I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 554: Killing Demons and Earning Luck

A few people hung in the sky more than ten miles away, holding their breath and looking at the village in the distance.

I saw that this village and the town outside were only separated by a hill. The village was not small, and there were nearly a hundred households and a few hundred people.

At this time, it was sunset in the afternoon, and the people in the village came back from the fields one after another. The villagers greeted each other, and the smoke rose in the mountain village, which looked peaceful and warm.

No one could have imagined that there was a terrifying monster hidden in the village.

"How to fight?" Lu Zheng asked.

He really has no experience in fighting against powerful enemies among ordinary people.

"Master Jue Xuan and I raided the ancestral hall first, and also asked Young Master Lu, Fairy Shen and Master Guangyue to keep the villagers away." Chu Jin said.

Lu Zheng couldn't help raising his eyebrows, this battle plan was really straightforward.


From Lu Zheng's mirror, he saw that the devil was still in the ancestral hall, and the environment of the mountain village in the mirror was exactly the same as the real scene in front of him. Master Jue Xuan couldn't help it.

With a loud shout, Master Jue Xuan was covered in golden light, like a meteor streaking across the sky, falling straight towards the ancestral hall in the mountain village.

At the same time, Chu Jin was full of blood and energy, pulled out a long spear in his backhand, and chased behind Master Jue Xuan, blocking other positions except the front of Master Jue Xuan. As long as the devil dared to escape, he would have to eat it. One shot.

The next moment, the ancestral hall was instantly shrouded in demonic energy, and with a loud whistle, dozens of black shadows shot out from the ancestral hall and scattered away.

"Where to go!"

Master Jue Xuan shouted angrily, golden light flickered all over his body, and he waved the Zen staff in the air, and then the Zen staff seemed to have a thousand clones, and there was a heavy momentum to the top of the shadows.

"Boom bang bang-"

With a series of explosions, all those black shadows vanished into ashes under Master Jue Xuan's Zen stick.

But the next moment, another black shadow appeared out of thin air and shot directly at Master Jue Xuan's chest.

Master Jue Xuan didn't dodge or evade, he straightened his chest, ready to take it hard.


At this moment, Chu Jin had arrived, and the spear turned into a streamer and pierced into the shadow.


With a light sound, half of the mist on the black shadow was swept away by the gun force, but half of it was still hit on the chest of Master Jue Xuan.


I saw that the golden light of Master Jue Xuan did not shake, and all the remaining black mist was shaken away.

Chu Jin couldn't help but praised, "The powerful King Kong is not bad!"

"Where to go!"

On the other side, Lu Zhengqing shouted, and a white cloud big handprint appeared out of thin air in the sky behind the ancestral hall, and took the next shot.

Chu Jin and Master Jue Xuan looked and saw that under the big mudra of Baiyun, a distorted black shadow was running fast on the ground. There is no escape.

For a while, both of them were a little embarrassed.

As soon as I said that I was entangled in a raid, I almost let people run away.

Chu Jin wielded a spear, and Master Jue Xuan also waved his Zen staff, and the two flew straight down, surrounding the shadow on the left and right.

The next moment, the black shadow dissipated the black magic fog around him, revealing his figure, but it was a man in black with a face and a dove.

With bulging eyes, sharp teeth and a sharp mouth, and long hands and feet, it doesn't look like a humanoid.

"Zhenyisi? You came so fast, how did you find me?" The man in black said hoarsely and viciously.

"Go ask your demon ancestor after you die!"

Grandmaster Jue Xuan paused for a while, then waved his hand and hit it.

Chu Jin is also a spear like a poisonous dragon, helping Master Jue Xuan to check for leaks and fill in the gaps.

The two of them worked together to let the devil's demonic energy surge into the sky, but they couldn't break through the circle of the two, but it was difficult for the two to fix him in place.

Master Jue Xuan and Chu Jin were both in close combat, so Lu Zheng didn't intervene, but just watched from a distance and swept the two of them.

Shen Ying and Guangyue gathered the villagers, sent them out of the village one by one, and told them to stay away to avoid harming Chiyu.


"Quack quack!"

The man in black screamed strangely, surrounded by demonic energy, defending himself against the enemy, and at the same time, a wave of demonic thoughts, and the demonic sound pierced his ears, flocking to Master Chu Jin and Jue Xuan, and even Lu Zheng, who was approaching, was caught influences.

Even though Shen Ying and Guangyue moved quickly and sent the villagers two miles away, the magic sound still rang in everyone's ears, and many of the villagers suddenly became confused, and looked at Shen Ying and Guangyue in their eyes. Expose fierce light.

"The golden light of the sun shines all over the world!"

Guangyue sacrificed the bright relic, and the golden rays of the sun shot out one after another, protecting many villagers in the Buddha's light.


There was a turbulence in the golden light of the big sun, and I was afraid that it would be broken in the blink of an eye.

Shen Ying waved her hand, and the phantoms of peach blossoms all over the sky appeared out of thin air, filled with pink, and she added a layer of protection to the Buddha's light, and finally blocked the magic sound and magic thought together.

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This is the case for Shen Ying and Guangyue, and the center of the battlefield is of course more anxious.

But fortunately, everyone is a master, Chu Jin is determined, Lu Zheng also cultivated the "Jinquedong Zhenhua Divine Law", and Master Jue Xuan is an eminent monk of the Great King Kong Temple, and his cultivation is even higher than this devil.

Let this devil cast spells, but it can't shake the three of them.

"Quack quack!"

The more powerless he was, the more anxious the devil was, his demonic energy surged to the sky, he avoided the stick of Master Jue Xuan, and then recklessly took a shot from Chu Jin, grabbed the circle, and rushed straight to the back mountain.

Lu Zheng appeared in an instant, and the backhand was a flying cloud spell to break evil.

"Xiaoyou Lu, be careful, it's an illusion!" Master Jue Xuan saw it at a glance and hurriedly reminded.


With a soft sound, the man suddenly shattered like a bubble.

Lu Zheng's eyes flashed, his body sank, and he disappeared in place in an instant.

At the moment he disappeared, a sharp claw swiped in place, but it was empty.

However, the shadow didn't stop, and instantly showed his figure and continued to run.


A red jade sword broke out of the ground and appeared extremely abruptly. Before he could react, he inserted it between his legs.

The devil was wholeheartedly guarding against Master Jue Xuan and Chu Jin chasing him. How could he think that Lu Zheng would be able to counterattack as soon as he escaped danger?

Inadvertently, doomed.


Not only did the devil scream ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, even Chu Jin, who saw this scene, felt his crotch slump, and the master Jue Xuan next to him paused.

The demon head endured the pain and pulled out the ruby ​​sword inserted into his body with his backhand, and then the demonic energy surged in his hand, and he broke the sword directly.

Infuriated, Lu Zheng snorted and suffered some backlash. Fortunately, Feijian's power is not strong now, and his cultivation is high, so the backlash is not very strong.

But after such a slowdown, Master Jue Xuan and Chu Jin gathered around again.


I have to say that magic practitioners are indeed more capable of fighting. This devil's Taoism is obviously lower than that of Master Jue Xuan and Chu Jin. He can still support them for a long time, and even almost broke through and ran away.

However, there is a limit to how much he can fight. With the help of Lu Zheng's occasional Flying Cloud Breaking Evil Spell or Cardinal Divine Luck Thunder, the devil was finally smashed by Master Jue Xuan with a Zen stick to smash his head and soul together.


More than 200 points of light of luck were recorded, which was worthy of his hundreds of years of Taoism.

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