I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 616: The difference between Chengyun and Edgeworth

"Don't worry, I won't!" Ao Qi said with a serious face, and she said it very seriously.

"Sister Ao Qi, you are so kind!"

Ao Qian was greatly moved, and decisively took out all kinds of snacks, sugar, dried fruit, chocolate and drinks from his storage magic weapon, almost filling the table.

"Sister Ao Qi, you eat!"

Lu Zheng, Liu Qingyan and Shen Ying looked at each other and shook their heads.

Before Ao Qi could respond, Yan Hongxia came over with a loud voice.

"Brother Lu's chocolate, I've been thinking about it for two years, and finally I can eat it again!"

Saying that Yan Hongxia has been away for the past two years, what she misses the most is this dark thing called chocolate.

It doesn't look good, but it's delicious!

At that time, when I left Lu Zheng's house, I packed a bag of snacks, half of which were chocolates. At that time, I almost emptied Liu Qingquan's inventory.

She still remembers the situation when Liu Qingquan helped her pack up with tears in her eyes. If it wasn't for Lu Zheng's promise, she would definitely cry.

Well, looking at Liu Qingquan's pitiful appearance with tears in her eyes, Yan Hongxia couldn't bear it. She was about to say something, but she saw the chocolate in her bag, so she could only turn her head to the other side. Went to talk to Liu Qingyan.

And that package of snacks lasted for less than half a month, and then Yan Hongxia could only think about it in her dreams.

It's been two years! I can finally eat it again!

Yan Hongxia appeared instantly, took two chocolates, peeled off the tin foil, and put the chocolate ball that was a circle smaller than a ping pong ball into her mouth.

One bite, full of milky fragrance, and dried fruit particles, it is simply delicious!

Seeing that Yan Hongxia, who was dressed in ancient costumes, took two bites of Ferrero with a satisfied face, Lu Zheng couldn't help scratching his face.

Well, he has seen this kind of conflicting picture not once, he is used to it.

On the other hand, although Ao Qi knew that Yan Hongxia was a foodie, she was quite surprised to see Yan Hongxia's performance.

You must know that although the food in the Dragon Palace made her eat a lot, she was not so excited.


"Come on, try it!"

At this time, Yan Hongxia had already peeled off the wrapping paper of another Ferrero, holding the chocolate ball in the center and handing it to Ao Qi.

Ao Qi looked up and saw Yan Hongxia's excited face, Ao Qian's look of anticipation, and Liu Qingquan swallowing a saliva not far away.

However, the two girls, Liu Qingyan and Shen Ying, had a calm expression on their faces, because this kind of snack is limited to the two little girls, but they are not.


Ao Qi took it with a smile, and after smelling it, she didn't feel it was too fragrant, so she simply put it into her mouth and bit down like Yan Hongxia.

After eating two bites, his eyes lit up.

Looking at the other snacks on the table, Ao Qi swallowed obscurely, then looked away naturally, and nodded dignifiedly, "Well, it's delicious."


Yan Hongxia said it as a matter of course, then peeled off another Ferrero, and put it in her mouth in Ao Qi's slightly expectant eyes.

Ao Qi:

Yan Hongxia: ^o^


Soon, lunch will be ready.

A few people moved to the restaurant, and the round table was already filled with twelve dishes with meat and vegetarian dishes.

In the Peach Blossom Village, there are all kinds of fresh vegetables, fruits and seasonings prepared by Lu Zheng. Xiao Cui also studied with Lu Zheng for a period of time. Although it is definitely far worse than Lu Zheng, the things she makes are not inferior to ordinary chefs.

A meal also let Ao Qi know why Yan Hongxia never forgets this place, and listed it as the place she misses the most outside of Dengyun Mountain.

At the same time, he also knew why Ao Qian stayed here and did not want to return to the East China Sea.

fortunately! I still have self-control!

Ao Qi recited a sentence silently, and then picked up a chopstick and braised pig's trotters.


After lunch, several people moved to the yard again.

After making a pot of tea, the table was full of snacks that Ao Qian brought out. Xiao Cui also picked up some shortbread snacks in the kitchen, and then brought a few peach blossom girls and two little girls to play checkers.

Yan Hongxia took a few glances and wanted to go, but she stopped her impulse and listened to the details of Ao Qi beside Lu Zheng.

"Looking at this way, Young Master Lu is actually still a layman from the outer door of Baiyun Temple?"

"I'm really used to being lazy. I can't go to morning and evening classes, and I have a beauty to accompany me. I think it's good to be a layman."

"Young master has a well-rounded export and outstanding literary talent. Have you ever thought about taking the exam?"

"Being an official is too tiring, where do you have time to practice the exercises for longevity?"

"Master Lu has never traveled in the mountains, but only lives and cultivates in Tonglin County?"

"It's very troublesome to run around, it's easy to encounter various things, listen to books, watch plays in the county, practice if you want to practice, and rest if you want to rest, how good is this?"

Ao Qi, "..."

She could tell that Lu Zheng was a dude with no ambition. How did such a person cultivate to such a state?

Hearing what happened to Ao Qian just now, she knew that Lu Zheng could fly through the clouds, and he could fly at this age, and he would be a proper Patriarch of the Back Mountains of Baiyun Mountain in the future.

Ao Qi said that she couldn't understand, Lu Zheng is not a demon, and he has no blood inheritance...

In fact, she didn't know that it was last year that Lu Zheng was able to fly through the clouds, and now nearly a year has passed. With the speed of Lu Zheng's progress, he has already surpassed his master's, and he is about to go all the way to the millennium.

Although it is usually said that three thousand years is also a thousand years, eight thousand years is also a thousand years, and a thousand years is also a thousand years, the difference is huge.

But the threshold of a thousand years is really not something that anyone can cross, just like the threshold of five hundred years, it is very difficult.

After all, people's aptitude and state of mind have their limits. The more you reach the limit, the slower the accumulation of this practice will be. It is a logarithmic curve, and it may stop at a certain value.

And Lu Zheng...

This year still maintains the curve of the linear function of the higher angle.


Listening to Ao Qi's inquiries, Lu Zheng flickered, Liu Qingyan and Shen Ying could only smile at each other, then pulled Yan Hongxia over and asked her how she felt about flying with the sword~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After all, they only I have sat in the clouds of Lu Zheng, but I have never driven the sword light of Yan Hongxia.

"I'll take you for a flight."

Yan Hongxia's eyes lit up, and now her cultivation is amazing, she also wanted to show off a little among her good friends, and Liu Qingyan and Shen Ying were of course her good friends.

When the words fell, Yan Hongxia stretched out her finger a little, and the sword light appeared out of thin air, instantly wrapping Liu Qingyan and the two girls, and with a "whoosh", they flew out of the hall and into the sky.

Several people flew in the sky for a while, and then fell back to the ground.

"Teng Yun is stepping on Yunfei, and Yujian is protecting his body with sword light. It feels really different."

Yan Hongxia laughed, "But I am flying with my sword, definitely faster than Brother Lu!"

But there are also advantages to riding the clouds...

Liu Qingyan and Shen Ying looked at each other and couldn't help but smile.

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