse police were very brave. When they saw that Lu Zheng knocked down two policemen and grabbed two guns, they instantly shrank their eggs.

Lu Zheng looked at the pistol, circled his index finger, and then raised his head to look at the policemen hiding behind the cover.

"I've seen a lot of Hollywood police and gangster shootout movies, why don't you play?"

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