I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 562: car chase and shootout

"They followed."

"Hehe, ridiculous self-esteem, looks so calm, and the body is still very honest."

"James, are you interested in that Chinese girl? Maybe when we get to Babadi, we can get them drunk and let you have a good night?"

"Get out of here, I'm loyal to Elizabeth!" James said on the walkie-talkie, looking at a beautiful blonde sitting in the co-pilot.

This beautiful woman just didn't get out of the car when she heard James speak, smiled slightly, turned on the walkie-talkie team channel and said, "I haven't promised you yet."


"James, you're out of play!"

"Hahaha, Elizabeth, your decision is right, you can't be so cheap James."

They are all children of wealthy families in the Eagle Country. When they came to Africa this time, James knew that Elizabeth liked hunting, so he called him friends and organized this event, thinking of doing good things with Elizabeth during this event.

Just after getting off the bus, there are many of them who want to show that he is a warm and good guy in front of Elizabeth.

Although Elizabeth came together, she did not agree to James' fierce pursuit, but James was not in a hurry. After all, if Elizabeth could come out to play with her, it meant that she was not disgusted with herself, didn't she?

A few people were fighting together. Under the **** of two pickup trucks, they went all the way. They soon turned around a few small hills, and then they saw a rather large lake. On the opposite side of the lake, there was a winding road. the river.

The herd of bison that he and others chased just now are drinking water on the edge of the lake, and a few young bison are playing while paddling in the water.

On the hills not far from the lake, there was a male lion lying down, and beside him, several lion cubs were playing.

In the grass on the other side, a dozen hyenas gathered together, patrolling not far from the bison herd, and seemed to be interested in one of the older bison.

The convoy stopped far away and did not attract the attention of the animals by the lake. Everyone got out of the car one after another. Some people looked at it from afar, and some people raised their binoculars to watch.

And Lin Wan also came by car, but the parking place was on the top of another hill, some distance from James' side.

"There really is a little lion!" Lin Wan said with some surprise.

They came across a lion cub with lion cubs only once. Lin Wan thought that they would meet them again later, so they didn't have too much fun. Who knew that they would only encounter adult lions and no cubs.

"And there are five little lions, which is really rare." Lu Zheng said, "There were only two lions in the last time."

Lin Wan nodded and smiled, "I'll help them hunt a bison later."

"As you wish." Lu Zheng said indifferently.

The two groups of people stopped a few hundred meters apart and watched.

Lu Zheng and the two ignored the other side, but the other side pointed to this side.

Then, the lions and hyenas really attacked the bison, but a few adult male bisons were very interested, and they actually blocked several attacks by the lions and hyenas.

Soon after, a group of zebras passed by in the distance, and the group of hyenas trotted all the way to catch up under the leadership of the queen of hyenas, giving up the hard-to-eat bison herd.

And the lions continued their efforts, and finally dragged an old and debilitated bison to death, and then the male lion took a step that he did not recognize, and was ready to enjoy his spoils.


After watching a hunting show, James and the others got into the car and left without a word.

But to their surprise, Lu Zheng and Lin Wan did not keep up with them, but stayed where they were and continued to watch.

"It's not following us."

"It's so courageous, just the two of them, it's easy to encounter danger."

"Never mind, we've reminded them anyway, and it's not their nanny."

The five cars started to leave, and then Lin Wan cheered, turned around and rushed towards the bushes on the side of a big tree behind her.


A leopard jumped up instantly and rushed towards Lin Wan, but...

Lin Wan pinched the neck of its destiny on one side of her body.

Leopard: ! ! !

"Little cat, fortunately you can stand loneliness. If you just got violent, I don't know what to do with you."

Lin Wan smiled and stroked the leopard, "Little cat, I'm going to play with the little lion, do you want to go with me?"

Leopard: ? ? ?

Lin Wan let go of the leopard, and the leopard jumped up with a whoosh, as if the back of her **** was on fire, and ran away quickly.

"Go, find Xiao Sizi!"

Seeing that the lions had finished eating, the two did not drive, but approached on foot so as not to disturb the bison and lions.

However, when they got close enough to the lions, several lionesses still looked over, slowly got up, and roared in a low voice.

"I just want to come and play with your children, okay?"




"Hee hee, I knew it would work."


"Bang bang bang!"

"Tut tug! tug tug!"

Lu Zheng and Lin Wan were playing with the little lion by the lake, when they heard gunshots coming from the north, followed by the roar of cars and explosions.

The bison herd was frightened, and instantly rushed into the distance in groups.

It is not that the lions are uninformed. They have already heard this kind of sound symbolizing death, so after hearing the gunshot, the male lion let out a low roar, and the female lions rushed over, protecting the cubs, followed behind the male lion, facing the male lion. The weedy place quickly drilled into it.

"What the hell?" Lin Wan said in surprise, "Such a big movement?"

Lu Zheng's eyes narrowed, and his spiritual sense sensed, "It's the team just now."

Lin Wan blinked, "Those people from the Eagle Country? How could they have... No, are they in trouble?"

The engine roared, and three jeeps came around from the back of the hill on the left, a pickup was behind it, and the man in the back seat stuck his head out and was shooting back with his AK.

Then, I saw three other pickups appearing from the back, with people standing in the buckets, shooting at the pickup in front.


The person behind hit the rear tire of the **** pickup with a shot, and the **** pickup turned its head and overturned decisively.

Then the pickup truck behind him caught up with ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and rushed towards the pickup truck that overturned, killing all the people in the **** pickup truck.

The three jeeps wanted to go around the hills, but just as they were halfway there, three more cars circled in front of them, blocking their way.

At the same time, the muzzles of the three cars stick out, and there is a shuttle in front of the three Jeeps.

The three jeeps turned in a hurry, and then had to stop by the lake when there were wolves in front and tigers behind.

There were three pickups on the left, two pickups on the right plus a jeep, so they moved forward slowly and leisurely, blocking the left and right paths of the three jeeps, and then slowly stopped.

And surrounded by them, in addition to the three jeeps, there are Lu Zheng and Lin Wan who are confused.

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