I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 622: internet exploded

In ancient times, this was the first time for Ao Qi to come to the hinterland of Dajing, and it seemed strange to see everything, so when Lu Zheng could not learn from each other, a few girls accompanied her and Yan Hongxia, and went shopping in the city to see the scene. drama.

And Lu Zheng, naturally, returned to modern times.

"Hello? Haven't come back yet? How many days has it been? Are you staying there?"

Lu Zheng knew that Lin Wan was on a business trip, and sent a message to Lin Wan after returning, asking about the situation, and learned that she had not returned from Maple Leaf Country at this time.

"What's the situation? It didn't take so long to travel on business before, right?"

"Because the people on the red list like to run here the most, and they can also contribute consumption and tax to the Maple Leaf Country, the Maple Leaf Country has almost no initiative, and we can only do it ourselves." Lin Wan was also helpless.

Lu Zheng clicked his tongue and asked with a smile, "Will it be obstructed?"

"Then they don't dare, they just don't provide first-hand information." Lin Wan said, "Fortunately, we don't need them either."

"When can you come back?"

"I don't know, it depends on the situation. When I got off the plane, he disappeared again." Lin Wan sighed helplessly, "Maple Leaf Country Interpol really has no subjective initiative!"

"Watching Qi!" Lu Zheng reminded, is it still a problem for Lin Wan to find someone?

"Of course I know, I've already traveled to five suspect cities, and I just got off the plane in the sixth city." Lin Wan said, "I suspect that he didn't settle in a big city, but if he is looking for a small town, then it will It's troublesome."

Lin Wan's cultivation base is not high, and the scope of qi observation is not wide. She has to stay in a city for a day, so she hasn't come back after so long.

"When I turn around the big city first, if I still can't find it..."

"I'll help you!"

"Hee hee, my husband is the best, I'll let you on it next time~"

Lu Zheng, "..."


After hanging up the phone, Lu Zheng called his mother and chatted for a while, and chatted about how they were drinking Lu Zheng's wine now. They looked almost ten years younger and were quite happy. At this time, the couple took their annual leave and were outside. What about travel?

Then, there are a bunch of landscape photos, and of course there are moms and dads in them. At first glance, it looks like a trendy couple in their forties!

Hanging up the phone and shaking his head, Lu Zheng has time to look at the group chat and circle of friends.

Well, it's also very lively.

In the full-armor fighting group, thousands of messages have been accumulated. Lu Zheng flipped through it and found links to several video websites.

I clicked in and took a look, and it turned out to be the video of the last full-armor fight.

Some were filmed with mobile phones, and some were filmed by hired professional videographers. After editing, music was added, and the effect was good. It became popular on the video platform a few days ago.

Of course, in addition to the touted voices in the barrage and comment areas, there are also no small voices of doubt.

For example, why don't you show your face.

For example, why not fight the UFC.

For example, this is a pose.

Although the people in the group are also online with people, it is a pity that these second-generation rich people can't beat those keyboard warriors. They are so angry that they can only yell in the group.


A few days after the small fire, the voices of the keyboard warriors prevailed, only some actual parties and professionals expressed their shock, and these rich second-generations were defeated across the board.

But at this moment, another new force came into play.

Zhao Xiaodao!

It is said that when this video became popular and was widely questioned, Zhao Xiaodao was also full of anger, so he wanted to help.

But to be on the safe side, I asked first in the group, and Lin Wan gave me a no.

However, a netizen is also a genius, and even recognized Zhao Xiaodao, who was covering up tightly, in the crowd.

On the other side, there happened to be an idler in the rich second generation's circle of friends who posted a screenshot of everyone eating that night, and there was a group photo of the rich second generation and Zhao Xiaodao.

The case was solved, and Zhao Xiaodao was also on the scene!

So, a bunch of people @赵小刀 asked Zhao Xiaodao to expose this scam, and of course there were some yin and yang sunspots, who started spraying that Zhao Xiaodao collected money and was about to wash the ground.

And since his debut, he has been fighting against Heizi. It can be said that Zhao Xiaodao, who came out of the Heizi group, is afraid of Heizi?

Straight up hard!

Therefore, Zhao Xiaodao generously released the video he shot, completely original from beginning to end, without cutting, and there is cheering like his own fan girl, and he didn't care about his image at the time.

She originally wanted to mute the word "Lu" when she called herself "Brother Lu", but after seeing the voice of "Brother Lu" everywhere in the videos, it was fine.

Along with the text:

[Originally, I wanted to speak out a few days ago, but when I asked the client, the other party didn't want to be famous, so although I was very angry at the comments on the Internet, I could only respect the wishes of the client.

But since someone dug me out, of course I can speak up.


First of all, I am very happy and shocked, because I want to talk very much, because the master on the field is a big brother and friend that I very, very respect, and I can't even criticize him!

So, now I am refuting one by one the hottest doubts on the Internet.

The first is to not show your face. The reason is very simple, because people don't want to be famous, they are not poor, they eat by their ability, they don't want to be a star, they don't want to be an internet celebrity, they don't want to be famous, they are surrounded by people on the street.

Secondly, why do you only play All-A-Fighting instead of regular games? The reasons are as above, because showing your face in regular games will be surrounded by people, which will affect your life, and All-A-One Fighting is just entertainment for the game, and the attention is not high, so he is willing to end the game Playing and playing also gave us a feast for the eyes and saw the real martial arts equipment in actual combat. In fact, we never thought that this competition would become popular on the Internet.

Those who say posing and scripting can be backed out. What is the age now? I, Zhao Xiaodao, have been in the world for more than ten years. Come.

Of course, there is another piece of evidence, that is the Japanese opponent in this competition.

That Japanese person is called Shang Quanming, and he is not an unknown person in Japan. If you have the conditions, you can search for it. If you are interested, you can also go to the Internet to find videos and come back to popularize science to see if it is a fake master. How about the attitude, will it be bought by money?

(Speaking of this, I am looking forward to the attitude of those online, I will see what excuses they can come up with)

Finally ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Regarding the people who identify him as a master and call on him to come out and win glory for the country, I don't know if these are real fans or high-level black people. What I want to say is not to be kidnapped by morality.

You can't demand others with the standards of saints, and demand yourself with the standards of mortals. Now that he hits the enemy on the full-armor fighting arena, he has already won glory for the country. What do you want from him?

Huaguo Wushu wants to make a name in the world, and it wants a group of people to stand at the top, not one person standing there, fighting everything, and then others lay flat and rotten.

If someone wants to win glory for the country, please start exercising now, learn sports by yourself, respond to the call of the country, and strive to make us a sports power.

Now, finally, I have to say!

Brother Lu is mighty! ! ! 】

Then, the internet blew up…

PS: Friendship recommends the new book "Longevity Begins with Martial Arts and Immortals", the link is below:

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